Sangitta Ch. 02


That night Sangitta masturbated herself to sleep. She must have masturbated four more times before she was finally sated and she fell asleep. In the morning she woke up and wiped the sleep from her eyes. She pushed herself up in bed and looked at herself in the mirror on the wardrobe that faced her bed. She examined herself closely but all she could see was her face and even that was too far away. She decided that she needed a better look at herself.

She climbed out of bed and took off the long nightie that her parents insisted that she wore and dropped it to the floor. She then went and stood in front of the mirror and examined her body. She thought that she looked good but she decided to exam herself more closely. She picked up her breasts and weighed and touched them and her nipples grew hard again. They grew so hard that they caused her pussy to moisten. She knew that she had to masturbate again but not before she had examined her pussy. It was something that she had never looked at closely.

She looked around her room and eventually found what it was she was looking for. It was a hand mirror. She put it in her left hand and placed it between her legs. She then looked down and reflected on the sight of her pussy. It had crinkled lips and she could not imagine how anyone could have found that attractive. She then used her fingers and opened herself up. She saw the pinkness inside and then she saw the moisture that had gathered inside. She was satisfied at what she saw and then she decided that she needed to masturbate again before she got ready for the day.

She walked back to her bed and took the mirror with her. Naked she laid down on the bed and began to touch herself. She had never done this before but her friend Julie had opened a new side to her and she was determined that she would be like the other girls and know what her body was like and what she should do with it.

She started by touching her face. It was so smooth and she longed that it would be a man doing this to her. She then moved to her neck and caressed it and felt her skin begin to tingle. She had found a sensitive spot and she stopped and touched this for a bit longer. Somehow she knew that she liked this and it made her nipples stand up and her pussy become a little wetter. After about five minutes of caressing her neck she moved her hand and moved it down to her breasts. She knew that she was a 36D because she had been measured and when she touched them they felt lovely and firm. She massaged the flesh of both of her breasts for a few moments. She was conscious that she had to get ready for school but she was enjoying herself so much she could rush around and get herself ready in a couple of minutes before her parents had to shout at her to get downstairs.

She did not know why she had to but she took a nipple in her hand and tweaked it. She felt the pain but she also felt the pleasure. She had her first orgasm of the day. She was panting and she came down slowly. If she could do that with her nipples what could she do with her pussy? She ran her hands down her torso and reached her pussy.

She touched it and she almost jumped off the bed. She proceeded to do what Julie had taught her last night and she played with her pussy. She touched her lips and she found her clit and rubbed it. She liked that and thought that she would be doing that again. She wanted to penetrate her pussy and so she took the mirror that was lying on the bed beside her. She noticed that it had a nice long handle and so she took it and placed it her mouth and wetted the handle so that it would slide nicely into her pussy. She moved it down to her pussy and let it touch her and she felt a thrill run through her. Mmm that felt nice. She ran it around her pussy for a couple of minutes then she took the face of the mirror in her hand and placed the handle at the entrance to her pussy. Slowly she began to insert the handle into her pussy. It was nice and slim and it slid in nice and easily. She managed to get all of the shaft into her pussy and then she began to masturbate herself. She closed Uzun porno her eyes and imagined a man fucking her but something was wrong. This perfect image of the naked man that she wanted to make love to was gone and was replaced by a sexy woman dressed in a sari. She had her face covered so Sangitta could not tell what she looked like but her body looked sexy. She had large breasts and her waist was cinched and when she turned round Sangitta could tell that she had a large sexy arse.

In her head Sangitta was confused but she did not stop masturbating herself. She pulled the shaft of the mirror in and out of her pussy and her head watched as the sexy Indian woman began to strip. Sangitta continued to fuck herself with the mirror but found that she was getting more and more turned on as each layer of clothing came off the Indian woman. She wanted to see the Indian woman naked and this spurred her on. Just as the woman was about to reveal her naked body to Sangitta she came. She jumped off the bed and the mirror went back in again and caused her to have an even bigger orgasm. She quickly pulled the mirror out of herself and wiped it cleaned. She then went and bathed and got ready for college.

She managed to make it downstairs in time for her mother to be putting her breakfast on the table. She was dressed once again as the demure Indian girl. Her mother looked at her approvingly not knowing what was going on with the head of her daughter. Sangitta ate her breakfast and then she kissed her mother goodbye and headed out the door. She got to her favourite bush and changed into her college clothes and went for the bus. On the bus she chatted with friends but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about what had happened in the bedroom.

The college day passed slowly. She wanted to get home and masturbate again. At last the bell rang for the end of the day and just as he was about to leave Julie approached her.

“I really enjoyed last night and I hope that you learnt something.” She said.

“I enjoyed last night as well.” Sangitta said.

“I certainly did learn a few things and I am still learning.”

Julie looked at her puzzled but Sangitta said no more. She was tempted to tell Julie about her sexual dream but decided now was not the time. She left college and got to her bush and changed back into her Indian clothes and went home. She spent the evening with her parents doing her course work but she was longing to be alone in her bedroom where she could hopefully play with herself again. There was always the possibility that she would get caught because her mother always came in to say goodnight and that just made Sangitta hornier.

Eventually she finished the course work that she had to do for the next day. She packed away her books then she pottered around a bit. She went into the backroom. She checked that her parents were engrossed in the television then she took some of her college clothes and ironed them ready to take to the bush and switch with those that were already there and those she would wash when the house was empty.

Her parents were quite modern in their thoughts and ideals. Her father was a mechanic and worked long hours and often did not get home until seven o’clock at night. Her mother also worked which was very unusual in her culture. She was a nurse and she worked shifts so Sangitta often had the house to herself. She had never thought of the benefits of this before but now she could see that this could be fun.

When she had finished ironing her clothes she told her parents she just had to nip out to see a friend and give them something for college and she would be gone ten minutes. Her parents agreed to let her go. She slipped out of the house with her western clothes and got to her bush. She swapped the clothes over then she returned to the house. She sat with her parents for another hour and then she told them that she was going to bed. She kissed her father on his head and said goodnight.

She climbed the stairs and found her way to her bedroom. She laid on the Öğrenci porno bed for a bit listening to some music and reading a book when suddenly a dance tune came. She loved Bollywood music. It always made her toes tap and she found that she was dancing on the bed. She put down the book and climbed off of the bed and began to dance round her room. She moved her hips in time to the music and closed her eyes and went with the rhythm. She was so absorbed that she did not hear her mother come in to say goodnight. Her mother just stood there and watched her daughter move. She thought she was a beautiful dancer.

Suddenly she spoke.

“Sangitta I have some clothes for you to hang up.” She said.

Sangitta came out of her trance and turned and looked at her mother and blushed.

“Sorry.” She said.

“I get so lost in the rhythm of the music that I cannot help but dance.”

“That is okay darling. I love to watch you dance. You move with such grace and poise and you always make me so proud. Now I think it is time for you to get ready for bed.” She said.

“Yes mama.” Sangitta said.

Her mother came forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Goodnight my darling.” She said.

With that she left the bedroom and Sangitta was left alone. She wondered what to do with herself. She was not tired. She was feeling sexual again and she had to do something about it. She stood there for a moment and then she started dancing again. She turned her music down so that her parents would think that she had gone to bed.

She danced in front of the mirror and she tried to be as sexy as she could. She did not know that she was naturally sexy. She could wiggle her hips and waist excellently in time to the music. As she danced to the music she began to caress herself. Her hands began to move over her body and she found herself getting aroused again. She cursed Julie for opening up this sexual desire within her but she was also glad that she had done it. She had begun to feel like a woman and not the young adult that she had been twenty four hours before.

Still dancing to the music she began to undress. She imagined that she was doing this for her husband and she tried to do it as sexily as she could so that he would be pleased and want to make love to her or even have sex with her. She liked the thought of making love to her husband but also now that the passion had been unlocked liked the thought of downright rough sex.

Caressing her body made her aroused. It took all her will not to rip her clothes off and climb on the bed and masturbate herself. She continued to remove her clothes layer by layer until she was stood there in just her underwear. She did not know that they were the unsexiest things going. She still allowed her mother to buy her underwear for her and this was all that she had known so she did not know that you could buy sexier stuff than what she was wearing. She slowly unclipped her bra and dropped it to the floor and then she removed her knickers and stood there naked.

She was unaware how sexual she was and how many of the local Indian men wanted to bed her. It would appear that they wanted to have sex with her but there were not queues of families lining up at the door asking if they could meet her so that they could eye her up as marriage potential.

Naked she went to her bed and decided to go onto the Internet for a while. She was flicking through some pages doing some research for a project that she had to do for college when she suddenly got an idea in her head. She wanted to look at some pictures of Indian men so that she could get an idea of what they might look like naked. She struggled to find what she was looking for because she did not really know what to input to the search engine.

Eventually she just typed in Pictures of Naked Indian Men and waited for the results to come. Her computer was quite new and it soon came up with a load of sites that she might want to look at. She clicked on one and the screen was immediately full of Indian men with rather large cocks. They were clean shaven and she saw how big their balls were. She was surprised that they did not make her as wet as she thought. They were nice but they were nothing special. She doubted all Indian men had monster cocks and she would probably end up with one with a tiddler. She tried to masturbate anyway.

She decided to try and masturbate to them anyway because that was the done thing to do. She was meant to fancy these men and want them to make love to her and make her pregnant and turn her into a loving wife and mother. She touched her naked breasts as she had done this morning and although her nipples began to grow they got nowhere like what they had done this morning.

Next she touched her abdomen and although she loved the touch of her soft skin she did not get the goose bumps that she had got earlier on in the day. She decided to bypass the caressing and go straight for her pussy. Still looking at the naked men she ran her hand down her body and touched her pussy. She did not jump off the bed and she noticed that she was not that wet. What was wrong with her?

She tried to insert a finger into her pussy so that she could masturbate herself but she found that it was very tight. The sight of these men should have made her very wet but it was not happening. She was about to give up and go to sleep for the night when her hand knocked the computer and the screen changed. Suddenly the screen was filled with pictures of naked women. Lovely, smiling, Indian women. She could not explain it but she noticed that she had become a lot wetter and her nipples had stood up on end. She was actually getting aroused looking at these women. What was happening?

Whatever it was she was now turned on and her finger just slid into her pussy. She had been sucked in and she was feeling the way that she did when she had seen the image of the Indian woman stripping in her imagination this morning. She had not noticed that her finger was now moving in and out of her pussy. She had begun to masturbate to the images of these naked Indian women. She closed her eyes to try and block out the images but continued to masturbate. She was aroused and she knew that she would not settle until she had experienced an orgasm.

As her mind drifted away and she was masturbating suddenly the image of the Indian woman from this morning re-appeared in her head but this time she was naked at the end of Sangitta’s bed and she had hold of one her large breasts and was kissing the nipple attached to it. All this did was make Sangitta wetter and she knew that she had to cumm. In her head she was transfixed with what the Indian woman was doing and she could not stop herself masturbating harder and faster.

In and out her finger went and she became more and more aroused. She was getting hot and she had begun to sweat and pant. She tried to get rid of the image but it would not go away. All it was doing was turning her on more and more. Before she knew she had an orgasm. It was a powerful one and she had to control herself not to scream out and disturb her parents. She removed her finger from her pussy and licked it clean and then she went to sleep. She had the best night’s sleep that she had experienced for quite a while. When she woke in the morning she was running late for college but she felt so fresh and she had a glow about her.

Over the next week or two she would masturbate every day. She would trawl the Internet looking for harder and harder images. She looked at men masturbating and ejaculating and being covered in their own cumm but they did nothing for her. Next she found a site with videos of Indian couples having sex and she found that she was concentrating on the beauty of the Indian women and not the men. Whenever she went to sleep she went to sleep with the image of that Indian woman in her head. She just could not get rid of her and she always made Sangitta orgasm. Eventually she decided that she had to do something about it.

She picked up her mobile phone day and scrolled through her numbers until she came to the one that she wanted. She dialled the number and waited with trepidation for it to be answered. After a couple of rings it was picked up. Sangitta just said.

“Julie we need to talk.” Then she put the phone down and went to sleep.

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