


The College Magic Cycle is my first attempt at writing a story for anyone else to read, even though I am a longtime reader and lurker.

Please be truthful but kind in your comments and feedback. You”ve been very encouraging, and I appreciate it. (I love feedback and respond as soon as possible to readers. I”m happy to discuss the characters and the background of the story. It helps me to develop themes I haven”t thought of yet).

This is a fantasy story in two senses of the word. Not only is it an erotic fantasy of four young men, but it is also a story of magic and the fantastic. It may seem in parts to be non-consensual, but it isn”t. My Roommate the Alchemist the story of two young men who are not only compatible but complementary. Each of them has traits that fully complement the other. It has strong D/s themes, but it is a love story. Jason couldn”t hurt Kieran if he wanted to, and Kieran is drawn to Jason like a moth to a flame.

I am using an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in this story could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn”t understand that this is a fantasy. For this reason, it may take a while to respond to any feedback, but I will get to it when I can. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am about five chapters ahead of what”s been published. Also keep in mind that everything Jason does to and with Kieran derives from his love for him. [If you have ideas for more brutal scenes save it for Elf Master when it appears later this month.]

This cycle includes two storylines that are currently being published and another that will join it soon. The stories intertwine. See the end of this chapter for details on the preferred reading order.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone. fty/

You can contact me at ail.


Summary of Chapter 9

It would be best to go back and read chapter 8 if you haven”t done so. If you want to dive in, here”s a summary of last chapter.

Kieran has begun to attract unwanted attention. First one of his floormates, Darren Groves, tried to grab him inappropriately in the laundry room but was stopped by Drew Janowski. Later that day, Jason and Kieran went to the New Student Mixer. Because Kieran doesn”t own any nice clothes, Jason dressed him up in one of his outfits, a mandarin jacket with Pankou knots and black trousers. He even borrowed a pair of Jason”s shoes. They spent some time just being boyfriends down in the lobby, sharing a gelato, making out on the couches. They went to the dance upstairs in the ballroom. When they began to sweat, Jason realized that he”d made a mistake. The cologne he used on the jacket was reacting with Kieran”s sweat to send out pheromones that attracted dominant males. He pulled Kieran out of the dance quickly, planning to take him home, but he was interrupted with his RA Sebastian who needed to speak with him immediately. He sat Kieran on a bench and told him to stay put. Unfortunately, when Kieran saw Darren watching him, he got nervous. When Darren wasn”t looking, Kieran slipped off to the bathroom farthest away from the party and went inside to urinate. Kyle Mason, the homophobe who”d threatened him and Jason before attacked him, beating him pretty badly and then forcing his cock into Kieran”s mouth. Darren tracked Kieran down and got into the room by climbing through the crawlspace above the ceiling tiles. He rescued drove Kyle off, rescued Kieran and went to get Jason. Jason and Sebastian came running. Kieran was in shock. Jason too him in his arms and Sebastian used a translocation spell to send them to his room so they could avoid the crowd. Jason took Kieran into the room, helped him get ready for bed and then gave him something to help him sleep.

Author”s Notes

�         I”ve reached that point where I must slow down publication of my stories, since I am catching up with what I have written. I will still be publishing at least one chapter every week, but not three every weekend.

�         I am hoping for a reorganization of My Roommate the Alchemist, Wishcraft and Elf Master into one folder with the chapters already in the suggested reading order. If that happens, I will also post a chapter 0 which can act as a guide to the stories.

�         My darker story Elf Master has started. If you aren”t into heavier BDSM, you may want to skip that story. Other than sharing some background characters, that story does not intertwine with My Roomate the Alchemist and Wishcraft.

�         The Small Town Slave Boy story is only tangentially connected to College Magic because the narrator of the story is Kieran”s cousin Dylan Morgan. There are no supernatural elements in that story so far, it is listed only in the gay/authoritarian subcategory.

�         There has been a lot a lot of requests for a story about Drew Janowski. As I”ve been rewriting chapters 8+ of My Roommate, the character Drew let me know that he is indeed bisexual instead of straight. I have an idea for a one-shot story involving him. This means that I may add another cycle called College Magic Side-Stories that will consist of a series of one-shot stories involving characters who won”t be receiving a long multi-part story. O will publish them when I”m inspired enough to write them. I must have a good idea that isn”t too much like anything else going on in the saga. I am open to suggestions, but I have to get inspired in order to write.

�         Reader of both this story and Small Town Slave Boy have noticed a discrepancy between Kieran”s claim that his younger cousins had always bullied him, and Dylan”s recollection of trying to be nice to Kieran and being rebuffed. This is not a continuity error. Both Kieran and Dylan are unreliable narrators on this point. Kieran had erected so many barriers to hid his sexuality (sometimes even from himself) that he was incapable of recognizing Dylan”s attempts to support him, and Dylan has so far not mentioned that his attempts to secretly support Kieran and be nice to him came after he had been forced to bully Kieran by his younger brother. Rest assured that the true story will be revealed over time.


My Roommate the Alchemist Chapter 10 (Classes Begin)

I woke up to Jason kissing my temple and stroking my side. I could feel his hard cock pressing into my butt cheek. And I could smell him. He smelled so good. It wasn”t like that man”s stale sweat last night. I shuddered uncontrollably and tried to shrink into myself. I was overwhelmed with memories of that smell. I could feel his rough hands, and the stubble of his beard. I wanted to block everything that had happened after Jason and I left the dance floor last night out of mind, but I couldn”t.

I”d slept deeply last night. If I”d had dreams, I didn”t remember them. This morning, I felt nauseous, and my head was spinning. I scooted my body back against Jason”s. I inhaled his scent again and let it calm me until the spinning stopped. Despite the memories of last night, it was nice to wake up this way. I hadn”t even heard Jason”s alarm. I wanted to stay this way, in bed with his arms around me, protecting me. It made me feel safe.

“I”d like to let you sleep longer,” he said, running a hand along my leg. “But you can”t be late for class on your first day of college.”

He rolled me over onto my back. He looked down at me and I saw him wince when he saw my face. I knew that it was bad. I could feel the bruises. He leaned in and kissed me gently.

“Do I look that bad?” I asked.

Jason touched my lip with his finger, then he touched the skin near my eye. It hurt a little. He lifted my chin and stroked my neck. His other hand slid underneath the back my neck and massaged me gently.

“I”m sorry,” he said, bending down and burying his head in my neck.

“Why are you sorry?” I asked. I was rubbing his strong back. “You told me to stay put near you, and I didn”t listen. I should have done what you told me to do, but I chose to wander off and ran into him in the bathroom. If I”d listened, he wouldn”t have attacked me.”

Tears were welling up in my eyes. It was like Uncle Craig had always said. I never listened and I never did what I was told. I couldn”t understand why it had happened. What had I done to make him attack me like that? Jason hadn”t even put me in skimpy clothes last night. I had long sleeves and long pants. I”d been so proud to dress like Jason. For the first time in my life, I”d been myself. I was able to ignore the fact that people were looking at me. So long as I was with Jason, I felt safe.

“I left because I saw Darren,” I sobbed. “I thought he was stalking me. I went to that back bathroom instead of the one near the stairs, hoping he wouldn”t see where I went. But then Darren was the one who came in a pulled him off me. If I hadn”t run away from Darren ….”

Jason kissed my sore lip. I didn”t remember the man hitting me there last night, but he must have. Jason kissed my eyes and pulled me in tight. He didn”t say anything until I stopped crying, then he said. “You were very foolish last night, but you didn”t know any better. You always used to dress in such an unflattering manner, like you were hiding yourself, or ashamed of yourself. I put you in clothes that made you more attractive, knowing that you couldn”t defend yourself. I shouldn”t have left you, even though Sebastian insisted. I should have reminded him that keeping you safe was my first responsibility. I knew how vulnerable you were last night, but you couldn”t have had any idea.”

I felt even smaller in his arms, even though he was only about three inches taller than me. I was going to object to him taking responsibility, but he stopped my talking by kissing me again on the lips. “Don”t argue with me this morning, boy,” Jason said. “I don”t have the heart to spank you this early, but I will if you keep breaking the rules.” He patted my butt gently. “Consider yourself spanked.”

“Yes, sir,” I said. I felt guilty because I knew the rules and I was breaking them. Right now, I needed them to provide some order and structure to my life. Everything felt like it was spinning out of control. Maybe that”s why I felt so dizzy and had trouble breathing.

“What happened was my fault,” he said. “When I put you in my clothes yesterday, they had already been sprayed with my cologne. The cologne interacts with your body”s own scent. When I wear it, it amplifies my normal scent. Since I”m a dominant gay man, my scent attracts submissive gay boys and warns off other dominant guys. When you wore it, it amplified your normal scent? And your scent has a different effect. It attracts dominant men. You”re such a submissive little boy that it was working on gay guys who aren”t dominant. It was working on bisexual men, even a few straight men.”

I knew that my face must have fallen a little. Jason continued, “Don”t be embarrassed at what I said. There”s no shame in being submissive. It”s who you are. You should take pride in being the best submissive boy you can be. Your submissiveness is what calls to me, even more than your overwhelming beauty.”

He seemed deep in thought, like he was trying to solve a puzzle. Finally coming to a decision, he said, “I”m in a conundrum, Kieran. I want to continue to guide your personal journey towards being the perfect submissive, but you suffered a trauma yesterday and you”re more fragile than you were before. Yet, I”m afraid that taking a day off to let you rest will set back your progress.”

“I don”t want a day off, sir,” I whined. I meant it. “I want to be what you want me to be. I was scared last night. It was like all that muscle I”d put on in high school was doing me no good. I put in on so that I wouldn”t have to fight, so that no one would know who I really was. But the muscle didn”t protect me. It was like an illusion of safety. I have no idea how to defend myself, and if I did, it wouldn”t have made any difference. He was bigger than me, not just taller, but more massive. Even if I had known how to fight, I couldn”t have held him off. But none of that mattered. what I was most scared of was that he was going to fuck me, that he was going to be my first, and every time you fucked me in the future I would think of him, and I would get sick.”

I was crying openly now, like I hadn”t cried since my Uncle Craig had told me to “man up and stop bawling” after my parents died.

“I don”t want anyone else,” I said. “I just want you, and only you. I don”t want to take a day off. I”m not strong enough to do it on my own. Please don”t let me let you down, sir.”

Jason kissed the tears from my eyes and squeezed me so tight that I could barely breathe. In his arms, I felt safe. I felt the world stop spinning. Even my stomach began to settle down. I could breathe.

“I won”t,” he said. “Just know that I may sometimes make mistakes, too, like I did last night. I will plan for your safety. If you do what I tell you to do, you”ll be safe.”

“How will you keep me safe from people like him?” I asked. I couldn”t bring myself to say his name, not even when I was lying wrapped in Jason”s arms. “What do I have to do, sir?”

He stroked my hair and moved one hand down to cup my butt cheeks. “I have some friends; some alpha men like me who will help. I want you to remember who they are because they will be helping to keep an eye on you. Erik next door, Sebastian the RA and Drew Janowski. Drew has some friends we can trust because they follow his lead. I don”t know all their names yet, but unless I tell you differently, I want you to listen to anyone who says that Drew sent them. Once I have the list, we can limit it to those individuals.”

He added, “It”s important to your own progress that you let these other alpha males protect you. Try not to worry about it and trust that I have it taken care of.”

“I will, sir,” I promised, feeling much better than I had when I woke up.

Jason explained that we had skipped the morning run because he hadn”t wanted to get me up at 6:00. He said that we may run later in the day, but he suspected that I had a lot of pain in my sides. When I stood up to take my pills, Jason had to help me get out of bed. I drink my tea and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I saw that he was right. I was limping a little, and I had bruise on my face and another on my side. It looked like my neck was also bruised and my lip was swollen. Jason removed my butt plug so I could do my business, then we showered.

Once I had washed him from his hair down to his toes, I knelt in the warm stream of water and looked up at him. He kept calling me beautiful, but I thought he was the handsome one, his golden skin and dark hair, his dark eyes with their slight Bolu Escort slant and of course his huge cock. “Please, sir,” I said, “may I suck your powerful cock?”

Jason ran his thumb around my lips and then said, “You may suck my cock now, beautiful boy.”

I always began by kissing his cock and slowly skinning it back so that the head was revealed. I called what came next “making out with his cock.” I would kiss it all along the shaft and then slowly take the head in my mouth. I still couldn”t take the whole thing down my throat easily without Jason”s help. This morning he wouldn”t pull my head all the way down until I choked. He was being very gentle with me, which I loved, but I think I liked him better when he was a little more forceful.

When he came in my mouth, I greedily drank it down. I hadn”t been joking yesterday when I told him how much I loved his cum. I”d been using the cum flavored tooth wash he”d given me a lot, even when I didn”t really need it, because I sometimes wanted to remember his taste when he wasn”t there. I wanted to show Jason how eager I was to continue my training, so I pulled his cock out of my mouth just long enough to ask, “Please, sir, will you give me your piss this morning. Let me do it for you.”

Jason was smiling. When I put his cock back in my mouth, he began to piss in my mouth. He released it in small spurts, so it wasn”t pouring directly down my throat. As I sucked it down, I could taste it. I was swirling it around in my mouth before swallowing.

“That didn”t taste bad, sir,” I said. “It”s not as good as your cum, but it still tastes of you.” I blushed as I added, “I think I may be beginning to like it, sir.”

“Good boy,” he said. “I was hoping that you would.”

When we got back to the room, Jason laid me down on my stomach and ate my ass until I was wiggling under him and moaning a little. It felt so good. When I thought I couldn”t take it anymore, he rolled me over and put the lotion on my hole. Then he slowly inserted the plug and wiggled it against my prostate until my dick began oozing cum again. I”d had another one of those strange half-orgasms. Of course, Jason fed me my own cum. Smiling down at me, he said, “All your boy cream goes back inside you.”

“This is the largest size plug I”m going to use on you,” he said, “and this is the last day. Tonight is the night. After dinner I am going to fuck you for real. After that, you won”t need the plug. I”ll keep using the lotion. It keeps you tight but makes your beautiful and delicious little hole more pliant and resilient so that you won”t tear. Judging from your reaction when I was eating your ass, it”s also becoming more sensitive. That”s what I want.”

I had thought that it was feeling better each day when he ate my ass.

Jason and I both had 10:00 AM classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, so we left at the same time. He had breakfast bars that were wrapped in parchment paper with Chinese writing on them. We grabbed those to take with us along with bottled water to which Jason had added matcha (Japanese powdered tea). I was wearing my pink jockstrap; the short pink shorts that Jason had bought for me and a mesh t-shirt. Jason had tightened the string on the shorts before we left because they were looser than they had been by about an inch. My backpack was a big one, but mostly empty. It held the drawing materials Jason had bought for me, my laptop and a notebook for taking notes if I couldn”t use the laptop.

We walked out of the dorm with Jason”s arm around my waist, occasionally sliding down to rub my butt. We saw my attacker ahead of us as were leaving the building. I stopped walking, frozen to the spot and my breath caught in my throat. I was trying to shrink into Jason. He moved his arm to my shoulder and pulled me tight against him. I could feel the room spinning, so I buried my nose in Jason”s armpit and inhaled deeply. I knew that his scent could center me.

Jason said, “Don”t worry about him anymore. He will never touch you again.” His voice was determined and cold.

He was wearing a silver chain that was barely longer than a choker. He looked tired and seemed to be walking stiffly. I hoped that someone had beat him up last night. I was afraid of him, and I hated him so much that my blood ran cold. I let Jason lead me down the steps past him. I didn”t look at him. I kept my face buried in my man”s chest.

We”d left early enough so that Jason could walk me to my freshman composition class. His first class was calculus, so he was dropping me off before walking to the math building. When we got there, we saw Darren. I didn”t know what to think of him. He”d been about to attack me in the laundry room yesterday, but he”s pulled Kyle off me last night. Did one good deed make up for a bad one?

Jason kissed me in public, right in front of the building my class was in, his hands running up the legs of my shorts to stroke the bottom of my buttocks. I knew that anyone who was looking closely would see the pink straps of my jockstrap under my shorts. I didn”t resist. I didn”t even want to resist, even though I was still embarrassed by displays of public affection. I kept looking out the corner of my eyes to see if people were staring. A few did, but most people just minded their own business. No one called us faggots, so I was happy.

When Jason broke the kiss, I saw that Darren was close. He seemed nervous and a little strung out. Jason led me over to him and said, “Drew tells me that you”re safe now.”

Darren looked guilty as he replied, “I am. Drew and I had a long … talk, and I”m out of the doghouse. I”m in Kieran”s composition class and I can walk him over to the history department after class. I can”t stay with him, but the TA for Kieran”s next class is a friend of Sebastian”s. She”ll keep him in the history Grad student room until class. I”m not sure about after that.”

“Good,” Jason said. To me, he added, “Sit next to Darren in your comp class and sit where Clarissa can keep an eye on you in history. Erik will be swinging by to take you to your drawing class, so wait for him in the lobby.”

“Is all this necessary, sir?” I asked Jason. I was feeling a little embarrassed, like I needed a babysitter. He was treating me like a child, instead of an 18-year-old college student.

“For now, it is,” he answered. His tone made it clear that there was no room for argument. “I may ease up later, but for now I want to know someone is with you at all times. You”re still half in shock over last night, even if you don”t realize it. Besides, it will put my mind at ease.”

I wasn”t happy about it, but I didn”t argue. I pouted a little, but said, “Yes, sir.”

Jason kissed me on the top of the head and said, “Good boy.”

Darren led me into the building, and we took stairs down to the lower level where our class met. We were early, so we found two seats easily. Luckily he liked sitting in the back of the classroom like I did. I was less self-conscious when fewer people could see me.

“I”m sorry to put you to so much trouble,” I said in a low voice.

“It”s not that much trouble,” he responded. “People may think that I”m your boyfriend. Not that that”s a bad thing.”

After a moment, he added, “I”m sorry about yesterday in the laundry room. I was in a mood to start a fight and I decided to disrespect Jason by messing with you. I may have also been a little upset that you were already taken. I know I”m not sexy like your man Jason, but I would have loved to get up inside that.”

He sounded contrite and seemed genuine. And I thought I probably owed him something for saving me yesterday, but I was still smarting from Jason insisting I have a babysitter, so I wasn”t as kind as I should have been. I said, “Well don”t let it happen again. Jason said that he likes men to look but not touch, but I”d just as rather you didn”t even look.”

His face fell for a moment, then he leaned back in his chair and smirked at me, “You are a prissy little bitch, aren”t you?”

My ears turned red. I felt bad about being mean to him. He”d saved me last night after all and he was taking time to keep an eye on me for Jason. Before I could apologize, the TA who was teaching the course came in and put her books on the lectern. She was dressed in a long skirt and a button up top, and her hair was up in a bun on top of her head. She was wearing a tiny cross and one of those WWJD bracelets. She glared at me when she took attendance. Great, I thought. First day of class and already she doesn”t like me.

Darren and I didn”t talk during class. He kept an eye on me, but otherwise pretended I wasn”t there. I could hardly pay attention to the class discussion. I kept running Darren”s words around in my head. Was I a prissy bitch? What did that even mean? I guessed that I understood the bitch part. I had been nasty to him when he was just trying to be nice. More than that, he”d been trying to apologize to me for grabbing me in the laundry. Sure, an apology didn”t make it any better, but I didn”t have to be a jerk. I was on edge, understandably, but he looked like he was hungover, or sick.

After class, Darren walked me to the history building. I wanted to apologize for being a “prissy bitch,” but he put his hand in the small of my back and pushed me along faster than I wanted to walk. I guessed he was still mad at me. I decided not to bother him. He led me downstairs to an office used by the history TAs to prepare their lessons, meet with students and do their own work.

Once he”d seen me into the room and pointed out the office, he said, “Here you go, princess,” and he walked out the door. I felt like a total asshole.

I got a text from Jason that read; Did you make it to history alright? Was Darren a good escort?

I texted back; I”m here, and Darren was a gentleman. It was true, he”d opened doors for me and moved between me and other students on the way, at least he moved between me and the other guys.

He texted; Text or CALL if you need me.

I texted; I will.

He texted; I love you, Kieran. Be a good boy.

I texted; I will. I love you too.

I”d said it. I”d been feeling it, and now I”d put it in print.

Clarissa Ambrose was the TA for my history class. She was a few inches shorter than me, with dark auburn hair and amber eyes. It was her posted office hours, so she was using one of the offices shared by the TAs, but it was the first day of class, so no one was here.

“Ma”am,” I said, standing in the doorway. “I was told that I was supposed to come here before class.”

She looked up from her book and gestured towards the student chair next to the desk. “Shut the door first,” she said.

I closed the door and sat down.

“You are a pretty boy, aren”t you?” she said.

I opened my mouth to answer and then realized I had no idea what to say. It would sound arrogant if I said yes, and it would sound like I was fishing for compliments if I said no. I opened my mouth, and then closed it again. Better to keep silent.

“I take it that you”re Kieran Morgan,” she said.

“Yes, ma”am,” I replied.

She cracked a smile and said, “And a polite one. I like that in a boy. So, Sebastian tells me that you suffered trauma yesterday, but he didn”t give me any details. Is it something you care to share?”

I didn”t want to talk about it with anyone, let alone a woman, but somehow I felt compelled to let it all out. I told her about being attacked in the restroom of the Student Union. I avoided the word rape, but I thought she figured it out.

“Are you alright,” she asked with concern in her voice, reaching out a hand to touch my own.

“Yes ma”am,” I said.

“No, you”re not,” she replied. “But you will be. Let me get you some tea.”

Did I miss a memo on tea being the new thing? I had assumed Jason drank so much because he was Chinese, but Clarissa wasn”t. She poured me a cup from a thermos, and she added sugar to it. She whispered something I couldn”t understand and then handed it to me. I thought it may have been a prayer. Jason would have complained about my sweet tooth, but I preferred it sweet, and he wasn”t here to stop me. I felt wicked resisting his constant fretting over my love of sweets and junk food.

Over the next few minutes, we chatted about how I was fitting in at the dorm. Normally, girls made me feel uncomfortable, but I was open with Clarissa. I even told her how I had been so deep in the closet that I couldn”t see the door, but Jason had let me out. I even told her about our sexual encounters, and I never talked about that stuff. I blushed when I realized that I”d just been describing how big and beautiful his cock was.

“We”re all sorry about what happened,” she said. “I can”t give you any details, but I want you to believe me that Sebastian has taken of Kyle. He will never touch you again. For reasons I can”t go into, you”re a target because of your association with Jason and Alonzo.”

I felt sick when she said his name. I swallowed the rest of the tea in my cup.

Alonzo? I thought. Then I said, “Why do you say that I”m a target because of Jason?”

She looked thoughtful, like she was considering her words, then she said, “I don”t want you to take offense, but you look extremely gay. I”m assuming Jason dresses you that way. Don”t make excuses; I”m not making any accusations. Some groups on campus and in town will target you for that. They”ll ignore Jason because he looks like he can take care of himself. They”ll target you because they”ll think you”re vulnerable. And right now, you are.”

“And other groups will target Jason and Alonzo because of who they are,” she said. “And you”re close to both of them.”

“Racists,” I said. I didn”t say it as a question.

“Something like that,” she said, as if that were only part of the problem.

It was a little early, but she wanted to get to the lecture hall before anyone arrived. I followed her like a younger brother. She sat me up front where she could keep an eye me. She had a chair at a table on the dais. The professor would be on the stool behind the lectern. Clarissa was one of two TAs for the class. She made sure that I was assigned to her discussion section. She also told me that I could trust Professor Thorne with anything I needed to say.

The lecture hall was full, so there were about 300 students in the class. It didn”t sound like it would be too bad. Professor Sybil Thorne was energetic and told a lot of stories about characters in history. She really made the subject come alive. It was just an overview of American history, and I”d thought it would probably be boring because it”s the same material they teach you in high school, and middle school, and elementary school. But it might not be too bad the way Professor Thorne approached the subject.

Bolu Escort Bayan

After class, I waited for Erik in the lobby. I was standing in the corner, with my back to the wall, holding my backpack in front of me, like a shield that could hold off the crowd of students streaming through the room. I must have shrunk some more in height; I was barely taller than him.

“Damn, you are sexy this morning,” he said, loud enough to be easily heard. I blushed again. I was sure that people were looking at me. My body didn”t want to move from my spot by the wall. Erik threw his arm around my shoulders and walked me out of the building. I didn”t feel threatened by Erik even though he made me feel a little weak in the knees. I”d be lying if I said that my dick didn”t swell when he touched me. Despite his short stature, Erik gave off an aura of masculinity that I couldn”t help but react to.

My last class was the one I was most looking forward to. It was an introductory drawing class. While I was waiting for the professor to come in, I received another text from Jason, checking in again. He ended the conversation with the same lines; I love you, Kieran. Be a good boy. I wanted to text back and tell him how naughty I”d been this morning, but the only thing I”d done was to eat a little sugar in my tea. I opened the protein bar Jason had given me this morning. It didn”t look like it was made in a factory. It looked like it has been made at home and then wrapped in parchment paper sheets. It was good. It tasted of nuts and dried fruit and seemed very filling. It could”ve been sweeter, but then Jason wouldn”t have given it to me.

Professor Gordan was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He looked a lot my Uncle Craig. He had the same beard, the same slightly thick “dad bod,” and the same short haircut, although his hair was black instead of reddish brown. He had us do a sample still life sketch of some simple geometric shapes that were sitting on a table at the front of the room. It wasn”t hard. I”d been drawing since I was little. I hoped the class would get to be more interesting.

The professor walked around the room to watch us work. He seemed to stand behind me a lot, with his hand on my back. “Excellent technique, Kieran,” he said, leaning over me and spoke into my ear. He smelled of Old Spice, just like Uncle Craig. My dick was pressing on the front of my shorts. He whispered in my ear, “It looks like drawing gets you excited.”

Crap! I thought. He can see my erection. My skin turned red, like it always did when I was embarrassed. It was funny that I”d been keeping my distance from male students all day, but Profession Gordon didn”t feel threatening. Maybe it was because he reminded me of my Uncle Craig. He”d never been affectionate, but he”d never felt dangerous. I knew that he would have hated me, if he”d know I was gay, but I”d kept that a secret. The looks, the smell of his Old Spice, it made him seem avuncular. He just laughed and rubbed my back, then moved on to the next student. He wasn”t touching the others the way he had touched me. If he reminded me so much of Uncle Craig, why did I get an erection when touched me? I did not want to know the answer to that question.

As he was dismissing class, he asked me to stay for a few minutes. I wanted to make a good impression, so I did. I had to wait for Jason anyway since his class was in another building, and it ended at the same time as mine. After everyone else had left, the professor asked to see my sketch book. I opened it and started slowly turning the pages. He was standing behind me, leaning over my shoulders. His arms were stretched around me, and I could feel his erection pressing into my butt. This was getting to be too uncomfortable.

“I think you”re too good for this class,” he said. “I teach a more advanced class at 9:00 AM on Tuesday and Thursday. If you can switch to that one, you can join my Friday studio.”

His cock was hard, and it was pressing against my crack. I found myself leaning back against his him. His hand was stroking my hairless arm. Why was I reacting to him this way? “Don”t,” I said. “Please, sir. I want to join your advanced class if I can, but I can”t ….”

He moved his hand up to my jaw and turn my head around so he could brush my lips with his own. His beard felt strange, not in a bad way, just different. “You can”t dress like that, showing off your hairless legs and arms, and tell me that you aren”t trying to attract a man”s attention,” he said in a low voice.

His arm around my neck and his body pressing me against the table made me panic. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he held me tighter. I felt a numb chill spread up my spine and I started to shake and hyperventilate. My eyes grew moist with tears, and I felt nauseous like I was going to faint. Then I heard Jason”s voice. “Let go of him,” he said.

He was walking up the aisle toward the table where we were standing. “Kieran is my boy, and no one can touch him without my permission.”

Professor Gordan stiffened. I guessed that he”d just realized what this looked like to an observer. “Sorry,” he stammered. “I was just offering to take him in my advanced class and … well, he looked so beautiful that I had to see if he was interested. I … um … I didn”t know he was taken.”

“He belongs to me,” Jason said, pulling me out of the professor”s grasp. He tightened his arm around me, and I lay my head against his shoulder. I was still feeling lightheaded and faint. I let Jason support my weight.

“He”s still learning who he is, and I don”t want anyone confusing him,” he added, his voice calm and even, but no one could miss that he was giving a warning. “I assume that the offer to move him to your advanced class was genuine, not just an attempt to get into his pants.”

“Of course,” Professor Gordan said, gathering up his own materials. I”ll sign the paperwork tomorrow before class if you”re here on time. “I really am sorry. I wouldn”t have laid a hand on him if I”d know he wasn”t available. I don”t touch another man”s property.”

“Then we don”t have a problem, professor,” Jason said, holding out his hand. The professor shook it, nodded, and left quickly. He had broken a few university rules and probably feared that we would make his life difficult.

I told Jason about the intermediate class, and about how I would be able to join the studio on Fridays. “Only students above the introductory level get a chance to do that, sir,” I said. He could tell how excited I was.

He looked at his phone and pulled up my schedule. I didn”t know he could do that. (I later found out that Erik had found all my personal information while moving data from my old phone to the new one. He”d given Jason access to all my personal accounts.)

“That would give you four classes on Tuesday and Thursday and only two on Monday and Wednesday. That may be too much for you. I can drop your biology class or talk to the professor and see if you can move it to Monday and Wednesday. I don”t want anything increasing your anxiety.”

I was annoyed that Jason was trying to make decisions for me about my classes. I didn”t mind him taking the lead in bed, in fact I really liked that. But this was different.

“I can handle it, sir,” I said. “And isn”t it really my decision?”

“Not really,” Jason said, putting away his phone. “I make the decisions, remember?”

I wanted to object, but I knew that I wasn”t going to argue with him in public. He would probably give me some hard swats with the paddle if I did that. Instead, I said, “Yes, sir.”

He kissed me, gently at first, then with more passion. He turned me around so that he was standing behind me. He kissed my neck and my shoulders. I could feel his hands moving up my thighs, inside the legs of my skimpy shorts. He bent me over the table and ground his cock against my butt, then he bit my earlobe. “Should I fuck you here?” he breathed into my ear, where anyone could walk in and see us.

“No!” I said, then followed it up with, “Yes. I need you so bad.”

Jason chuckled a little. “I”m not going to fuck you here. When I fuck you in public for the first time, it will be somewhere a little more private.” He was flipping through my sketchbook and nodding. I tried to close the book when I realized what page was coming up next, but Jason brushed my hand aside and turned the page. There was a heart with wings. I”d used shadowing techniques to make it seem three dimensional, and to give more detail to the feathers on the wings. In stylized letters I”d written the phrase “Jason and Kieran Lee”. The heart was surrounded by pencil sketches of Jason”s face. I felt like such a middle school girl.

I found the strength somehow to pull the sketchbook away and close it. “I didn”t want you to see that, sir,” I mumbled. “It”s stupid and girlish”.

Jason kissed my forehead. “No, it”s not,” he said. “It”s cute, almost as cute as the artist. I want to take a picture of it and put in on my phone so that I can look at it during the day when I miss you.”

If fell into his arms and he held me tight, rubbing my back. “I”m going to make your schedule work so you can take the advanced class, and I”m going to sign you up for the studio. And sometime this month, we will have a talk about changing your major to art.”

“I can”t major in art,” I said. “I can”t make a living as an artist.”

“I think you can, so long as you have someone to encourage you,” he said. “Besides, you won”t need to make money as an artist if you ever become Kieran Lee, my luantong.”

“What does lawn dung mean?” I asked, embarrassed because I knew I was butchering the pronunciation.

“To me it means boy wife,” he replied, kissing my nose.

I gave him a little embarrassed laugh. “Stop teasing me,” I begged.

He nuzzled my neck than said, “Why would I spend all this time helping you to become what you were born to be, what would make us perfect completements, and then throw you out in the street? Does that sound very smart to you?”

I didn”t say anything. I just lay my head on his shoulders and watched as he packed up my backpack. When he had it zipped, he put his foot on the lower bars of the stool I”d sat on in class and turned me over his knee. “You forgot to call me sir, several times. I can”t have a disrespectful luantong, so I will have to spank you,” he said. Then he gave me five firm swats. They weren”t hard enough to count as discipline, but they were hard enough to make my cock jump and leak.

As we walked back to the dorm, Jason had his arm around me. I wasn”t feeling like I was going to throw up anymore. Being held in his arms seemed all the medicine I needed. Jason still seemed worried about something. He kept stopping and staring into my eyes.

“I”m alright, sir,” I said when he”d stopped me for the second time.

“Maybe,” he replied. Then he”d hold me tighter.

When we got to the room, I quickly stripped down so that I was naked. I”d dropped the clothes on the bed, but Jason made me put them in an empty drawer in case we went out to get some dinner. He hated things lying around out of place. Jason kissed me as he pulled me over to the bed so we could lay down and make out for a while. He put some music on. It sounded like soft jazz, but it had Chinese instruments in the foreground.

“Tell me what you were thinking in your drawing class today,” Jason demanded.

“I didn”t want him to hug me and kiss me, sir,” I said. “He just did it and I ….”

“You couldn”t stop your body from reacting to him,” he finished for me. I nodded guiltily.

“You don”t know how to do that,” he said without judgement. “You”ve been hiding yourself for so long that you never learned how to respond like a normal gay boy. You just turned off all your body”s responses. I”ve been wearing that down over the last couple of days. When you”re more experienced, you will be able to be more selective. Right now, it”s more important that you allow your body to react sexually when a man excites you. We can learn restraint after you”ve learned to let go. This is why I have good people watching out for you, so that no one takes advantage of you while you”re vulnerable.”

He ran a finger down my hairless chest, stopping to circle each nipple before moving down to my navel. I moaned with pleasure and arched my back. My dick was at full attention. “Like that,” he said with a chuckle.

“I want you to think carefully,” he said. “What was it about the professor that made you react so strongly?”

I started to deny that I had reacted all that strongly, but Jason said, “I saw more than you thought I did.”

I swallowed hard and said, “I don”t know for sure, sir. He was touching me, but it was more than that. It may have been his aftershave or his deodorant.”

“Smell is a powerful trigger,” Jason said. “For you more than for most boys, I think. He smelled of Old Spice. Who else have you known who smelled of Old Spice?”

I didn”t want to answer. I looked down and took a deep breath. “Tell me,” he said.

I whispered so low that I could barely hear myself, “My Uncle Craig, sir.”

Jason chuckled. I didn”t know why he thought it was funny. I thought that something must be wrong with me. Who got turned on thinking about an uncle they didn”t even love? I was getting embarrassed again.

“Stop laughing,” I said. “I know that it”s sick, sir.” I was so on edge that my eyes were getting moist again and my nose was starting to tingle, like I was going to start crying at any time.

“You”re not sick,” Jason said, lifting my chin back up so he could see my eyes. “It”s normal for gay boys to be attracted to their father”s smell. Your uncle, for all that he was a self-righteous homophobe who tried to emotionally cripple you, was the closest thing you had to a dad once you began to awaken sexually. I”ll bet your body had started to react to him, but you closed it down for fear of his disapproval. That”s why the experiences of the last few days are so raw for you. We”re scraping away all the barriers you had erected to protect yourself from sexual feeling.”

Jason always knew what to say to me. He always made me feel better. He always makes you feel what he wants you to feel, said the little voice deep in my head. It was always trying to undermine my trust in Jason. I swore that I would ignore it until it went away. I snuggled up next to Jason, determined to suppress that little voice.

“Are you going to fuck me now, sir?” I asked Jason. “You said that you were going to today.”

“Eager for it, aren”t you,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” I replied, reaching for his cock, and stroking it lightly. He was already fully erect, so his dick started to throb a little when I touched it.

He removed my hand. “We don”t Escort Bolu have time right now,” he said firmly. “We”re going out to eat with Erik and Alonzo soon. When we get back, however, I”m going to make love to you.”

He kissed me on the temples. “Do you want Alonzo and Erik here when I take you for the first time? Or do you want us to be alone?”

“I want it to be just us tonight, sir,” I said. “But when I know what I”m doing, then we have another party. I want Erik to see how well you can fuck, sir.”

Jason grabbed his phone and texted our suitemates to let them know we could meet to discuss dinner. When they came over, Alonzo was naked but he was holding his clothes so he could get ready in our room. Jason got up and pulled on his boxers. He gestured for Alonzo to sit next to me on the bed.

It must”ve been a strange sight, two naked boys sitting hip to hip on a bed, and two men standing around discussing dinner plans. They didn”t ask us. I guessed we were going to go wherever they decided.

Alonzo had put his hairless arm around my shoulder. I was painfully erect, but Alonzo was only semi-hard. I thought he and Erik has probably had sex before they came over. I heard them sometimes through the wall when I was in the bathroom. Alonzo wasn”t a quiet lover. He used a lot of Spanish and I thought he was talking dirty, even if I didn”t understand it.

Alonzo put his mouth near my ear and whispered, “Why don”t we boys just get naked and look pretty on the bed while the men decide what we”re going to do?”

I knew Alonzo was being sarcastic, but I didn”t mind it when Jason made decisions for us. He knew more about food, music and pretty much everything than I did. And he made sure to include some things I liked. We even shared a gelato last night before we upstairs to dance. He knew that I had a sweet tooth, even though he didn”t really like sweets.

“No need for you two pretty things to think about anything,” he whispered. “Just sit there and smile and nod your heads.”

Alonzo wasn”t being a very good boy for Jason, but I chuckled a little bit because he managed to sound like Erik when he did it.

Alonzo whispered, “I”m glad to see you smile. You looked like a scared rabbit when I came in.”

He kissed me on the lips and said, “Let”s show the guys they shouldn”t be ignoring us.” Then he kissed me again. The third time, I opened my mouth and kissed him back. I was nervous of what Jason would say. He was standing a few feet away from us. I wanted to stop because I wanted to be a good boy for him, but it felt good. Alonzo”s lips were soft, and Jason had told me to allow my body to react. I kept one eye on Jason looking for a reaction.

When I caught his eye, he gave me a smile and a wink. He held a hand up to pause his conversation with Erik, then said, “Alonzo, don”t touch Kieran”s penis or his beautiful rosebud. Those belong to me.”

Then he went back to talking to Erik who was obviously distracted by what we were doing. I saw him adjust himself and swallow hard. Alonzo and I kept kissing for a minute or so. I thought that we weren”t getting the reaction that Alonzo had hoped for. He stopped kissing me and leaned back against the wall.

“That was nice,” he said, nudging me in the ribs, “but I think both of us were waiting for the other to take charge and heat it up.”

“Your lips are really soft,” I said.

“Do I kiss better than Jason,” he asked.

I didn”t realize that I probably sounded rude, but I said, “No, I love Jason”s lips, even if they aren”t as soft and silky as yours. I just wanted mine to be like yours, for him.”

“It”s the lip gloss I use,” he said. “I”ll give you a bottle.”

Then he got excited and said, “We should go out together one afternoon and get our nails done and our hair trimmed.” He was running his fingers through my hair and a frown suddenly came over his face. His face was almost comically expressive. “I can”t believe you have no split ends! Sometimes I hate you, Kieran, or I would if I didn”t love you so much.”

Alonzo kept talking about getting a mud masks and facial peels and other things I”d never heard of. I got them impression that he”d never any of those either. He was getting gayer right in front of my eyes. None of the things that were exciting him held much interest for me, but I”d do it if he wanted to.

I kind of tuned him out and listened to the guys. It sounded like they were about to settle on a place to go. Pizza seemed to be the answer. We”d already ordered from Pappy Jack”s, so I knew their pizza was good. The conversation had shifted to a description of some of the amenities it offered. In addition to the dining room, there was a sports bar with a giant screen on the wall, and a billiard room. It was downtown, not right next to the college and it seemed that it was a popular place with the locals.

I didn”t realize that my heart had started racing. I kept thinking of some of the locals I”d seen, large beefy guys, some with beards and bellies, the kind of guys who would be attracted to a sports bar, jocks, and former jocks. Jason and Erik”s voices seemed to grow distant. I saw him, dozens of him in the bar. I heard him calling me a faggot. I felt him grabbing me, punching me in the side and in the face. I felt him grabbing my nuts and twisting them. I could taste his nasty cock forcing its way into my mouth. The room started spinning again and I felt numb, and cold.

I felt Alonzo”s arms wrap around me again and pull me close. I could hear his voice in the distance. It sounded like he was yelling, but it was tinny and weak. “Jason! Jason! Something”s wrong with Kieran,” he said.


I woke up in a darkened room. It was night outside and only a single lamp illuminated the room. Alonzo and Erik were gone. Jason was holding me in his arms and stroking my hair. When I looked up at him, I saw that his eyes were puffy. I felt weak.

“I”m sorry, sir” I said.

“No,” he said. “Don”t say that. Nothing is your fault. I may be pushing you too hard.”

“I”m okay, sir” I said.

“No, you”re not,” he replied, with an exasperated tone. “I told you that you were full of anxiety. You didn”t believe me. But I knew. I could see it in your eyes.”

“Don”t blame yourself, sir,” I said. “You didn”t attack me. And you didn”t let it happen.”

“Did you break down because you were sitting naked in the room with other people here?” he asked, holding me tighter.

“No, sir,” I said. “I like being naked with you, and with Alonzo and Erik. I trust you and them. I kept thinking about the sports bar and the kind of guys who would be there. I kept seeing him. I don”t know if I can stop seeing him.” I was crying again.

“You will, baby boy,” he said. “But it”s going to take time. That”s why I have people watching out for you all day.”

He kissed me some more. I was beginning to feel less numb. It was like strength and energy were slowing moving from Jason to me. “I think I need to just hold you for tonight,” Jason said. “I want you to remain calm.”

I started to panic again. “No, sir,” I begged. “I need normal right now. I want you to keep guiding me. I want you to train me. I want you to make me tea. I never even liked tea before, but I want to drink it and take my pills and do what you tell me to do. I want you. I want you inside me. You promised me.”

I did sound like a whiny bitch, but I didn”t care. My heart was racing again. Jason was holding me tight, almost crushing me against his chest. “Okay. Okay,” he said. “If you can”t calm down and start breathing, I”ll have to give you something to make you sleep.”

I took some deep breaths to calm myself down. Jason held my face firmly and kissed my lips. “If you”re sure you want it, I”m going to open you up tonight and claim your beautiful little rosebud as my own,” he promised.

“Please, sir,” I said. “Once you fuck me, I”ll really be yours. Nothing will ever change that. Once I”m yours, everything will be alright. I”ll be okay.”

Jason didn”t look convinced, but he kissed me again and then got up to make some tea. He made some for Erik and Alonzo as well. He texted them while I was drinking mine. Alonzo came over to get it. He ignored Jason and sat down next to me.

“Are you okay, Kieran,” he asked, his hand on my thigh.

“I will be,” I said, putting my hand on his. “Jason”s going to take care of me.”

“Trust your man, Kieran,” he said. “He knows what”s best for you right now.” Then Alonzo kissed my cheek, took his and Erik”s tea and pills. He handed me a small bottle of lip gloss. “It tastes like cherries. You”ll like it.” He kissed me gently and stroked my face with his hand. Alonzo”s kisses didn”t really feel sexual to me, but they felt nice.

I had to go to the bathroom after Jason removed my butt plug. When I was done, I used the orange tooth wash because I didn”t want Jason to have to taste his own cum on my mouth, then I applied the cherry lip gloss. Could I be any gayer? I thought. Then I thought of Alonzo and laughed.

Jason stood in the bathroom while I was preparing for bed. It was like he was afraid to leave me alone even in the room. He led me over to the bed and laid me down gently.

Jason began by kissing me. My numbness was going away. My skin was coming alive everywhere his lips touched. He kissed his way down my neck, then down my chest. He gently bit my nipples. My dick had gone soft while I was panicking earlier, but it was coming back to life now. His mouth moved down my abdomen, where my treasure trail would have been if I still had one.

Jason”s mouth moved to my groin. He kissed me there. Then he gently kissed my scrotum. He moved lower. He lifted my legs and kissed my taint. His hands were moving on my butt cheeks, kneading them softly. Then he moved to my crack. I felt his tongue moving slowly licking up and down. Quivers ran up my spine. Then he began to kiss my hole. My heart was racing, and I was having a hard time catching my breath, but I wasn”t panicking this time. My asshole was clenching and unclenching. I could feel each clench in my prostate, even though my ass was empty.

I was so sensitive down there that every touch of Jason”s tongue sent another shiver running through me. He was thrusting his tongue inside me, and I was crying actual tears. He ate my ass until I grew loose and wet. He probed me a few times with his fingers. “I think you”re as ready as you”re going to get tonight,” he said.

“Please, sir,” I cried. I kept repeating the word please.

Jason lined his dick up with my hole. He was big, about 8 inches long and at probably 2 to 3 inches wide. I cried out in pain when he entered me. “Ahhh crap!” I shouted. “That hurts so good.” I was grimacing and grunting as he pushed deeper.

I swear that I thought I was going to piss myself when his cock grazed my prostate. I could feel Jason”s thumbs pulling my ass cheeks apart so he could go deeper. “I”m a little more than halfway, baby boy,” he said, rubbing my abdomen. “How are you doing?”

“It hurts, sir,” I said. “But I don”t want it to stop. Please keep going. I want it all.”

Jason applied firm pressure. He patted my thighs. “Push out like you”re taking a shit,” he said.

I pushed and grunted, “I don”t want to poop on your dick.”

Jason laughed, then leaned forward to kiss my lips. “You are so cute,” he said. “Push as hard as you can. I”ve cleaned you out twice a day with a powerful purgative for the past few days. You couldn”t poop on my dick if you tried. Now push harder.”

I pushed down as hard as I could. His cock slid in further. He was long enough to press as it moved along my prostate instead of poking it like the plug had been doing. Jason leaned over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. My legs were wrapped around his waist. With a mighty thrust, he sank all the way into me. I felt his trimmed pubes brushing against my hairless ass. My cock was leaking precum non-stop. I was gasping for breath.

“Now I really belong to you,” I cried. “I”m really yours.”

Jason started fucking me. He pulled almost all the way out, then slid all the way back in. With each thrust my cock oozed cum. It felt like I was peeing. My taint was pulsing, and my toes were curling.

“Fuck me, sir.” I yelled. “Fuuuuuck me.”

I wasn”t trying to be quiet. I was sure that I could be heard through the walls. My ass was gripping Jason”s thick cock like it was trying to rip it off.

Jason”s face was turning red, and sweat was pouring from his pores. “Your ass is like a silk glove,” he said. “Fucking you is even better than I dreamed, and I”ve been dreaming of fucking your ass since I first saw it.”

He started to pick up speed. It felt like an orgasm was coming, but it wouldn”t. My dick was throbbing. It felt like an electrical current was running from my ass to my cock, then through my whole body. It was like my dick was peeing cum. I”d never felt anything like it in my life. It wasn”t as intense as an orgasm, but it was all over my body. Even my scalp was tingling. And the feeling didn”t stop. It came in waves.

When Jason came, I felt his cock pulsing. He was kissing me, crushing my lips with his own, biting them. His fingers were digging into my shoulders.

He pulled out and lay down beside me. He bent down and licked all the cum from my abdomen, pelvis, and chest. Then he moved up and put his lips on mine. He fed me like I was a baby bird. When I was able to breathe easily I slid down and took his cock in my mouth. I sucked him clean. There was a musty flavor on his cock that I didn”t recognize, but it didn”t taste bad. Nothing about Jason tasted bad to me.

We didn”t shower. Jason gathered me into his arms and held me. “You”ve been mine since we met, you know,” he said. He turned off the light on the nightstand. Then he stroked my hair until I fell asleep in his arms.


Chapters in the College Magic Cycle

My Roommate the Alchemist and Wishcraft

Here are the chapters of the College Magic Cycle in order they should be read. All can be found in the gay/sf-fantasy and gay/authoritarian sections of the NIFTY archive.

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 1

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 2

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 3

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 4

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 5

�                     Wishcraft chapter 1

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 6

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 7

�                     Wishcraft chapter 2

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 8

�                     Wishcraft chapter 3

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 9

�                     Wishcraft chapter 4

�                     My Roommate the Alchemist chapter 10

Other Stories

�                     Small Town Slave Boy

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