Wife Did A Real Special Kind Of Brothel Work


Wife Did A Real Special Kind Of Brothel WorkHere is a real cuckold tale about my own wife. You can see many pics of her here, on my home page. All those pics are of that real wife, who also really thought that the XXX films of the time were instruction films on what to do with her sex life. You may find that one job that she took was extreme. In the mid 1970s, she had attended many swinger functions. But one of the club owners had a different idea, about what to do with off nights at his establishment. While swingers almost always required couples and exchanges, this particular club owner was aware that there was a lot of single guys, both decent looking and well hung, who could not play the swinger scene. Even husbands and boyfriends who lost their mate to divorce or break up were not able to attend most swinger functions. Thus, this owner had an idea to charge those singles a hefty membership for what became, quite literally, a brothel. The owner’s idea was to recruit from the wilder swinger females, who, as stated, were almost all married. Think it was a Wednesday night event, at first. He did find 4 swinger females for that first night. However, I believe there were over 30 guys who had signed up for the service. Those guys all showed up for pendik escort that first night, maybe even a few beyond the initial 30. The girls did not all show up. One did not make it. That left three to service over 30 guys. Most of the guys were inner city Indianapolis BBC. And they were anxious to fuck a white pretty swinger wife. When the event was first offered, that owner fella had claimed the guys would need no condoms, and that they could fuck the women harder than they could their own girlfriends or wives. Seriously, this owner was selling the girls/situation big time!So, back to the final event. The men got to the club early, like around 8PM. So, there you had over 30 sex hungry guys waiting. The women were told to show up in heels, their winter coat, and that is all. My wife was one of the three who showed up; although, we thought there was going to be five or more females when my wife was dropped off. Dropped her off at 9PM. It looked like a warehouse entrance, and she went through the service door. They took her coat, and that left her with just the red high heels that she was wearing. She soon found out that she was the first of the females to arrive. Now understand, the club owner, did pay her $1000 total, kağıthane escort but that was for the entire night, unlimited fucking, and the plan that duties would be shared among 4 to 5 females. She told me later, that, in less than five minutes, a BBC had her bent over a chair and was fucking her hard. Before the second girl even arrived, my wife had three full fucks, with all the guys standing around the big main meeting room watching, and wanting their turns. The arrival of the second female, someone my wife did know from regular swinging parties, literally saved my wife. They quickly fixated on the new arrival. Yet, there were still plenty of guys who stayed in an informal line that led to my wife. By about 9:30 PM, the third female arrived. But, that is also when the owner got the message to the existing crew that NO more females would be showing up. Thus, the owner over sold. He was lucky that the three who he did get were sex nuts. The females did not really take turns. It was up to the guys. My wife called at midnight, per our standard arrangement. She was out of breath, but way up tempo. At that time, she said that nine guys had fucked her. She said that none of them maltepe escort were “normal” size. She reported that she had almost continuous orgasms. Sometimes she had time to clean up. Other times, the next guy just jumped right into her. There was coke and smoke, and even some mescaline in her, so their big size was appreciated even more by my wife! She told me the owner wanted to close by 330 AM, and that is when I should drop by to pick her up. I did pick her up shortly after 3:30 AM. She came out in the coat and heels, looking legal. But her hair was a mess, her face was flushed, and she had a big big smile! I already was experienced, and had some plastic in the car seat, with a towel covering. She flashed open her coat, showing red bitten nipples, bruised tits, hand prints at various locations, especially inner thighs, bright red pussy lips, and the last guy’s cum draining out (he just got her before she left). She slapped her coat back together. I asked, “How many total?” She said, “I’m not quite sure. Some got me twice. But, different cocks? Might be 18 different ones!” “Seemed like I attracted the biggest BBCs in the crowd!” I told her how proud I was of her and her very professional performance. *So, after calming down and rethinking…her final count for that single eve was 16 BBC and 2 large white cocks working on the above body. She went on to serve this brothel owner 5 more times, with each time usually spaced 2 to 3 weeks apart. That allowed for some recovery between sessions. The attached photos are of the real woman, during the real time period.

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