The Term Paper Ch. 04

Big Dicks

Okay, so this is chapter four. I hope you all enjoy it and please remember to vote and/or leave your comments, even the rude ones are appreciated. Chapter five should be out before too long hopefully. So here you go, enjoy and As usual, as long as you keep reading, I will keep writing.


The next couple of days were spent attending classes and working on the term paper that my psychic professor seems to feel I can improve. Did I mention he was psychic, somehow he figured out about my so-called attraction to my mother, just by reading my paper. So now what am I supposed to do. I mean, I figure he already has his suspicions otherwise, he wouldn’t have mentioned it. Well this paper is going to be more honest, just how much more honest, I haven’t decided yet. There would be plenty of time for that later, I hope.

There wasn’t a whole lot of packing to be done. Especially since we’re headed to a nudist resort on the coast of France. I still thought it wise to take along a couple outfits. I read up on this Cap-d’Agde and I have to tell you, I’m a little stoked. There’s lots of activities for groups as well as couples and even stuff specific for the singles in mind. I’m looking a bit forward to finding out what “risqué, night time entertainment” means exactly. It seems to be a highlight in the pamphlet, my mother printed off for me.

Speaking of light packing in relation to nudity, nudism has been a little hard to get used to; not so much being naked because it really is freeing. I love stripping at the door when I step in after school, it’s also nice watching mom bouncing around, naked as a Jaybird through the house. The most difficult part to get used to and most humorous I might add, are the day-to-day mundane things. For instance, your cock just flaps around making you feel a little silly anytime you do physical activity, even things as simple as sweeping the floor, running down the stairs. And I’m still getting used to bending over to do things and revealing my ass hole and everything else god gave me, putting it on display. I’ve gotten used to it though, mostly.

I look at it as the price I have to pay in order to live in a perverts dream home. It never gets old the way mom blushes when she catches me watching her, and the way she turns an even darker shade of red, every time she realizes I have an erection, which is almost always. Anymore, her eyes immediately go straight to my cock, and every time, she gets this wicked, “I’ve been a bad girl.” smile on her face; gnawing on her plump, bottom lip as her whole body flushes. It turns me on to no end. I guess this is what the song means by, “you give me fever.” because she does, like a 400-degree fever. I’m not only in love with my mother, I am infatuated with every single inch of her, and she’s all mine.

We did our “light packing” Thursday night so we could leave immediately for the airport after classes let out Friday. Mom’s ecstatic behavior made her seem young and vulnerable, like a child on Christmas Eve, Seemingly busting at the seams with excitement to see what Santa left her under the tree. I on the other hand, a little more reluctant to just parade around in front of other people in a place that I’m not accustomed to or comfortable with. But like I said before, a promise is a promise and I’m not my father. If this is what my darling, hotter than summer heat, buxom mother wants than that’s exactly what I’m going to do to make her happy. We all make sacrifices and no one makes more sacrifices than a mother does for her child.

Friday came and it was almost like dejavu all over again, different day, different class, same impatient behavior until the bell went off, well not really a bell, more like a sorry sounding buzzer. I guess college was too sophisticated for school bells. I kind of miss them, like I miss the pledge of allegiance. It’s funny, I remember a time when I thought it was just a nuisance, but now; it’s just a fading memory, an abandoned American custom that used to remind us that we are all part of something special, that we are all one nation, under god, and indivisible.

After getting through the obstacle course of higher learning, I was greeted at my car by an uninvited but not unwanted guest. Emily stood leaning against the trunk. She was a little over five footish, petite with golden blonde hair that laid down her back in a long braid. She didn’t have much in the titty department but she was extremely attractive. She had legs for days and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, almost ambient. She had her little purse strapped around her shoulder, her red fingernails tapping away on her phone. She was wearing what seemed to be the only thing that was in her wardrobe, daisy dukes, and always some kind of light colorful top. I stared at her ass as I approached, wondering only one thing. How in hell is she leaning against my (so hot you can fry an egg on It.) trunk without burning herself to blisters?

I mimicked, dramatically clearing my throat to get her attention. She didn’t even look up, in fact I wouldn’t even know that she acknowledged me if she didn’t put up her finger to say (give me a minute) illegal bahis without actually having to say it. She slid over a little bit while still tapping at her screen, inviting me to stand beside her. I found this particularly difficult considering that would put me in front of a parked car.

Taking a deep breath I moved my eyes from Emily’s little Nike clad feet, up her long, smooth, well-toned legs. Her cut off shorts accentuating the curve of her hips. She had a delicious looking pierced navel and a taut flat stomach. I suddenly had the urge to run my tongue over her skin and lick the salty droplets of sweat from her cute little tummy. I shook my head-thinking Fuck it, as I leaned against the trunk, staring at the ground, trying to keep from looking at the parked cars.

“Ok, done.” she said sighing and stuffing her phone in her handbag, then crossed her arms looking up at me. “Sorry, I forgot about your car thing.” Emily was the only other person that I told about my car thing other than my mother. She only found out through an interview for a school project, but I was surprisingly comfortable around her.

“It’s ok, I’m getting better,” I said looking into her eyes. I could feel myself blush. It was something she could always make me do just by looking at me. This wasn’t a social call though. We didn’t have social calls; it would disrupt the natural order of popularity. I took a deep breath looking away at the sky, wincing from the bright day light. “What do you want Emily?” I sighed.

“Dood; I’m hurt, what makes you think I didn’t just want to talk to you or something, it’s not like I only come to you when I need something” she said dramatically throwing her arms up.

I smiled shaking my head. “Actually, it’s a lot like that.” I teased.

“Uh” she growled, dropping her hands hard to her sides with her mouth wide open as if she was shocked. “Dood, I can’t believe you think that. It may be true but still.”

I liked Emily, she had a sense of humor but she was also one of those people that would find themselves in rough situations and usually by her own surmise, but she was funny and always made me laugh, which was hard these days. Used to be only mom could do that.

I got quiet and looked at her again. “You didn’t answer me? Why are you here Emily?” I asked as politely as possible.

“Ok, ok you got me, what can I say, you’re a psychic.”

“No, my psych professor is psychic.”


“Never mind, you were saying?”

“Oh yea, so me and my roommate got into it and I was supposed to go away with them for this weekend but now she’s being a bitch and blowing me off.”

“Ok,” I said listening and stroking my chin. “And this involves me how.”

“Well- friend of mine, ol ‘buddy, ol ‘pal, she kicked me out ok, and my parents are away, so I can’t get bus or train fair and I really don’t want to disturb them to send me cash and listen to how I’m such a failure.”

I knew that feeling all too well thanks to my prick-father. She nervously stepped from one foot to the other, stalling and mom was waiting. I had to get a move on if we were going to make our flight.

“I can understand that but you’re not telling me what you want.”

“Ok jeez, look, I know I can smooth shit over with the bitch when she gets back but I’m homeless, strait up card board boxing or park bench snoozing, I haven’t quite figured it out yet. What I need, my handsome hero, is a place to crash till Tuesday.” She looked up at me batting her eyes and pleading.

“Wow, Emily-I’m not sure I can do this one. Trig notes? Sure, a ride some were, No problem. But when it comes to crashing at my crib it’s a little bit out of the question, especially this weekend.”

“What, dood come on? I got no one else or no were else to go to; if I did I wouldn’t be here. “

“Geeze, that makes me feel a lot better.” I said dropping my head back, closing my eyes as the hot sunshine painted the inside of my lids bright red. I took a deep breath, looking back at her. “Look Emily, I really like you. I know that doesn’t really matter but I do and believe me if I could help I would; but me and my mom aren’t even going to be in the country.” I looked over to find Emily staring at me. finally I had to ask. “What?”

“So you do like me.” she said teasing.

“Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn’t even talk to you, I would of just got in the car and ran over you.” I chuckled.

There was that dramatic shocked look again. “Dood, you are so mean!” She laughed backhanding me in the gut.

“Oof!” I grabbed my gut over acting how painful it was and pretending she knocked the wind out of me.

She crossed her arms, smiling and shaking her head. “Your such a goof ball Dood. So where are you going?”

“Oh, umm” I stammered trying to think of something quick, and deciding to stay as close to the truth as I could without bringing up anything “odd” for lack of a better word. “Uh, uh France.”

“Holy shit, really Dood?” she gasped, her jaw dropping open for real this time. “So if you’re going to be out, can’t I just house sit for you guys?” casino siteleri

Her request wasn’t unreasonable but the chance that mom would go for it was slim to none and I wasn’t sure I could trust her. Not that I thought she would steal or anything like that, but throw some crazy party and let in some stranger that would; well that is a possibility.

“I honestly don’t think my mother will go for it Emily.” I said in a sad attempt to reject the idea.

“Well can’t you at least ask her Dood?” she pleaded, grabbing my shirt in her two fists, shaking me. “Damn it Dood, come on. You can do this. You can trust me.”

“Maybe I can, maybe I can’t. I tell you what; if you can tell me my name then I’ll ask. But here’s a hint, it’s not Dood.”

She turned to me; her arms crossed looking confused as a mouse in a maze without the scent of cheese to follow. “You mean it’s not Dood?”

I broke into a gut busting laughter shaking my head, “No, No it’s not.”

She looked at me, appearing genuinely upset and dismal, “I really thought it was Dood.”

“What.” I said trying to gain control over my laughter. “You call everybody Dood.”

“Yea, but I only mean it when I’m with you,” she said in a flirty manner, batting her lashy eyes.

“Oh, smooth, but sorry, not going to work.” I smiled, arms over my chest, staring down like we were in some kind of standoff.

“Oh believe me, I’m more than smooth David.”

Shit, she knows my name. It was obvious I was bringing her with me, not sure how mom’s going to take this.

“Listen,” I said trying to figure out what I was going to do now. “I really don’t think my mom’s going to go for this, so don’t get your hopes up.” I explained, attempting to prepare her for disapointment.

“Don’t be such a pessimist Dave.” She said Putting emphasis on my name.

“Usually I’m not, I’m just saying.”

I pulled into the garage, parking and turned the engine off. “Alright,” I said sighing, “You just stay right here and I’ll see what she says. Just remember.”

“Don’t get my hopes up, yea I know, you might as well just drop me off at the park with that kind of attitude.,” she pouted, slumping down into the seat.

“I’m going to try, I just live by a hope for the best but expect the worst kind of theology.” I said pulling on the knob, opening the door.

“Well I have a, you got to make Shit happen kind of theology. So Dave,” she said looking up into my eyes, on the verge of tears. “Please try hard.”

I knew she was probably trying to switch on the water works to make me feel pity for her; and it was working. “I’ll try Emily, I really will I promise.” and I meant it.

Stepping into the house was like Stepping into a principal’s office. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was hoping it wasn’t going to involve a paddle. Then again, I kind of like paddles. The luggage was stacked by the door, it was almost to quiet. “Hey mom …mother dearest?” I called out beginning to wonder where she was.

“Honey, I’m in here.” I heard her call from the seventies retro living room. “Hurry up; I have something to show you.”

That’s good, because I have something to tell you. I thought stepping down in the same place I lost my balance last time, lucky for me, this time it worked out differently. “Yea, what do you …HEY!” I said surprised, happy that she finally finished this room. “You put up the lava lamp.”

“Surprise, I thought you would like it.” she said rushing over, wrapping her arms around me and then looking up at me before kissing me full on the lips, I accepted her soft lips, sliding my tongue between them, passionately exploring the recesses of her mouth.

“Oh, I most definitely do.” Come a voice from behind us, Mom and I spun around, horrified. I imagine it was a bit more disturbing to mom considering she had no idea who the daisy duke wearing, thin girl was, that stood in her house. On the other hand, a head full of worse case scenarios rushed through my head, leaving me a very frightened babbling idiot.

“Uh umm mom, thi, this is uh Em, Em, Emily.” I stuttered beet red and trying to figure what to do next. Maybe she didn’t see us, I thought as my more reasonable side hoped for the best.

My mother looked at me, blushing of embarrassment and then back at Emily, “hello Emily, I’m Dave’s mother.” She said shaking Emily’s hand.

“Well hi Dave’s mom, you always kiss him like that or are you just especially happy to see him today.” Emily laughed. Shit, she did notice, were ruined.

“I thought I told you to wait in the car.” I mumbled, my heart pounding in my chest and echoing in my ears.

“Now Dave, that’s not how we treat guests,” Mom, said in a polite hostess voice.

“Yea Dave, that’s not how you treat guests.” Emily said sticking her tongue out like we were six and arguing over a lollipop.

“To answer your question Emily, I guess there’s really no use denying it, were always kissing like that. But what I’d like to know is”

“Why is this strange little chick standing in your house?” Emily said putting her hands on her hips looking poker siteleri around the room. “Wow, you know this is really nice.”

“Do you think so; I decorated it myself with a little help from Dave of course. But please dear, don’t change the subject.”

Emily smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. “Ok, well, I’m homeless till Tuesday and need a place to stay.”

“And you decided to ask my son for help because?”

“What do you mean? I asked because he’s a good friend.”

“Is he?” mom said looking at me. “Somehow I don’t think he is, he’s never mentioned you, never brought you here before now. Why would you think he is a friend or willing to help.” her voice was getting higher and nicer, she’s pissed, and I’m not entirely sure it was just Emily she was mad at.

“Well” Emily sighed flopping down in my white furry beanbag chair. “Dave’s a really nice dood, he’s helped me out of a couple jams, like letting me copy notes, and a bite to eat, and truthfully I didn’t have any one else at all to turn to.” she began rubbing her hands over the soft white fur. “This thing is so cool.”

“Your trying to change the subject again.” my mother said lounging back on the couch. I stood between them because I felt that was the best place for me.

“Oh sorry, I’m kind of hyper, I don’t mean to.” she said sighing. “Look, lover boy here told me you two were going out of town, I just thought since you’re going to be gone and I have no were to go than Maybe I could house sit.” She said squirming around and settling into my chair.

“Lover boy did huh.” mom said in a voice so sharp I’m surprised it didn’t break the glass coffee table. “And did he tell you were we were going?”

“France, it sounds awesome.”

“Did he tell you where in France?”

“Nope, France was impressive enough.” Emily purred; laying her head back with her eyes closed, wearing a gentle and comfy smile.

“Were going to a nudist resort.” mom said straight and simple.

Emily’s eyes popped open, a huge smile streaking across her mouth as she sat up. “No Shit, really?”

“Yes, that’s right, me and lover boy here.”

“Well that sounds amazing, that is definitely my kind of place; now that is a big ass lava lamp, that’s cool to. You know what, you guys have really cool stuff.” she said bouncing up and staring at the lamp.

“Thank you, my son bought it for me.”

“OH, that is so sweet Dave,” Emily looked over her shoulder smiling at me and then returning to lava gazing. “I believe it, like I said-he’s a cool dood.” Emily turned around, spinning and clutching her hands together behind her back. “Do you think I can stay here and house sit?” She said raising her eyebrows and silently mouthing the word please, over and over again.

Mom laughed, “I don’t know you and you’ve been eye balling all our things since you come in. No Emily you can’t stay here at all.”

Emily looked crushed, like someone tossed her a rope and then snipped it just as she were climbing out. “Ok, I didn’t mean to make you think I’m some leach because I’m not and I just like different stuff”

“Yea and I understand that, like I said though-I don’t know you, but I can’t in good conscience leave you to sleep on the streets, which is why if you want, I’ll take you with us.”

I looked at mom completely dumb founded. “You will?”

Emily on the other hand looked like she just got a Malibu Barbie dream house for her birthday. “Really? You’re not just being mean or expect me to blow the driver like my roommate did.”

My mother erupted in laughter, “dear god no, of course not and just so you know, clothing is optional so if you don’t want to go nude than…”

“Are you serious; I’m all about the all-naturale.”

“Well good it’s settled, lover boy, call the cab. Mommas ready for some naked fun”

The ST. Louis international airport was a mad house. It seemed all of Missouri had picked this day to travel. If you’re the type if individual that needs your personal space, than this is not the place for you. I felt like I was being ushered through a maze of human bodies, being shoved from one area to another by psychiatric professionals wearing travel agency uniforms in disguise, pushing us from one obstacle to another and writing down there findings. I don’t even want to get into the ridiculous arrangement that it takes just to get the tickets and the utterly depraved pat down and wanding we had to go through just to get through the gate. Somehow, miraculously I suppose, all three of us stuck together.

The plane itself, A MD11 wide body commercial-ark for the insane-was a huge massive structure of flaps, jets, steel and a huge quantity of the most unstable fuel source one can come across. The blue and white paint job didn’t do much to make me feel any better and neither did the airlines key phrase written on the side in big bold letters. “Come fly with us.” I think I would prefer something like “come fly safely with a guaranteed arrival with us.” our even something more forward. “We never crash.” At least the majority of accidents that occurred in these planes have happened on flights to Asia. Only one so far to Europe and that was before the flap stick upgrade. I did a report in high school on commercial aircrafts. The idea that hundreds of thousands of people fly all the time didn’t help erase the tragic pictures I came across while researching.

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