

Subject: DOCTOR WHO, JESSE, AND JEREMY 186 It’s not your last and only chance to donate to NIFTY but just think, some day, if you don’t donate, it might be and real soon! Donate NOW, don’t wait! WAGON TRAIN YOURSELF TO GO HERE: fty/ DOCTOR WHO, JEREMY AND JESSE 186 THE WESTERN STORY part 5 A RACE TO, AND HOT LEAD, IN BUTTVILLE the Asian had on a vest and no shirt and he, too, had a solid ten pack with a thick ridge on his navel that stood out, bulby and wormy, but a fleshy innie that sank in deep. Robert took his vest off and went shirtless. The seven walked slowly down the dust blown street. Quanha strung his arrow in his bow. Bar has his dog with him and it looked frightened of Bar more than the seven others that came down the street. “Nar, you good fer nothin’ damned near dawg. If I say you sick em, you sick em, you hear.” The dog showed its very visible teeth and it looked formidable, big, black and weighty. Robert lifted his gun up high. “Look, we just want a word. We know what you’re after and we ain’t got it.” Clark whispered, “What happened to lettin’ me do the chit chatter?” Robert tipped his cowboy hat with his gun. “Agreed is an agreed. Talk, teach…” Clark winked at him, Quanha behind and to his left shoulder. “Look, we don’t have the crate. We know you want it. We’ll even help you look for it.” Pedro smiled a grin that showed very good teeth for the time he was in and as he looked like Adam Rodriguez, this smile drew everyone’s attention, for it was handsome, macho, and the jawline fooled everyone into thinking he might be the one who made the most sense. “The Doctor had it in his wagon but somehow he did some hocus pocus n’ shit and got his crate back and took our own…and it’s gone now. It must be hidden in this town.” Clark moved forward a few steps. Brian lifted a rifle at him. Quanha put a hand on Clark’s shoulder to stop him walking. Clark turned and looked at him but didn’t fully turn around but turned his head more and his body just a bit. He forced a smile and put his hand on Quanha’s hand. Pedro smiled at them, with a sarcastic mocking smile and tone. “I like that. Isn’t that sweet.” He turned to Bar who held the dog’s collar with his left hand and a six shooter with his right. “It’s a nice touch. Real cute. I like that sweetness, maybe later…” Clark cleared his throat. “Do you want ya guns…ahh…crate,” he corrected, and added, “Back?” “Just tell us where it is and we’ll be on our way to it, without all the rampage.” “It’s where it was first supposed ta be,” Clark said. “I …oughta shoot you right now,” Brian pointed. Wayne put a hand on Brian’s rifle and stopped him. “We just came from that area, there’s nothing there…” “Hey, he’s stupid and unbelievably handsome,” Robert turned to his co-horts and laughed. He turned to Wayne, “Hey, you know you’re stupid and unbelievably handsome…or is that unbelievably stupid and somewhat handsome?” “No, no,” the clerk said and waved his gun. “He’s handsome. Unbelievably.” “Keep waving that gun around in the air, old man,” Brian said, “And you will be unbelievably dead.” “It’s invisible.” Robert provided. “So you can just go back there and git it, now.” The five laughed. “You spect us to believe that?” Bar asked. “I should just sick him on you now.” “You’ve seen what that Doctor fella can do,” Robert spat. “He did that to your crate.” “Reckon from what he told us, it was a mistake, he didn’t mean tah,” Clark added. “If you give him time, he’ll turn it back.” “Even if what you say is true, by the time we get to it, you can have the law on us from another county. Even up north.” “Canada?” Wayne scoffed. “Upper? They got their own troubles between the Loyalies and the Lobster Backs…” “Listen, you got your answer,” Robert said, “The guns are not here, not in town, and you can’t have them because we ain’t got em!” “So just leave peacefully,” the clerk said. “Just go to that area and feel around on your hands and knees…” “Like you’re always probably on anyways,” Verne joked. They shot Verne in the belly button. He grabbed at his navel. “Oh, man!” He slowly sank as his body folded, his abs flexed. His back moved backward and his front moved forward, a huge black cock moving up out of his breeches. “OH, it burns. It burns. Me belly button.” The clerk moved to shoot, too but he was shot in the heart and went down and died right away. Quanha shot off an arrow but it merely hit the rifle and knocked it out of Brian’s hands. He then realized Clark was weaponless and ushered him to the left for the cover of the shops’ wooden structures. The clerk’s body and Verne’s collided with each other, Verne dying slowly from the gut pain, a bullet buried in his lighter colored navel but as he burned with pain there, the clerk’s body smashed into him and both fell into Robert who tried to run between them. A bullet grazed Robert’s rib and went past, causing a small blood splatter but both bodies hit Robert and fell on top of him. He also hit his head on the ground and was out for a bit. It saved his life. Seb shot at Tonka and hit his heart or so he thought. The force made Tonka fall down anyway and lose his guns. The same exact thing happened to Ruce and Sealy. If the gun runners checked their vest pockets, they would have found that Ruce, Sealy, and Tonka all had a large coin in their pocket. Gallifreyan Zinc. The impact made them fall and seemed to knock them out. The villains didn’t check any of their victims. “Okay so now that the Red Skin and that teacher punk, punks the both of em, are out of our way, let’s meet up with Colby and try to find that crate…” Wayne started and waved his guns. “What if they were- was tellin the truth?” Bar asked. “Then we are about to have us some fun finding out!” The cowboys bursa yabancı escort shot off their guns in the air and moved further away from their dying victims. Most people were already running for their homes or some kind of cover but now women were screaming. Old men were ducking for cover. Drunks just sat down. Micah was passed out in the sheriff’s office. TARDIS 9:13 pm “Finally found you.” Simone telepathed. “What for?” “Feed you.” Simone laughed a soft laugh and it soothed Jesse’s nerves at forgetting. “As if.” “Wad do you mean?” “I can do it all myself, guido.” “It…it’s Jesse. In no way am I a…” “Think about it, blondie.” Simone went to a small cubicle under one of the food machines in the antiseptic largest white kitchen, attached as it was to the counter as if it were a part of it. “You all are far too busy saving the villages, the counties, the cities, suburbs, the urban developments, the continents, the hemispheres, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, my Milky Way bars the known and unknown universe, the multi verse, the timelines, the past, the pre past…the fu…” As she telepathed this, food came out in a sturdy plastic dish. Simone chowed down on it. “Okay, I get it, I get it.” “the post past, the pre future…” “I said okay.” “My baby!” A woman was running for her baby. With the gun runners shooting and killing, everyone abandoned her in her search for her little girl. The baby was in the street. A horse rode toward the innocent baby. It seemed as if the baby was a goner. The horse held a rider named Colby. The Doctor waved his hand up at it and nodded NO to it profusely with both actions. The horse made a dead stop just before the baby. Jeremy scooped her up in front of the horse. The cowboy, named Colby, and one of the gang who was waiting in town, aimed for Jeremy’s back but then looked at the horse and tried to yell at it to get it moving again but it just bristled there, eyes wide. Colby put the gun at its neck but the gun was hit with a bullet and fell out of his hand. The Doctor rolled his head and the horse rolled, throwing the cowboy off it and the horse rolled into a run and sped off. The Doctor turned as did Jeremy but Jeremy was returning the baby to the frightened and fallen mother who was just pulling herself up from the dirt in the street. She thanked Jeremy profusely and being comely, kissed him all over his face but he kept making disgusted faces so she finally caught on and stopped. He pushed the mother gently, “Get outta here, somewhere safe, out of the firing that’s sure to come, mame!” The Doctor blew the end of his gun. Colby stared at him and moved to shoot him but the Doctor shot the gun out of Colby’s hand. “Where…where’d you learn to shoot like that, Doc?” “Wild Bill, among others! And note, I don’t just shoot hats…” The Doctor smiled and aimed and shot the hat off Colby’s head. Colby fell backward and off the horse. He watched as the man ran for cover and he moved to calm the horse. Jeremy gasped from cover in an alley. “You can’t keep the horse!” “I let you keep Jesse.” “I’m gonna tell him you said that.” What made the Doctor turn was a scream from a man. It reminded him of the kind of screams Dr. Smith used to let loose when he was LOST IN SPACE with the Robinsons. A fat, old man was in the street. The scream came from him. He was an overweight, well-dressed man, with a time piece at this side on a chain. “I’m retiring today.” “Yeah,” Pedro had the knife at the man’s chest and brought it down, down, down. The man sweated. “May I take me hat off?” “No. Don’t you move.” Pedro smiled and laughed as he moved to look at the watch on the chain. Pedro was at least three feet taller than the old man. He broke the chain with his knife and took the watch. “What’s your name, dead one?” “Dead?” “You’re name’s dead?” “No, I…I’m Mr. Short…” Pedro laughed so hard he arched backwards. He stood up straight again and took out his other knife. “Short? No, really. Hahahah. They might as well called you Mr. Fat, too.” He waved the knife and almost hit the man’s chin. “No, Shorthand, is my full name…Short for erhm, short.” He waved the other knife and almost got his chin with that one, too. The man flinched. “Well, now they can call you Mr. Alive, you know for the opposite of what you gonna be…” Pedro put one knife in a sheath at his belt and waved the time piece in the man’s face. “You die, I inherit this…” A bullet tore through the watch and blasted it out of Pedro’s hand. Jeremy pulled Verne’s body off Robert and rolled the clerk off Robert’s other side. “I’m sorry, old guy. Verne. And Ewl.” “I’m okay,” Robert sat up on Jeremy’s lap as Jeremy kneeled. “We have to get to some cover.” “I won’t hide, Jer.” “Then…” He looked around. “Where’s your guns?” “Now, you’re talking…” Robert gasped as he tried to stand. Jeremy helped him up, groaning. His ample cock was against Robert’s breeches. Robert shook his head, feeling that and stopping to take notice. “Lackbrain!” The Doctor snapped at Pedro. “What di’ you call me, hombre!” The Doctor ignored him and turned to the building where Shorthand was already hiding behind. “You’re name’s Shorthand. Aren’t you the court stenographer? Hmmmph.” “You put a hole in me time piece and called me …what was it you called me?” “Lackbrain.” The Doctor nodded, “I often put a hole in time. Sometimes in pieces. I mean time pieces. I called you lackbrain…why don’t you pick on someone your own dick size?!!” “Have you looked, well, you know, down there. That’s not actually an insult.” Jeremy was at his side. “His dick’s pretty big and your’s is, too, so I don’t thin…” “I know. Poor choice of derogatories…” “Because of you, this town’s gonna be made to suffer!” The Doctor turned his head sideways. bursa sınırsız escort He looked at Robert. “Well, I dare to say that this town’s already being made to suffer. I mean that smell you five …or was it six now with that would be horse killer…smells you brought in here…that ain’t my fault, par’d’ner.” Pedro hesitated. “You did that weird thing…” He wanted to drive his knife in this man. BUT he was afraid. “Still, you little man, you have no chance in fighting against me…no knife, no working gun…” The Doctor remained calm. “Perhaps I do. Come on. You’re not frightened, are you, a big chap like you? Well, don’t be. You come with me, I mean fighting you will make me and you want to cum. So come on! I gots nun-thing ta lose, big guy!” Shorthand already fled as the Doctor engaged Pedro. Smart man, the Doctor thought, and brave, too. Pedro faked a move, then hesitated again. The Doctor dropped his shoulders in disgust as the man and turned to someone else. He looked at someone else. This was an insult to Pedro. Pedro then chose that moment to head rush the Doctor. The Doctor grabbed the man’s shoulders and directed him one way and threw his own body the other way. The Doctor fights Pedro. First he kicked up high, jumping, too and knocked the guns from Pedro’s hands. Pedro pulled a knife and swiped, ripping the Doctor’s vest a bit and the top of his shirt so that his muscular chest stuck out of it. “That’s cashmere that is!” “I said I’m okay,” Robert said. “I know I dropped those guns just back there…maybe someone took em?” “I don’t know but that rib looks…” Jeremy checked. “Give it a kiss, will ya?” Robert joked. He turned to the fight going on, “The Doctor!” “I know. I think he can take Pedro. I mean he thinks he can handle any situation on his own…” “He sort of almost can…” Robert said, admiration all over his face and in his voice. Jeremy moved Robert to a building and checked out his ribs. When they tried to move out again, Colby had found another gun and kept firing at the corner of the building they were hiding behind. “If he comes over here, we ain’t go nothing to defend ourselves with.” Jeremy started to say something but thought better of it. The Doctor used his karate on Pedro and the man was on his butt soon enough. “Take me to your leader.” Jeremy heard that and rolled his eyes. The Doctor knew that his lover did that without seeing it so he changed his question, “Where’s your leader?” “I’m the leader,” Pedro wiped his bloody lip where the Doctor had connected with a few punches to floor the man. “Then, you are finished and a lackbrain because I brought the crate here. I was not sure I could but I used the outer force field of the…of my crate to drag your crate here with me. I couldn’t get into it but…” Bar moved to shoot the Doctor but the Doctor bent low, flipped into a roll, came up with Pedro’s guns and shot the guns from Bar’s hands. “Why didn’t I just find that gay bar?” “SICK HIM!” Bar held his hand and uses the cringing cur—the dog– on the Doctor but the Doctor stops the animal with love. “Oh, hello, old boy, old fella. What a beauty you are. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL to me! You’re everything that I hoped for. Oh my, look at you!” The dog responded to the Doctor’s kneeling down and shaking the dog’s under neck and petting his head. Taking out a smaller pistol from his vest, Bar moved to shoot the dog which took the Doctor unaware. “You cringing cur!” The Doctor jerked at Bar and tossed Bar’s hand in the air and this stopped that, too, “Don’t shoot a cringing cur!” The Doctor slapped him. Bar was hit so hard, he couldn’t talk much. “Why that…ohhhh…” The Doctor kicked Bar down and turned to the dog. “I bet that black hearted hombre didn’t even give you a name, did he? From now on, you shall be known as Kay…” “Doctor!” Jeremy warned. Bar stood up again. “What’s your name, lackbrain? Whoa, that rhymes.” “Bar.” “Noooo, really?” The Doctor slapped him again. “What’s that for?” “For inspiring me to make bad jokes! For instance I always wanted to take me liquor and drink right off a bar!” “What’s wrong wid dat?” The Doctor backhanded him. “It’s a joke. Do you like liquor in your navel? I’d drink that outta there, you dirty boy, you! Turns me on!” “There. That crate’s all you want. Take it and get the dodge out of Dodge!” The Doctor yelled. Bar rubbed his face. “What?” “Get the hell out of town without any more malice to the good folk of this town!” “Open it!” Wayne said as he came stalking from another building. “Ahh, the leader. Smart.” The Doctor waved his gun. And moved his cowboy hat with it. “That’s right.” Wayne said, “You learn quickly.” “Hiding behind the townsfolks so your lackbrain lackeys can do the lob for ya.” With the crate open and the others fawning over the guns, Wayne took up a rifle. “You just should have watched your mouth, interloper.” He fired. Jeremy shut his eyes. Robert shut his eyes. The gun lock let loose and… …nothing shot out of the barrel. “Mmpph,” the Doctor looked in the barrel, putting his eye right up to the hole. “I didn’t expect that to happen.” Pedro attempted to fire his gun but it blew up in his hand and he yelled horribly. “My hand! I gone and shot off my fucking hand!” The Doctor pointed and smiled. “NOW THAT’S what I expected to happen!” He went to Pedro’s back and slapped it, “You should have stuck with knives. I mean stuck enemies knives. No, you shouldn’t.” Pedro went to his knees. Pedro called for a doctor. “I’m here and the other one’s hiding from gunslinging gunrunners. Go figure!” The Doctor shrugged. Bar checked a gun from the crate. “The bullets have melted.” Colby checked some more. “There is all melted, Wayne, old boy.” “We don’t need no gun to kill this one and his panty waist of a friend!” görükle escort “Hey!” Jeremy said from hiding behind a building. He and Robert came from behind it. They joined the Doctor. When Colby heard about the crate, he left the two alone and moved to the crate with Wayne. “Lookies like the big ole bad gunrunners got their guns but find the guns won’t fire.” Robert strode up to them. He laughed. “Mine will,” the Doctor said. Robert took out his. On the way back, he lagged behind Jeremy and found his guns and didn’t tell Jeremy. “Mine, too!” “Well, no, Robbie, old pal. I’m afraid if you were in the area when I melted those, your’s won’t either!” In his pain, on the ground, Pedro managed to get his knife out and threw it at the Doctor but he wobbled. The knife went wild and flew at the Doctor’s area. Fortunately for the Doctor, the gun was hit by the knife and it flew out of his hand. “Ped, ole boy, you have some fight in you after all. Good for you. Bad for me.” He moved to reach his gun but Wayne kicked it out of the way. Wayne also took out a knife. “I thought you never carried a gun!” Robert commented. The Doctor sneered. “Never say never again.” That was said with his best Sean Connery impersonation, at least in his voice. Jeremy pointed. “That was good. That was very good.” “Thanks. I know. Wait to see my impersonation of his son. Met him once. Or was it twice?” “Jason?” “Voorhees? Yes, don’t want to spoil your Friday the 13th, don’t ever do that. No, I mean Sean’s son Jason. Or was it Jondar. Or both. I forget.” Robert sneered now. “You forget a lot of things, doncha?” Jeremy puffed. “You have no idea. Like he thought I had this mole on my back. Turns out it was one of his early incarnations. Ten, I think.” “Will you two just get safe?” Jeremy ignored him. “Doctor, that guy, Brian, he…he’s helping them!” “I noticed. Not only that— he’s one of them. Which means he’s helping himself.” “I know something else he can do to himself.” Pedro still had some fight in him and even with one hand bleeding, he grabbed a knife up and put it to Jeremy’s neck from behind. Similarly, Wayne grabbed Robert’s arm from behind and on the other side of Robert, Seb grabbed his other arm. “They die anyway, Doctor! Make those guns work or…” The Doctor was like a tornado. He slid in the dirt, his feet sliding between the open legs of Robert. “Good thing you stand like a porn star!” His left foot hit the right front ankle of Wayne and his right foot hit the left front ankle of Seb. This made them bent immediately and let go of Robert’s arms. Robert moved to fire his gun but found it would not work. “Fuck you, Doctor!” “Maybe later, Robert, kinda busy now!” The Doctor rolls in the dirt and as Jeremy stamped the foot of Pedro, the Doctor, on his side, bit into Pedro’s leg hard. “OOWWWWWW!” “Is he going to get your DNA from that?” Jeremy asked. “RUN! I don’t know how but they’re getting more guns!” The Doctor rose up and kicked Pedro in the butt but the man was ready this time and swiped at him with his knife. The Doctor kicked the knife out of the hand, yelling something in Venusian. He then ducked as Colby tried to grab him from behind, bent down and flipped Colby after reaching back and grabbing the lithe’s man’s arms. This gave him the room to turn around a kick and smack Wayne in the face with his foot. He also turned and punched Seb’s face. The Doctor rose up and saw that six Native Americans approached the six recovering gun runners and each held more six shooters and other guns and even two rifles for the gun runners. Wayne recovered and wiped blood from his mouth. “Doctor, meet our allies…” “Oh no,” Jeremy murmured to Robert but Robert was already… Robert took off. Jeremy followed and grabbed his vest from behind, pulling it almost fully off to make Robert almost totally topless. Robert pushed him off, turning. “What are you doing? Let me go!” “You’re not crapping out on the Doctor, are you?” “No, I have an idea. He’s not gonna win this one, Jer.” Jeremy let Robert go. He stared after the boy. He shook his head no. Jeremy couldn’t believe Robert would just run off. He turned to see the Doctor take out the bullet melter from his vest pocket. “Why didn’t I just retry this in the first place.” The Doctor pressed the button. “Nothing.” He tossed it, “Ahh, well, it was worth a go the first time.” “I’m the Doctor, by the way, who are all of you?” “That be Chuyuk.” “I can speak’um for myself, Madoc.” “Shasta.” “Walla.” “Bannock.” “Chetco.” “All solid Native American names. One of my nicest companions, Leelo, is a Native American. Speaking of companions…Do you all realize that over there, that is Jeremy over there. Say hello to the nice minorities, Jeremy.” From afar, wide eyed, and realizing he wished he took up more shooting lessons, Jeremy waved, numb, he said, “Hi.” “A punk is what he is. What they both are…with each other.” Wayne came up to the Doctor and put the gun nozzle to the Doctor’s nose. “Listen, Doctor whatever your name is.” “Who. Whoever.” “I’m Wayne and I…with my friends who haven’t deserted me or aren’t hiding like your’s are…you’re all alone and we…well, old chap,” Wayne mocked the Doctor’s accent, “We’re gonna kill you now!” “Never liked guns. Perhaps I foresaw me own death…” Jeremy shut his eyes. A shot rang out. Jeremy opened his eyes wide! “So pull up your covers and hope that Robert hasn’t turned coward and ran with a cock ring on his dick head leaving the Doctor to get his head blown up through his nostrils while Jeremy doesn’t feel empowered and Jesse is clueless in his last chance to get time back on while the Doctor seems to have lost, like that famous God Son, all his apostles…” Oh and some clever ballad sung by Lynda ube/watch?v=t4OHQ87zdDk Rhyme word apostles with nostrils helped by DEADLY ASSASSINS by Everlast, which is ironic, if you know DOCTOR WHO. It’s not your last and only chance to donate to NIFTY but just think, some day, if you don’t donate, it might be and real soon! Donate NOW, don’t wait! WAGON TRAIN YOURSELF TO GO HERE: fty/

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