I want to carry you into my liquid place again, where we meet without talking, even though sometimes we are talking, and where we laugh without making sound, the punchline floating off untethered and the corner of my mouth tilting up like commas around some beautiful phrase we don’t have to try to remember.I would wedge my knees between your thighs and let you slip your finger into me again, let me be glazed with human light and lifted to my lips, and let them tell me what they found. You can kneel before the sunset of my skin, its pale tone beginning to blush, evenly, every cell inspired to read, Ankara escort pushing towards that rudeness of purpose, that sigh.Your hand will wrap around the tendon of my wrist to hold me here, lowered over you like a cloud before a storm, with enormous thunder and then the rain. This has to be a very special way of softening limbs, lubricating joints, and melding hearts. We burrow in closer, wrapping arms and legs over and under each other. A thick blanket of sleep covers us two bodies releasing one breath, finding home coiled and tucked in each other’s sweat.You Ankara escort bayan lean down and kiss my feet with your fingers still moving rhythmically inside me, your thumb circling and pressing. while your other hand scoops my hair off my head and holds my head in place. You let your tongue mirror the actions of your fingers, calming me. My legs will begin to stiffen as I push hard against your hand. Your softening gentles your hand, so I’m brought back from the brink to reality. Making my body shake with multiple orgasms over and over again, I will fall Escort Ankara apart beneath you. My body pressure will begin to build again, causing me to climax again, calling your name……Then we stood, under the moonlight, with tears pulling at our cheeks. We hadn’t seen each other in 2 years, and we both thought we would never see each other again. We stared blankly at each other, without words to say; our eyes could speak more words than our lips could alter.The darkness around us caressed our bodies, and the cold breeze sent sensual messages as it enveloped us in a warm hug.The atmosphere felt just right for this long-awaited moment. I pray only good deeds come to this pure, sweet soul standing in front of me; time freezes whenever we cuddle like it’s some sort of sorcery; I had hoped this day would come when we finally were going to be apart; I was going to miss him, but I had to let go.