LOVE IN A WARM SUMMER RAIN OUR BEGINNING: CAT’S STORY PART 1 The traffic on the way to LAX was bumper to bumper, which should […]
Okumaya devam etAy: Şubat 2023
Carrie’s Morning Wake Up
Carrie stirred, stretching like a cat as she pushed the fog of slumber away. She turned to her side and reached across the bedding. Sighing […]
Okumaya devam etCaptive Lust
I awoke to find you lying nude next to me, your eyes half open as you stroked my chest. A naughty smile played across your […]
Okumaya devam etCan’t Get Enough
Dawn had dreaded every day leading up to her shift from her expired rent controlled apartment in Manhattan to one in New Jersey, thinking the […]
Okumaya devam etCammie at Work Ch.02
{Cammie is my ex-girlfriend who recently agreed to start doing kinky things, based on my ideas for her. } The next few days Cammie sent […]
Okumaya devam etBusiness Trip to Pokhara: Day 01
I work at a leading manufacturing company in Nepal. I lead the Sales department. I have been happily married for a year. My wife is […]
Okumaya devam etCall It Stress Reduction
Co-workers have many uses. Their knowledge can be shared, making two people smarter than either one. They can be leaned on in times of trouble. […]
Okumaya devam etBy Touch Alone
His voice surrounded her. Deep, warm, it lapped at the edges of her mind, a seemingly physical caress. The candles flicked as the night wind […]
Okumaya devam etBurning
YOU TOOK MY HAND in yours and you led me silently away from the crowd, gathered together in communal awe around the bonfire that burned […]
Okumaya devam etBrook , Renee
I watched the sweet, slow, sway of her hips as she moved through the “jungle” of vines, laughing to myself . This “Yankee girl” wasn’t […]
Okumaya devam et
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