Victoria’s Life Ch. 02


“Mark stop, stop! What’s wrong with you?” I screamed in my most girly voice.

“What, what happened,” he turned to me quickly.

“Are you trying to kill me?”


“Slow down, I’m wearing heels, there’s no way I can keep up with you.”


“Mark, if you make me break my heels, I’m going to be furious and that’s putting it lightly.”

“I said I was sorry, um,” he hesitated.

“Victoria, you better remember my name or we’re going to have some explaining to do.”

“Yeah, like why you’re wearing a dress,” he laughed.

“You think that’s funny?” I threw my hands on my hips.

“Yeah, it’s pretty funny.”

“Just remember, I’m your date. Now how funny is it?”

“Touché, my love,” we laughed.

“Now let’s go back to my bedroom for a second.”

“What for?”

“I need to get my purse,”

“Your purse?” he chuckled.

“Yes, my purse, you dragged me out of there so fast it slipped off my shoulder and onto the floor.”

“What do you need a purse for?”

“Let’s see, for starters; makeup, credit card, some cash, two tampons, and two pads,” I explained.

“WTF,” Mark laughed.

“Listen, it validates me as a female, if someone asks for either I have them, understand?”

“Sure,” he chuckled.

“Still not funny, let’s go back to my room to get my purse.”

“I’ll wait here.”

“Okay honey,” I winked at him.

“Wow, that’s so fucking gay,” he stated.

“Gay!” I puckered my lips and imitated kissing him.

“Stop doing that shit!” he exclaimed.

“Really, you’re the one that wanted to take me to Jack’s party dressed in fem, how gay is that?” I giggled.

“Fine, go get your purse.”

“I’m not moving one square inch without you,” I threatened.

“Fine, let’s go,” he started around me.

“Did you forget something?”

“What now?”

“My hand,” I reached out to him.

Mark gently took my hand in his and casually walked me back into my room.

“There, there’s my purse, just where I thought it was,” I stated gleefully. Now, it was my time to turn the table on him and hopefully shut his mouth as I just about had it with the gay jokes.

I swayed my hips as I walked over to my purse, I bent at a ninety-degree angle giving Mark a full view of my shapely girly ass and my girly long smooth legs.

I heard a faint remark of some sort expel from Mark’s mouth but couldn’t make out what it was.

Once completely bent over I looked back past my calf to see Mark gawking at me and my female attributes.

“It looks fine how does it look back there,” I couldn’t help but let out a light giggle.

“What?” he muttered.

Once I thought he had enough I stood, turned to him, and threw my hands on my hips.



“Something wrong?” I asked as he was still looking at my hips.

“No. nothing,” he looked up at me.

“Are you sure,” I winked at him.

“Yeah, why?”

“Talk about gay,” I giggled stepping closer to him.

“What are you talking about?”

“Did you enjoy yourself?” I said in my most sultry voice a puckered my lips as to kiss him.


“Were you fantasizing about fucking me?” I giggled.

“What do you mean?”

“Ah, you’re in denial,”


“I saw you checking me out as I bent down for my purse,” I pecked him on his cheek.

“I… ah,” he stammered.

“How gay is that?”

“Well… I,” he began.

“Then we’re in agreement, no more gay jokes.”

“Fuck, I forgot, you know,” he started.

“What, that I wasn’t a real female?” I giggled.

“Fine, you caught me checking you out. It’s pretty hard to look away when you’re, you know,” again he was to manly to admit that he liked what he saw.

“What, that I’m sexy as fuck?” I laughed.

“I really can’t believe how fucking gorgeous you are to be perfectly honest,” he admitted.

“Remember, you want to show me off at Jack’s party as your date but make no mistake; I’m only stroking your ego and nothing more,” I stated in a serious tone.

“Shall we go,” he reached for my hand and walked me to his car. He opened the passenger door to his Porsche 911 Turbo S Coupe.

“Thank you,” I tucked my dress and sat, lifted my legs into the car, and he shut the door behind me.

“Well, are you ready?” he asked as he got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

“I’m comfortable in my own skin, the question, are you?”

“What’s that mean?”

“You might have to kiss me at the party.”


“To prove I’m your one and only,” I laughed.

“You’re toying with me, aren’t you?” he asked nervously.

“Of course… not really,” I laughed again.

“That’s not funny.”

“Seriously, how are you going to prove to them I’m your date?”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine.”

“I’m more worried about me, if they find out I’m not a genuine female they may just decide to kick my ass without an explanation and possibly yours too. We’ll be known as the ‘homo’ boys around town.”

“First of all, your way to beautiful for anyone to be wiser.”

“You forgot sexy!” I cleared my throat waiting for ikitelli escort a compliment.

“Most definitely sexy.”

“Thanks, a girl can never have enough compliments,” I giggled.

“Serious question.”


“Why did you agree to be my date anyway?”

“You first, why did you want me to be your date?”

“This is how we’re going to play it Victoria?”

“Thanks for remembering my name and you better show me a good time or there won’t be a second date.”

“Who said anything about a second date?”

“The way you were checking me out said all that needed to be said.”

“Are you still on that?”

“Sorry, you were about to answer why you wanted me to be your date,”

“Well, the truth is simple, I wanted you as soon as my eyes so you, simple and to the point.”

“You mean you wanted to fuck me.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“That’s exactly what you meant. You thought I was a hot sexy bitch you could use your good looks and charm on to bed me and use for your very own sex doll.”

He looked as though I was the Federal Government who just caught him in a big lie.

“Admit it, you wanted me sexually, right?” I used my sexy voice and smiled.

“It’s your turn.”

“Not until you admit it.”

“Fine, I wanted to fuck you, are you happy now?” he asked a little annoyed.

“Honey, it sounds like you’re sexually frustrated,” I pouted and put my hand on his which was on the shifter.

“WTF,” he pulled his hand away quickly.

“Sorry, I took it a little too far,” I laughed.

“No duh! You’re acting just like a girl.”

“Sorry, I’m enjoying myself… besides, isn’t that the point, for me to act like a girl?”

“You’re so fucking real!” he exclaimed.

“Thank you!”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

“It sure sounded like one,” we eventually laughed.

“Stop flirting, now it’s your turn. Why did you say yes?”

“Opportunity presented itself to be honest.”


“You want more?”

“Yes, you have to fully answer the question.”

“Fine, like I said, the opportunity presented itself,” I began to reply.

“It doesn’t seem you’re so comfortable in your own skin after all.”

“Stop interrupting me.”

“Why do women constantly repeat themselves? Just get to the point.”

I laughed as he just referred to me as a woman.

“Really?” he began laughing with me but had no clue to what I was laughing at.

“Are you going to let me talk without interrupting me?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“When shopping at the malls around the area I always get wanting looks and a few whistles from unmannered men. Heck, I’ve been approached, talked up, and asked for my phone number numerous times,” I started explaining.

“Well, I can see why they would want your number, and yeah, that was a compliment.”

“Thanks, anyway, I always wondered what it would be like to go on a date with a guy. All arrangements are made, doors would be opened for me, someone would hold my hand, pay for dinner and entertainment, maybe even a good night kiss to end a great night out, and my date waiting outside my door until I locked it and was safe inside,” I explained passionately.

“Okay, I’ll go along with that whole scenario except the part where you lip lock with some dude because in reality, that would make you gay,” he pointed out calmly.

“I never said lip lock and was only referring to a peck on the lips, it’s a first and only date, I’m not a whore.”

“Still, and I never called you a whore.”

“Did your dad ever kiss you goodnight as a child?”

“Yeah, of course he did.”

“But that’s not gay?”

“Two totally different circumstances.”

“Really, maybe he was just a child molester,” I giggled.

“He wasn’t a child molester,” he chuckled shaking his head.

“How about your mom, did she kiss you, probably on the lips at one point?”

“Come on Vicky, she’s my mom, a female mom,” he laughed.

“Incest, have you ever fucked your mom?”

“Okay, you’re not upsetting me so why are we talking about this?”

“Really, you just referred to me as a woman when I was repeating myself, then, you proceeded to call me gay because my ideal date would kiss me when he took me home.”

“Well, we’re basically doing the same thing except I’m not going to kiss you at the end of the date,” he laughed.

“What?” I pouted.

“What, what did I say?”

“I’m going to your stupid party (sniffle), and all you can think of (sniffle), is your stupid ego (sniffle), how about my feelings?” I cried into my hands.

“I’m sorry,” he pulled over and gently placed his hand on my closest shoulder.

“I want to go home,” I extended the word ‘home’ as I whined like a little girl who just broke her favorite doll.

“Fine, I’ll kiss you goodnight and wait for you to lock the door before I leave,” he basically was on his knees now as he really began pampering me.

“Great, then all expectations will have been met by the end of the date,” I cheerfully stated as I uncovered my face with a huge smile from ear to ear.

“Fuck ılgaz escort me.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t take it that far, a light peck on the lips will be more than sufficient,” I smiled.

“Fucking bitch, it was all an act?”

“You deserved it for calling me gay, and now you just called me a fucking bitch.

Thank gawd I only promised myself to stroke your ego and nothing else because this isn’t exactly how a first date should go, is it?” now I wasn’t smiling but staring him down.

“I… I… fuck, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be insulting you. I wasn’t thinking… and your right, I asked you to come as you where because I wanted to be seen with a beautiful sexy girl.”

“And I’m sorry for fake crying,” I giggled.

“You know something, you actually look a lot like your mother now that I get a good look at you.”

I laughed.

“What’s so funny?” he asked pulling back onto the road.

“Thanks, my mom is beautiful and can probably pass as a young college student.”

“Well, you definitely get your looks from her.”

I began playing with the radio and talked about music and a while later we pulled into Jack’s neighborhood.

“We’re here,” Jack’s parents were wealthy also, and lived in an affluent neighborhood. Mark parked the car on the street so we wouldn’t be blocked in later.

“Wow, a lot of people are here already.”

“Yeah, wait right there,” he said as he got out, opened my door, and offered his hand.

“Thank you,” I was surprised though he did open the door for me when I got in the car.

“You’re welcome,” he closed the door behind me, took my hand in his, and walked me into the house where he was met by a chant of his name.”

“Mark,” Jack acknowledged.

“Hey Jack,” they boys hugged.

“You going to introduce me to your beautiful friend,” Jack smiled as he looked me up and down.

“Jack this is Victoria, Victoria, my friend Jack,” we both acknowledged each other.

“If you tire of him, I’m easy to find,” Jack laughed.

Mark and I just looked in disbelief. He’s really a jerk for embarrassing both of us like that.

“Just kidding Mark, the beer kegs are in the back, help yourself,” he informed us before yelling toward a new guest and drifting off.

“I don’t like him,” I whispered squeezing his hand.

“Vicky, it’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said sincerely.

“Just don’t leave me,” disturbed I moved closer to him until he put his arm around me.

“He’s just drunk, he’s harmless, I promise.”

“Did you see how he looked at me?”

“Not really, I was looking at you not him.”

“I’ve heard stories Mark.”

“We were teammates, I wouldn’t know, we never hung out together.”

“I heard stories about you too.”

“Oh, at batting practice when I’m not hitting well?”


“That’s a competitive thing.”

“I also heard you were the strongest boy in school.”


“Are you going to protect me?”

“First of all, you can’t let every asshole at a party freak you out because they looked at you funny. Secondly, I’ll kick anyone’s ass that fucks with you.”

“Thank you,” I smiled.

“You’re welcome, now stop fucking with me bitch,” he laughed.

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t until you just admitted it,” we laughed.

“He did freak me out though.”

“That I believe.”

“He’s lucky any girl gives him the time of day,” we laughed.

Mark poured me a beer from the keg then one for himself.

“New girlfriend?” Stephanie asked sneaking up on us.

“Yes, Stephanie, this is Victoria, Victoria this is Stephanie,” Mark introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” we said simultaneously.

“Nice dress,” Stephanie complimented.

“Thank you,” I replied and I was off with the girls before I knew it.

“Vicky,” Mark called out as he approached us.

“It’s been about an hour and I know how you girls rather gossip then eat, drink, sleep, and use the restroom so I must interrupt,” he smiled.

“Yes, I do need some relief,” I responded.

“Nice meeting you,” the girls chimed all at once.

“Nice meeting you too, bye.” I responded.

“This way beautiful,” Mark put his hand around my waist and led me through the crowd to the bottom of the steps. “The first door on your left, I’ll be right here,” he told me.

I smiled coming out of the restroom when I saw Mark still waiting for me at the bottom of the steps.

“Okay, I’ll just be a minute,” he told me before leaping up the stairs and shutting the door behind him.

“Hello Victoria,” a drunken Jack announced.

“Hey Jack.”

“Where’s Mark?”

“In the little boys room.”

“Well. I usually use the big boy’s room,” he laughed with his two friends.

“Somehow I really doubt that.”

“Well, how about we get better acquainted and you’ll see for yourself.”

“We’re about as acquainted as we’ll ever be Jack,” I said hoping Mark would arrive soon to save me.

“Let’s go upstairs and have a little fun.”

“I’d rather not.”

“Well. I guess you don’t really like real men, that’s why you’re with Mark.”

“Really, inegöl escort your mom told me Mark was bigger than you, why do you think she would say that?”

“Funny girl,” he and his other two friends laughed, Tom and Jimmy.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he put his hand on my lower back.

“Get off pervert,” I jerked back and yelled but the party was too loud and no one paid attention.

“You don’t understand,” Jack laughed.

“No, you don’t understand asshole,” Mark said as he shoved Jack up against the wall with his fist drawn back.

“He’s not worth it Mark,” I moved so he could see me in his line of sight.

It happened so fast no one really noticed what was going on as he let Jack go.

“Good boy Mark,” Jack laughed.

“Jack, you’re such an ass, from now on I’ll just call you Jackass,” I laughed.

Mark pushed Jimmy to the floor, took my hand, and led me through the now massive crowd. Once outside Mark looked back towards the house to make sure Jack and his friends didn’t follow us, and then headed toward the car.

“Protecting me again,” I asked Mark.

“I didn’t see anyone else protecting you.”

“I’m so sorry I ruined your friendship.”

“Are you kidding me, Jack had this coming for a very a long time. Trust me, it goes way further back then you Vicky.”

“Why didn’t you stop him before?”

“I did, just not so aggressively.”

“So, you’re not going to blame me?”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong Vicky,” he insisted as he opened the door for me.

“Thank you,” I slid into the seat.

“You’re welcome,” he replied shutting the door behind me before getting in the driver’s seat and starting the car.

“Where to?” I asked.

“Home, the night’s a bust.”

“No, no way! This may be my only chance to actually go out on a real date with an awesome guy. I’m not letting you off the hook that easy, we’re finishing our date despite Jack and his stupid party,” I demanded.

“Where to then?”

“Considering everything, I would like to go to a dance club, have a few drinks, and dance with you,” I admitted.

“Okay,” he said picking up his cell and typing in dance clubs near me.

“Really, you’ll take me to a nightclub, buy me drinks, and dance with me?”

“That’s the deal.”

“Thank you,” I said relieved.

“Babes, that sounds like it might fit the bill.”

I really wanted to go to this club, it’s owned by Rizolli what’s his name, the mobster they can’t seem to put away. He owns clubs all around the states and his son’s run a couple in this area.

I heard on the news the clubs are the safest around as they don’t allow drugs, guns, and/or prostitution in or outside the clubs; they even guard the parking lot at said clubs along with the sidewalks to get there.

The best part about this club is that they have a playlist that starts from the mid 50’s to the most recent so the DJ will never play the same song in a three-hour window.

“So. This is a, yes?”

“Can’t wait to get there.”

“One more question; am I really that awesome?”

“My hero,” I put my hand on his that was on the shifter and squeezed it.”

“I might need that hand.”

“Sorry,” I retrieved my hand and we were off to the club.

We pulled up to the club and Mark was a real gentleman from opening my door, to holding my hand all the way to the bar were we found two seats.

“You want a girly drink?” Mark asked.

“I’ll have a Strawberry Daquiri double the alcohol,” I answered.

“Where did you hear that phrase ‘double down’ on the alcohol?”

“A movie.”

“Are you sure?”

“Protecting me again?”

“I don’t see anyone else protecting you.”

“Funny honey, just let me have a bit of fun,” I said in my best female country accent.

“Bartender,” Mark ordered three shots of the good whiskey for himself and my Strawberry Daiquiri.

“Shots, your Daiquiri in fifteen seconds,” the bartender shouted over the noise.

“Thanks,” I replied as I downed one of Mark’s whiskeys and shook my head, “that’s strong.”

“That’s what you get for stealing someone else’s drink,” he laughed and order another for himself.

“Sorry,” as soon as I had my drink in my hand, I began washing the taste of the whiskey down.

“Slow down,” Mark laughed.

“Okay, dad,” we laughed.

Then I overheard a group of guys next to us, our age, discussing they need to find a party.

“Excuse me, I overheard you guys were looking for a party,” I interrupted the guy sitting next to me as he turned to me.

“Yeah, first time at a club, it really sucks, rather be somewhere we could get high and drink a little booze,” he replied.

“We just came from a live one, not my thing, rather be at a club; but they were grilling and partying it up big time. If you’re interested, I’ll type the address in Google Maps for you. I just can’t guarantee the crowd type because there were people piling in way too fast to keep track,” I offered as he quickly handed me his phone.

“Thanks, have a good one,” he said taking his phone and leading the group out of the club.

“Vicky,” Mark called me.


“Why did you give them Jack’s address, you know jocks and stoners don’t really get along.

“Sorry honey, it won’t happen again,” I giggled downing my drink and placing my empty glass on the bar.

“I just don’t want Jack and his buddies figuring out who gave them his address,” he started.

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