Tucker 01


Tucker 01

“Good evening, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, tickets please, enjoy the party. Good evening, King Tut and girlfriend, who was his sister, by the way, tickets please, enjoy the party. Good evening, Spiderman and Spider Gwen and by the way, very, very ooh la, la, Spider Gwen, tickets please, enjoy the party.

Hey there people, I’m Tucker and I writing to you today just to share my story of the advantages that I had as I searched for the elusive “where and when” a while back so I could not only practice my dressing and attitude, but to receive back some friendly feedback. I’m also writing to today as I work the front registration and ticket table at the annual Middleton Halloween party, so there may be an interruption here and there.

“Good evening, Robocop and metal girlfriend, tickets please, enjoy the party. Good evening, Scare Crow and Dorothy, everyone always figured Dorothy stuffed your hay a few times anyways, tickets please, enjoy the party. Good evening, oh, I’m unarmed, Kayla Kaye!”

“Simmer down, Tucker, I’m just sneaking my entire crew into the city Halloween party and I promise to show you how to kiss proper in the restroom hallway, so?”


“Nice Peter Pan costume, Tucker, since that role was always played by a girl anyways and since you have the legs for such a costume, so?”

“[Gulp] enjoy the party, Kayla Kaye, um and crew, um, I didn’t run away last weekend, so?”

“Oh, so, you didn’t run straight the High Tops Shoes shop the next morning for melted soles? We’ll talk later, Tucker, er, Peter Pan, ticket taker, sheesh, you’re so confusing! Also, since your makeup always seems to cost like a bazillion dollars, please and thank you!”

[Whish, a bazillion dollar tube of black lip gloss and small makeup kit]

Anyways, hey there, hey, again, I’m Tucker, I’m a little timid around certain people, but I’m very open and free with a few other people, there is nothing wrong with my kissing skills, but I’m open to having a lesson from Kayla Kaye (tee he) and I did not run from a group that had gathered in front of the Bad Karma shop on the Strip because they were playing “truth, truth, no dare” last weekend. I may have walked away fast, like a trot, but I did not run.

So, what else then, for now anyways. Well, I was once mistaken for the basketball when I fell asleep curled up on the chaise lounge chair, I have been blessed with a decent body, some of which Kayla Kaye just pointed out, thank you very much, even though she could have added “noticeable”, but I’ll take what I can get, I won’t use a lot of buzz words today, like how my “expression” led me to a “path in life” where my “transitioning” began, but I will add a legend of buzz words in the foot notes of my story for those of you who feed off of buzz words.

Anyways, here I am today, costumes as Peter Pan and happily working the front ticket registration table at the annual Middleton Halloween Party in the Civic Center.

“Good evening, Count Dracula and paid escort, Vampire Miranda, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

Also, I will listen to you very, very carefully if you present me with a perfectly flavor mixed Frosty.

“Awkward, good evening, Countess Miranda and ahem, 8th cousin Count Dracula, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

So, what I wanted to share with you people, who will be my friends just as soon as we meet, are a few of the advantages that I had when I didn’t have a lot of choices, which maybe other Traps had the same advantages and I just don’t know it, but I took full advantage of what was available to me and even though my friend, Josh, is going to come up a lot, it was not in that way. Well, it was a little like that as time went on, but, well, I’ll get to it.”

“Good evening, Fred and Wilma Flintstone, tickets please, enjoy the party. Oops, Fred, please check your club in at the coat room and Wilma, tee he, please check your undies in with the registration table since there were no undies back then.”

Alright, back to me. My early advantage was having plenty of time to hone my fashion skills, I’m active, but not too overly active, thanks to Mildred up at the Hair Salon, I have three options with my hair and as I just said, I will listen very carefully to you if you place a perfect Frosty in my hand, on or a date or not on a date, I’m not sure what happens to me when there is blunt going around, but I like it and there are not a lot of rumors floating around, so I think I’m safe there and I would rather die than not wear the most appropriate outfit for any particular event.

I don’t stand tall and I absolutely do not dangle and swing, but I’m happy that I protrude and jiggle and as my story goes on, if it seems like I say something about being nude or naked a lot, that’s because I’ve come to like being nude or naked, under the right circumstances, of course.

Also, for a perfect Frosty and a hit of a blunt, well, then my time will have come.

Only you need to get the flavor mix of my Frosty just perfect. Exactly hopa escort perfect, I say!

“Good evening, Queen Annabella and, ah, ooh, um, bah, bah, bah…”

“LOL, I guess my Queen’s cleavage is perfect tonight then!”

So, what was my dressing experience advantage then, well, one day I realized that the ‘rents of my friend, Josh, LOL, didn’t have the nerve to open his bedroom door once it was closed, so, one day, about eight months ago, I showed up with a duffle bag in my hand and without any advance warning or with Josh’s permission, I just changed out and dressed, right there and then.

And that first time was an absolutely nerve wrecking event for both of us, but it happened, no matter how weak it was, but going forward, it seemed acceptable to Josh, so, each weekend, my duffle bag became bigger and better and it didn’t take all that many weekends to go from weak to the girlfriend experience! Well, my appearance ended up at the girlfriend level anyways.

“Good evening, Black Beard and Pirate, oh, and Blue Beard, so, cool, tickets…”

“Argh, we be looking to be capturing ye booty tonight, Lad!”

“Wrong movie, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

So, as I was saying, since Josh seemed to be neutral about things and never said much, that’s where and how I fine tuned my dressing skills and attitude and before too many weekends, my duffle bag held more than one outfit and I began changing as many as three times a night!

“Good evening, Black Adam and Cyclone, tickets please, enjoy the party. Also, just how does a brick building drive a car then, Mr. Black Adam, hmm?”

[A gentle back handed brush off]

Tee he, he squeezed my shoulder more than he brushed me off!

Anyways, since Josh didn’t have any major objections as I notched it up and notched it up more and notched it up again as each weekend came along, I did come to learn that he really, really liked the way that I changed out, which was from scratch for each outfit and what I mean by that is I started out each change out from naked. But, to make sure we didn’t get to lost in the girlfriend experience, I mean, I turned my back to him as I changed out each out time as he sat quietly and patiently on his bed. Well, he sat quietly except for a couple of slapping sounds as I bent over to pull up my undies and then again, a moment or two later as I bent over to pull up my socks or other leg coverings, that is. But I didn’t peek as I was also lost in the girlfriend experience that I saw reflecting back at me from his mirror. Or the mirror allowed to see both of us, either way, I already said that I’m comfortable with my body and being totally naked, so.

“Good evening, Ironman and Pepper Potts, SOB, Auntie Kelli?”

“Hush, Timmy. I’m technically, almost, close enough to filing for divorce Monday, single now, so, shut it! And I won’t be mad if you spread it around that you got your butt from my side of the family, ta, ta.”

And above, I only mentioned that I protrude and jiggle because I know that you won’t want me for my dick, but you’re going to see it if we get some moments alone because getting naked is like my third thing!

Don’t forget the perfectly mixed and flavorful Frosty. The end.

“Good evening, Captain America and Ms. Marvel. Captain America dude, I’m sorry, I just never got your character, not at all, you seem to be like three super hero’s all rolled into one and it doesn’t work for me, but I melt for you, Ms. Marvel, so text me if and when your book club ladies ever want your toe nails painted, ahem, your son has my number, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

“Well, I never! My son has your number! Hmph!”

Oh, and since I had already figured out my facial makeup schemes long before, no matter how weak my initial dressing practice runs were with Josh, I never looked like a clown. And by the way, this might just be me speaking, but I think my back, my bare and exposed back, is totally irresistible. And you can ask Josh about that since I stood nude before him so many times while I changed outfits. And a couple of times he stood and approached me for a closer look, so. And he never pushed forward. Much.

“Good evening, wow, Mavis and random castle monster, um, Mavis, Kayla Kaye and her goth crew is here, tickets please, enjoy the party. Also, Marla Maye Mavis, I promise that your step brother, Travis, only inquired about a girlfriend experience out of curiosity while he asked to have preview of my Peter Pan costume, so?”

“Hah! And I’m sure, what are you buzz words, Tucker, you changed from buck naked scratch in front of him with your back turned, hah! Also, ahem!

[Whish, a bazillion dollars tube of purple lip gloss]

So, listen folks, as I said above, Josh never, well, never more than a few times closed the gap as I was changing out in front of him, but other than he really enjoyed it, it was pretty harmless. The end.

“Good evening, Shrek and modernized Princess Fiona, tickets please, enjoy horasan escort the party.”

And it never lasted more than two hours anyways and once I was dressed, Josh just went about his game playing and let me prance around or play with him, like whatever I wanted to do, although, he eventually started to let on about what and what type of outfits he liked me in best and I did my best to take his advice and I did my best to accommodate his tastes since Josh seemed to be a fairly normal guy, so he was my gauge on what other people, yes, guys, would like to see. Which, LOL, he didn’t need to go on and on about how the smaller the undies the better, but he was my Josh and he was happy, so, that’s how things went. Besides, I sort of have a volleyball back there and since basic undies come in packages of six, I mean, I wore a lot of what Josh liked and changed into them from what I call from scratch and those are not my buzz words as Marla Maye said. LOL, they are my way of life because for some reason, I like to get naked. And Josh was happy. The end.

“Good evening, Hulk and She-Hulk, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

“(Ahem, I need some touch up green body paint, funny boy, so?)”

[Whish, cosplay green body paint]

Green cleavage rules.

Anyways, to be fair, in between the awkward beginning and the questionable ending of our time together in his bedroom, I mean, well, listen, there was some scooting and some shuffling and some leaning and some un-necessary reaches and some squishing and some squeezing and things like that, but, well, we were both human and if I don’t mind saying so myself, I am the girlfriend experience! In appearance, mind you. The end.

“Good evening, Joan of Arc and Defender of the Realm with an arrow through your head, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

And maybe somewhere in the middle of things Josh wondered, out loud because he finally found some nerve, if instead of him jacking off solo, if I would join him like literally all other gamer buddies do, things sort of went a different direction when I called him out and made him confess that he only wondered if I would chip in on his behalf and since we had already gone through all of the scooting and squishing and reaching, well, I chipped in a few times. Like maybe 10 times, but I was only buck naked for about half the times. I was not his girlfriend. The end.

“Good evening, Inspector Gadget and Rosie the Robot, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

Also, to stay truthful and honest with you good people, stepping forward was Josh’s talent, but within good control. I am not an official girlfriend yet.

“Good evening, Wonder Woman and (out of shape) Superman (tee he), tickets please, enjoy the party.”

But to be clear, he preferred to jack off over me just as much and only once did I cave in and let him jack off on me, frontal, of course because he whacked off on my butt like all the time, but you can take it to bank that one gooey facial was enough of that! Like “Captain America”, I didn’t get that at all!

Oh, and I mean it, not ever again, no matter how perfectly you flavor mix my Frosty. I’ll make it up to you other ways, but not that way! Ewe! I just don’t get it. I mean, I got it good once, but that was enough! Oh, and to be fair to Josh, those are my words, not his. He thought it was great!

It was not great. Not even for a double Frosty, so.

“Good evening, Raven, OMG, Internet Raven! Oh, sorry, and Beast Boy. Randi Raye Raven, I’ll switch back for you Monday through Thursday if you will be my girlfriend, bah, bah, bah…”

“Relax, Tucker. I mean, maybe we will talk about an occasional Wednesday night or something while you help me adjust my leotard uniform in the Ladies room later since I’m in fear of the super thin thong strap getting out of position after a while, so?”

“Bah, bah, bah!”


[Whish, the last of the bazillion dollar black lip gloss]

“Bah, bah, bah, tickets please, enjoy the party. I love you, Internet Raven!”

Anyways, as things progressed with what I called my dressing playroom, Josh did express an interest in trying something new and different and since he had so much control with how many times he stepped forward, it seemed like a natural next step as well as it sounded interesting to me also.

“Good evening, Pat Sajak and Vanna White, tickets please and enjoy the party.”

Also, tee he, since I may have not described Josh very well, he’s cute, he’s nice, he was kind enough to allow to dress and undress and redress and undress and redress and undress in his direct presence for all those months and no matter what they say about all men being created equal, they are not created in all areas. Referencing something I said above, Josh dangled and swung compared to my protruding and jiggling. Well, he didn’t always dangle since he liked how I started from scratch to dress in front of him. The end.

“Good evening, Riddick and Dahl, tickets please and ikitelli escort enjoy the party.”

So, what was Josh’s new and different thing then? Well, I don’t know if the actually called it hot dogging or dry humping naked or just rubbing off a different way, but Josh liked it and he was good at it and since my moans came so naturally, well, I liked it too and once I brought some essential oils into the mix from my duffle bag, well, that’s my thing now too!

You will of course, need to get things started with a perfect Frosty, but I now know the mechanics and the movements, so, well, just like Josh, control needs to be maintained, but, well, the end.

Also, maybe once I used too much oil and maybe once my seal was slightly broken by his fat, OMG, so fat mushroom head, but Josh was happy and I still never thought that I had violated the girlfriend experience, so, ahem, the end.

“Good evening, um, um…”

[Starts tapping fingers on the table]

“The Invisibles! Even though these white sheets make us look more like ghosts.”

“Whatever, tickets please, enjoy the party.”

Also, I refer to it as naked dry humping with a power saw.

“Good evening, Helen Parr and Ann Possible, that’s hot, so hot! Licking Lesbo Lane is to the right of the dark restroom hallway and tickling and giggling is to the, well, everywhere else, so, tickets please, enjoy everything!”

Anyways, other than a couple of mishaps due to the nature of the essential oils, well, there were a few mishaps, the end.

Also, Josh set the bar high, so make it a double Frosty.

“Good evening, OMG, Wolverine and Storm, tickets please, enjoy the party. Storm, I did not start anything with your step brother, Tyler! Also, Medics, stay on stand by in case Wolverine reaches for a cocktail at the bar with his metal blade knuckles!”

“Well, Tucker, you engaged back well enough, but that’s okay. The word is that you can be quite irresistible from certain angles, so, follow through if you must, just not tonight, of course.”

So, folks, if my story today was about Tyler, I mean, it’s not, but since Josh never, ever, ever was a kisser, even though he really liked all of my other skin and body, I mean, based on a chit chat that Tyler and I had a couple of weeks ago, I think he would say that I do not need extra kissing lessons as Kayla Kaye implied above! Not that I was going to cancel kissing class with Kalya Kaye since there is always something new to learn, but I swear, Tyler would say my lips are irresistible. The end with Tyler.

“And I say that you should follow through with my step brother, Tucker because he has been putting in the research work to figure out your perfect Frosty mix of flavors, so?”

Hah! We’ll see about that! It will be easier to hack nuclear launch codes my secret Frosty recipe!

“Good evening, Violet Parr and Mr. Freeze and I’m only judging for the huge age gap, tickets please, enjoy the party. Oh, not Mrs. Bentley huge, but still, Violet Parr!”


“Goo, goo, boom, whew, oh, is she the person that we give my $10,000 cash donation to, er, what’s your name again, sweetie?”

“Now, now, daddy Freeze, your cash donation is safe in my purse! And you, little missy, Peter Pan, you mind your own business!”

[A whatever raising of the hands]

“Old geezer dump off zone is to the far right on the wooden benches and I’m a good kisser!”

“Hah! Well, call me, um???”

“Tucker. Peter Pan tonight, but Tucker.”

“Hmm, come on daddy Freeze, let’s get you to a bench then.”

So, where was I then, um, Josh had a lot of fun allowing me to practice my fem skills in his bedroom and we did a few things here and there, um, well, I never with my mouth, other than a little over flow from that awful facial time, ewe, but I knew that Josh had been wondering about that, so that might be one of the reasons that our oil slick butt buns sawing act took over, front and center. And oh boy, was Josh ever good at sawing me dead center!

“Good evening, OMG, foul and BS! You cannot attend the Middleton Halloween as Samuel L. Jackson unless you are the real Samuel L. Jackson! It’s just wrong!”

“Listen, you little mother fucking prissy missy, I’m about to fuck you up in two minutes! Now, where the hell is Mrs. Bentley?”

“The huge balloons are not balloons, Mr. Samuel L. Jackson, enjoy the party.”


So, back to that one time when I weakly tried to lower my head onto Josh’s lap for that type of next step of learning. It was terrible. I mean, not for Josh, who popped off and almost drowned me with his gooey goo as soon as my lips touched him, but other than I was naked because I did that in between an outfit change, it was weak. So, I tried that one-time only thing once more the following weekend, naked, of course because I like being naked and it was better. And then I figured out that it reduced the size of his load when we ended our video gaming ritual with a good sawing between my oiled slicked buns, I did that that one-time and then that two-time thing like once more and once more and once more again.

“Good evening, Barney and Betty Rubble, tickets please, enjoy the party.

“Tee he, are those Darla’s, I mean, Wilma’s undies you’re sitting on, er, young lady, Peter Pan???”

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