{Cammie is my ex-girlfriend who recently agreed to start doing kinky things, based on my ideas for her. }
The next few days Cammie sent me numerous texts about Dion, the coworker she sucked off the other day in her car at work. She let me know when she see saw him, what he said, what he acted like. He was still very interested in her and in getting more of what he got the other evening. Yet, he seemed very cool about it, to her. He didn’t pressure her, he just kept mentioning it to her and whispering how great it was. She said she didn’t notice anything different at work, meaning, that it didn’t seem that word was getting around. It appeared he was able to keep things to himself. I could sense her also getting a bit antsy about it, after all, she was willing to let it go further. It was me who was holding up things. Convinced that we could continue I gave her a new instruction which would set the ball rolling again.
“Are you absolutely sure about this?” I asked.
“Absolutely not,” she joked. “But, I mean, I already sucked his cock. Doing it again doesn’t seem quite as bad.”
“Right, but this is going to be a LOT. He’s young, you have no idea how often he’s going to want it.”
“I know, but that’s the fantasy, right? That’s the exciting part.”
“How do you think I want you to do it?”
“As often as possible?” she joked.
“No, well yes, that. But I mean how do you think I want you to present it to him?”
“Well, reading your stories, there’s always kind of an element of blackmail in it, or just something to make sure I do what I promise.”
“Wow, you are good.”
“That’s what HE said, too,” she said wickedly.
“Ok, I want you to go someplace where there are usually people. Somewhere familiar, like where you have meetings. Make it somewhere where it’s recognizable where you are, to other coworkers.”
“Do it when it’s empty, of course,” I laughed. “But, go in, take a selfie video. Make sure your face is clearly recognizable. Then, I want you to say, “I lied to you. I didn’t just want to suck your cock once, you see, I have this fantasy. It involves me sucking someone’s cock as often as they want. I want to have to do it when YOU want me to. I want to be made to have to do it. I lied because I wanted to make sure I could trust you not to tell anyone, and now I think I can. I am making this video for you so that if it ever gets out here at work, that it’s clear that I’m a totally willing participant, so that you don’t get charged with harassment or something. Neither of us have to get fired. Also, it provides you with the proof you need of my willingness, since you now control the video. I’m now at your service for say, a month. It’s January 12th, just tell me when.”
“Oh my god,” she groaned.
I added, “then take out your tits, play with them, let him see what he’ll be getting.”
“Oh fucking god,” she said. “That’s so dirty.”
“I know, I told you. This way, he knows you actually HAVE to do it, he’s got the video over you.”
“I know, but…that’s forever.”
“True, but honestly, without it, wouldn’t you feel like, sometimes, eh, screw it, I can do it tomorrow? This way, you really have to. That’s kind of the crux of the fantasy.”
“True, and it is stupidly hot. He’s actually really nice, it could really be fun!”
“That’s the hope,” I said.
“He’ll also want to fuck me, no doubt, after awhile at least.”
“Yes, and we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I don’t see why he shouldn’t be able to, after we fulfill a good part of the fantasy.”
“But still, it’s forever, he’ll keep that video and he’ll always have it over me.”
“Ok then, I have an idea. Go to his office after making the video, don’t send it, just play it for him. That way it never gets sent. It’s only on your phone.”
“Yes, that’s WAY better, Ok, gotta go, meeting room just opened!”
I didn’t hear from her for more than an hour. She called. She was crying.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck I’m so fucking screwed!”
“What? Why?”
“Oh almanbahis adresi god. I was making the video, like we said…”
“There’s a bathroom in the back of the conference room, I didn’t think anyone was there. I did it, I made the whole thing. I had my tits out and everything…and just after I sent it to you to see.”
“Someone was there?”
“Yes! It was Ron, the tall black guy I told you about once.”
“Oh fuck, what happened?”
“I nearly screamed, I mean, I’m glad I didn’t, so everyone else wasn’t alerted. But he came up to me. He had the most wicked smirk on his face. He grabbed my phone out of my hand. I tried to fight him and wrestle it away but he was too strong. He pushed “play” on it and watched and listened to it as I tried to get it away from him the whole time. I could see it was useless, he was tall, he just kept holding it over his head. I started to put my tits back in my dress but he stopped me.”
“No, keep those puppies out, I want to see them while I listen to this.”
“I was sobbing by this time, pleading for him to give it back to me. He just watched and listened to it, over and over until he was satisfied.”
“I must say, this is some good shit,” he said, laughing. “Who is this for anyway?”
“I lied, “it’s for my boyfriend!” Which isn’t really a lie, it’s kind of for you, my ex-boyfriend.”
“Liar, this is clearly about someone here at the Center. Interesting. This could really be good.”
“He started to reach for my tits and I pulled away but he yanked me back by my arms and held my hands behind me and put the other hand over my boobs. He cupped them, and squeezed them, the whole time he had that lewd smile.
“That’s it, just give in to it,” he smiled. “No need for this to get out of hand. You treat me right, I treat you right, deal?”
“I didn’t know what to do or what to say, so I let him, but only if he gave me the phone back. He did, so I let him. He played with my tits for a long time before he started feeling me up everywhere else. He had his hand up my dress. He was feeling my pussy through my panties when all of a sudden we heard footsteps coming towards us. I pulled my dress up and he just sat back on the table nonchalantly. One of our bosses came in. We acted as if nothing special was happening, and it really didn’t look like anything was either. He just said he needed the conference room so we both left. Ron followed me out.”
“This isn’t over, come see me before you leave.”
“No fucking way, this is over, you got what you want!”
“Not even close to being over, I have a phone too,” he grinned. He held it up, there was a picture of me with my tits out, clearly standing in front of our meeting board. The fucker had taken a picture. Who knows what else he has.”:
“Come see me,” he grinned, “don’t be late.”
” God, what am I going to do?”
“I guess it depends. What kind of guy is he?”
“Cocky, arrogant. But usually nice. People like him, very social.”
“I mean, do you think you could trust him to not tell, if you worked it out?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well ok then, if you DID agree to, say, let him have some fun, do you think he’d be more agreeable?”
“I don’t know, maybe. He might brag it all over. I don’t want to lose this job,” she whined.
“First, he totally fucked up giving the phone back to you. If I were him, and a scoundrel (she likes that word), I’d have done my negotiations with the power of the video in my hands. Right now he may have a picture of you, but other than that, how he got it is just his word. It’s embarrassing, but I’m not sure it’s a fireable offense. “
“True, I never thought of that.”
“Right now all he has is a look into your, our, fantasy world, a picture, and no doubt a hope he can use your fear to get what he wants. This could actually work out. You were going to give Dion the offer, the video never got sent, right? Why not just shift the fantasy to Ron? It wasn’t what we were expecting, but I have to admit, the spontaneity of it almanbahis adres is exciting.”
“But I don’t trust him like I do with Dion, I don’t know what he’s going to want me to do.”
“Yes you do, he wants what Dion was going to get, and to fuck the shit out of you, no doubt.”
“I know, but I’m scared.”
“I understand, so you have two choices. One, just go to him and tell him to fuck off, that you aren’t going to be messed with. He’s married, right? I doubt he’d like his wife hearing about any of it. Let him know that both of you have something to lose.”
“Ok, or?”
“Two, you go to him, make a deal. I’m sure there’s an agreement which will satisfy all of us. He wants to have sex with you, you want to experience fantasy sex, and I want this to happen for you. Another factor is that no doubt he’ll want to use you more often and more cruelly, also another hot spot of that fantasy. We could all win. Plus, he’s black, that hits another powerful tweak for you and your fantasy.”
“Do you think he would be satisfied with limits?” She asked hopefully.
“When his only other choice is to get nothing, and quite possibly have issues with his job and or his wife, I’d say yes. He’s probably just a typical married cheat. He probably just wants some side fun, that could work for us.”
“I suppose. Ok, let me go see him, see what he really wants out of this.”
She called an hour later. “He made me blow him.”
“What?” I asked, surprised at its suddenness.
“He made me suck him off, right there in a back office.”
“Fuck, how did that happen?”
She went on and told her story. “I went to see him to “negotiate” as you put it. He was leering the whole time. I had already mentioned the threat of saying he was harassing me. He didn’t seem to buy it. Then I mentioned his wife.”
He said, “eh, I’ll just tell her you are lying.”
“I couldn’t tell if he was bluffing or not but it seemed to soften him. I told him I didn’t want trouble, that I made a mistake and hoped we could just move on and forget the whole thing.”
“Ok, I get your angle, ” he said. “You got caught doing something you weren’t supposed to by someone you didn’t expect, now you want to get out of it scot-free.”
“We both want to keep our jobs, so yes. I didn’t want any of this.”
“But you DID want something, by the sound of the video, and, with someone at this place.”
“I couldn’t lie anymore, he knew too much. “Yes,” I said. “But it was just a spur of the moment thing.”
“I heard what you promised him, that’s really a fantasy of yours?”
“Yessss,” I admitted, much to my shame, “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Well then, why can’t that just be me?”
“You? What do you mean?”
“Me, why don’t you just do all that for me? I don’t think you’ve had time to send that video, the other guy doesn’t know I know anything about it. Why not just do that stuff with me?”
“I’m sorry,” I said. I was still trying my best to totally extricate myself from this mess. “It was a mistake. I should never have done it, even with him. It won’t happen again.”
“Yes it will,” he said ominously. “Just with me.”
“Nooo,” I protested unsuccessfully. Then the real negotiations started. He pulled me closer into him, I resisted at first but he was strong. I stopped. “Please, Ron.”
“I think you want this,” he said as I could feel his bulge pressing into me.I did, in a way, for sure. You know I fantasize about black guys sometimes. But going through this wasn’t going to be easy.”
“Listen, what do you want, really?”
“First, take out those titties. I want to see them again.”
“Ron! What if someone sees us.”
“They won’t, most are gone for the day and anyone that comes we’ll hear them coming. Plus, you had them out earlier, he said, then ordered, “take them out.”
“I did. He started fondling them and for the first time he bent over and sucked on my nipples which made me shudder. I was actually getting wet but I knew I had to stay firm, at least to get the almanbahis adresi best possible outcome from this.”
“Don, just tell me what you want.”
“He pulled away from my nipples with reluctance. “Ok, I want what Dion was going to get.”
“Yes, it’s Dion, isn’t it. I saw you two leave the other day, which I thought was weird, now I get it.” There was no use lying anymore. “Yes, it was Dion, but it only happened once.”
“But you were going to give him so much more,” he taunted. “You were going to suck his dick…again.”
“Yesss,” I hissed, disturbed by my own growing desire.”
“So just give me what you were going to give him, plus a little extra.”
“Extra? What extra?”
“Well no way I’m doing all of this and not hitting that ass HARD, too,” he said, gesturing lewdly at my body.”
“Ron, noooo.”
“I think you want this, you are just scared. Let yourself go, this is going to be something, for both of us. I’ve wanted to fuck that shit since you started working here.”
“His crudeness was oddly turning me on. “So if I do something for you, you’ll not tell anyone about ANY of it?”
“Depends on your performance, depends on whether or not you actually do what you say you’ll do.”
“But if I do, will you keep silent, so we both can keep our jobs?”
“Just to be straight, you’ll suck me off whenever and wherever I want, just like you said in your video.”
“Not exactly, Dion knew I clarified that it would NEVER be when I’m with my kids, I split time with my-ex husband.”
“We’ll work around that but I’m not saying never.”
“And,” I added hopefully. “I only agreed for one month. Just to satisfy the fantasy.”
“And no WAY am I doing that. A YEAR, and, the agreement includes fucking you when I want.”
“No fucking way,” I hissed. “A month where it’s only oral, and one month where it can be both,” I said, not believing I was actually negotiating my sexual services.”
“Six months, I get the oral fantasy thing. I’ll make sure you get plenty of that.”
“No, it’s too much.”
“Ok, final offer. Four months, you’ll get your oral fantasy, I’ll get what I want as well. And don’t bullshit me on the kids thing. I know your kids are teenagers. There’s no reason you can’t just leave them alone for a short period while you are doing your duties for me.”
“Doing my duties.” I blanched at that description, But he was right, that’s what I’d be doing “Ok, four months. But if I’m with my kids it can’t be longer than an hour. I can just meet you somewhere and do it.”
“Oh, I’m sure I can get off in you quicker than that.”
“AND, you delete that picture right now.”
“I’ll delete it, IF you suck me off, right here, right now, to start the arrangement.”
“He had both my nipples in his fingers while the deal was sealed. “Now, get down on your knees and suck me off, bitch.”
“Ron! Here?!”
“Yes here and yes, anywhere I say, remember? Don’t worry, I don’t want to get caught either, but you are going to be sucking me off a lot here at work, you just need to get used to it. He barked, “get on your fucking knees.”
“So that’s how it went. I sucked his big black cock right there in a vacant office, while my tits swung freely, like you like. He got off on telling me what I was doing.”
“Yeah, that’s it, you like sucking my black cock, don’t you?”
“I did, and it was embarrassing. I was so wet.”
“I’m gonna fill your pretty white mouth with my cum, that’s what you want isn’t it?”
“Yes, give it to me,” I urged. He couldn’t last long, the wickedness of all of it drove him home quickly.”
That’s how she wound up the story.
“So that was how it happened, and that’s my life for the next four months, did I do the right thing?”
I took it all in. It was a lot. I couldn’t believe it had come so far so quickly. It was wonderful fantasy material, but now it was going to be real. I knew we were both going to have to strap ourselves in for a long ride.
“Fuck,” she said suddenly, remembering something. “I forgot to make him delete the picture!”
I just smiled. “It doesn’t really matter, worse is going to happen to you, no doubt.”
This was going to get interesting.
{Look for part three, coming soon}