Vacation to Mexico Ch. 02


To the literary purists – This is a short story specifically designed to fit on one page. As such, there is no character development and no witty dialogue. I am not writing the next great novel. To everyone else, I hope you enjoy.

I was encouraged to continue this story, which I don’t usually do, I like them to be one and done.

Day 02

The early morning Mexican sun shone brightly into the bedroom through the partially open drapes. But that was not what woke me. Instead, it was the feeling of a set of lips wrapped around my stiffening pole. Knowing that I had went to sleep snuggled up to the raven haired beauty I had just met yesterday, I was shocked to see a blonde head bobbing up and down my shaft. The sun blazed on her like a spotlight, enhancing my visual experience of the event.

I realized my cock wasn’t the only thing that was throbbing. My head was pounding and I was trying my best to put last night into some perspective. A million questions started to bounce around and I finally had to quit trying to think and just enjoy. My wife began to roll my balls in her hand while reaching a finger toward my ass. Between the normal morning wood and her manipulations, I started to sigh, which is my equivalent of moaning or screaming. She continued to stroke me, removed her mouth from my cock and began to take long licks, alternating sides. I was as hard as I had ever been and she knew it. One last long lick to the top and then a very hard suction engulfed the head of my penis. I came without warning her and for the first time in almost 25 years she gulped it all down. The drum beat in my head took over again.

My wife slid down off the bed and made her way to the bathroom. No post-coital snuggle, I’m not sure she even looked at me. I watched her walk away until she turned the corner and disappeared. Now, as you may remember, my wife is 5’4″ with 36DD and I thoroughly enjoyed the view. I heard the shower start and can only hope she does a good job of scrubbing last night off her and pays special attention to her pussy. I lay squinting at the ceiling, a combination of the brightness in the room and my aching head. The shower turns off and she appears all shiny and new.

She is now perky and bubbly. She wants me to get up, get showered, get dressed, so we don’t miss breakfast. I inform her that I am NOT going to breakfast in the smoky clothes we wore last night and I would shower and change at our bungalow. I quickly slipped on yesterday’s garb and then realized her clothes were in the other bedroom. While I expected her to ask me to go get them, she just opened the door and strode straight to the other bedroom. I hear her giggling as she dresses and she reappears ready to leave, a smirk on her face.

The walk back to our bungalow is short, but as she continues to exude happiness and chats away a mile a minute, I become more sullen. We reach our place and realizing we have some time pressure to make breakfast, I take one of my “speed showers”, throw on fresh clothes and off we are to the restaurant. She is still talking, telling me how much fun that had been and hoping I had enjoyed myself too. This is not what I want to hear, I have a million questions, but telling me how wonderful last night was only adds wood to the fire.

We arrive in time for breakfast and as we ask to be seated, we are escorted to a table already occupied by our “friends” from last night. I wonder how much more of this I can really put up with. Again this morning, they are both very gracious and the conversation flows easily. We order breakfasts, including bahis siteleri mimosas. The conversation turns to plans for the day and I am dreading that I will get dragged into spending the day with my wife’s ex-lover and his wife. Fortunately, they have some errands they need to run and some events with their lifestyle group. I came here for stress relief, not to pile it on. The dishes are cleared, we say goodbye and head our separate ways.

Instead of going back to our room, we take off our sandals and stroll on the beach. There is a nice breeze off the water that keeps us cool. The sand is soft and we walk silently, listening to the waves lap at the shoreline. We walk a distance down the beach, the sun beating down. We realize we have not put on any sunscreen, so we turn and head back. It was a nice little walk and more of what I thought we might be doing while we were here.

Back at the bungalow, we talked about plans for the day, deciding on a beach day. The 800 pound gorilla in the corner, better known as the events of last night, still was not a topic. We changed to swimsuits, grabbed some towels, sunscreen and some liquid refreshments and headed out. There was a path down to the beach and plenty of space when we got there. There were complimentary beach chairs with canopies, so we claimed two close to where our path ended. We made our way down to the water and a quick dip to cool off. Then a relaxing time on the chairs. I may have dozed off a time or two. It had been a lot of activity since we arrived and I am not as young as I used to be. We spent several hours there, until the heat of the day began to get to us and we suddenly understood the reason for siestas. We packed up and returned to our air conditioned room.

We rested for a couple of hours and feeling somewhat revitalized, we decided to wander down to the Tiki Bar. I threw on a pair of khaki shorts and a loose button shirt and honey snapped a strap less push up lace bra on, then slipped into a sundress that buttoned down the front, leaving enough buttons undone to show off her cleavage. It was time for some version of frozen alcohol. My wife chose a tropical daiquiri, while I opted for a frozen margarita. We worked our way through a couple rounds (come on, it’s all inclusive) while planning what time supper should be. Of course by now she was getting tipsy, but remember, I like her that way. She checked her watch and decided we had time for one more round and then we headed over for supper.

Well, surprise, surprise, but who should we run into. This is no longer a coincidence. Probably what all the giggling was about as she retrieved her clothes this morning. And lo and behold, they have reserved a table for five. Seconds later, up walks a very good looking man, early twenties and he is introduced to us as their son and that he would be joining us this evening. This just keeps getting better and better.

As we sit down, I am in between the husband and his wife, leaving the men to bracket my wife. We eat and of course head over to dance again. Apparently seating arrangements remain the same. My wife gives me the first couple dances, again stroking me on the dance floor, then turns her attentions to the other two men. I try to make the best of it and his wife alternates dances between her husband and me. The good news is that as my wife is dancing, she is not drinking. The band breaks as my wife is on the far edge of the dance floor with more buttons undone from both the top and bottom, her tongue down the son’s throat and her hand in through his open canlı bahis siteleri zipper. Seems it’s time to move this party back to their place again.

This time there is no pussy footing around, we all head to the bedroom on the left as soon as we enter the bungalow. There is a bottle of wine, a bottle of tequila and cigars. As the men lite cigars and pour shots, his wife has split my wife off from the herd this night and has her at the end of the bed. She wastes little time in slowly undoing the remaining buttons on my wife’s dress, easing it off her shoulders and tossing it in our general direction. She stands there in her lace push up bra with her neatly trimmed pussy gleaming from the attention. The hostess lays her back on the bed and traces her fingers up my wife’s legs, opening them as she reaches the top. She slides a finger effortlessly into her cunt, then another and attacks her clit with tongue darts. Now my wife claims to have never been with a woman before and I have never seen two women have sex live, we are in uncharted territory. She removes her fingers, the darts become long, flat tongue licks. First one and then the other of her lubricated fingers enter my wife’s ass (another first) then back to her clit with suction and rapid flicks. My wife squirms, arches her back and cums. The cigar smokers applaud the show and his wife does a little pirouette, little curtsy and proceeds to perform an erotic striptease. Needless to say, our clothes come flying off.

I go straight to his wife, who has crawled up on the bed next to my wife. I dive between her legs and try to recreate the scene we had just watched. Her husband feeds his cock into her mouth at the same time. This leaves their son with my wife. I glance over when I feel his weight on the bed. He is a young version of his father, probably what my wife remembers dating. He is the typical impatient young man and goes straight to stuffing his cock into my wife’s oozing cunt. He isn’t huge, but appears to be extremely hard. I get back to my task and try several of my own techniques in an effort to finish her off. Her attention is split because of the blowjob and it is taking awhile. I squeeze her ass hard with my free hand, thrusting her clit against my tongue. She wiggles, releases her husband’s cock from her mouth and screams out her orgasm. This apparently triggers two other orgasms next to me as my wife tenses and cums, clamping down on the son’s cock and he drives as deep as he can and empties his balls into her. At this juncture, the two remaining people who have not reached orgasm yet are the husbands, poor us.

I roll his wife up on all fours and slide my cock into her slippery cunt. I glance over at my wife as I feel the bed shift once and then again. The son has withdrawn and walked over to pour himself a tequila and has been replaced by my wife’s ex-lover. He gently eases into my wife and I hear a sigh of contentment from her. I began to pound away, determined to fuck fast and hard. I would say I was pounding her, but as previously disclosed, I only sport 6″. I don’t last long after all the visual stimulation and performing oral and soon I am spurting into her tight passage. She won’t release me and continues to slide on me until she reaches her second high. I slip out of her and she collapses onto the bed.

Meanwhile, next to us, the old lovers have increased their pace. The bed is bouncing as he pounds away at her. He begins to alternate long slow strokes with short fast ones. The son reappears, dips the head of his cock into the remnants of güvenilir bahis his tequila shot, then feeds his cock into her mouth, slides one of the bra cups down and rolls her nipple between his fingers. She has gone into overdrive and her senses are overloaded. She tenses and cums, causing her partner to clench his ass cheeks, curl his toes and unload as well.

Time for a quick intermission. We pour the women glasses of wine and again the tequila flows. If I am keeping score correctly for this session, the men have each cum once, his wife has cum twice and my wife has had three orgasms. Never thought I’d see this day. And I can sense we are not done. One more tequila round while the women finish their wines.

What’s left to be done in round two? I was about to find out. My wife’s ex-lover reached out his hand to her and led her back to the bed, placing her on all fours. He produced a lubricant that he must have picked up during the break and drizzled the cool liquid down the crack of her ass, causing her to shiver. He generously doused his fingers and began to introduce his fingers into her ass. She squirmed and grimaced, but didn’t protest. He laid down on his back and had her straddle him reverse cowgirl, easing his cock into her ass slowly. He unhooked her bra, tossing it away. He reached up, cupped her breasts and laid her back onto his chest. Very deliberately they began a slow rhythm. The sight of her exposed cunt was too much for their son and he stepped up and entered her. While this is happening in front of us, the remaining female signals me over to where she is sitting, greedily sucking my semi-hard cock into her mouth. She sucked me hard in no time and I sprang into action. I walked to the bed, straddling my wife’s head and she instinctively started licking my balls. But that was not my plan. I backed down to her tits and began to slide between her globes. The weight on the bed shifted again as his wife moved to straddle her face and thrust her tits into my face.

Their son was the first to explode, but he had been hard since before the intermission. His wife was next, so my wife apparently intuitively knew the techniques needed to please a woman. This sent me over the top and I painted her chest with what was left of the fluids from my genitals. Now the only two left on the bed were the original participants. He reached around and played with her clit. She was done, shuddered and screamed her orgasm. He sprayed her bowels as she clenched and squirmed on top of him.

The 800 pound gorilla in the room had put on a few hundred pounds. My wife had never been with a woman, buts gets an orgasm from one and returns the favor. She had never let me even touch her ass, but now had two different people stuff fingers into her before she took a cock to orgasm there. She didn’t want to have sex with another person, but had sex with three so far. She didn’t want multiple penetration, but just finished sex with four people at one time. So many questions, so few answers.

Exhausted, with a tour to the Mayan ruins tomorrow, I am spent and ready to leave. I look at my wife, spread eagle on the bed, seminal fluid flowing out of her, realizing she will be a project to get moving. I pour myself another tequila, pondering my situation. Our hosts offer to allow us to stay again, partly tempting, but their son needs a bed too. I decide I am leaving and try to get my groggy wife to sit up on the edge of the bed. She is a rag doll. I may be able to slip her dress onto her, but no way she will handle the walk back to our place. Our hosts beg me to allow her to stay and they will deliver her in the morning in time to get ready for the tour. Grudgingly, I realize it is the best option, pull on my shorts and shirt, leaving it unbuttoned, slide into my sandals, give her a goodnight kiss on her pussy juice covered lips and let myself out.

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