The Transformation


This is the second story I have written. After my first series of five chapters, ‘Can I Give You A Hand’, I was blown away by the positive comments, so thanks for that. I hope you enjoy this one as well! Comments are welcome. Comments on how to improve my writing are especially welcome!


My wife, Jodie, was a lesbian. This was well before I met her when we were in our late teens. She was 19 and I was almost twenty back then. I didn’t know she ‘batted for the other team’ so to speak and, truth be known, I really don’t think that it would have bothered me much at all. Having grown up in a school and family environment which was blatantly homophobic, I soon rebelled against the prejudices and hard-lined thinking of those around me. Many an argument ensued around the dinner table, many of which I must admit I won, at least that was my impression! While the prejudiced thinking revolved around so-called biblical passages, I focussed on the word ‘love’. A very big biblical principle apparently! Let all people love who they want.

Anyway, this is me reflecting now. Back then, I was a normal guy doing normal things. I rode a motorbike. I shot pool on Friday nights with my mates. I worked for a builder as an apprentice. Nothing strange to see there!

My romance with Jodie began on one of the regular Friday nights. Bill, Tim and myself were engaged in our usual do-or-die epic battles for mastery of the pool table when three of the hottest girls walked in the room. I swear it was the replay of the infamous western bar scene where everyone freezes instantly. I can remember thinking at the time, two things. First, that I would like to fuck any one of the three, and second, which one of them was going up to the bar to ask for a glass of milk! The place soon went back to normal, except that every red-blooded male had one of his eyes on the three walk-ins, hoping upon hope, that they might be interested. Disappointingly for most patrons, the three girls made their way towards us. Understandably really, as there was only one small table not occupied and that was near us!

My mates and I soon resumed our normal game and pleasant rivalry, when one of the girls came over to us and asked when the table would be free. They would love to play when we were ready. Bill, spotting his chance, asked them to join us and said, hopefully, that it would make the game much more interesting if we played as doubles. The girl, Beth, as it turns out, looked at the other two and questioned them with that silent look mastered only by women, to be replied to just as silently with a ‘yes’.

Then began the romance dance. When Jodie was paired up with me and I introduced myself, I thought that I had gone to heaven. She was indeed the living image of an angel. Just shorter than me, her long, almost blond hair was the first feature to strike me. It flowed over her pale skin and teasingly swayed to just above her butt. This butt, by the way did not spread out sideways and backwards (like the rappers like lol), but hinted at some sort of physical effort on her part to stay trim and athletic. Her legs were also long and slender, at least what of them I could see with her medium skirt. I know it is a bit of a cliché, but I did notice her breasts as well. No, they weren’t estrogen-fuelled balloons which occupy every teenage boy’s dreams. They were pert and pointy. I know because it was obvious that she wore no bra. She didn’t need to, obviously! Amusingly, Jodie knew I was checking her out and the one second that it took me to notice all of the afore-mentioned delights, she also must have sized me up. I am no beefy hulk with a drop dead square-jaw, but my work as a builder did give me a body to be proud of. I was more of a lithe smooth type of fit. I was a runner’s version of fit, even though I didn’t run. Constant physical work kept me trim and taut, but try as I might (I did try once or twice!), I couldn’t ‘beef up’. I didn’t have any chest hair to talk of and the stray hair or two which did sprout there was a light brown in colour. As an obvious athlete of some sort, Jodie recognized physical fitness when she saw it. She had a very appreciative look in her eyes and the hint of a naughty smile.

We both completed our one-second appraisal of each other and all of this while pretending to put our drinks down and sit near each other. It was only when I finally settled and our eyes met, did my heart stop. She had the most inviting eyes I had ever seen. They were a speckled green in colour with a depth that brought to mind visions of a rainforest, waterfalls and beautiful sun-filled glades. Jodie’s eyes were topped by blond eyelashes and eyebrows that almost didn’t seem to exist. The slight impish smile that formed on her lush lips were immediately echoed in her eyes. I could almost feel the curiosity and searching that those eyes were doing in my own eyes. “Hi. I’m Jodie. I see we’re partnered up for the game of the century. I hope you don’t lose because of me. I’m not that good at pool.”

“Tony,” I stammered as a reply. “You do realise hakkari escort that the loser of the game dies a horrible death at the hands of the pool masters, don’t you?” I know. Lame attempt at humour, but it was all I could come up with at the time. I was so stricken by Jodie’s beauty. Graciously, she didn’t give up on me immediately and proceeded to make light conversation throughout the evening’s game. By the end of the night, we were very comfortable with each other’s conversation. I was actually able to feel a little less stricken by her beauty and concentrate on the delightful, easy-going character that Jodie was. She was warm, confident, knowledgeable and fun. I had an amazing time. I love hanging with my mates on a Friday night, but that night they almost did not exist. It was just Jodie and me. I had the impression that she felt the same way, so as everyone was leaving, we lost of course, I asked, “How about a cup of coffee sometime? I think we had a pretty good time tonight and I would love to meet with you again.”

Jodie paused and looked in the general direction of the girls she came with and seemed to almost head towards them, but at the last minute, she hesitated and looked me straight in the eyes. “Sure. Why not. I did have a really good time tonight. I really surprised myself. I only came at the insistence of my friends. Don’t be annoyed! I really did have a great time and would like to see you again.” At that. She took my phone and entered her number. “Give me a call next week and we’ll see what happens.”

“OK cool,” I replied with all of the confidence of a shy teenager.

I didn’t call Jodie until Wednesday the following week. Not that I didn’t think of her. It was hard not to. It was her eyes. Her eyes haunted my every waking moment and some of my dreams as well. She seemed to penetrate deep into my soul with one look of her green eyes. Of course, the rest of her beautiful body also had something to do with my infatuation with her as well, but it was her eyes. Oh my god… those eyes!

“Hello. Jodie here,” she answered on the fourth ring. Just enough not to seem desperate! “Hey Jodie. Not sure if you remember me. I’m Tony. We met last Friday night at the ‘8th Ball’.”

“Oh hi. Yes. I was hoping you would call. I had a great time, thanks,” she replied.

“Well…. Um… I was wondering if you would like to meet for coffee this Friday after work. What time do you finish?” I asked hopefully. “Friday, I finish at 5. Would you like to make it coffee and dinner? I know this fantastic café which serves the best coffee as well as offering a light dinner.”

This seemed too good to be true, so I accepted! “That sounds fantastic. Where and when?”

“5:45 at the ‘Settlers Set Down. 54th East. See you then.”

“Nice,” I replied. “See you then. I will be the guy looking the luckiest!” Did I just say that? She hung up before I could backtrack from that obvious double entendre!

Friday came and all day I was on edge. Some of my workmates noticed and offered all of the usual workmate advice. “Don’t do it man. Stick to loose and free. Rental is always more satisfying than buying!” I dodged any specific details all day, but it wasn’t for want of trying from my ‘mates’. The afternoon couldn’t roll around fast enough. I just managed to get home, get changed and head out in time for my date. I managed to get there with 10 minutes to spare and ordered a wine from the bar. “No need to look too desperate,” I thought.

She arrived at exactly the said time and I rose to meet her. My heart was in my mouth, not beating! My eyes glued to the angel heading towards my table. “Hi,” I managed as she said the same. “Sorry,” I said as she sat down.

“It is good to see you,” Jodie said as I sat as well. We both looked at each other at the same time. It was almost as if we both were thinking, “Is this a good idea?”

“Hey you,” I said. “I am so glad we could meet. I have been thinking of you the whole week.”

“Wow. That’s nice,” Jodie said. “I must admit that I have been thinking of us as well.”

“Did she say ‘us’?” I thought. “Maybe there is some hope here!”

“All of my friends couldn’t believe that I was going to meet a guy… I mean a guy like you… Now that didn’t come out right! Anyway, I hope you know what I mean,” she stated. “It took me all week to convince them that I would,” she continued. “So, Tony. How have you been since the pool comp. I notice that all of your body parts are still intact. Does that mean our loss last Friday night wasn’t too taxing on your health? I could have sworn that the game would result in the death of at least one of us, the losers!” she laughed.

“No, it usually is a do-or-die game at the moment, but after the next drink, all is forgotten until the next showdown.”

“Great!” she said. “Now let’s relax and get to know each other without the threat of impending death hanging over us!” I liked this girl. She wasn’t just an angel. She was easy to be around. And, she had a sense of humour! The next halkalı escort 2 hours passed without either of us knowing. We skirted around many topics. Our mutual distrust of Trump. The benefits of wearing a face mask in the present covid-19 crisis. Why vanilla ice-cream is better than chocolate. All of life’s most important topics. The most important take-out of this is that we again seemed to be comfortable in our ability to relate on an intellectual and fun basis.

This pattern of relating continued through five more ‘coffee’ meetings. On the sixth, Jodie startled me by asking a very unexpected question. Up until then, I was more than willing to just relate on a friendly basis and not push the line to a more personal, sexual one. I was having a great time and if truth be told, I was really enjoying the non-pressured companionship of a female, albeit one who was physically very beautiful to me. Sure, I was physically attracted to her in a big way, but actually relaxing and putting the physical attraction aside, was a liberating idea for me. I loved the relationship we had developed. So, imagine my surprise when Jodie asked, right in the middle of a conversation about the benefits of a vegetarian diet, “Tony, do you find me attractive?” Well poke me with a hot iron and ask me to dance! I looked at her and weighed up the benefits of being honest, against the possibilities that she would be offended. I decided that honesty was the best policy (thanks dad!).

I looked at her in the sincerest way possible and stated, rather dramatically, “Jodie, I think you are the most singularly attractive woman I have ever seen. To me, you are an angel in looks and my soul mate in character. I am extremely attracted to you, but I do not want to put our friendship in jeopardy by elevating our happy relationship to the next level.” In other words, I was shit scared that she did not want me that way and that I would lose out big time if I pushed her that way. Yeah, I know, I was probably a whimp!

She looked at me with those glorious eyes and said the words that I dreaded to hear, but in my heart yearned to hear. “Tony, I find you really attractive. I did not think that I would ever find a man attractive, I mean find a man as attractive as you. You tick all of the boxes for me. You are a delight to be around. Always positive, funny, yet serious, sincere and loving. You are any woman’s perfect match, if only they would get to know you, which I hope they don’t by the way! You are obviously not a couch potato either. I want you all to myself.”

“Well ok then,” I stammered, “Now that’s out of the way, what about the Dodgers?” She laughed and snuggled into me very nicely indeed.

Eventually we progressed to petting and more heavy-duty touching. It was a really natural slide into full blown sex. We were both enjoying the lack of urgency and pressure. There was another reason why I was not over-anxious to engage in the full mambo. When I was very young, I was involved in a motorbike accident which severely damaged my dick. It stumped its growth as well as severely hampering the function of my balls to produce testosterone. There was enough to get the whole reproductive thing happening (according to my doctor, anyway!). There was also enough to make muscle mass and all the other male physical stuff, but only just. That probably explained why I was never a bulging hulk, even with all of the physical work I was doing as a builder. My dick is still a respectable 6 inches, but not as thick as most, I think! My doctor assured me all that long ago, that fatherhood would most probably not be a huge problem, but may take longer than usual. My adolescent brain read into that statement that I would last longer in the sex department and wouldn’t every girl just LOVE that!

The first time we actually had sex, we were both as nervous as each other. I knew I was a virgin, but I didn’t think Jodie was. We never actually discussed it openly and I always thought that the past is the past and leave it where it was. Just some comments that Jodie made with her friends who I occasionally saw, made me believe that she knew more than her prayers in that department. We fumbled into actual intercourse after the petting, touching and undressing became too much. I spent a great deal of time caressing Jodie’s body. She seemed to love the soft caresses and gentle nips and licks from my lips and tongue. When I finally made it to her nether lips, she exploded in a huge orgasm which seemed to last forever, but in reality, probably only about thirty seconds. It may have seemed longer to me because I was holding on to her thrashing body while attempting to maintain the suction and position on her clit and pussy. Not an easy task, but I managed! All I can say about that is thank heavens for internet porn! Expert tuition on the finer art of cunnilingus was always just a mouse click away! Although this was the first time that I actually had a chance to practise what I had read about and watched, I think I passed haramidere escort the test!

After the many post-coital cuddles and soft moans, Jodie hesitantly grasped my stiff dick and began stroking up and down, while nibbling my chest and neck. She passed her lips and tongue over my nipple and I involuntarily gasped out loud. “Ahh!”

“Oops, sorry. Did that hurt?” she asked worriedly.

“NO!” I replied. “That felt amazing. It felt like an amazing electric jolt from my nipple right down to my balls and dick. Don’t stop, please,” I encouraged her. This she did with gusto, seeming more confident now. Guys, if your partner has never given this amount of attention to your nipples, you need to talk to her about starting. The sensation is mind-blowing. Speaking of which, after only five minutes of this nipple attention coupled with the up-down movement on my dick, I was soon exploding. My cum landed all over my stomach, Jodie’s hands and over my chest. As you can imagine, Jodie’s lips came into contact with some as she continued her nipple licking. She stopped suddenly. “Sorry,” I managed. “I should have warned you, but it came on me so quickly.”

“No. It’s ok,” she replied. “It’s just that this is the first time tasting cum, I mean, your cum. It really isn’t that bad. Quite smooth. Not slimy, but definitely smooth and slightly salty. Very pleasant.” At this she smacked her lips and ran her tongue over her lips in the demurely sexy pose that everyone loves. “Hmm. A very good vintage. Grown on the southside of New York with definite hints of earthy metals!” We both laughed at that. It settled the mood nicely. “Is your dick suitably sated for another round of lovemaking girl/boy style?” Jodie asked. I thought it was a rather strange comment at the time, but later that comment, along with others would add up to an entirely different story! However, the beauty of the current situation overwhelmed me as we settled into banging each other in at least three different positions. Ok, that’s not many, if you go by the usual erotic story websites, but for us, it was epic. By the time I came into her divine pussy for the third time (isn’t youth great!), it was very late and we were totally exhausted. Jodie seemed to cum mainly from my rubbing her clit while penetrating her, or when I fingered her pussy while sucking on her clit. The actual penetrative sex didn’t seem to get her off as well. I guess that it was my small dick which probably didn’t reach all of the right places inside her pussy. Her continued nipple play on me really kept me going as long as it did. Jodie also seemed to really love that as well. Whether it was the intimate closeness or the fact that she seemed to really know what to do with a nipple, I wasn’t sure at the time. I didn’t care. It all felt so damn good!

What followed was more of the same on each and every occasion which we met. It soon was obvious to everyone that we were joined at the hip. What helped my decision to ask Jodie to marry me was that we also seemed to be joined at the head and heart as well!

We informed Jodie’s dad first. Her mum had died, so it was nice to deliver the news in person to her lonely dad. He did seem slightly surprised by the news, but accepted it and gave his blessing to us both. He was genuinely delighted and I soon got to spend more time with him. My parents had both passed and I was an only child of parents who were also only children. No siblings, no aunts, no uncles! It was good to part of a small family again.

We were married at a smallish ceremony in Spring. Family guests consisted of Jodie’s dad. That was it! Our friends constituted the rest of the crowd. I did notice that Jodie’s friends were all female with only a couple of them having male partners who were obviously in the category of ‘rent-a-date’. My guests were mainly my work mates and their girlfriends or wives. It was a very joyous celebration and we all felt the love.

Soon after, life settled down to post-marriage bliss. We fucked every chance we got. We made every sure that we had lots of opportunity to do just that. We tried as many sex positions that we had read about and soon settled into our favourites. My small dick was never really a problem, as we both managed easily to make each other orgasm at any time.

Things started to change when Jodie initiated a girl’s night ‘in’ each Friday night. She insisted that I still go to the regular pool Friday nights with my mates. She assured me that the girls would always stay at our place and that she would never go out instead. I trusted Jodie and I know she trusted me to go out. It was a happy arrangement which did not ring any alarm bells or raise curious questions. This continued for many months.

One Saturday morning after we had made love as usual, being a non-workday, Jodie asked, “Tony, you like massages, don’t you?” I replied lazily that I did, but that I would not go to any of those parlours because of the dubious reputation that most of them had. Also, we couldn’t really afford the prices charged at all of the well-known parlours. “No. I know that honey. I was thinking more of massaging you each day. It would give me some practical experience if I ever wanted to pursue therapeutic massaging as a job later on. The girls and I were talking about it and they showed me some simple techniques that I could use on you.”

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