

He turned around and there she was, standing in the doorway. He never locked the doors when he was home. There wasn’t much to steal and he didn’t have any enemies. In fact he never really expected anyone to wander in, so her appearance was something of a surprise.

He’d seen her around. It was hard not to notice her, she had striking short red hair, bright green eyes and a killer figure. She would probably never be a super-model, she had a little too much meat on her, but that was what he liked. She was wearing a tight baby-doll T with the word “angel” on it, and very short, tight cut-offs.

“So this is where you live.” She closed the door and looked around at the Spartan room. He had a computer, small CD collection and a portable CD/tape player. She returned her attention to him and he felt very uncomfortable under her gaze. It wasn’t that she was threatening, simply that he had little experience with women of her beauty. “I’ve seen you around.”

She walked over to him and crouched down next to his chair. He tried to think of something to say. “I’m…” she placed a finger on his lips. He looked into her eyes and knew she understood how uncomfortable he was. She smiled gently.

“I’ve asked around about you. Everyone thinks you’re a good guy. Always willing to help out, even if you are a little reserved.” The last part was code for ‘loner’, he knew all to well. Her hand had moved from his lips and ran down his arm before dropping to the floor between her legs.

He stood up quickly. “Uh, can I get you something?”

She smiled again. “Just a glass of water?” He nodded and hurried into the kitchen. This wasn’t going well, but what could he expect? She had appeared suddenly and without warning. She seemed to know quite a bit about him and he didn’t even know her name. Hopefully he could find a way to turn the situation around so that he wasn’t looking like a complete idiot. He was glad the TV hadn’t been on at least.

He returned to the room and handed her the water before sitting back down. As she stood next to him, drinking the water quickly, he realized he had sat down just in time as his body began to betray him. His head was less then a foot away from her navel, offering him a very close view of the most intriguing portions of her anatomy. From this close he was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing anything underneath her clothing. A thong was possible but he still doubted it.

She looked around. Suddenly he realized that the only place to put the glass was the table on the other side of the chair. He was about to suggest he could take the empty glass when she put her closer hand on the back of the chair and leaned across him to set down the glass.

If he’d had a good view previously it had suddenly become even better. Her breasts were now hanging inches from his face and he could clearly see a lack of straps. He sensed her head move and quickly turned to see her looking into his eyes. His cheeks heated, he’d been caught staring. There was laughter in her eyes as she smiled at his embarrassment. “You like me don’t you?” almanbahis His embarrassment grew. “I, uh, I don’t really even know you.” This time she did laugh. It was a free and honest laugh that showed she appreciated his honesty and innocence. As she laughed her body shifted and she sat down on his lap. Her arms moved, wrists resting on his shoulders and fingers intertwined behind his neck.

“You know that’s not what I meant.” She used her arms to pull herself closer to him. “I appreciate the honesty though.” Her smile was even more devastating from inches away. Her proximity was having a wonderful and nerve wracking effect on his body. He was glad she was still sitting on his knees, any closer and she would be able to feel his erection through their clothes.

She leaned forward and kissed him. Her breasts pressed pleasantly against his chest. Even through two layers of fabric her could feel her nipples pressing against him. He was to surprised to respond to her kiss and his arms tensed as he gripped the chair. Too soon she leaned back and smiled.

He hadn’t realized her hands had left his neck during the kiss until he felt the first strap tighten around his wrist. His eyes flew wide before his head snapped around to look at it. Even as he began to move a strap appeared around his other wrist. His arms were now firmly attached to the rear legs of the chair. His gaze shifted back to her in confusion.

She was still sitting across his lap, her hands in her own. Her smile, though mischievous, was still very gentle and honest. There was compassion in her eyes. “I tried to think of how best to approach you, but I was pretty sure you wouldn’t take me seriously.” She looked away in sorrow. When she spoke again it was barely a whisper. “I’ve been rejected before by nice men who were so sure I was making fun of them.”

Her gaze swung back, a hunger in her eyes. “Not this time.” A grin spread across her face as she shifted position on the chair. She turned to face him, shifting a leg to either side, and slid closer. Undoubtedly she could feel his erection now, but her eyes never left his. Her hips shifted slightly forward rubbing her lust against his and causing him to grow even stronger. “The last thing I’ll say is that you’re going to really enjoy this. Trust me.”

Her hands lifted his shirt over his head and left it behind his neck. Next she stood up and walked over to the door. Almost absently she reached out and locked it with one hand while she crouched down to grab a bag with her other. She walked back to him, dropped the bag absently and crouched down in front of him. Her hungry gaze traveled from his knees to his crotch where she stopped and enjoyed the anticipation. She reached out slowly, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants then carefully pulled them towards her. Once past his knees she let them fall to the floor ignored. She was already reaching back, his underwear soon followed.

She stopped once again and looked at his member. He couldn’t be called big, but he was certainly more then big enough. A minute later she shook almanbahis giriş her head, as if to clear her thoughts and reached for her bag. He couldn’t see what she removed but it quickly became apparent as he felt his ankles secured to the front legs in a similar manner to his wrists. She reached into the bag once more. This time she pulled out some rope and a pole about six feet long with brackets on either end. She tied one end of the rope to his knee then ran it through each of the brackets, under the seat of the chair, and finally tied his other knee. Her hands moved between his legs and underneath the chair, suddenly the rope tightened, pulling his knees apart as far as they could go, in the process forcing him to slide forward on the chair.

He was acutely aware of how close this brought his now pulsing organ to her face as she continued to stretch her arms under the chair. This awareness caused it to grow fully erect. She looked up from whatever she was concentrating on and smiled seeing his response. She leaned forward slightly, tilting her head and lightly kissed the spot where his manhood met his testicles, causing a shudder to run through him.

Her task complete, she sat back on her feet, placing her hands on her knees and just looked at him, inspecting her handiwork. Satisfied he couldn’t move her grin became feral once more and the hungry gleam returned to her eyes. She stood up and casually peeled off her shirt. Her breasts were even more perfect then the tight clothing implied. When she leaned over almost immediately they were partially blocked by her arms stretched downward. Suddenly he realized she had taken off her shorts as well. He had guessed correctly, she was now standing naked before him.

She took two steps forward, carefully stepping around his secured knees, so that she was straddling his stretched waste. Her breasts floated just above his eyes and her perfect lust just below. She had shaved her public hair into a slight patch referred to as a landing strip. His own organ began to pulse faster, but it was now behind her so she remained oblivious to it. She pressed her body forward. Her hands resting on his shoulders, her breasts on his head and her crotch against his chest. Oh so slowly she began to slide down his body. Her legs were moist and she left a trail from his torso to his stomach and finally his groin. Her breasts almost immediately began to smother his face in exquisite warmth. There was the barest hint of sweat in the crease between her breasts and the aroma filled his nose and seemed to race straight to his crotch. The entire time her eyes did not leave his.

Her body finally stopped moving when the crack of her buttocks reached his penis. As she slid she had arched her body slightly, the end result was that he was almost completely surrounded by her tight butt. She stood slightly causing the skin along his member to slide up until it covered the tip. She never let it lose contact with her skin as she shifted back once more. Confident that he would be unable to buck she let the tip of his penis trace almanbahis yeni giriş her crack from rear to front. She had to pause briefly as it passed over each orifice, sending a wave of pleasure through her, and once again as it caught against her clitoris and suddenly sprang free of contact.

His body was shuddering almost constantly. She once again regained contact with his engorged organ and began to move back to a kneeling position, all the while dragging her smooth skin against the very sensitive underside of his erection. By the time she was kneeling he was firmly between her breasts. She let her hands drag along his thighs before bringing them to the sides of her breasts and pushing them together, enveloping him. Her eyes were still locked with his as his were with hers. Her grin contained pure lust while his betrayed unrivaled wonder and pleasure.

Slowly she lifted her body. He was beginning to shudder more violently, buried between her perfect tits. His time would be soon. She lowered and lifted her body with a well controlled smooth motion a few more times before easing apart her breasts. His erection stood high in the air pulsing forward and back as blood flowed through it and it prepared for it’s final assault.

He was unsure what she would do next, but now he was looking forward to discovering as his entire body burned with the need to explode. His primal mind raged to bury himself in her and fill her. His heart and mind screamed with need for her. Finally she broke eye contact as she leaned forward.

He had never felt such exquisite torture as she managed to take all of him into her mouth. As he shuddered he discovered he had been mistaken. She managed to press her mouth down further, taking some of his balls in even as she reached the true base of his lust. He couldn’t imagine anything more powerful, but she knew better. His public hair tickled slightly as he felt her expel her breath through her nose. Her hands began to run up and down his inner thighs as she began the final stage. He felt the giant suction as she attempted to inhale through a covered mouth and blocked throat.

The fire in his groin raged and it expanded. His body seemed overfull for the minute she alternated breathing through her nose then sucking him farther in. He screamed, “it’s time, you need to stop!”, but a hand leapt forward and lightly slapped the base of his balls adding sensation to an already overstimulated area. Finally the pressure couldn’t be contained. Every nerve spasmed as mixed fire and ice surged forward, spilling out of him.

She continued to suck, now drinking from him as quickly as he produced. When she paused for breath her tongue managed to somehow play with the underside of his trapped organ keeping the stimulus constant before she began to drain him further. His body bucked and writhed against the restraints but they were too tight. A slight weight from her hands to his hips was all that was needed to hold him still despite constantly twitching muscles.

His world vision grew white as sensation and pleasure consumed him, as she consumed him. It took a while but he finally passed out. As his awareness faded she pulled back, not a drop of his lust marred her complexion. She was smiling pleasantly as he thought he heard her say “we will have more.”

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