Jack waved to his friends as they pulled away. He had a rosy glow from the marijuana they had smoked on the long drive home. He let himself in with his key.
Josie, his mom, was bustling about the kitchen in a frenzy of baking. The air was filled with the fragrant smell of pumpkin pie, gingerbread cookies and dressing. There was a pronounced odor of nutmeg, sage and Christmas in the air.
Realizing she was unaware of his presence, he tip toed up behind her and wrapped her in a big bear hug. Josie started and jumped back, inadvertently pressing her full ass into Jack’s dick. Her sudden movement caused his hands to end up firmly ensconced on her large breasts. For the briefest of moments they held this tableau; jack bent forward, each hand holding a massive breast, his mom’s full ass pushed into his crotch. He quickly released her. She turned, flustered.
“Jack, she screamed, you’re home!”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, stood on her tip toes and kissed Jack on the cheek.
“Hi mom, Merry Christmas!”
“Step back and let me take a look at you. Henry, Henry, Jack is home!”
His father’s muffled voice came up from his perpetual spot in his basement man cave.
“My you have really filled out, his mom gushed!”
“Aw mom, Jack said embarrassed.”
At 20 years old, Jack was not a small guy. He stood 6′ 4″, 260 lbs. Football and the exercise regimen required to play college football had transformed him from a pudgy overweight kid into a well-muscled specimen of a man.
Jack heard the floor boards’ squeak as his dad moved up the stairs and into kitchen. Jack’s dad was slightly shorter than Jack but weighed about the same. He was rotund with a large prominent belly. He wheezed loudly as he made his way across the kitchen.
“Jack, my boy, it is so good to see you!”
Jack and his father enveloped each other in a mutually affectionate bear hug.
“Dad, you said you were going to lose some weight. Carrying all that weight around is not good for your health!”
“Hush, boy, you’re starting to sound like your mom! Nag, nag, nag all of the time about my weight!”
“Henry, you know Jack is right. Jack, take your things to your room, Then I need you to run to the store for me”
Jack smiled inwardly as he made his way upstairs to his bedroom. He threw his knapsack on the floor and flopped on his bed. He was still slightly aroused from unintentional feel up of his mom. He was also still high from the marijuana. He slowly stroked his cock as he relived the moment.
His mom’s tits were massive. Years ago he had peaked at her bra size. She was 44D then. She looked to be much larger now. Her ass had felt amazing pressed against his dick. Like most boys, his mom was always a sexual fantasy. He unzipped his pants, intending to get a quick rub off in, when his mom’s voice intruded on his fantasizing.
“Jack, hurry up! I need some nut meg so I can finish baking!”
Jack zipped his pants. He trotted down the stairs.
“Take this empty can with you. I want this kind and no other.”
Jack grabbed the car keys off the hook by the kitchen door. As he backed the car out of the garage, he suddenly realized he still had the marijuana in his jeans pocket. Shit, shit, shit, he thought. I forget to hide this stuff in the house. Too late now.
The trip to the store was 20 minutes round trip. But before he got back on his street, he pulled off to the side. He took the bag of marijuana from his jeans pocket. Carefully he poured it into the empty nutmeg can. He tapped the plastic bag lightly to empty it. Then he snapped the plastic lid back in place. He laid the container on the seat and pulled away from the curb.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the headlights of a car. He slammed on brakes just in time to avoid an accident. He gave the one finger salute to the other driver and proceeded home.
After he pulled in the garage he realized that the can of nutmeg and his marijuana can had fallen to the floor. In the darkened garage he found the two cans. He put one in the bag and the other in his jeans pocket.
His mom was bent over peering in the oven as he entered the kitchen. He paused for a moment to admire her ass. She wore an old fashion house dress. It was covered by a bib apron. The dress had ridden so that it barely covered her ass. At 50, her large thighs were still well shaped although dimpled slightly with cellulite. He thought she was still a very desirable woman. At school he found himself drawn to the big bosomed, big butt women. Many times he had imagined his many full figured conquests were his mom.
“Mom, here’s the nutmeg, he said, handing her the bag.”
“Thanks baby, she said, as she stood and turned toward him. I am going to make some cookies for us to enjoy tonight!”
Jack smiled as he turned to head downstairs to chat with his dad.
“Jack, open a bottle of wine for me, please!”
Dutifully, Jack opened the wine. He sat the bottle and a glass on the kitchen table.
The odor of gingerbread cookies wafted downstairs escort bayan where he and his dad were watching college football. Upstairs, Jack knew his mom was sipping wine and baking mounds of cookies. He and his dad had gone through the better part of a 12 pack while watching the game. His dad was snoring loudly in his big lounger.
Jack decided to go up and see if he could beg, borrow or steal some cookies. He had a terrible case of the munchies. There was a subtle difference to the aroma in the kitchen. It was familiar but in his slightly drunken state he couldn’t identify it.
His mom was sitting at the kitchen table. She had a large glass of white wine. Jack noticed that the bottle was half empty. In front of her was a large platter of gingerbread cookies. She had an empty grin on her face as she sipped wine and munched on cookies.
Jack sat down across from his mom and grabbed a cookie. He tried to talk about the plans for the holiday but his mom seemed unable to concentrate. About four cookies into it, Jack was high as a kite. Through the fog of cannabis he realized he had inadvertently given his mom the cannabis and not the nutmeg. They were both wasted. His mom was barely coherent. The wine had enhanced the marijuana. She couldn’t stop giggling.
She had pulled off her apron. The top buttons of her house dress had come open. Jack could see the tops of her breasts. He felt himself getting hard.
Josie’s mind was in a fog. A pleasant fog but still she couldn’t quite process. The warm glow she felt had moved through her hardening nipples, to the small flutter in her belly and had settled into a warm dampness between her legs.
“My god, she thought, what is going on?
She flashed back to Jack’s accidental feel up. She felt her nipples harden even more and the dampness increased.
“I am turned on thinking of my son’s cock pressing against my ass and his strong hands holding my breasts. What the hell is wrong with me?”
Josie went to stand and almost fell. Jack stood and grabbed her around the waist. His mom leaned heavily in to him. She giggled at her mishap.
Jack could feel her breast as she sagged heavily against him. His hands were just above her ass. Without thinking, he let his hands slide down. Gently he cupped her large ass. Jack’s erection was immediate. His enormous cock grew down his pant leg.
“Stop that you bad boy, she tittered!”
Jack squeezed her ass more firmly.
“Jack, you stop this minute, his mom said a little breathlessly!”
Josie freed herself from her son. She plopped down heavily again in the kitchen chair.
“My god, she thought, Jack just felt me up again.”
She glanced up at her son. He stood before her with a concerned look on his face. Her eyes wandered down to his crotch.
“Oh my god he is huge, she thought.”
She forced her eyes up. Jack had a strange smile on his face.
“I feel so odd, she thought.”
Jack stood over his mom as she sat in the chair. The top of her dress had gapped open. He could see almost down to her nipples. The large soft mounds of flesh heaved slightly as she tried to catch her breath. His erection was becoming uncomfortable as it grew in his pant leg.
Henry walked into the kitchen, bleary eyed. He took in the scene of his son and wife in the kitchen. He glanced at the table and saw the cookies. Ponderously he moved to the kitchen table. He grabbed a handful of the cookies.
“What have you guys been up to, he inquired?”
He munched absent mindedly on the cookies
“Catching up, Josie said giddily.”
“Sorry I dozed off on you son!”
“No problem, dad, it gave mom and me some time together.”
“Jack, I’m going up to bed. I’ll see you both in the morning.”
Josie followed her husband upstairs.
Jack went into the living room and turned on the TV. He realized that somehow the marijuana had gotten into the cookies. In front of him was nearly 4 dozen cannabis laced cookies. He speculated that his mom was wasted from drinking the wine and eating the cookies. He watched her large ass jiggle she followed his dad upstairs. There would be hell to pay later.
Josie helped Henry upstairs. He seemed a little more unsteady than usual. She helped him undress. As he stood naked, she took a good look at his cock. Henry was her second cock. So she was not that experienced with cocks and the size of cocks, but Henry’s was a peewee compared to Jack’s telephone pole sized dick. As she helped her husband into his pajamas, she wondered how a big dick like that would feel entering her. She wondered if she could even handle something that massive. Finally she wondered what the hell was wrong with her to be having these kinds of thoughts. A little wine had never done this to her before.
Once Henry was in bed, she showered and changed into her normal cotton night gown. Then on impulse, she pulled it off. She inspected herself in the mirror. She was heavier than she wanted to be. But her breasts didn’t sag that escort bayanlar much. They still had their fullness. She ran her hand over them, tweaking her nipples. She felt them harden.
She continued down over her abdomen. Yes, she had a slight pooch, but she didn’t sag. She stroked the softness of her belly lightly. She felt dampness between her legs. She smiled to herself. There was still life in her pussy!
Behind her Henry snored loudly. She watched him through the mirror as her hands continued their journey down her body. How long had it been since they had sex? A couple of years? She hadn’t really thought about it that much. Until tonight!
Her hands drifted down and moved through her bristly bush. It needed a trim. She used to trim it all of time. But now, well it wasn’t really needed since…..since a long time!
One finger found her clit. She inhaled sharply. It was so swollen and sensitive. How long had it been since it was this swollen? She couldn’t really remember. Her finger penetrated her depths and slid easily back over her swollen clit. Men didn’t even give her the first look, let alone a second look. She was an overweight 50 year old woman.
Jack had squeezed her ass!
She thrust a second finger deep into her pussy. She cried out as a small orgasm moved through her body. Her clit was so sensitive she could barely touch it.
She opened the closet door. On the top shelf there was a Victoria Secrets box. How long ago had she bought this? It was an impulse purchase. She had been at the mall and saw it hanging in the window. It was a red shelf bra with a matching bikini bottom and a translucent red robe.
Quickly she put them on. The panties were tighter than she remembered. The bra barely contained her breasts. She had gained weight since she bought this outfit. She put on the robe. It barely dropped to mid-thigh. Henry had never seen it. She wondered what jack would think.
Jack watched an old movie. He absent mindedly munched on a cookie. Now that he had figured out what was in them, he could handle it. He had a nice buzz going. He needed to go shower and change but that could wait.
It was quiet in the house. He had heard the shower running. But now there was nothing but silence. He knew he needed to fess up about the cookies. He chuckled quietly. Mom was high as a kite. Otherwise she would have decked him when he squeezed her ass!
Josie decided she should talk to Jack about what happened. Although she was not a deeply religious person, she realized the wrongness of what had happened. Her son had felt her up. That would never do!
Jack looked back and saw his mom descending the stairs. He involuntarily sucked in a deep breath. She was a vision in red. The robe covered her to her thighs but from his angle looking up, he could catch a glimpse of red panties. He was a little confused about what she usually wore to bed, but he was sure this wasn’t it. He felt himself getting hard……again!
“Jack, we need to talk!”
“Yes, mom, look let me…..”
Jack was trying to confess about the marijuana laced cookies.
“Young man, you just shut up and listen to your mother!”
Josie sat at the far end of the couch. Absently she reached over and grabbed a cookie. She took a bite.
“I am not sure what happened earlier, Josie said, but it can never happen again!”
“Mom, I think you should….”
Jack was pointing at the cookies. He was trying to explain. But his Mom held her hand up for silence and grabbed another cookie.
“Jack, shut up and listen! First get me a glass of wine.”
Dutifully, jack went in the kitchen and filled his mom’s glass with wine. When he got back she was on her third cookie. The Christmas tree lights twinkled in front of them. As usual the tree was beautiful. Mom prided herself on her decorating. Tomorrow he would help her do the outside.
Josie was starting to feel a little warm. Her intent had been to explain to her son about incest and how what they did was wrong. He needed to understand that his mother was not some college girl he could feel up at will. But now she was getting warm and she felt that wetness between her legs. She took the wine Jack brought her. As she sipped it, she saw the bulge in his jeans.
“Dear god he was big!”
Without her being aware of it her legs opened slightly. From where Jack sat he could see well up her thigh. He turned to face her on the couch. His cock was rigid and captured down his pant leg. It was agony. He knew had to go relieve the pressure. But mom wanted to talk.
“Mom, look…..”
She tried to talk over him. He raised his hand and forged on.
“I have to change! These pants are very uncomfortable and I have had them on all day”
Jack stood to leave the room.
Josie stared at the huge bulge in her son’s jeans. A part of her wondered if she was going to soak the couch with her wetness. Why was she so aroused?
“Then change, young man, but hurry back!”
Jack ran up the steps. bayan escort He grabbed some jersey shorts and a tee shirt from his knapsack. He needed a shower but that would have to wait.
Josie gobbled down another cookie; she had six since she came back down. She felt light headed, almost out of body. She gulped down some wine. Her head spun lightly. Almost absent mindly her hand trailed down to her crotch. The panties were soaked straight through. She glanced down. And yes, there was a wet spot on the couch! Dam!
From the top of the stairs, Jack watched his mother touch her pussy. He felt his cock grow.
“Jesus, that was hot!”
Josie tried to look stern as Jack sat down at the other end of the couch.
“You must understand, Jack, she said haltingly, you must understand what I am saying!”
“Yes, mom, Jack said quietly, I understand.”
“Squeezing your mother’s ass is just sick behavior!
Josie munched on a cookie while she tried to collect her thoughts. Why was she so aroused?? It had been years since she was this wet!
“It can never happen again! Do you understand me?”
Jack nodded his head and stood to go to bed. He had really fucked up! She might forgive him one day¸ but now was no time to bring up the cookies. He walked between the coffee table and the couch, moving toward the stairs. The cannabis laced cookies had his cock semi hard. He hoped his mom wouldn’t notice it.
Josie watched as her son stood and moved toward her. She moved her legs over so he could get passed. She was so light headed she thought she might pass out. She could see her son’s enormous cock straining against his shorts. She reached out to balance herself. In her altered state, her hand ended up resting on her son’s crotch.
They both froze. Josie wanted to move her hand but time seemed to slow. She looked at the fat little hand that was resting on her son’s cock. She realized it was hers. She knew she needed to move it. She was going to move it. She watched the hand flex and close around Jack’s cock.
Jack closed his eyes. The feeling of mom’s hand on his dick was incredible. It took all the control he could muster to keep from cumming. Through slitted eyes he watched her nibble on yet another cookie. She seemed to be almost in a trance. Jack knew she was high on marijuana. All her inhibitions were suppressed. He had been there many times. He knew.
Josie watched the fat little hand flex on her son’s cock. From the deep recesses of her mind a voice screamed stop. The hand tightened. The cock grew. Part of her wondered how big it would get. Part of her was horrified at what the hand was doing.
Jack’s cock was growing down the leg of his shorts. The head was starting to peek out. Cautiously, jack pulled that pant leg up. He watched as his mom’s hand slid down to his exposed cock. She had this dreamy look on her face. She swayed back and forth.
Josie watched the hand slide up and down her son’s cock. She was amazed that she couldn’t get her hand around it. The hand was covered in precum. I wonder if I can get two hands around it. She smiled as the two fat little hands encircled the cock. She stroked it a few times. Both hands were covered it his wet sticky pre cum. She released one hand. She almost put it on the couch. She stopped. She realized she would never get the stain out. She brought the hand to her mouth and licked the sticky stuff off.
Jack was so aroused he was dizzy as watched as his mom licked his cum from her hand. He took a step closer. Josie leaned forward and licked his dickhead. Jack sucked his breath in sharply. Fuck that felt good! Josie kissed the head of his dick. He knew he was close to cumming.
Dreamily, Josie leaned forward and kissed the head of Jack’s dick. She was horrified and wanted to scream. But she couldn’t stop. She felt the cock grow and pulse in her hand. She licked again at the whitish liquid oozing from son’s cock.
Unable to hold back any longer, Jack exploded on his mom’s face. Her head was snapped back by the force of his ejaculate. Rope after rope of semen hit his mom in her mouth, her nose and hair. He watched her close her eyes as his fire hose of a cock covered her in man fluid. Spent, he dropped to his knees.
Josie was bemused. She was covered in her son’s cum. It ran down her chin and dripped on her nice red lingerie. She ran her hands over her eyes. She looked at her hands as they flopped in the air. She knew she couldn’t put her hands on the couch; it would be stained. She brought her hands to her mouth and tentatively licked them. Then she thoroughly licked her son’s semen from her hand.
I must look like a cat lapping up milk, she giggled to herself. She stood. She patted her son on the head.
“Good night, baby!”
Jack watched as his mom unsteadily climbed the stairs. Amazing he thought, absolutely fucking amazing! It was the best ever hand job he had ever had!
Josie was in shock. She was shocked at what she had done. She was shocked at how much cum had spewed from Jack’s dick. She was horrified at the tingling in her soaked pussy. Dear god, she thought, what is going on?
Josie stripped off her cum stained lingerie. She stepped in the shower and rinsed her son’s cum from her hair and face. She toweled off. For the first time in years, she crawled into bed naked. In an instant, she was sound asleep.