I didn’t get into a whole lot growing up. I was raised in a God-fearing household. You know, going to church every Sunday for most of the day. I was a good student, didn’t participate in sports, and was home every night in time for dinner. Yeah, my childhood was kinda boring to say the least. I love my parents and they drove me to be successful. I am thankful to them for that. Yet and still, a brother wish he knew then what he knows now. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Omari Evans and I am 30 years old. I live and work in Washington DC, the nation’s capital. Something happened to me some years ago that changed my whole outlook on life. If you have the time, sit down and let me tell you about it.
When I graduated from high school, I got a full ride scholarship to Georgetown University. I majored in Political Science and I enjoyed college life. I spread my wings a bit and got kinda wild. I learned how to drink and party but I still kept up with my books. I also made some good contacts along the way and I parlayed that into a nice internship with the office of John C. Wentworth, a powerful congressman from Rhode Island. I did good work there and was picked up full-time when I graduated from Georgetown.
I liked my job. I learned a lot and got along with everyone in the office. There was one woman there though who always seemed to be down. Her name was Maybelline Jones but everyone called her Mabel for short. Despite whatever troubled her, she was a professional and did her job very well without complaining. That sadness was in her eyes. There was no doubt about that.
I was so very curious about her. She was older, maybe 50 years old. But she was pretty well put together. Time had treated her well. That or she just had good genes. She had a chocolate brown complexion with hazel-green eyes. There were some lines in her face that showed the stress in her life but she still had timeless beauty. One thing was for sure was that she had a killer body. Baby had serious cake on her; very voluptuous. She had a little extra weight but she wore it well. It seems like most of the weight was in her breasts, thighs and butt. It simply made no sense that a woman her age had a shape like she did. Mabel had that classic Coke bottle shape. She dressed conservatively well although you could tell she had curves.
I found out that she was married but for how long I didn’t know. I also found out her children were grown and out of the house. I made it a point everyday to say hi to her and ask how she was doing. Most of the time, she dismissed my banter with annoyance. This only made me want to get to know her even more.
One day I found her outside our building in the smoking area with a cigarette. I didn’t know she smoked.
“Hi Mabel. I didn’t know you smoked.” I said.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Omari.” she said as she took another long drag on her cancer stick. I looked at her and she put out the cigarette.
“Come with me. You’re going to be working with me on a project.” she said and I followed. I couldn’t help but stare at her ass as she walked in front of me. I’m sure she felt my eyes on her ass too.
We got back to her desk and I sat down in a chair next to her. She explained that we were going to be doing some research for a bill Congressman Wentworth was working on and the hours were going to be long. I nodded and was eager to get started. Mabel said we were going to be working mostly out of a separate room with a bank of computers were we could do our work online. Everything was already set up for us and we went to work right away.
For the rest of that day, I was extremely busy. I didn’t have time to think about prying into Mabel’s personal life. However around 7pm, things slowed down as we started getting a handle on our task.
“Here you go, Mabel. Those are the last two files you requested.” I said, handing her two thick files of research.
“Great. Thanks Omari. You’re a quick study in this.” Mabel said. She actually smiled and I noticed.
“That is nice to see for a change.” I said.
“See what?”
“Your smile.”
Just that quick, her smile disappeared. I frowned too. She had such a lovely smile and I wanted to see it again.
“Don’t take it away. I should’ve taken a picture.” I joked, pulling out my cellphone.
Mabel shook her head but a little grin appeared on her face.
“I’ll take that.” I said and quickly took a pic of her.
“Stop it Omari. You’re a fool.” she said and this time she broke into a laugh. It was so surprising to see that I was speechless for a minute. I listened to her husky laugh and my dick got hard.
Mabel then got quiet and the smile left again. She let out a deep sigh.
“Well I guess this is a good time to call it a night.” she said.
“Okay.” I said but I continued to watch her as she started gathering her things.
She turned and looked at me. “What are you staring at?” she asked.
“Why don’t you want to go home? Your husband is there waiting for you isn’t he?” I pried.
She gave me a stupendous canlı bahis look for a few seconds then her features softened. She plopped down in a chair, shoulders slumped in defeat.
“You are quite observant. And yes, you’re right. I don’t want to go home. Not to an empty house.” she said sadly.
I sat down in a chair beside her and looked at her. “Do you mind me asking where your husband is?” I said.
She looked at me with sadness in those big hazel-green eyes. “Well, he’s a lobbyist and travels a lot. We used to spend a lot of time together but not anymore. I think he’s grown tired of me and has someone younger.” Mabel said.
“That’s just your intuition or your gut talking to you. You’ve never talked to him about this?” I asked and she shook her head no.
“It would tear me apart if he acknowledged what I’ve been feeling. We’ve been married for 30 years.” she said.
“Why would he want to cheat on you?” I blurted out. “I mean, you’re gorgeous.”
Mabel smiled. She put her hand on my knee and a bolt of electricity shot through my system.
“Thanks sweetie. I’m quite flattered but I don’t think I can compete with a 25 year old.” she said.
She continued to look at me then she asked, “What about you? Who are you going home to?”
Her question caught me off guard and at first I didn’t know how to answer. My dating life was sparse. I didn’t have a girlfriend and was too busy at work to find time to date. I spent a few dollars at neighborhood strip clubs and every so often, I could find a lady of the evening to physically entertain me. Of course, I’d never tell Mabel this.
I shook my head and said, “No one. My place is empty too.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” she frowned.
“It’s okay. I can go where I want and see who I want. I like my space and my freedom.” I replied, trying to make it sound not so bad.
“Really? Well, once you do find someone and settle down you won’t want things to change. You relish the companionship, the steady sex, all of that a relationship entails.” she said.
“I guess it will happen one day. We will see.” I said.
Mabel looked at me but didn’t say anything. She was slowly nodding her head, as if she was mulling something over in her mind. Her smile was back though and I returned it with mines.
“How old are you, Omari?” she asked.
I loved how she said my name in that husky voice of hers. I thought about how her sex sounded and I fought the raging hard-on trying to rise from my slacks.
“I’m 31. Just turned 31 a couple of months ago.” I said.
“I see. What did you do for your birthday? Did you get some cake?” she asked, winking.
I was shocked. I know I was thinking with my little head but I could’ve sworn that she asked me did I get some pussy on my birthday. Not did it mattered. I didn’t get any. I just shook it off and smiled.
“I had a few drinks with some of the folks in the office but no cake.” I said.
“That’s too bad. Birthday cake is fun.” she said as she sat back in the chair and crossed her sexy legs.
I had to get up. My dick was fussing like crazy trying to get out. I really hoped she didn’t notice as I walked around. No such luck.
“Are you okay? You’re walking a bit funny.” she asked.
“I’m fine. A bit of a cramp is creeping up my leg. Trying to walk it out.” I said sheepishly.
“Mmmhmm.” she said with a knowing smile. “Tell me, what do you think about older women?”
“What about them?” I asked.
“Are you attracted to them? We’re all getting older you know. And you’ll still have needs to be met.” Mabel said.
“Well Mabel, I really can’t speak on that since I’ve never been with an older woman.” I said. “I guess it would depend on the woman.”
Mabel nodded her head. “I see. So what do you think of me?” she asked.
“Well, I told you before. I think you’re gorgeous.”
Mabel smiled and stood up. She walked slowly towards me. I was dizzy with anticipation as I watched her walk, her dress clinging to every curve. When she got to me, I felt her heat coming off her body.
“You know, an older woman can teach a young man a few things.” she said softly as she ran her finger down my chest. “She can show him how to take his time with a woman. You can learn how to pleasure her.”
I just swallowed and stammered, “Mabel I don’t think this is the place where we should be talking about this kind of thing.”
She put her hands on her hips and a scowl appeared on her face.
“You know what? You’re right. So why don’t we go back to your place?” she said. “So we can discuss this more.”
There was nothing I could say and I meekly nodded my head.
“Good. I can follow you.” she said with a smile.
I picked up my jacket and my briefcase and we walked out of the office. I walked her to her car and she got in then I walked back to mines. I looked up and saw her waiting for me to take off. I backed up and made for the exit, looking back to make sure she was behind me.
On the ride home, all kinds of shit was going through my canlı rulet mind. She wasn’t my boss even though she was senior to me. She was sexy as hell and she wanted me. My dick now was so hard it was actually hurting and throbbing. I had to maintain control though. Maybe all she wanted was to talk.
I pulled into my apartment complex and parked in front of my building. Mabel parked beside me. We got out of our cars and walked towards the entrance to my building. There was no one outside loitering around and I was thankful for that. I liked to keep my comings and goings private.
When we got upstairs to my apartment door, I fumbled around with my keys trying to open the door. I felt a hand softly touching my back and Mabel said, “Omari, relax. I’m not going to bite you. Just chill.”
I finally got a handle on the keys and I let us into my place. I had kept the place clean and I thanked my lucky stars for that. Mabel looked around and she seemed to be a bit surprised at the furnishings. I had tastefully decorated my place with the help of my little sister. I think she did a good job.
“You seem impressed.” I noticed as she nodded her head at the surroundings.
“I am. Most single guys don’t know how to keep a place clean and tidy.” she said.
“Would you like something to drink?” I asked her.
“No I’m fine for now.” she said and sat down on the couch. I poured myself a glass of ice water then came over and sat beside her.
“So…” she started. “Shall we continue our conversation?”
“Sure. Where were we?” I said.
In reply, Mabel leaned over and planted a soft kiss on my lips then waited for me to react. I hesitated at first, then i grabbed her and put her in a lip-lock. We wrestled tongues for a few seconds or so then she broke the kiss.
“Wait, wait Omari.” she said breathlessly. “See that’s what I mean. Such rushing. There’s no need for that. I’m not going anywhere.”
I calmed down and she looked at me. “Take your time. Enjoy me. We have plenty of time.” she said softly.
I took her in my arms and brought her face close to mines. She smelled so good. I don’t know what perfume it was but it was intoxicating. Our lips touched and our mouths opened. I sucked lightly on her tongue and she gave hers in deeper in my mouth. My hands roamed down her back and palmed her round soft ass.
We broke our kiss and Mabel began to purr like a kitten.
“Mmmmm. It has been so long since I’ve been touched like a woman should. Your hands feel so good on me.” she moaned. “Please don’t stop. Caress me. Kiss me. Taste me.”
I smiled and took her hand then led her to my bedroom. She sat down on the side of the bed as I stood in front of her and took off my shirt. She caressed my chest and played with my nipples a little then she wrapped her full soft lips around one. I closed my eyes and reveled in the sensation. I loved my nipples sucked and played with. She ran her hand down past my stomach to my crotch. She worked the button loose and unzipped me. Her hand continued to explore and found my throbbing member. I took off my slacks to allow her full access.
“Mmmm.” Mabel moaned with a smile. “Very nice baby. I can’t wait to feel it.”
I made her lie back on the bed and went to work. I softly kissed along her neck and felt her pulse on her jugular vein. My hands came up and cupped her full heaving bosom. I longed to see what they looked like. As if she read my mind, Mabel pushed me off of her then stood up and unzipped her skirt. She stepped out of it then took off her blouse. Her breasts looked huge in the black lace bra she was wearing. She reached behind her and unsnapped the bra and those beautiful chocolate globes were freed. Her nipples were long and stiff and begging to be loved. Her breasts were full, soft and delicious looking. I reached over to caress them. My mouth watered as I lowered my head to take one of her nipples in my mouth. When I did so, my tongue swirled around the bud. I suckled her breast flesh for a minute then she pushed both breasts together bringing her nipples close together. I took both of them in my mouth at once and my tongue danced between the both of them.
Mabel threw her head back in a carnal cry of pleasure as she allowed me to feast on her body. All I wanted to do was lay her back and lick her from her toenails to top of her hair. I growled like a hungry beast as I commenced to do just that. I started at her feet, sucking on each toe then licking the flesh along her ankle. I lightly nibbled the flesh on the side of each foot then made my way up her calf.
Mabel just closed her eyes and continue to moan. She made no effort to stop anything I was doing so I was obviously doing well in her eyes.
I stopped to suckle the back of her knee and she twitched. It was another erogenous zone I had discovered on her. Mabel’s pussy continued to bubble and froth juices. It was crying for my attention. I was working towards that way but I wanted to tease her just a bit more. I started on the other leg giving it the same treatment as online rulet the first one. Mabel was twitching and humping as if she was being tortured. She felt my hot breath heading up her thighs and she begged me to keep going.
“Oh my God what are you doing to me? Please don’t tease me, I need to cum Omari.” she lamented.
I just grinned and softly kissed her flesh near her pelvic bone. She squirmed more as I licked down towards her juicy inner thigh. Then there I was at my final destination. Mabel opened her legs wider to accommodate me and I got comfortable there. Her pubes weren’t totally shaved but just had a light fuzz there. Her vulva was thick and meaty and her labia swelled in anticipation of my touch. I gave the hood of her clit a soft gentle kiss and the little man came out from its hiding place. I wet my tongue and lightly flicked it across her clit. Mabel’s body started to shudder and her juices flowed even more. She gently grabbed my head in an effort to will my tongue to lick harder.
I put my whole mouth over her pussy and when that hot breath hit home, Mabel could no longer hold back. She grabbed my head with both hands and literally pulled my mouth down on her pussy. I sucked greedily at her juices gushing about and she screamed her pleasure.
“AAAAAIIIIIIGGGHHHH!!” Mabel cried as the orgasm rolled through her. She continued to grind her pussy on my tongue. I continued to drink her sweet nectar.
I didn’t want to overdo it so I finally broke away from her sweet pussy to give her a break. I watched her magnificent breasts rise and fall with each of her heavy breaths. My dick was so ready to put in work so I reached in my nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. I ripped off the wrapping and rolled it down my thick shaft.
“Are you ready?” I asked her.
Mabel replied by pulling her legs back grabbing the sides of her feet and putting her elbows behind her knees. I was amazed by her flexibility. I tried to imagine what woman her husband was cheating with when he had this goddess at home waiting.
I slapped at her fat clit with my dickhead and juices sloshed everywhere. I rubbed my dick up and down her slit and Mabel moved her hips to try and maneuver my dick into her pussy. I pressed my dick into her opening, giving her what she wanted and her hungry pussy sucked my dick into its vortex. Her golden sugarwalls pulled me in balls deep and began to massage my missile. I grabbed her by the hips and began a slow steady rhythm in my fucking. DAYUM her pussy felt good. I had to slow down a bit to will my cum back into my balls. Mabel was having none of that. She twerked her pussy on me something fierce. She threw her legs around my shoulder and crossed her feet. Now I wasn’t going anywhere.
“Come on Omari.” she breathed. “Fuck me Papi. Fuck me good.”
I got up on the bed and on top of her, bending her legs back. I began to pound her pussy relentlessly. This is what she wanted and she told me so.
“OOOOOOH SHIT!! THAT’S IT PAPI!! DAAAAAAYYYYYYUUUUMMM!! THAT’S GOOD!!” she screamed as her squirt juice splashed all over my balls. “FUCK MEEEEEEEE!!”
She threw her arms around my shoulders and pulled me down on her. Her legs wrapped around my back and locked me down. I continued to pound her down. My felt nut rising and I was ready to explode.
“Oh my God baby I’m gonna cum so hard!!” I cried out.
“Give it to me baby!! Cum for me!!” she cried in my ear.
I blasted my load in the condom and she grinded her hips on me, milking every drop from my nuts. When I was done, I lay her back on the bed and pulled my dick and the condom out. Mabel looked at all of the cum in the condom and she gently pulled it off. My jaw dropped as I watched her turn the condom over and emptied the contents into her mouth. She didn’t miss one drop. She swallowed the load down and smiled at me.
“The next time baby, you need to release in my mouth so I won’t have to do that.” she said with a smile.
“Yes ma’am.” I said meekly.
She slid off the bed and went into my bathroom. I heard the sink going for a bit.
“If you need a towel, they are in the closet behind you.” I offered.
I listened as she cleaned herself up. Then she came out and started getting dressed. I continued to sit on the bed and watch her. Once she was dressed and ready to go, she came over to me and softly touched me on the side of my face.
“Thank you Papi for a very enjoyable evening. It was just what I needed.” she said and kissed me softly.
“The pleasure was all mines. I hope we can do it again sometime.” I said with a smile.
“We sure can.” Mabel said. “But this is our thing. No one else needs to know.” she cautioned.
“My lips are sealed baby.” I said, making a zipping motion across my lips.
Mabel blew me a kiss and left my apartment.
I sat there for a while and thought about what had just happened. The oldest woman I had ever been with was a 35 year old hooker when I was 25. It was only a blowjob but it was good. What I had just had was volcanic, mind-blowing sex with a woman who was 20 years my senior. The more I sat there in my bed, I realized I didn’t want her to leave. I slid down under my covers and turned off the lights. I tried to sleep but Mabel was permanently imprinted on my brain. It was going to be a long night.