Voice of the Mind Ch. 08


Chapter 8.1 — The next phase

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After Nicole’s warning, Jenny hadn’t thought much about it. But she did see the things Nicole was talking about. Talitha had started to become more and more familiar with Vincent, to the point where she was touching him all the time. Sometimes she would put a hand on his shoulder if she was passing by, like a greeting, making him turn around to smile at her; that little hug she would give him when they would meet before she sat down; other times it would be that little kiss on the cheek when she had to leave; all kind of little things which could make a girlfriend think twice about what the girl was planning to.

Vincent didn’t return most of the touches; he didn’t kiss her back if she left, he would just let himself be kissed and waved her goodbye after that, so she didn’t think Talitha was getting to him. And of course it could be just a friendly gesture, but after Nicole’s warning she noticed these small touches just a little more to not be affected by it.

Vincent wasn’t the type of guy to be all touchy-feely with others. Or at least not with people he liked. She knew he would put an arm around her, or Richard, or Eliza if he was making fun of them — but he would avoid Hanako because he instinctively knew that she didn’t appreciate that. He was a sensitive guy, knowing when he could do things and when he couldn’t; it was one of the things she liked about him.

But when she was walking down the hallway and saw him standing with her, their foreheads touching each other and smiling, she realized it had gotten to the point where she couldn’t let it slide anymore.

“Yo! Vinnie!” she yelled, natural, yet hard enough for half the hallway to turn around. “Got a minute?”

She saw him excuse himself before he walked over to her.

“What’s up?”

“Come with me for a bit,” she said and she had to restrain herself not to grab his shirt to pull him along with her.

She led him to a deserted room, meant for meetings. The room wasn’t that big, it would hold a mere 4 tables and chairs, but it would suffice for what she had in mind.

“What are we doing here?” he asked. “I have class in five minutes.”

“It’s around the corner. Don’t worry, I only need a few minutes.” She turned around and pushed him to the wall next to the door. A passionate kiss followed.

He was surprised for a moment. Then he would return her kiss, letting his hands travel up around her back until he was holding her face at both sides. Her hands travelled downwards, to his chest, added some pressure with her nails, and then moved further, until they would reach his belt. She knew belts. This one didn’t prove a challenge either. She had it done in seconds; his pants didn’t fare any better.

While her tongue was dancing around his, she already had his flacid cock in her hands, massaging it. The french kiss combined with her hand on his member brought him quickly to a state for action. Within moments she wasn’t giving it a massage anymore, she was effectively jerking him off.

His hands left her head and went down, cupped her ass, pulled her towards him. She moaned, while jerking his dick out of the way so it would be crushed. Then she felt his hands moving, towards her pants, undoing the locks and shoving it down, out of the way. She let go of his dick, pulled down her panties and grabbed his throbbing cock again, guiding it towards her entrance.

“Fuck me, Vinnie,” she said. “I need you.”

She kicked off her shoes and got rid of the annoying bunch of clothes around her ankles. Vincent lifted her up and put her on one of the tables, impaled her — she had been wet enough not to provide any resistance — and she clung at him with her legs around his waist. The feeling of being penetrated like this was wonderful. She could feel his dick pumping in and out of her, feeling her up inside,filling her up as if she had finally found that missing piece that completed her down there.

She never realized that there was someone else in that room with them. Standing behind her, a small distance ahead, Talitha was a spectator to the event. She had her eyes on Vincent and he had his on hers. Talitha had also pulled down her pants, showing him her pussy, how she was plunging fingers inside of herself. She was wet, not just from how Vincent was fucking Jenny, but because she wasthere and Vincent was watchingher. She got off even before either of them.

Vincent kept fucking Jenny though. He was pumping hard, she was biting her lip because she felt she was close, very close to coming to a climax. His dick was rubbing her insides, letting her know that it was having a great time there. He had a present for her as well — and he was spraying it all inside of her. The feeling of him filling her up with juice brought her over the top; she was cumming hard. She could feel her muscles tighten up, clenching his cock still spasming inside of her. She didn’t Starzbet Güncel Giriş let go until the bell rang.

“Thanks,” she said, while climbing off him. “I needed that.”

“Uh, you’re welcome. But you don’t really have to force me here for that. I’m willing to come to your place if you like?”

“No, I just needed it. The confirmation, y’know.” She put on her panties and pants again.

“You okay?” he asked, zipping up his jeans.

“Yeah. A girl sometimes feels insecure about her sexlife.”

He snickered. “I’m gonna secureyou later on then.”

She smiled, weakly. “Yeah. But we have to run for class now. See ya later.”

She left the room, leaving Vincent with a strange aftertaste.

* * * * * * * * * *Chapter 8.2 — Doubt

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They hadn’t gone home together after their little event in the meetingroom and it gnawed at Vincent. It bothered him also that while having sex with Jenny, he had been seeing Talitha in the back and he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her masturbating.

And she wasn’t reallythere, he remembered.I haven’t seen her coming in that room and she wasn’t there after Jenny had left either. I’ve checked everywhere and it wasn’t like the room had more hiding places than just sitting under a table. Just by squatting you can see whether there was someone hiding or not.

But what bothers me most is that I had been seeingher. It isn’t as if I actually like her that way. She’s a nice girl, but she’s not really my type. Not physically at least and I hardly know her enough to believe that I like her personality.

He had been twirling a pencil for a while now, tapping it on the desk every now and then, only to end up twirling for another stretch again. That had been a gesture he had been using when he was thinking about things ever since he had started going to school and it’d always stuck. He had been in thought so deep that he never heard another girl calling out for him until she leaned over and put her face between him and his computer screen.

“Charissa!” he exclaimed, startled.”Sorry, I didn’t hear you coming in.”

“You’d be hard pressed to do,” she smiled.”Considering I’m a ghost and don’t exactly make footstep sounds or need to open doors to get in.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I feel silly for forgetting that detail.”

She laughed.”You’re sweet.”

There was something different about her and it took him a bit before he realized it. But when he did, it hit him like a sledgehammer.

“You’re hearing me!”

“Er … yes? I’ve been hearing you for a while now, remember? It’s how we got to communicate in the first place.”

“No! I mean, yes, but I’m nottalking to you.”

She looked at him, puzzled, not understanding what he was trying to tell her.

“I’m merely using my thoughts to communicate with you. I’m not talking out loud at all.”

The realization dawned on her and her surprise became visible on her face.

“That’s new,” she said.”I don’t believe I’ve ever heard your thoughts before. I think.”

“I would know. I’m using this means of communication only with Jenny, so I know the difference between them because I have to consciously switch to a different way of speaking to someone. We never managed to do something like this.”

She stood there, next to his chair, leaning with her backside to his desk, arms crossed and seemed to overthink something. He didn’t know what, though; her thoughts didn’t reach him, which struck him as odd.

Why would I be able to communicate with her while I can’t read her thoughts? he wondered.

Apparently she couldn’t reach his’ either, because when she spoke, it was about something different.

“Perhaps your mind-reading powers have evolved?”

He hadn’t thought of that at all. Ever since he had gotten the mindlink with Jenny, he had been trying to learn how to deal with it. And while he had made progress with that, the mindlink had also changed; from hearing a few thoughts of her to hearing all her thoughts; from hearing her only while sitting next to him to hearing them when she was at her own place. He had never even thought about how it had evolved, only that he had needed to deal with it and accept it.

When he had accepted it, it turned out to be much more managable than he initially thought. They would be able to communicate through it, but they could also show each other visuals. Jenny had shown him her fantasies, but she had also managed to show him stuff she was seeing in her room, or her notes. If he considered that as progress, they had been making progress for a while now. And only now he realized that it wasn’t just the mindlink that had grown, but that it was his ability for making use of his mind in different ways than he was used to.

“That’s a valid point,” he said.”That hadn’t occurred to me at all. I must be the most stupid mindreader in history for not realizing that.”

“You Starzbet Giriş could just be right, considering how I’ve never heard of people who could do what you can.”

He realized that there had been people like that. But most of them could be explained by rational means, like by using science and psychology. He thought it ironic that it was Jenny who had pointed that out to him. She had told him about one guy from Holland who had started using psychology in combination with a heartbeat-detector toguess someone’s private bank code. He succeeded. And people thought it was magic, like an illusionist making an elephant disappear.

Am I an illusionist? he wondered.Am I simply using a trick to do all this? I don’t think I am. I’m merely employing my mind to reach out to Jenny and we’re not that close that I can effectively guess everything she thinks, despite our relationship and our history. I think I’m more a freak of nature of some sorts, being able to do this.

It didn’t lift his spirit. A spirit which was down after his earlier thoughts about how he was seeing Talitha when he had been fucking Jenny. It hadn’t made sense. Charissa felt his mood and squirmed herself between him and the desk, sitting on his lap. She had mastered enough of her ability to solidify now that she could make herself solid for a short period of time, although it didn’t work always. Today it did, and she was happy that she could give him some sort of solace — not like a ghost, but like a real friend could do. She laid her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her.

“You’re worrying too much. I might not be able to readyour mind, but I still see when you’re troubled. What happened?”

He hesitated, then told her what happened in that meeting room.

“I might not have a solution,” she admitted,”but I might be able to help you out to determine if you’re going crazy or that you’re simply getting infatuated with that other girl, that Talitha. Will you let me try?”

“Sure, but what’s your plan? And on second thought, those two options aren’t really making me feel comfortable. Either I’m nuts, or I’m in love with another girl? Isn’t there any nice option inbetween I can choose?”

She merely smiled and kissed him. She forced his mouth open, which didn’t need very much convincing, and stuck her tongue inside. It felt warm and comfortable inside. It didn’t take long until she found his tongue, entwining it around hers. It aroused him; she could feel his member grow between her legs since she was still straddling him on the chair. So she started to rock back and forth, stimulating his dick, and brought his hands to her breasts.

They kept it up for a little while, this sensual play without actual sex, before Vincent couldn’t take it anymore. He ejaculated — in short, strong bursts and she slowed, until he was done, before she stopped moving.

“Well?” she asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Did you see the girl?”

He didn’t get it.”What girl? The only one here is you.”

She chuckled.”That Talitha girl. You said you were seeing her when you had sex with Jenny. Did you see her now as well?”

Only now it dawned on him what she had been trying to do. By making him cum while he should be focusing on another girl, she was testing him to see if he would see Talitha. Yet, he didn’t.

“No. I guess that means I’m not obsessed with her. Does that make me crazy?”

“I doubt that,” Charissa said.”Then again, I’m only a ghost. And the only one able to see me is you.”

“Yeah. Real good vote of confidence by making yourself a figment of my imagination. Thanks.”

She got off his lap, leaving him with wet pants. He stood up and started taking them off, drying himself with a small towel from the closet before he picked a clean pair of boxershorts and jeans.

“What bothers me now is that I don’t know anything about this Talitha girl. Could you perhaps follow her around for a bit to see if there’s really something to feel bothered about?”

“I’ll try. I don’t know of how much use I can be, but I’ll go stalk her for a while, see what I can figure out from her actions. What are you going to do?”

He wondered about that. He didn’t really know what hecould do, but after thinking it over he realized he could go to the administration office at college and see if he could check out her background.

If they even let me. They have no reason to show me whatever she has submitted to be enrolled. Is it worth the time to try?

He noticed Charissa looking at him and he returned her gaze — until he noticed her expression; one of interest. And her gaze wasn’t aimed at his eyes, but lower. He saw her licking her lips. Only then he realized he was facing her with his boxers still in hand.

“Ah, come on!” he exclaimed out loud.”You couldn’t say something to notify me I was still standing here without any pants on?”

“I was admiring the sight!” she parried.”Would Starzbet you blame me for that? It’s not like you’re putting it on display on a daily basis anymore. Nowadays I need toask you to show me — and that’s embarassing.”

He sighed while putting on his clothes. Shewas right, after all. Ever since he could see her, she couldn’t just sit there and watch him masturbating without him knowing. And she couldn’t masturbate off on him either, because he could see her doing so — which was even more embarassing.

“Anyway, I’m thinking of seeing if I can find out some of the stuff she had filled in when she enrolled. Where she lived and such. Not sure if they even let me, or if I even gain some information I can use, but I don’t really know what else to do. I’m hoping that you might find something by following her and analyzing her behavior. And I don’t know if that will turn up anything, but I need to do something.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go. I’ll go keep her company tonight and see what’s going on.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

She chuckled.”Don’t worry, she won’t be able to see or catch me. I’m a ghost, remember?”

“Yeah. And we all know how that worked out for you and me.”

Her smile faltered. Now that someone could see and touch her, there might be others out there who might be able to do the same. He had only reminded her about that.

“I’ll be careful.” she promised.

Then she left through the window, without having to open it.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 8.3 — Investigating Talitha

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Talitha decided that it was time to push things to the next level. She would have to meet with Vincent and soften him up to do what she wanted. She reconed that things with Jenny were progressing well, so everything went according to plan — so far.

She didn’t have to wait long. When class ended, she saw him exiting the room and she walked up to him.

“Vincent, can we speak for a moment?” she asked in a serious tone. “I really need your advice on something.”

He was taken aback by that comment — hadn’t even expected to see her right outside of class. He gestured to Richard that he could go on, that he would be busy here for awhile.

“Uh, sure. What’s going on?”

“Come with me, please.” She said, while walking away.

He followed her, not sure what it was all about and why she couldn’t ask him there. He saw Charissa following them a little behind and he smiled a little. He doubted that Talitha would hurt him or anything, but he felt better knowing that Charissa would be around.

Talitha had opened the door to a meeting room — the same one Jenny had pulled him into, he noticed. It startled him. He hadn’t expected to see that room this soon. She gestured for him to come in, shutting the door behind him.

“What is this all about?” he asked her, while seeing Charissa enter the room through the closed door — something she didn’t like to do. He made a note to thank her for that later on.

Talitha didn’t speak. She was merely looking at him. He felt uncomfortable and shifted to his other foot.

She was standing in the middle of the room, right across the door, leaning against a table. She was dressed in jeans and a pale yellow long-sleeved blouse, but he realized that she had opened up a few buttons at the top, showing her neckline and the tiniest bit of cleavage. Not much to suggest anything, but it was just enough to look sexy.

He found himself walking towards her, his eyes frowned and he realized that he had trouble thinking straight. It wasn’t a headache, but more a dull feeling as if he had been smoking weed — not that he had ever done that, but he knew the effects. But he didn’tfeel high, just that dullness, as if everything around him was tuned out for some reason.

Something is wrong. I’m not able to think straight and I feel … deaf. And what’s with the whole meeting in here of all places? What is happening here?

She said something, but he couldn’t hear what she said. He wanted to ask what she said and found himself not saying anything. She stretched out her hands and he felt something like relief washing over him. He smiled. And then he embraced her.

Her mouth sought out his and she kissed him, gently and tender. He accepted the kiss and kissed her back, delighted by the feeling of her soft lips on his. Her tongue traced the inside of his upper lip for a moment, slow and sexy and when he had reached the end of his mouth, his tongue reached out to hers and they intertwined. It was a cautious kiss, meant to explore whether they both wanted this, but soon there was more passion to it. And his hands, positioned on her back from the embrace, crept to the front to cup her breasts.

She exhaled in his mouth without breaking the kiss, a sign of excitement. And all of a sudden he felt his belt getting unbuckled. Within seconds she had his dick out in the air and although it wasn’t stiff yet, it was getting there faster than he had expected. Once he was ready for action, her hands released him — and he moaned, disappointed that she had let go. But he felt her belly shift and realized that she was taking action to give him something to do with his erect member.

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