WICKed Hormones Ch. 05


Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fantasy. All sexual participants are 18-years of age or older.

Author’s note: I just want to once again thank everyone for their continued support and positive feedback. I also want to give kudos to my editor as his help is greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy this installment.


On Saturday night, the Mitchell family went out for dinner to celebrate Jacob’s accomplishment of scoring 1520 on the SAT’s. In honor of his fantastic achievement, they made the one hour drive to his favorite restaurant. As usual, on most nights, the Crab King was packed. But luckily, Karen was clever enough to make a reservation a couple of days before.

At their table, Karen was sitting next to her husband, Robert. She had chosen to wear an outfit that would hopefully pique her husband’s interest. She was wearing her favorite black pencil skirt that hugged nicely to her womanly curves and came down to about one-inch short of her knees. Her emerald green form-fitting top exposed a respectable amount of eye-catching cleavage. Her efforts appeared to be working as she had found him throughout the evening, taking several glances down her blouse at her expanded bust size.

Karen deeply loved her husband with all her heart; however, love was not the issue. Recently, her libido had skyrocketed to levels she had not experienced in years… or maybe ever. With Robert’s increased workload and long hours at the office, their bedroom activities continued to take a backseat, which left her frustrated. She found herself resorting to masturbating more and more in an attempt to keep her arousal in check; however, it could not in any way fulfill her need for the closeness and intimacy shared with her husband.

Across the table from Karen sat her son, Jacob. He was in an animated conversation with Rachel and his Grandpa George. As she watched her second-born interact with his older sister and grandfather, she could not help but think how proud she was of him. It seemed like yesterday she was dropping him off for his first day of kindergarten. She could vividly remember how scared he was that day and the feel of his little hand grasping hers in a death grip. Now here he was taking his SATs and applying to colleges. Her little man was growing up… where had the time gone?

Along with great pride, she also felt utter guilt as her thoughts went back to two days ago when their last ‘session’ went entirely off the rails. Not only did she slip up and have intercourse with her teenage son, again, but she also crossed yet another sinful boundary.

Karen reluctantly gave in to Jacob’s persistent begging for her to take off her clothes. He argued that it would help with his imagination when trying to ‘finish’ on his own. In an attempt to keep a small amount of dignity, she decided to at least stay in her panties. Embarrassingly, however, she put up very little of a fight when her son pulled the final barrier down off her hips and tossed them aside like an afterthought.

As shameful as the experience had been, she could not deny that it was one of the most intense sexual experiences she could ever remember. Her teenage son, with his ungodly appendage, was taking her to orgasmic heights she never knew existed. That was another reason she desperately wanted… no… needed to reconnect with Robert on an intimate level. She began to fear if something didn’t change soon, she may journey too far down this dark path, from which there may be no return.

Karen looked over at her husband by her side. They locked eyes, and Robert smiled at her, then he leaned in and kissed her cheek. He whispered, “You look fabulous tonight, Honey.”

Smiling, Karen leaned in close and whispered, “Thank you, Sweetheart. If you think this is nice, you should see what’s underneath.” She leaned back and gave her husband a naughty look.

Putting his hand on Karen’s knee, Robert responded, “Well, maybe you and I should skip dinner, and you can show me.” They both broke out into a snicker. Flirting with her husband made her feel good, and in turn, she could feel some of the guilt lift off her shoulders.

Across the table, George handed Jacob an envelope and said, “Here you go, Buddy.” Jacob smiled as he accepted the offering from his grandfather.

“What’s that, Daddy?” Karen asked her father with a confused expression.

Looking back to his daughter, George replied, “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a little something for my grandson. I wanted to show him how proud I am of his accomplishment.”

After opening the envelope, Jacob pulled out five $100 bills. “Woah!! Thanks, Grandpa!!”

George smiled, “You’re welcome, Kiddo. I hope you can put it to good use.”

Karen put up her hand, “Daddy… No. That is way too much!!”

“Oh, Sweetheart, it’s not that much. Besides, I gave more than this to Rachel when she got married.”

Rachel confirmed, “Grandpa’s right, Mom… he gave Scott and me a lot more.”

Shaking her head at Rachel, Karen replied, “That was different. He gave you that money bedava bahis to help with the down payment on your house. Not to blow on comic books and other nonsense.”

George leaned in, “Karen… Please let Jake keep it. Just think of it as a… reward for all his hard work.”

While stuffing the money back into the envelope, Jacob looked at Karen and smiled. “Yeah, Mom, it’s a reward.”

Without thinking, Karen leaned in towards Jacob, “I think you have gotten more than enough ‘rewards’ already young man.” As soon as the words left her lips, she could feel her cheeks begin to burn. She quickly picked up her glass and took a sip of water.

Rachel looked over to her brother. “Really? What else have you gotten, Squirt?”

Panicking, Karen tried to think of something. Luckily, Jacob was quick on his feet, and he spat out, “Video games!”

Robert chimed in and asked, “Which ones did you get?”

Without missing a beat, Jacob replied, “Minecraft and Call of Duty.”

Robert then responded, “I’ve heard those are great games. Maybe you can let your old man play them sometime?”

Nodding, Jacob replied, “Sure, Dad, just as soon as I get them back. I left them over at Matt’s house earlier today.”

Feeling her heart begin to beat again, Karen sighed with relief. She then made a mental note to take her son to the mall as soon as possible to purchase those particular games. It was wrong to let him tell lies, but in this situation, Karen felt she had no choice.

“What are you going to do with all that loot?” Robert asked his son.

Giving her husband a stern look, “Rob, don’t encourage him.” Karen then turned back to her father, “Daddy, I still say that is way too much. You should take it back.”

George waved her off. “That’s nonsense! Besides, the boy will need money when he goes off to college.”

Robert leaned in, “Dad is right, Honey. Maybe you should just let him keep it. He’ll be going off to school before you know it.”

Karen thought for a few seconds and then looked at her father, “Okay, as long as you’re sure.”

Jacob pumped his fist. “YESSS!!”

Holding out her hand to Jacob, Karen firmly stated, “In the meantime, I’ll be taking that, Mister Money Bags.”

The smile drained from Jacob’s face. “What? But… but Mom!”

Cutting her eyes at Jacob, “Don’t ‘but mom’ me. It’s all going into your savings account.”

Reluctantly, Jacob sighed and then handed the envelope across the table to his mother and muttered, “Dang it, Mom. You’re no fun.”

Karen took the money and said, “Maybe I’m not, but as your Grandpa George said, it’s for college.” After slipping the envelope into her purse, she then looked back to Jacob and added, “And watch your language.”


A couple of hours later, Robert was driving the family back home in his Ford Expedition. He and Karen sat upfront, holding hands and chatting while George had the middle row all to himself. He was beginning to nod off.

Jacob and Rachel occupied the very back row. They both had their cell phones. Rachel was texting her husband, giving him details about the family’s evening, and how much she missed him being there.

Rachel just happened to glance over at her brother in the dark to find him submerged in one of his mobile video games. His face, which lit up from the soft glow of the screen, had a look of total concentration. It was similar to the expression he wore the other week just before she coaxed the second load of cum to erupt from his massive cock.

When Rachel returned home that week, her body was in a state of constant arousal. Rachel had always had a powerful sex drive, but now it seemed to have kicked up a notch. Without Scott around for help, she resorted to masturbation… usually in the morning and then again in the evenings.

One day she didn’t even make it home; she ended up relieving herself at work locked inside a bathroom stall. During these times, she tried to think of Scott, but her mind kept slipping back to Jacob. Maybe not so much, Jacob himself, but more about his magnificent phallus.

When Scott finally arrived back home from his trip, Rachel practically raped him as soon as he entered the house. Even though he had no clue what she had done with her brother, he was happy to be reaping some pretty cool benefits.

Now, sitting beside her brother in the back seat, Rachel could feel the arousal returning as his scent began to take effect. She once again felt the overwhelming desire to see, hold, and taste the incredible beast that hung between her brother’s legs.

After she finished texting with Scott, Rachel put away her phone. She then called out to Karen, “Hey Mom? Would you please turn up the radio. I like this song.”

Karen called back, “Sure thing, Honey. I like this one, too.”

When the music got louder, Rachel scotched across the seat closer to her brother. Jacob looked up from his phone and said, “I didn’t know you like 80’s music.”

Rachel scoffed, “I don’t, Silly, it’s casino siteleri just a cover. I wanted to talk to you without everyone else hearing.”

Jacob nodded. “Oh, Okay.”

As Jacob began to put his device away, Rachel grabbed his arm, “No, Doofus… act like you’re still using it.” She then positioned herself so that it appeared she and Jacob were looking at his phone together.

Pretending to scroll through his phone, Jacob asked, “What did you want to talk about?” He could smell her sweet perfume, and it reminded him of that night in his bedroom. The erotic memory, along with her delightful scent, caused his dick to come to life.

In a low voice, Rachel asked, “How has your ‘problem’ been lately?”

Jacob looked up into his sister’s pretty face and replied, “Oh, about the same, I guess.”

Keeping her voice low, “Have you had time to relieve yourself today?”

Jacob shook his head ‘no.’ All of a sudden, he felt his sister’s hand rubbing against his growing erection. His eyes went wide with surprise. The stimulation made his cock expand even more.

A devious smile appeared on Rachel’s face, “Would you like some help?”

Before Jacob could answer, the loud music disappeared. Their mother’s voice rang out, “What are you doing back there?” The siblings jerked their heads up and looked towards their mom. They both had the “deer in the headlights look” on their faces.

Karen was turned in her seat, looking back at her kids, “It appears you two are conspiring about something.”

With her mother unable to see anything, Rachel tightened her grip on her brother’s cock then giggled as she replied, “No, Mom. We’re just watching some funny cat videos.”

Karen laughed. “Cat videos? Uh-huh!! Sounds fishy to me, Rachel.” She shook her finger at her daughter, “Even when you were kids, you were always finding ways to get your little brother into trouble.”

Jacob held up his phone, “Honestly, Mom… we’re just watching videos on Facebook.”

Robert called out, “Whatever you have planned, Rach, don’t get him arrested or anything.”

Laughing, Karen slapped his arm. “Rob!! Don’t give her any ideas!”

Rachel continued to slowly rub her hand against her brother’s erection and responded, “Don’t worry, Daddy.” She then looked into Jacob’s eyes and said, “I’ll take real good care of him.”


Later that night, Jacob’s bedroom door opened suddenly. He looked over from his computer screen to see Rachel quickly come into the room. She then softly closed the door and immediately locked it.

She walked over and stood next to Jacob’s computer chair. Jacob was a little disappointed that she was not wearing her usual sleeping attire. Tonight, she was wearing an old bulky green bathrobe, much different than her usual skimpy tops and shorts.

Turning back to his computer, Jacob asked, “Did you forget to do something?”

With a confused look, Rachel replied, “Huh? Oh, you mean the knocking thing?”

While still looking at the monitor, Jacob nodded.

Rachel replied, “Really, Jake? With what we have been doing lately, I think that ship has sailed, don’t you?”

Jacob smiled and said, “Boundaries… remember?”

“Pffffftttt,” Rachel scoffed in response. As she plopped down on the side of the bed, her brother’s overpowering scent filled her nostrils. Rachel then picked up the miniature version X-Wing fighter that was sitting on Jacob’s desk. As she examined the plastic toy, she said, “I forgot to tell you that Mom and I went to the mall today.”

“Dang, I wish I had known, I would have liked to have gone to the comic book store.”

Rachel set the toy X-wing back down and picked up a miniature TIE-fighter. “We went while you were over at Matthew’s house. Mom told me she needed to get some new swimsuits.” Rachel then grabbed his arm, “Oh, get this; I was able to talk her into getting some that weren’t so old fashioned and conservative.”

Jacob stopped typing and looked at his sister. “You did? Wait… our mom bought a swimsuit that YOU picked out?”

Smiling, Rachel responded, “Uh-huh! Some proper bikinis if you can believe it. Of course, she resisted at first, but I was eventually able to talk her into it.”

Leaning towards his sister, Jacob asked, “How did you do that?”

Setting the toy TIE-fighter back on the desk, Rachel answered, “I just told her how fabulous she would look. That she shouldn’t hide such a great figure in swimsuits meant for old ladies.” Rachel then laid back flat on the bed. She looked up at the toy spaceships hanging from the ceiling, “I even talked her into getting some thong panties. I think she’s wearing a pair of them tonight.” She then turned her head towards Jacob. “Dad’s in for a real treat!”

To keep up appearances, Jacob scrunched up his face, “Ewwww gross, Rachel! That’s TMI.” However, his teenage mind drifted as he imagined his conservative mother wearing sexy underwear picked out by his sister. Mindlessly, he began to massage his erection that was bahis siteleri growing in his shorts.

Raising onto her elbows, Rachel caught Jacob stroking himself. She giggled and asked, “Is my little brother having a problem?”

Jacob nodded in response.

Rachel sighed and stood up from the bed and faced her brother. Jacob’s attention immediately went to his sister’s hands that began untying the knotted sash. The soft lighting from the lamp was setting off a sparkle from her wedding ring.

As Rachel continued to work the sash, she commented, “I didn’t tell this you earlier, but… I, too, have a reward for you.” Slowly, she opened her robe, then slid the bulky garment off her shoulders and let it drop behind her onto the floor. She looked up and smiled. “I hope you like it.”

Jacob’s eyes bugged out, and his mouth dropped open. His sister was wearing nothing but a sexy black bra and panty set. Luckily there was enough lighting this time that allowed him to appreciate his sister in all her glory.

After standing there for a few seconds and no response, Rachel put her hands on her hips and asked, “Well, Dork? What do you think?”

All Jacob could get out was a faint “Wow!”. His eyes continued to scan up and down her gorgeous body.

Rachel giggled, “That’s the reaction I was hoping for.” She then slowly spun around, giving her brother the full view. The G-string panties causing her shapely backside to resemble a juicy peach, just waiting to be devoured. “I picked this up at the mall today.”

“To-today? You mean… Scott hasn’t seen this yet?”

Again facing him, Rachel shook her head, “No, but after seeing your reaction, he will very soon.”

A smile formed on Jacob’s face. “Thanks for letting me see it first.”

Rachel adjusted the bra strap, causing her breasts to jiggle around a bit. Her gold cross pendant beaconed to Jacob from its cozy home between his sister’s luscious tits. “No prob. I was originally going to get you a video game or something. But then I thought you might like this instead.”

Jacob’s grin widened, “Oh, definitely! I like this much better!”

Smiling from his comment, Rachel noticed her brother still rubbing his crotch. She whispered, “So… you want some help with that?”

Jacob nodded and replied, “Yeah, that would be great.” He then looked over at the door. “But, do you think it’s safe?”

Turning her head and glancing in the same direction, Rachel shrugged her shoulders, then turned back and said, “Sure, why not?” She then climbed onto the bed; Jacob admired the way the string disappeared between her perfectly shaped and naked ass cheeks.

Sitting on her knees facing Jacob, she said, “Don’t forget, I locked the door when I came in.” A smile formed on her pretty face, “Besides, I think Mom has plans to keep Dad quite busy tonight.”

Standing up from his chair, Jacob took off his tee-shirt. “What about Grandpa George, he’s spending the night, remember?”

Reaching both arms behind her back, Rachel scoffed, “Don’t worry about Grandpa. He was out like a light as soon as we got home.” After she got the final hook released, Rachel took off her bra and dropped it on the floor. Her firm and perky c-cups slightly jiggled on her chest.

Jacob was simply captivated as he grabbed hold of his rigid cock. The sight of his almost naked sister kneeling on his bed was simply breathtaking.

Staring at his crotch, Rachel whispered, “C’mon, Squirt, take those shorts off and get up here.” She then looked Jacob in his eyes and gave him a naughty grin, “We need to continue your training.”

A while later, Rachel lay on her brother’s bed, wearing only her black panties. She was on her back with her head resting on a soft pillow, and Jacob straddling her flat tummy. She tightly gripped the sides of her supple, round tits while her brother constantly sawed his dick back and forth in between them.

Jacob looked up from Rachel’s titties and the two locked eyes. She smiled up at her brother and asked, “You like this a lot, huh?”

Breathlessly, Jacob nodded and grunted, “Uh-huh!!

Rachel decided to tease him, and she whispered, “You like titty fucking your big sister?”

The dirty talk excited Jacob even more, causing him to thrust his hips faster. “Oh yeah!!”

Still staring into his eyes, Rachel asked, “Are you gonna shoot your big load all over them for me?” Rachel typically would save this kind of dirty talk for Scott, but due to her increasingly aroused state, she could not seem to help herself.

Jacob staring into his sister’s beautiful green eyes, squeaked out, “Yes… yes!!” He watched as Rachel would lick his engorged head each time it thrust forward from between her wonderfully soft tits.

Rachel could sense that he was nearing the finish line. She could see the same tell-tale look of concentration on his face. Tightening the grip of her boobs around his bloated shaft, she whispered the words, “Go ahead… cum on… my tits!”

That was the push Jacob needed. His hips went into overdrive as he gritted his teeth and groaned, “It’s coming!!”

Rachel took hold of her brother’s trembling cock with both hands and aimed it towards her chest. She furiously stroked his chemically enhanced penis as it blasted her with the incredible load stored in his oversized aching balls.

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