The traffic on the way to LAX was bumper to bumper, which should not have surprised me since it was during the rush hour on a Friday afternoon. Everyone was in a hurry to get home and begin his or her weekend. But as I waited for Cats 5:45pm flight from San Jose to arrive I seemed to drift off, daydreaming of our first meeting. You would have thought I would have been a little more alert as I was sitting in my truck with only the two piercings in my left ear and the one in my cock. You see ever since we met I enjoyed the fact that we shared many things in common, the least of which us both enjoying erotic writing, her reading it and myself writing it.
We both also enjoyed being very open in our conversations as well as teasing each other with sexual innuendo quite often that always fun. We very much enjoyed joking around with each other and I found everything about her very refreshing including her sense of humor. It was because of this wonderful sense of humor that I had decided to really put Cat to a test of both her sense of humor as well as her open mindedness. I wondered to myself how funny she was going to think it was, me picking her up at such a very public place as LAX butt naked. I figured I knew her well enough to believe she would think it was hilarious. I also thought she knew myself well enough to realize I had done this all in fun. Yes, I very much hope she appreciated the humor in it.
As I drifted off thinking of the first few times we had chatted online I thought of how I immediately thought she was very special. She just seemed to have a very sexy way about her as well as being very open minded in addition to a great sense of humor. Cat seemed to have the kind of confidence in herself to speak her mind both openly as well as freely. I thought it was wonderful that Cat seemed to feel the same way about myself. She had expressed her love of nature and appreciated the beauty and romance of it. She was very easy to talk too and seemed to be just the kind of woman I enjoy spending time with.
I began to check my computer more often to see if she had written me. And every time I would find a new email waiting for me it instantly brought a smile to my face. I very much enjoyed our sharing of things going on in our lives. Then one day out of the blue she sent me her picture, though I had not yet asked for it. At that point it really didn’t matter what she looked like as I was really just enjoying who she was as a person. I found Cat to be just a wonderful caring, sensitive and also a very exciting woman. But at that point I was enjoying my time spent with her, sharing the details of our lives and who we were as people that how she looked just did not seem to be all that important just yet.
That all changed as her picture came up on my computer screen, she was gorgeous. Maybe a little to gorgeous because my first thought was wow! She really looked quite young. I would have guessed her to be in her mid-twenties, maybe even early twenties, which was a little unnerving since I was forty-seven. The difference in age didn’t really bother myself but I thought it might her as it does so many women. Especially a woman as beautiful and sexy as Cat who I was sure could very easily have her pick of many men.
Of course this did not stop me from fantasizing about this new so very exciting and sexy woman. It started out rather innocently, wondering what it must be like to feel the softness of her so very sweet and full lips kissing mine. To taste the sweetness of her mouth as our tongues danced together within in a wonderful oral mating ritual. Letting my tongue explore her smooth flesh, teasing her earlobes, down her neck and finding the pure pleasure of experiencing her ample breasts.
All this time running my fingers through Cat’s dark brown hair, which had a dark red highlighting to it. I felt as if I could actually taste her nipples as I took each of them deeply into my mouth. Feeling the fullness of her breasts as I kneaded them firmly with my fingertips and hands. The wonderful smooth softness of her entire body as my fingertips and hands explored every inch of her sweet, tanned flesh. Yes, I could actually picture how beautiful she looked as I slipped her sundress up over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
I thought of lifting her up onto the edge of my bed as I dropped to my knees. Hearing her breathing getting faster and deeper as I slowly parted her legs, exposing her sweet, smooth shaven pussy that was now glistening as the hot wetness within her began to seep from between her so very beautiful pussy lips. As I leaned in to taste her sweetness, smelling the wonderful scent of her womanhood, I suddenly was shocked back to reality by,
“BURT, BURT is that you?”
I looked up to find myself once again sitting in my Toyota Four-runner butt naked in front of the airlines at LAX. The only thing different was, my cock was now painfully hard and standing straight almanbahis giriş up as if to signal how very happy I was to see her. Which of course I very obviously was. As Cat stepped up to the window of my truck I smiled and said,
“Since I decided to give you a very special surprise I don’t think I should get out and help put your suitcase into the back of the truck.”
Her eyes lit up with obvious surprise and joy at my hilarious and daring surprise I had waiting to greet her. Cat then smiled from ear to ear and said, “ Ya, I don’t think the other travelers out here would see the humor in this as we do, not to mention how security would react” She then laughed as she walked quickly behind the truck and put her luggage into the back through the open window I had just lowered for her. As she opened the passenger door and slid in next to me she leaned over and to my surprise kissed the head of my cock and said, “Looks like you really are very, very happy to see me?”
I smiled and said softly,
“Of course I’m happy to see you baby and leaned over and kissed her soft, sexy lips. I was a little nervous at what you would think of my little surprise I had waiting for you. I just wanted this day to be one we remembered for the rest of our lives” Cat then smiled and replied, “Well, I think you most definitely accomplished that sweetie”
I just smiled and kissed her passionately as I thought to myself, if the rest of tonight goes as I have planned it surely will be a memory for our lifetime.
I then pulled out into the traffic and headed north up towards Santa Monica. Once we arrived in Santa Monica I turned onto the Pacific coast highway and began the beautiful drive along the coast. As we passed beach after beach I told her of my plans for us to stop and watch the sunset at a very small but beautiful little secluded beach that I knew of. I knew she loved the beach and I had planned to take her here almost from the time we first met.
Cat commented on what a beautiful evening it was to watch the sun set over the blue Pacific Ocean, as there was just the right amount of clouds on the horizon. We both recognized that these were the perfect conditions for a gloriously colorful sunset. I said,
“Yes, it should be very beautiful. I actually had been waiting for these kinds of days before inviting you to visit. You see babe it has been raining a warm rain in the evenings and at night for several days now”
Cat looked at me and just smiled a sweet but excitedly devilish smile as we had talked many times about my always wanting to make love at sunset in a warm summer rain at the beach. I was hoping if we caught it just right the clouds would be open enough on the horizon to allow for a great sunset but heavy enough overhead to give us the warm rain I wanted for us to make love in. Things were looking up as I pulled off the road and parked as the sunset was just beginning to show it’s wonderful colors and a warm rain was also just starting to fall softly.
As Cat and I started down the rocky path leading to the beach we both were getting very excited as it looked as if we would be able to share this wonderful fantasy together this very evening. We followed a very steep and switch backing trail down to the beach very carefully. It was so steep that at times I sat the stuff I was carrying down and Helped Cat over these more difficult areas. I just loved being a gentleman and doing all the old fashioned but very romantic ways of treating a woman as a lady should be treated.
When we finally set foot on the white sandy beach Cat just stopped in her tracks and commented,
“ Burt, this is absolutely beautiful. It’s perfect with this gorgeous sunset, the waves crashing into the rocks, the white sandy beach, the warm rain and the two of us having it all to ourselves. I never thought it would be possible to have every thing so perfect”
Cat then turned, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately. Cat leaned back a bit and looked deeply into my eyes and whispered to me,
“ Burt, there isn’t another man in the world I would rather be here sharing this with, you really have made me feel absolutely wonderful since our first meeting. You really have a way of making me feel like a very sexy and beautiful woman. Yes, I feel complete, like never before when I’m with you”
She could not have said anything more fitting that those words, expressing those wonderful feelings.
I then replied to Cat,
“ Cat, you know I feel as wonderful as you say you do. I feel like part of me is missing if I’m not at least talking with you. You Cat have made life seem so very incredible since becoming such a special part of mine. You know Cat? I’m falling in love with you”
Cat said nothing but just as I noticed a teardrop joining the droplets of the warm rain running down her cheeks, she put her arms around me tightly and just held me close.
Cat and I walked up onto a small bluff that intersected the beach almost perfectly in almanbahis the middle. It rose about twenty feet above the white sandy beach that was on both sides. This beach was made of very fine white sand and was a semicircle about a hundred feet long and about twenty-five foot from the large bluffs behind down to the deep blue Pacific Ocean. On both ends of the beach the large bluffs met the ocean as it’s waves crashed into a powerful whitewater explosion over the exposed rocks and highly into the sky which was now a pastel portrait of natures pure beauty painted by the setting sun.
This sunset was rising up from the now dark blue Pacific Ocean from the bright fiery orange sun that was slowly disappearing into that same blue ocean. As its rays rose up to the clouds clinging to the horizon it colored them an unbelievable pallet of orange, red, yellow, purple, pink and even ever changing hues of blue. It was incredible, I could not have wished for a more beautiful setting for what lie ahead. Everything was perfect, sunset, the warm rain and of course being there with Cat.
The warm summer rain was falling softly as we reached the overlook created by the small bluff that intersected the white sandy beach. This bluff came to a point where it met the ocean with waves crashing at its rocky base. It resembled the shape of Florida but was only about ten foot long by 5 foot wide as it jutted out into the surf. It was flat on top and covered with a type of Ice plant that had very small appendages that felt velvety to the touch. It made a perfect soft bed overlooking the very romantic and beautiful view all around.
As Cat and I lay out the sleeping bag I had brought along and set up the six small Pagoda type lanterns around the edges of our soon to be shared bed Cat spoke softly,
“ You sure know the way to a woman’s heart don’t you? Or are you just interested in finding your way into my pants?”
Cat then winked at me and smiled; putting both her open hands on my cheeks. She looked deeply into my eyes momentarily and then pulled me close kissing me a very passionate, long kiss and then whispered,
“ I think you’ve seduced me into willingly offering you both, as I know I desire you as badly as you desire me.”
I then smiled and replied,
“Cat, you know I’ve wanted you since the first time we chatted online. Yes, ever since getting to know just a little about you, you have captured all my thoughts and fantasies, of both everything romantic and beautiful. For you too have captured my heart”
As I opened the bottle of wine I brought Cat lit the six small lanterns that surrounded us. She laughed because the rain kept putting out the matches. I grabbed my coat and held it over her so she could finish lighting them. I spotted these small Pagoda type lanterns about two months earlier and realized that because the flame would be enclosed, they would stay lit even in the rain. I bought them especially for this night that I had fantasized about sharing with Cat for so very long now. The lanterns glow lit our newly made bed softly along with the remaining light of the setting sun. All of this so very romantic, perfect in every way.
As we sat watching the sun slowly disappear into the distant horizon, sliding slowly beneath the waves of the ocean silently, I looked at her in this soft light and really realized she was truly very, very beautiful. Her dark brown hair with red highlights framing the angel like features of her face and cascading down over her shoulders. Her hazel green eyes seemed to not only penetrate my very soul but to also seductively touch it. Her smile was enough to light the way through the darkest of times.
To touch the softness of her sweet flesh was as if holding warm clouds in your hands, so soft, so smooth, as if not careful enough, not tender enough, she might just melt away like a wonderful dream in the night. As I lifted her dress over her head the setting sun behind her silhouetted her, accenting her beauty all the more as the warm raindrops began to collect upon her impossible to resist nude body. Her breasts silhouetted this way in the soft light were incredibly perfect. Their rising and falling timed with each breath she took.
The flat of her stomach surrounding her cute little belly button which was now collecting raindrops and leading down to her so very smooth and sweet, beautiful pussy. As I tossed her dress aside I could not help but to turn Cat around very slowly taking in this captivating view of her and to kiss her firm sweet ass cheeks. Her ass reminded me of a Bing cherry, so sweet, so firm, and perfectly rounded and just the right size. Her legs were pleasantly long for her five foot four inch height. All the while I was taking all of her in, I was kissing her lightly, licking raindrops from her seductively and telling her how very beautiful I found her to be.
Cat turned and began to very seductively undress me as she tenderly kissed my neck, chest and my stomach. As she unbuttoned my shirt she almanbahis giriş was kissing my neck and chest tenderly all over. She nibbled on my nipples, which felt incredibly sensual. As Cat unzipped my pants letting them fall around my feet she softly, seductively let both her hands slip behind me and held both my ass cheeks pulling me into her as she kissed my stomach, hips and teasingly around my throbbing very hard cock. I lifted each foot stepping out of my pants and kicked them aside.
As I ran my fingers through her hair Cat began teasing me even more by leaning back between kisses and brushing her now swollen nipples across the head of my cock. I looked down and smiled as she looked up locking eyes with me. Cat had a very sexy smile on her face as she let her tongue slip between her slightly parted and so kissable lips. As she wet her lips with her tongue very seductively her smile became even sexier. It was then that Cat leaned over and kissed the head of my cock. A strand of my precum suspended from between my cock and her lips as she leaned back. Noticing this she began lapping it up as she followed it back to my begging for more cock.
It was then that Cat let my hard cock part her warm lips until its head was fully in her mouth. She began licking the underside of my cock as she alternated from sucking on my cock and letting it slide deeply into her warm, wet mouth. Cat then reached around grasping the base of my cock with her index finger and her thumb. She looked up at me smiled and said,
“Now we wouldn’t want you to cum just yet now would we?”
Squeezing the base of my cock even tighter as she spoke. I tried to speak but couldn’t quite seem to get the words out. The best I could do was,
“ Yes, sweet baby, yes anything you say babe. Just please don’t stop. It, It, Oh god, it feels so good”
Cat then began to tease me even more by just flicking the tip of her tongue against the underside of my cock. Starting at its base and slowly making her way up until reaching that so very sensitive spot just under the head. Each time delaying at this spot enough to cause my ass muscles tense. Each time bringing me so very close to exploding my hot cum all over her face. But each time squeezing off the expected flow and also stopping just before I would have lost what little control that remained within my power.
As Cat reached around and grasped my balls tightly with her other hand she took the full length of my now burning with desire hard cock deeply into her mouth. She began to suck my cock into her mouth with more passion. Cat began to slide her sweet lips up and down the shaft of my cock in time with her finger and thumb stroking me firmly in the opposite direction. I could feel my hot come building and building from deep inside me. Just as my hot cum exploded into her awaiting mouth, Cat loosened her grip allowing my cum to flow unrestricted into her mouth, flooding over her tongue and down into her throat.
This really turned me on more than any other lover ever had. It excited me more than any other because I could see the desire in Cats eyes, as she looked up at me as each spasm shot hot cum into her open mouth. The way she swallowed every drop giving away her pleasure of tasting and sucking all of the cum from my cock. As Cat continued to suck the cum from what seemed like the very depths of my balls I was gently guiding her head in rhythm with her mouth riding my cock. In between moans of pure pleasure I cried out,
“Oh Cat sweet baby, God that feels so fucking good. Sweet, sweet baby, God you make me feel better than I ever have with anyone before. Thank you sweet baby, thank you”
The warm rain was falling faster now and it felt wonderful as it landed upon our exposed flesh. We could feel its warmth as it ran down over us. Feeling it’s wetness as I held Cat, feeling it run down between us. As we pressed our wet bodies together cat looked at me and whispered softly,
“Burt, thank you, this is such a beautiful place you are sharing with me and I love sharing its beauty with you”
I then replied,
“Cat there is not another woman in the world I would want to be here with.”
Cat kissed me softly, smiled and licked some more of the raindrops from my chest and neck.
As I kissed Cat passionately my fingers were running through her so very silky hair. I loved the way it felt in my hands, so soft, so very sexy as everything about Cat is. Cat’s mouth was so very sweet, her full lips wonderfully soft and her sensuous deep kissing so very intoxicating. As we kissed long, slow and so very deep passionate kisses my hands explored the softness of the back of her neck, her shoulders and the softness of her back.
As they slowly made their way down to her hips the sexy curves of her beautiful body led them down and over the small of her back and over her hips. Finding their way to her sweet ass I began to knead her firm round cheeks. I let my fingers slightly slide between them coming just close enough to tease her sweet little opening. I teased the very smooth area just between her ass and the beginning of her now so very wet and hot with desire pussy. I let my fingers slide through this wetness spreading it down her inner thighs.