Tumble in the Hay

Big Dicks

When I was 18, I visited my cousins in the country. They owned a large piece of farmland that grew soybeans and corn, housed all their horses and hunting dogs and also was the site their enormous farmhouse. Since I was very small, I visited them about every other summer, so my cousins and I knew all the best places to hide, run and get into trouble. Coming to their house was like being a kid again, even as I got older; because they didn’t have cable TV or cell service, we still had to make up ways to have fun.

Now, my aunt and uncle had two sets of children, older and younger. The two younger girls, Kylee and Anna, were usually my playmates, but the older two sometimes played with us as well. The older girl, Livy, wasn’t much fun (she was more concerned with getting married right now) but Ben was always a great time. He was a big, brawny construction worker who liked to jump on the trampoline and launch us into the air. Everyone thought he was really funny and cute and it helped that he was always really nice, too.

He often stayed the night to have Sunday breakfast with his whole family, and on this night, he did just that. My aunt and uncle went to bed early to be up for church the next day, but since I didn’t go to church, I was allowed to stay up with Ben and watch movies in my nightshirt, like a sleepover. I was running out of movies to watch when he said, “Let’s play a game instead.”


“What do you want to play?”

I liked to play Scrabble and Boggle, but the boxes were downstairs past everyone’s bedrooms and he didn’t think it was a good idea to wake them up. “Let’s play something without a board, then. Something that doesn’t make noise,” he suggested.

“Ok, like what?”

“How about the quiet game?”

I rolled my eyes. “That game is for little kids that won’t shut up. It’s not a real game.”

“Not the way I play it! One person stays quiet and the other tries to make them make sound.” I thought that sounded a lot more fun, so we tried it and I chose to be quiet first. He made all kinds of faces at me and though I wanted to laugh, I pressed my hands over my mouth. I tried making faces at him, too, but he didn’t even crack a smile, so I tickled him. That was better: his lips wiggled and he jerked around a lot, but he stayed resolutely quiet.

Then it was my turn again. “Remember, no sound at all!” he said. I pressed my lips closed and mimicked throwing away the key to show I meant business. “Ok.”

He knelt down and took off my sock to wiggle my big toe. I didn’t move a muscle. “Good!” he said in an impressed voice. He reached up and tickled behind my knee next. I was really ticklish there, but I bit my lips with determination.

Ben watched my face while he slid his hand way up under my nightshirt and touched me through my panties. I gasped, but he raised his eyebrows. We were still playing. He touched me all around, stroking my thighs and reaching for the back of my panties to hold my butt. When I still didn’t make noise, his fingers reached under the waistband and touched the place where my skin parted between my legs. His fingers were warm and firm and it felt good, but a little strange at the same time. I thought maybe it was because I wasn’t usually touched there. He took his hand away and grinned. “You win another round! I’ll go once more and then it’s probably time to sleep.”

My head felt a little fuzzy, but one more turn sounded ok. I started out like he did, tickling his feet. He didn’t laugh, but boys are less ticklish than girls, so I wasn’t surprised. The backs of his knees probably didn’t tickle at all, so I skipped that and reached for the place between his legs. I knew that boys and girls had different parts, but I had only ever seen a diagram once in a used textbook and there didn’t seem to be a big difference. Ben didn’t feel the same at all. He felt long and hard and I touched him all over with great curiosity. He sighed a long, deep sigh and I wasn’t sure whether that counted or not because I had gasped and he hadn’t cared, but I wanted to stop playing for the night anyway. “You win!” I said cheerily, letting go and backing away.

The next day, the girls, Ben and I played hide and seek. Everyone’s favorite thing to do was to run straight into the cornfield because the tall stalks had felt like a maze as a little kid and the feeling never really died. It was easy to hear people coming through the stalks and run away, but sometimes that gave away your position, so you had to be sneaky. There was a lot of ground to cover, so it was common for these games to last hours, but we didn’t care. What else were we going to do with our time? When someone was caught, they just became the new ‘it’ and screamed out their countdown so the whole field could hear; another carryover from being small.

As the guest, I went first. I covered my eyes with my hands and counted back from 20, then said in my sing-songiest voice, “Ready or not, here I come!” The corn giggled and I sakarya escort ran for the sound. After a long while, I found my youngest cousin Kylee by her bright pink tanktop and made her the new ‘it’. She dutifully began screaming and I dashed away, straight into Ben.

“Let’s find a place together! If we both think of places, they’ll never find us.” I thought this was a good idea, so I started suggesting places. “They’ll look around the house after a while. Do you know someplace out in the fields you don’t go often?” There was a hay barn out in the field, but we usually didn’t go in because it was just boring and full of hay bales. He said that boring was good because they wouldn’t go there, so we agreed to hide in the barn for a while.

Like usual, hay bales were stacked up to the high windows, but some of the hay had been used because there was a path through the first line of bales. We snuck through and Ben closed up the entrance with two bales from the next row. I told him he was full of good ideas and he laughed. We followed the path about halfway back through the barn where there was an empty place off to one side.

“I don’t think we’ll be caught for a while, do you?” I didn’t think so. He sat down on a pile of loose hay and made to get comfortable. “How long do you think it’ll take for Kylee to find Anna?” he asked.

I also sat. “A while. Kylee isn’t a good seeker and Anna’s a good runner. Anna’s a better seeker, though.”

“Ok. We have some time to kill, then, and we should stay quiet. Do you want to play the game again?”

I thought about it for a bit. I wasn’t sure whether or not I had really liked it last night. Nothing bad had happened, but I felt weird about where Ben touched me. Then I thought about waiting here for hours with nothing to do and I decided I’d rather not be bored. “Ok. Why don’t you be quiet first?”

I made silly faces at Ben to no avail, so I tickled him again which also didn’t work again. Then I remembered that he had almost made sound when I touched the hardness between his legs and I reached for that. His eyes widened and he bit his lip as though bracing himself. Sensing victory, I touched him very firmly where he was hard, stroking him like I remembered him doing to me. His whole body shivered; had I found where he was ticklish? Determined, I stroked even harder until a soft groan escaped him. “I win!” I said triumphantly.

“Yes, you did. Do I get a chance to redeem myself?”

It seemed like the right thing to do, so I said, “Yeah, alright.” Ben motioned for me to lie back against the hay and I did. He pulled my legs apart and cupped his hand right between my thighs. He rubbed slowly, but firmly with his hot, hard hand. It felt just as good as it had last night and soon, I began to shiver like he just had.

“I’m going to help you not make sound, ok?” I nodded, not want him to stop. He leaned over me and pressed his lips to mine. Not knowing what to do, I pressed back. He groaned, but it wasn’t his turn not to make noise, so he kept rubbing. His teeth scraped against my lips and I think I felt his tongue in my open mouth, delicious and wet. “You’re doing very well, don’t give up!” he said in a low voice, using both hands to unzip my jeans and let his hand wander under my panties. His fingers pressed into my parted skin and rubbed there. My moan was absorbed into his mouth, and he kept rubbing me. I felt some feeling well up inside me and became a bit afraid. Almost like he knew, he kissed me harder and rubbed my sex faster, making the feeling stronger. I tried to shut my legs, but his hand kept them apart and finally, I felt my body spasm in the most wonderful way. My sex quivered and trembled against his hand while a hot fluid ran down into my panties and onto my thighs. One long, thin moan was lost in our kiss, then I felt my head fall back on the hay. “Good girl,” he said, and I could hear a smile in his voice. “You won.”

“But I made noise!” I said, my body still shaking a little.

“That’s ok. It’s called the quiet game, not the silent game.” I felt very heavy and tired. Ben helped me lean against him and listen to his heartbeat. “Do you like playing?” he asked. I giggled because his voice sounded so deep, but thought about it. I decided I liked it more than not, so I said, “Yes. I like playing. Do you?”

“Yes, very much. You’re the best playmate I’ve had. Would you like to play again real soon?” I found that I really did, so he said, “Let’s play again tonight. After everyone’s gone to sleep, sneak out and meet me here. This will be our secret place. Like a hideout- only we will know it’s here.”

That sounded really fun, but right now we had to get back to hide and seek. I had one more question, though. “Why is it hard? I thought boy’s parts were really small and not hard at all. Does it look different?”

Ben looked at me. “It gets hard when a boy is with someone he really likes. We can’t help it. Do you want to see?” I nodded samsun escort and he reached down to unzip his pants and pull it out. It was a lot bigger than it looked like in that drawing and when I touched it, it still felt really hard. I supposed this meant that he really liked me. About that time, I heard Anna calling for me, so I ran out of the barn really fast. I didn’t want her to know about the secret place.

That night, I waited for my cousins to start snoring so they wouldn’t wake up when I tiptoed out. I changed into my jeans and t-shirt in the bathroom and snuck out the backdoor because it didn’t squeak. Once I was out, I jogged all the way to the barn. Sure enough, the two bales were pulled aside for me to squeeze through and I quietly crept to the secret place where Ben was standing on tiptoe, peeking out the high window.

“I’m here,” I whispered.

“I know,” he said. “I watched you go by. Ready to play again?”

I smiled and nodded. “Who first?”

“I’ll be quiet first,” he said and sat to lean back on the hay. I didn’t bother with faces or tickling this time. I already knew what made him lose. I reached right for place in his pajama pants and began to stroke it. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, but no sound came out. I guessed I’d have to try harder. I used both hands to rub up and down the entire length and felt it grow harder somehow. He must like that.

Watching his face, I did to him what he had done to me. I unbuttoned the front of his pajamas and pulled out his big hardness. My hands were a little cold, so I blew hot air into them and began to stroke. He moaned very quietly, but he had let me get away with a little sound, so I decided to be nice and do the same. I stroked him hard up and down with both hands until he began to shiver. Suddenly, he caught my wrist and pointed to his tongue, then to his sex. I didn’t understand, but then he mimed using his tongue to stroke and I tried it. His sex tasted like skin, but warm and dark. There were little hairs that got caught on my tongue, but the tip of it was very smooth.

“Do you like it?” I asked. Ben nodded vigorously. Feeling encouraged and very daring, I put the whole tip in my mouth and stroked it with my tongue. Almost immediately, he groaned more loudly and after a second or two, I declared myself the winner of that round. He sat up. His eyes focused on me without blinking. He declared that it was my turn, and pointed to the hay where I quickly lay down.

He reached for the hem of my t-shirt and lifted it up to peek under. “Oh look,” he said, “You’ve grown little boobs!” I was very proud of my round chest bumps, so I blushed and tried to gesture that he could look more closely. He pulled my t-shirt right up to my chin to look at them, then cupped one in his enormous hand and rubbed the nipple with his calloused thumb. When I was putting on shirts, it was annoying to have them rubbed, but his hand made them feel tingly. He pinched the other one and to my surprise, it rose into a little bud. Ben chuckled. “Looks like you get hard when you like someone, too. They are very cute little breasts.” He grabbed them a little harder and the place between my legs felt hot. I hoped he would rub me there soon, but he wasn’t done with my chest yet. He leaned down and flicked his tongue over them. This is how he must have felt when I did it to him. I breathed a big sigh and my body seemed to push into him without my help.

“That’s a girl. Look how hard you’ve made it,” he said in the low voice from before. He stopped to pull my legs open and knelt between them, his hard sex still standing out of his pajamas. He leaned close over me and I could feel his breath on my ear. Instead of his hand, he used himself to rub me while one arm supported him and the other reached down to help me rub back against him. His chest rocked a little against mine so that the buds on my breasts brushed against his skin and to cap it all, he pressed his lips against mine again. It felt so good to have my whole body touched like this, but I wasn’t shivering like before. I wanted something more.

“We’re going to play the adult version of the game now. Do you think you’re ready?” I nodded slowly. “Are you sure? You don’t have to be quiet anymore, but you can’t tell anyone. It’s a secret for the secret place, ok?” My eyes wide like saucers, I nodded again.

Ben straightened up immediately and undid my jeans. He pulled them down to my knees and touched my sex through my closed legs. “You forgot to wear panties,” he commented. When I blushed deep red and looked away, he grinned and continued, “I like it. You should always play the adult game like this.” My body began to shiver at his touch. He moved his fingers a little lower to where I knew there was an opening and I felt him push a long finger inside me. My body immediately clamped around him like it didn’t want him to do that, but he pinched one of my hard nipples with the other hand and kept pushing urfa escort with his finger. He pushed slowly at first, pressing his entire finger inside me, then more quickly, stroking me on the inside. The feeling was growing inside me again, causing me to moan.

“You have a tight little hole,” he told me. “That’s good, it means this will feel better.”

“What will?” I panted, willing him to keep going.

“This.” He took his finger out of me and set my ankles, bound together by my jeans, against his shoulder. I felt something else, something long and hard and warm, press against my entrance, and then he pushed forward into me. Forgetting that we weren’t playing the quiet game anymore, I bit my lip to keep from making noise. My ‘tight little hole’ obviously wasn’t ready to accommodate his huge sex, but he had managed to stretch me open anyway. His sex felt even huger inside me and I wriggled, trying to make myself comfortable and making him groan as well.

“Do I need to help you stay quiet?” I nodded vigorously thinking that he would pull it out and kiss me, but he instead leaned down (bending my legs with him!) and took off my t-shirt all the way. He rolled it up and gave it to me to bite, then settled back with his sex deep inside me and my legs over his shoulder. “Good girl,” he said. “This will feel really good, I promise.” He pulled his sex most of the way out and then pressed it back in.

Like with his fingers, he started slowly. I could feel every inch of him stretching my opening wide and his smooth tip just brushed something inside me. It felt uncomfortable at first, but when he started to move faster, I realized that my thighs were rubbing together in a way that made the warm feeling grow again. Even his size stopped bothering me and I moaned into my t-shirt. Hearing me, he groaned and used my legs to press himself in further, hitting that happy place inside me each time he thrust forward. I started to moan in earnest, everything felt so amazing and he responded by thrusting faster and harder than ever into my tiny hole.

Suddenly, he pulled out of me altogether and grabbed me by the hips. He turned me over so that I was kneeling, but bent over, and then he pushed his sex into me that way. His hardness felt better like this inside me, but my thighs didn’t rub together in the same way. Whimpering with desperation, I pressed my ass back against his thrusts. The response was as before, harder and faster. I heard myself whimper every time he filled me until he groaned the loudest of all, hissing my name through his teeth and shook like I had earlier that day. I felt something hot leak out of me and drip onto the hay. Obviously he got the warm feeling, too. He panted heavily, pulled out, and lay beside me on the hay.

“Jesus… The way you grip my cock. Your tight body was made for this.” I wasn’t at all sure what that meant, so I said nothing. I still burned for something else, but I wasn’t sure how to ask him to touch me and anyway, he looked too tired to do more. After a while, I heard his heartbeat slow down and he looked at me. “Do you want to try one last thing? I want to make you feel as good as you just made me feel.” If it meant relieving the throbbing between my legs, I was willing to try anything. “Take your pants all the way off,” he said.

After I did, he knelt between my legs again, but then lowered himself down flat so that his head was a dark shape over my sex. He pulled me open with his fingers and then, to my great surprise, leaned in and began to lick me.

“What are you doing?” I gasped. His tongue felt very different from his fingers or his cock.

“Giving you a good lick,” he answered, placing a kiss on the most sensitive part of me.

“Why would you want to lick me there?”

He winked at me, his eyes glittering in the dark, and then gave me a big lick using all of his tongue. “Because your little pussy tastes so good. Just lie back and enjoy it.” Not quite trusting him, I propped myself up on a little more hay and watched his tongue tease apart my folds of skin. His tongue was strong like his fingers, but more flexible, able to bend around my shape and play with me. He drew long swirls on me followed by firm, broad lines and little, fast flickers. I found myself making soft gasps quite often when he skated past a certain, extremely sensitive bud. He knew how to make warmth grow in my body very well and I longed for him to lick faster. I needed him to make my body shake.

He reached up easily and plucked one of my nipples. Lightning shot from his fingers down to my sex and I heard myself moan. He pinched me harder, but I only moaned louder and rocked with his hand. He began to lick me in earnest and I could only respond by pressing my pussy into his face, holding on to the wild heat rising in me. I felt afraid again and tried to close my legs, but this time he held my legs open with both his hands and sucked hard on my bud. Almost immediately, my body shook with release, a long groan carrying me through. He flicked his tongue gently over me until I stopped thrashing and lay, shivering and sweating on the sweet hay. He rose again to join me, wiping the shine off his face with a calloused hand, then flinging out an arm to embrace me.

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