Jason , Sara Ch. 01

Double Penetration

As Jasmine was getting ready to leave the house, she was fussing over Jason like a mother hen. She was going to her sisters’ who was getting ready to have a baby. She thought she would be gone for a week to ten days.

“Now, Jason, please remember that Sara will be coming over tonight to stay until I’m back. I’ve left a casserole for tonight that just needs to be heated up. After that, she’ll be cooking for you and making sure you get up for work on time and making your lunches for work.”

“Yes, Mother,” Jason said mockingly. “You’d swear, I was a baby, that I need a babysitter. Well, I’m 38 years old and I can take care of myself perfectly well, thank-you!”

“I know you can, Jason, it’s only to make things a bit easier for you.” Jason continued to grumble a bit (under his breath) but they both knew that he was merely making a show of it. Jason had always liked Sara, not only for her personality but (although Jasmine didn’t know this) also because he liked looking at and fantasizing about her 18 year old slim body.

They had had an early lunch because Jasmine wanted to get on the road around 1, reaching her sisters’ around 6. As it was the beginning of summer, the days were getting longer and she wasn’t too concerned about being on the road as long as it was still light.

She finally left around 1:20 pm (despite her intentions), after a few more warnings, reminders and admonishments. Jason stood at the picture window, waving to her and watching her pull out of the driveway. He waited 5 minutes (in case she had forgotten something and came back for it, as she often did) and then promptly went out to get himself some rum, coke, beer and munchies.

Jasmine disapproved of drinking (among other things) and so Jason was going to take full advantage of her absence. He was back within ½ hour and quickly poured himself a generous portion of rum & coke, opened the bag of chips and settled in to watch the Grand Prix from Montreal. As a former Montrealer, he’d been looking forward to this all week. With Jasmine leaving a bit later than he had hoped, he was barely in time to catch the beginning of the race.

However, within an hour, it became apparent that there was a front runner and that no one was going to catch him, barring a mechanical failure or a spectacular crash. He had had a few drinks by then and was losing interest. He thought about Sara coming over later and his mind turned to her slim, tanned young body.

Nothing else of interest being on TV, he turned to his computer. He answered some emails and dealt with a few minor issues from work on line.

Then he turned his attention to porn sites. He rarely had a chance to do that, as the computer was set up in the dining room. He made a note to himself to clear the browser history afterwards. Most of the sites featured older women (even those that said they offered teens). This was not to his taste – he wanted to see young, firm breasts and slim bodies. Although it wasn’t as satisfying, he found a site that offered stills of young girls, mostly in swim suits or skimpy outfits. The girls were much more to his liking, although he would have preferred to see them in action.

He didn’t realise he had fallen asleep in front of the computer until a noise awoke him. He woke with a start and suddenly remembered that Sara was coming over. He quickly checked his watch and realised that it must be her who had come in, waking him up.

He immediately looked at the puter, realising that he had fallen asleep while looking at a still pic of someone who had the same body size and features (he thought) as Sara. He quickly exited from that site, not wanting her to see him looking at young female bodies. Sara was calling out to him.

“I’m in here, Sara.” She then came into the dining room with an overnight bag and spied the remains of his drink, seeing that he had obviously just woken up. (She had seen the bottle of rum on the kitchen counter and thought it odd as she had only ever seen liquor in this house at Christmas.)

“So, what’s this, Jason?” (Sara was Jasmine’s 1st husband’s niece – Jason had tried several times to figure out what that made her to him with no success and they had been on a first name basis for as long as either of them could remember. “While Jasmine’s away you’re having a party? You should have invited me — at least you wouldn’t be that bored that you’d be falling asleep in front of the puter.”

Jason grinned sheepishly and looked Sara over. She was wearing white shorts and a fairly tight blue top, tucked into her shorts. It was nothing that wouldn’t have been acceptable at a church function but because he was something of a lingerie/underwear lover (he used to do some crossdressing when he was younger and still had an appreciation for ladies underwear) he could also see that she was wearing a pushup bra, making her breasts appear to be straining against the fabric of her top. Then he realised that she could see his drink and his look turned to one of guilt.

“Ummm bursa escort …..Sara, you don’t need to mention this (indicating the drink) to Jasmine.” Jason said.

“Oh, I won’t, Jason, this will be our little secret — as long as I can have some too!” Sara chirped, her hand reaching for the leftover drink. Her reaching caused her breasts to strain even more against her top and Jason watched, fascinated. His breath caught and he thought to himself again how sexy she was.

He knew it was wrong to offer liquor to a minor (not to mention lusting after her) – legal drinking age was 19 in this province — then realised that they would be spending a week or more together and not allowing her a drink would probably cause some tension between them. He decided he would make her a weak one. “Uh, that drink has gone flat now, Sara, and the ice has melted. I’ll make you a new one — remember, not a word to Jasmine!”

He went into the kitchen to make her a drink and another for himself. He noted she had already put the oven on for the casserole and just as he was about to bring in the drinks the timer went off. He put the casserole in the oven and set the timer for the 40 minutes it required. He brought the drinks in and immediately blushed, seeing that Sara must have used the history icon to go to Jason’s last site.

“So, is this why you didn’t invite me to your party, Jason?” she said teasingly.

“Sara, I….uhh……” Jason stammered and turned an even deeper red.

“Relax, I know guys like looking at this stuff — some girls do too.” Jason tried to compose himself — he was always amazed at the younger generations’ ability to accept and talk openly about sexual matters that were just not discussed in his day at all.

Not wanting Sara to see how embarrassed he was, Jason excused himself and fled to the bathroom. There, he tried to get his blushing under control by splashing some cold water on his face. He also had to pee but was forced to wait until his excitement about seeing Sara’s breasts straining against her top had subsided somewhat.

In the meantime, Sara had tried her drink and suspected there wasn’t much rum in it. She took a sip of Jason’s to compare and her suspicions were confirmed. Although she hadn’t tried rum before, her taste buds told her that the 2 drinks were as different as dogs and cats. Being as adventurous as she was, she quietly went to the kitchen and added a drop or two of rum to her glass, comparing the taste each time to Jason’s drink.

She returned to the computer station when it was to her devilment’s liking. (She didn’t especially like the taste, but did like the taboo aspect of it.) She also could tell that Jason was interested in her and she was both excited and nervous about the potential power her young body had over him (and men in general). She had wanted to try out her newfound sexuality in a safe, discreet environment and figured that she would never have a better chance than now, during her stay with Jason.

She had barely sat down again when Jason emerged. “Oh! I thought we would watch some TV or a video. Did you want to stay here at the puter?”

“Well, supper will be ready in about ½ an hour so I thought I would show you some stuff on the net first. You obviously like younger girls — do you want to see them in action with guys or with girls or by themselves? What’s your pleasure, Jason?” Sara replied with a ghost of a naughty, teasing smile.

Jason hemmed and hawed a bit, only a bit more composed than he had been previously (No doubt the several drinks he had consumed were giving him some dutch courage.) “Umm….” He muttered, “I like to see young girls with older guys or with same age girls.” He couldn’t look at her as he said this.

Sara nodded and her hands flew over the keyboard, Jason looking over her shoulder trying to see down her top. He could see that she did indeed have on the cutest blue pushup bra, her small breasts spilling out over the top of the cups. On the screen were several thumbnail pics of young girls, either posing alone or with others. In the pics of multiple girls, a lot of them were kissing each other’s lips or breasts. “Now, Jason, that site should keep you busy for awhile.”

“Umm, thanks, Sara, and remind me to wipe the puter clean before Jasmine gets back?” Sara nodded and Jason continued (in an attempt to cover up his continuing embarrassment) “And now, what kind of sexual images do you like to see, young missy?”

Sara figured that if she could ask him and tease him about his likes, then turn about was fair play — which didn’t make it any easier for her to answer without blushing. She barely had said the words “Me? I like…..” before the oven timer went off. Sara, visibly relieved, did the rest of supper preparation (and got herself another drink — Jason switched to water).

They had supper (Jasmine made the best casseroles!) and talked about inconsequential things: the new baby/weather/Sara’s studies/Jason’s bursa escort work. Despite the younger generation’s ability to discuss things of a sexual nature openly, the supper table apparently wasn’t the place for that.

He was pleased enough at the respite from her teasing questions but also anxious to hear Sara’s response to his earlier query. Truth be told, he was still embarrassed about his fondness for anything female/young/slim but found that talking about it, especially to Sara, was a turn-on for him.

As they started to clean up from supper, Jason had to guess where dish cloths and drying towels were. (Jasmine didn’t work outside of the home and so there was no need to share household duties.). For the dish cloths, he guessed at an upper shelf — and enjoyed her body stretching, the pushup bra making her breasts strain against her top’s fabric again. Jason let out an involuntary “umph!” at that sight and Sara smiled to herself, realising that she was unconsciously putting on a show and that he was enjoying it.

It turned out that his 2nd guess — a bottom drawer for the drying towels was the correct guess for both items and Jason enjoyed the view of Sara’s firm ass. Sara wiggled it ever so slightly for Jason’s benefit (although she would never have admitted it to him). Jason imagined what it would be like to put his crotch against her ass and shivered.

The cleanup done, Jason got himself a cup of tea (he had recently starting adding a bit of honey to it) and Sara went to a bottle of water. She was feeling the effects of the drinks she had made herself earlier. They both settled on the couch at opposite ends, Sara putting her legs up and Jason using the recliner. Sara’s feet were bare and rested up against Jason’s thigh. As much as he liked this position, (he had been aware of a foot fetish he had had for some years) he couldn’t get over how cold her feet were. He loved the cyan blue nail polish she had on her toenails.

As Sara snuggled into the couch, it was obvious that she was settling in for a nap. Jason tweaked her toes to get her attention. “Sara, it’s almost 8, and this is Saturday evening. Are you going out later? Do you want me to wake you up at some point?” He asked as he got a throw for her and settled it over her making sure to get her feet covered.

“Not going out later but I don’t want to sleep the night away, either — wake me up by 10, say?” She replied, throwing him a brilliant smile as he settled the cover over her. “You’re the best, Jason!” Jason grinned, a bit embarrassed.

He found a movie to watch: “Moulin Rouge” as he watched Sara falling asleep, her face and posture relaxing. He had always had a thing for Nicole Kidman and loved the choreography and the double entendres. He put the volume as low as he could (and still hear it) to allow Sara to sleep.

As he watched, he found that her feet were warming against his thigh. He shifted slightly and brought her feet into his lap, Sara stirring slightly. (She was also drooling slightly, something he found adorable, but suspected she wouldn’t.) He shifted again, loving the feeling of her feet in his lap and sighed contentedly. Nicole on the screen, Sara’s feet in his lap………..he didn’t dare to think how he could be more pleased.

The movie ended and he made a big deal about it — going to the bathroom (although he had needed to go earlier, he hadn’t wanted to disturb Sara, especially with her feet in his lap), fixing himself another drink and hunting for something else on the tube. Most of this was done for Sara’ sake to wake her up. When he returned from the bathroom, she made a beeline for it.

She came out of the bathroom, got her overnight bag, dropped that into her bedroom (i.e. the spare room) and took a much smaller bag into the bathroom again for 2 minutes. Finally she emerged with her makeup (what little she wore) somewhat refreshed.

“Oh! I sure did need that nap! Thank You! So, Jason, I’m raring to go now! How are you going to entertain me for the rest of the evening?” Jason smiled at her and decided to play her at her own game.

“Me, entertain YOU? I thought YOU were supposed to entertain ME!” They both grinned at each other, enjoying the others’ sense of humour and what seemed to be kindred spirits in each other. Jason said (this topic had been on his mind throughout supper and the movie), “So, Sara, you were about to tell me what you like to see on the puter before supper. Why don’t you sit down here (indicating the puter chair — Jason still wanted to be able to look over her shoulder & down her top) and show me?”

Sara coloured but sat as requested and started typing. “Umm, just remember, Jason that I don’t want you to think anything less of me because of my kink. You asked for it.” Jason, looking down her top and seeing her breasts spill out from the top of her bra cups, was excited and wondered what he was in store for. He made a mental note to himself to do no kink bursa eskort shaming (a term he had heard at work in passing). Sara finished her typing and hit the enter button with a flourish.

The screen went blank momentarily then began to show itself as the pixels filled in. It took a few seconds before Jason was able to take in what he was seeing. He saw a still pic of 2 young guys (one of them had to be a twink, although he was never quite sure what that was) sucking each other off, with a slightly older woman apparently urging them on. The expression on the woman’s face and the rigid cocks (and looks in their owners’ eyes) indicated that each of them were enjoying being both exhibitionist & voyeurs in turn.

As Jason watched, he also saw that Sara’s nipples were growing more spiky inside her bra. Her hand had gone to between her legs rubbing herself there ever so slightly. He decided to try to play it cool and said, “Yeah, okay, Sara, but that’s a still pic. Surely someone with as much puter savvy as you must know where to see the same in action? Are you holding back because you’re embarrassed in front of me?”

Sara looked back at Jason looking over her shoulder and realised that she was giving Jason a free peep show. She flushed a bit more and then realised that she was turned on by Jason looking down her top as well as by the still image on the screen. She coloured and excused herself.

She went to the bathroom and took off her top, making her bra tighter by one notch and then put her top back on, being careful to leave it one button less done up.

I’ll show him who’s embarrassed, she thought to herself. If Jason wanted a show, she figured she would give him one, both eyes full. (Or maybe even both hands full. She shivered in anticipation at the thought of Jason touching her breasts.) With a sardonic smile on her face, she slipped back into the puter chair, made a few menu options and the screen came to life.

This time the screen showed the same trio, getting ready to go into action. All three were naked, kissing and groping each other. The timeline at the bottom of the screen showed it was a 5 minute video. But Jason’s eyes were as much (or more) on Sarah’s loosened top & tightened bra.

Her breasts spilled out even more over the top of her cups and he fancied he could see the beginning of her nipples under her bra. He could certainly see how spiky they were under the filmy material. He moaned to himself (hoping that he kept it to himself) and saw how excited she was getting as the image on the screen played on. He loved seeing down Sara’s top and watching Sara as she got turned on by the video.

Again, trying to play it cool (although he was more than excited already), Jason said, “So, Sara, what is it about this that turns you on? Is it the 2 guys together, sucking each other? Is it the woman who’s goading them on? What part of it is the biggest deal for you?”

Sara knew Jason well enough to know that his was a serious question. She also knew that he wouldn’t stop until he got an answer. Despite her excitement, she forced herself to think about the answer and finally replied, “I think it’s the 2 guys together despite (or maybe because) of the fact that there’s a willing woman there as well”.

An idea popped into Jason’s mind (although he transferred it to the back burner for now.) The video ended shortly after that and Sara suggested they watch a movie together. Jason readily agreed. “Do you have one in mind?”

“Not specifically, but I’m sure we can find something.” Sara took the remote and went hunting, as Jason marvelled at how adept she was with it and just about anything that involved electronics. (Jason could never hope to achieve that level of competency). Within a few minutes, Sara declared “Found one!” with a smile on her face.

By this time, it was almost 10:30 pm and Sara decided to get into her bed wear with a house coat over it. Truth be told, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the wardrobe adjustment she had made earlier — although she liked doing it at the time to test her sexual power over Jason and she certainly enjoyed Jason enjoying the view. But it also left her feeling not entirely comfortable with herself.

While she was changing in her bedroom, she exhorted Jason to get himself ready — he turned off the puter/turned off lights and got himself another drink and hoped he would be able to stay awake. “What are you having to drink?”

“I’ll stay with my water, thanks, Jason.” Sara replied as she came out of the bedroom. Jason was just fetching her water bottle from the puter desk. She was wearing a knee length loose dress of some kind, obviously meant for night wear. It hung off one shoulder (something Jason had always found sexy) and had a zipper down the front. The material was heavy enough that Jason could barely make out the outlines of her panties beneath it.

Jason set her water bottle down at her end of the couch and his drink at the other end. He sat himself down and promptly levered out the recliner and watched in surprise as Sara shifted her water bottle to the centre of the couch. “Jason, I like to be close to whoever it is that I’m watching a movie with — I find it adds to the atmosphere. You okay with that?”

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