Bunny’s Bachelor Party Gangbang

Big Tits

Standard warning that appears in all my stories – lots of intense humiliation, blackmail, non-consensual/coercive sex, and of course extremely far-fetched. Enjoy!

At 4:00pm on Friday, Steve got a text from Bob.

“Move your little ass Bunny I’m here.” Steve swung his duffel bag over his shoulder and headed out. As he rode the elevator down he got three more texts from Bob, all equally rude and demanding, including one that told him he needed to stop sucking his boss’s cock and get down there. Once he exited the lobby, Bob honked the horn of his SUV.

“Come on!” Bob yelled, laying his hand down on the horn excessively. As Steve reached the door handle, Bob jerked the car forward. Steve predicted this but knew he had to play along. He had to make an ass of himself, running for the passenger side door only for him to pull away right as his hand reached the handle. This repeated four more times with a security guard standing by the door laughing at the spectacle before Bob let him in.

At last he was in the car, throwing his bag on the back seat. Bob grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into a rough, back-slapping hug, planting a comically wet kiss on his cheek before releasing him.

“You ready for the best weekend of your life, little buddy?!” He bellowed, shaking his shoulder roughly.

Steve regarded the man as he sped out of the parking lot and merged aggressively onto the highway. Bob had been his best friend since junior high. At 35, Bob had gained some weight and his hairline was receding, and the glasses he wore could deceive someone who didn’t know him into thinking that he was every bit the mild-mannered financial analyst he had grown into. But around Steve, Bob was the same wild, slightly cruel guy who had gotten him into all kinds of trouble throughout their youth.

Bob had rented the lake house and organized the bachelor party weekend. Aside from Bob, it was seven of their oldest friends. Bob had only invited guys from their hometown and two others, Amir and Tim, from Steve’s college who had grown close to his high school crew. Bob specifically wasn’t interested in trying to bring in any of Steve’s newer friends, co-workers, or his new brother-in-law.

Steve was quietly relieved by this – it would feel forced to try to bring together a disparate group of guys whose only connection was him. Plus, the dynamic with these older friends was much different. Around these guys, he was not the confident, competent, upstanding man that the people he interacted in his day-to-day life knew. His newer friends and colleagues all knew Steven. They didn’t know “Bunny.”

A Pop Warner football coach in the 7th grade had first dubbed him Bunny, teasing him for how he hopped during warm up drills that required them to leap up forward from off of the ground. The nickname had gotten at something deeper, something in his personality, which the coaches and everyone else on the team seemed to suss out – a herbivore’s fearfulness, a skittishness. A cute and sweet kid, slightly bashful, eager to please and to be accepted, easily intimidated. Not tough by any means. His friends had kept the name alive long after their football careers ended, and now it was a way to express tenderness and familiarity, but also knock down the handsome and successful man just a bit. Sometimes, when the ribbing seemed less than good-natured and the pranks less than harmless, it felt even more sinister than that. Like it was their way of telling him that he was their prey.

Among the guys, the unacknowledged leader was Bob and Steve was at the bottom of the totem pole. Every group such as theirs had a mascot. The butt of the jokes. The one who good-naturedly put up with all sorts of brotherly abuse. Steve always found himself beneath the pile-on. Maybe it was the combination of Steve’s good looks, his more slender build, and his passive nature, that he had been shuffled into this role among his friends. He just wasn’t as competitive or as assertive as them, never had been. He was the first to cry uncle and admit defeat, the first to give up in a play fight.

Steve was the most conventionally attractive of them, and in the best shape by far. When they were younger and on the prowl he would be good for getting a group of girls interested in them, before one of his more confident buddies would sweep in to either scare them all off or seal the deal with one of them. Steve’s timidity had the effect of keeping his own sexual success rate substantially lower than his friends. Steve still worked out daily, lifting weights, running and swimming, even doing triathlons. All in their mid-30s, many of them married, the rest of the crew had let themselves go. Bob loved to tease Steve about this, give him crap about his vanity. He would call him prettyboy, mock him for watching his carbs or most commonly imply that he was gay. Which is why when they stopped at a rest area, Bob insisted his friend fill up the car with gas while shirtless.

“You heard me, bitch. Lose the shirt.” Bob repeated his demand. Calling his best friend a bitch wasn’t uncommon for Bob, nor was making Sakarya Escort unreasonable demands like this. Still, Steve protested.

“Jesus, why?” He knew this was part of the game – a little resistance to make his capitulation more rewarding. Otherwise Bob would leave it alone only to issue some even more ridiculous command moments later.

“Cause I say so! Come on, give those horny old truck drivers a show.” Bob thrust his big hand out towards Steve. He gripped the collar of Steve’s t-shirt, roughly yanking it down.

“Lose the shirt, Bunny, now. Take it off or I’m ripping it off of you.” Steve lowered his head and sighed, whipping the shirt off and throwing it onto his seat.

“Attaboy.” Bob praised him smugly. He then fondled Steve’s stomach.

“Fuck! Look at those abs. You look good, bro. You really wanted to get your little body tight for your boys, didn’t you? Get one of us to finally have a go with that nice ass a your’s?” The big man lolled his tongue out of his mouth and thrust his wide hips out lewdly, pantomiming sex with the steering wheel.

“You’re such an asshole…” He mumbled while he stepped out of the car and went to the pump.

Steve stood there as the tank slowly filled, suffering a few amused looks from other people coming and going from the gas station.

“Good boy. Now use that squeegee to clean my windshield.” Bob pointed to a bucket beside the pumps, then locked the car doors shut. Steve sighed again in resignation and got to work.

A middle aged-man who had been smirking from the passenger seat of his car burst into laughter at this latest indignity, watching Steve clean Bob’s car. Steve looked over to him and the bald old bastard waved to him and blew him a kiss mockingly. This made Steve’s face go red. Finally he got back in the passenger seat. He didn’t bother looking for his shirt, knowing that Bob had tossed it into the backseat out of reach. He just clasped the seat belt over his bare chest.

“You know why I do it, Bunny?” Bob was looking at him behind his sunglasses with his usual shit-eating grin.

“Cause you’re a sadistic fucker?” Steve jested.

“Oh, of course. But I do it to you cause of the look on your face. I love to see the look on that handsome face of yours when I torment you.” He took Steve’s cheeks in his hand and pinched roughly. Steve shook him off.

“I just love it! Always have.” Bob shook his head, looking at the road as he slapped his friend’s knees a couple time before hitting the road.

“And besides, I know you love it too.” The bigger man said, a smirk curling on his lips as he merged back onto the highway.

In two hours they were there. Bob had gone all out with the house. Seven bedrooms, four baths, it was two stories of black timber right on the lake, with a split-level back patio boasting a hot tub and a pool. Best of all no other houses visible for miles.

Craig and Doug were already at the house setting up, and they thrust a drink in Steve’s hands almost immediately. Craig was 36 with rough, dark features, and a shaved head. He was 5’9 but 220 lbs, and not to be fucked with – he still practiced Brazilian jiu jitsu despite his busy work and family life. With his well-built body, tattooed shoulders and beer belly, he looked like an MMA fighter that had gone to seed. In contrast, 34 year old redhead Doug had not been to a gym since college, his pale, freckled belly, pillowed backside and wide hips a testament to this. He was not in the least self-conscious about this, particularly among his friends, and when Steve and Bob arrived there he was already shirtless, beer in hand, idly scratching the thicket of red hair between his drooping pecs.

Ed, Amir and Kevin arrived just a few minutes after Bob and Steve got settled, all having driven together and clearly smoked up on the ride. Ed was 35, bald with close-cropped black hair around the sides. He was 6’1 and 230 lbs, a former hockey player. Amir was 34, dark-skinned and stocky, standing 5’10 and 200 lbs. Kevin was also 34, blonde and balding, thick-lipped. He was 5’10 and 220 lbs. Like Doug, Kevin stripped out of his shirt immediately. He had a tattoo of a dragon on his prodigious belly.

Ron was next. The biggest of all the men. 37 years old, 6’3 and 270 lbs, a former linebacker and a current deputy police chief, with the appropriate shaven bald head and hard, craggy face. He jokingly chided the guys for the weed smoke before helping himself to the joint. Then he grabbed Steve off the ground, spun him around and gave him a big wet kiss on the cheek.

36 year old Tim was the last to arrive, still on the phone with his wife when he got out of the car, which the guys all gave him hell for. His curly brown hair had a touch of gray, and his eyes twinkled behind his thick glasses. He was 6’2 and 200 lbs, mostly weedy build but with a bot belly. Inspired by Doug and Kevin, he stripped off his shirt to reveal his famously hairy chest, back and shoulders.

All of them were bigger than the 34 year old bachelor Steve, who was 6’1 but a trim, toned 175 lbs. This Adapazarı Escort had always enforced the little brother dynamic that Steve always had with his friends – them being able to push and shove him around, take what they wanted from him, get him where they wanted him. Bob stood next to him, arm around his shoulders, and he was shirtless now too, showing off his hairy barrel chest and beer belly, in stark contrast to Steve’s mostly hairless, defined torso. Bob was 6’0 and 230 lbs.

After a few hours of drinking and shooting the shit, they had a barbecue. Bob manned the grill. As they drank, the guys got more and more loose, falling back into the old dynamic they had growing up. Eventually everyone was shirtless, and Steve predictably was teased for his six-pack abs and boyish lack of dense body hair. Each time the guys had to piss, they’d just stand over the deck instead of heading inside to use a restroom. Kevin joked by pulling down his shorts to show the guys the top of his doughy ass cheeks. There was a lot of showing off how far they could piss, or just showing off their cocks, waggling them mostly at Steve.

Soon the guys headed to the large hot tub on the deck overlooking the lake. Steve went inside and quickly threw on his bathing suit. When he came back down Bob was already seated in the tub. He was stark naked, and Steve could see his friend’s junk floating in the water.

“No suits! It’s just us boys!” Bob declared to cheers of assent.

“Come on, I don’t want to see your big hairy ass.” Steve shot back.

“Yeah but don’t want you want to see my big hairy cock?” Bob retorted, but his voice had lost its playfulness. He stood up from his seat in the hot tub and gestured to his big, wet endowment. He snapped his fingers and pointed at his hairy cock and balls, wordlessly ordering Steve to look at it, who was helpless to not give it a lingering glance. Bob was well-hung and had long loved showing off his big hog. Steve laughed nervously.

“Nope, sorry Bob.” He answered, averting his friend’s humorless gaze.

“If you say so.” Bob said skeptically, sitting back down. The guys all laughed at Steve’s discomfort.

The others were following suit and dropping trou, making Steve blush as he entered the hot tub to take the open seat next to Bob. They tossed their shorts or bathing suits back towards the house then sat back down in the hot tub. They had all seen each other naked, and even hung out bare ass in a locker room, or maybe at the end of a long drunken, but never in broad daylight like this. He felt Bob standing up behind him.

“Just remember, this is all for you, kiddo. We’re doing it all for you.” Bob whispered in his ear. Steve turned around, confused.

Then he felt a pair hands on his waist. Before he knew it, his trunks were at his knees. The guys hooted and whistled at his exposed pecker and naked rear end.

Bob yanked his friend on to his lap and spun him around. They wrestled briefly, but as in all of their wrestling matches over the last 25 or so years, Bob’s heft, his additional 50 pounds, and his cunning prevailed, and in no time he had his friend in an inescapable hold, his whole body held captive over his shoulder. Someone reached over and stripped his trunks completely off his legs. His naked butt was above the water, very much on display.

“Yeah boys, look at that prime bare bachelor ass. Kid might’ve gotten shortchanged in the dick department but he’s always had the best ass of any of us. Bunny says he doesn’t want our cocks but I think he’s lying. I think we ought to give Bunnyboy a little butt-fucking before he walks down the aisle, just so he gets a taste of cock up his ass!” Bob slapped and fondled the captive man’s ass to the jeers of his friends as Steve flailed about helplessly.

“C’mon Bunny we know you’ve always had homo tendencies. You don’t want to go into a marriage with any regrets, right?” Kevin jested.

“Yeah, I’m sure Krissy won’t mind if you take a walk on the wild side.” Doug joked.

“Poor kid’ll be limping down the aisle if I give him my cock.” Ron boasted, shaking his sizable hog under the water.

Bob turned towards Tim, showing him Steve’s helpless ass.

“Timbo, you wanna slip Bunnyboy here the salami?” He slapped Steve’s cheeks, making the smaller man jump a bit in his embrace.

“Couple more drinks and I should be good to give the bachelor boy some dick!” Tim roared back, bucked his hips above the surface of the water and brandished his big flaccid cock at Steve. Bob kept the smaller man trapped in his embrace, turning him towards Kevin.

“What about you, Kevvy? You want a piece of our boy’s tight little pussy?” Bob asked.

Kevin, balding blonde and with a body like the Lord Buddha reached over and grabbed Steve’s jaw, squeezing his cheeks roughly and shaking his whole head.

“I think I want some of that purdy mouth.” He said in a hillbilly accent. He let go, patted Steve’s cheek, then blew a kiss and waggled his tongue at Steve. The lewd act made his face go red and heart flutter a bit. Bob held him Serdivan Escort in the compromising position, Steve’s head over his shoulder and his backside exposed above the water.

To the delight of the guys, Ed leaned across the hot tub and thrust the mouth of an empty beer bottle right between Steve’s helpless cheeks. Steve yelped as the cold glass burrowed into his butt and pressed against his anus.

“Oooh yeah that’s it baby, just the tip.” Ed roared, laughing with a randy smile, grinding it in until Steve’s flailing legs knocked the bottle free to bob away on the surface of the water.

After that prank, the guys calmed down a bit, talking, drinking, smoking and carrying on. Steve sat between Bob and Ed, but the guys hadn’t really made a space for him – instead he was perched on their thighs. It was an awkward position but they didn’t seem to mind him having his ass on their legs. Instead they kept him in place on their laps, their heavy arms over his shoulder. Eventually he relaxed, leaned back into their hairy chests and stomachs. The closeness brought back memories of being piled into one of their dad’s cars, driven to football practice in an over-stuffed SUV- as the lightest kid he was always put on one of their laps. This had continued when the guys would be piled into one of their apartments to watch a game. Crowding a couch, Steve’s only spot would be on the floor or on the biggest guys’ laps – Bob, Craig, Ron or Ed. They would even invite him to sit there, patting their lap like they were calling a pet. It was only weird if you drew attention to it.

“Fuck this is some good MDMA Bob.” Doug remarked.

“Yeah man, it’s got me feeling good man, horny as fuck too.” Ed agreed, bucking his hips, rocking Steve on his lap.

“You guys took MDMA?” Steve asked sitting up from Ed and Bob’s knees. The guys looked at each other conspiratorially, laughing but saying nothing.

“What?” Steve demanded, his voice rising nervously. Bob turned over his shoulder and looked at Steve with a shit-eating grin.

“Oh you did too, don’t worry. In your drink. Ain’t I scumbag?” Bob winked at him as his face dropped.

“I knew you were too straight-laced to take it yourself. I just gave you half, don’t worry about it bro.” Big Bob pulled Steve back down so that he was sitting back on his and Ed’s lap again.

“Or maybe I gave you two? Who cares.” The guys laughed at Steve’s consternation. Steve had always been the most temperate of the crew. He barely smoked pot, and now he was rolling.

“Jesus, MDMA? That’s like ecstasy…” Steve groaned, squirming on their knees.

“Stop fucking whining for once, Bunny. This is your goddamn bachelor party, you’re supposed to get fucked up.” Bob barked.

“Don’t worry Stevie, it only last for like, 8 hours.” Amir said authoritatively, laughing at the effect of his words on Steve.

“You’re gonna be rollin’ with the big boys!” Kevin reached over across the water, shaking his friends shoulder, laughing in his face.

Ed pulled Steve into him so that he was cradling the smaller man on his lap, holding him against his wet, hairy body. As he spooned him he rested his stubbled chin on Steve’s shoulder. He blew his warm breathe from his nostrils on Steve’s wet skin, tickling him. The guys had always done stuff like this. Gay chicken, with Steve usually being the target because he was so easily flustered and was the “prettiest.” Steve’s eyes darted around to the other men but no one seemed perturbed by or even reacted to Ed’s embrace of Steve, despite the fact that they were all naked.

He pulled Steve closer, hugging him from behind like a lover. His left hand caressed Steve’s stomach, and his right hand rubbed Steve’s thigh, forcing their bodies together tight . All the guys continued their conversation while the former hockey player felt him up tenderly. Ed wasn’t doing it as a joke, it seemed. He was doing it for real. Steve just froze – the fact was it felt nice, being in the big man’s arms like this.

Ed’s big rough hand rubbed Steve’s naked belly as he whispered in his ear.

“You feeling it, buddy? I’m feeling it. It feels good, right?” Steve didn’t respond, but let himself relax in the bigger man’s embrace, easing back into him. Ed had always been physically affectionate, and had often hugged him tightly from behind like this, though never when they were both naked. Still, there had always been a current of coercion when Ed had given him one of his long, crushing from behind hugs – he would grab Steve and lock his arms, rock him back and forth and press his hips into Steve’s back. The more Steve had ever protested, the longer his incarceration would last – it was only when Steve had completely given up hope of escape and yielded to Ed’s embrace that he would be released, usually with a coach-like slap on the rear.

The truth was that he was beginning to feel it. He felt extremely relaxed but also detected a slow wave of excitement building in him. His skin felt electrified, and Ed’s large callused hands feeling him up around his stomach and hips, rubbing him down, felt incredible. He shifted in his spot on Ed’s lap, and he was so chilled out feeling that he didn’t care that his naked butt cheeks were resting atop his friend’s naked, hairy groin. His rear end was being lightly batted by the man’s thick flaccid penis but somehow that felt nice too.

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