The Taking of Cassidy Lynn:


Part 1
Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it and the other guests were avoiding
her as if there were a five foot quarantine surrounding her. Stress was ever present for associate
attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in
becoming involved in hers.
For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware that they were keeping their distance and that was fine with
her. She glanced at the clock again and wondered if her obligatory appearance at the Firm’s meet
and greet had been adequately fulfilled. The last thing she needed right now was some political office
bullshit or inane small talk with one of their soon to be drunken clients.Damn him to hell anyway,she
thought bitterly.
Sinclair & Lewis was an old and conservative Law Firm and Cassidy wanted her husband Mark to be
with her at the party. Initially he seemed supportive or even excited about the affair. After suffering
through months of his inattention and downright disdain about anything regarding her work his
enthusiasm for the party had made Cassidy very happy.
She wanted to look her best for him and bought a new designer evening dress that she felt was the
perfect blend sexiness and class. The off the shoulder, open backed gown formed to her full breasts
and trim waist and featured a ruffled skirt that flowed down beautifully over her legs. The raven black
satin and silk fabric contrasted with her blond hair and the overall effect made Cassidy feel very sexy
and desirable. She was certain that Mark would be proud to have her at his side.
Her good mood had been destroyed though when, at the last minute, Mark suddenly announced that
he was not going with her. His buddy had called and offered him a ticket to the Yankees-Red Sox
game and all he could say was that he couldn’t pass that up! The fucking bastard!Didn’t he
understand how embarrassing it was for her to have to appear at the party by herself? She’d been
ready to fuck him senseless and he’d blown it over a goddamn baseball game!
As Cassidy finished her second rum and coke she realized she shouldn’t have been surprised. After
eight years of marriage it was clear that he wasn’t happy. He wanted children and a wife who would
take care of them and that was simply not possible while she was building her career. The fact was
she had grown as a woman over the last six years and he was still the same immature frat guy that
she married when she was twenty four. I’m so tired of his shit,she thought bitterly.
She asked the bartender for another drink and then asked him for a cigarette. She didn’t often smoke
but figured that tonight she could use it. The party was being held in the spacious penthouse
apartment in Manhattan that the Firm kept for special clients and while smoking wasn’t expressly
forbidden Cassidy knew that it would be frowned upon for a mere associate like her to light up inside.
She made her way as discretely as possible to the master bedroom so that she could step out onto
the balcony. She needed a moment’s peace and quiet while she had a smoke and tried to collect her
As she opened the French doors that led outside she was greeted by the cool night breeze. The air
embraced her body and seemed to flow right through her gown, causing goosebumps to rise on her
skin. She leaned against the railing and gazed out over the skyline, taking in the beautiful vista of the
vibrant City’s lights.
Cassidy placed the cigarette between her ruby red lips but when she attempted to light it her nervous
hands failed her and she watched in frustration as the matchbook slipped between her fingers and
fluttered away into the abyssal canyon of the street below.
“Well shit” she muttered. “What else can go wrong tonight?”
It was such a small thing but losing that matchbook was the proverbial last straw for her that night and
she could feel tears begin to form as her frustration threatened to overwhelm her. So when the
cigarette that was now back in her hand was gently pulled from her fingers Cassidy’s heart skipped a
beat as she realized that she was no longer alone on the balcony.
She turned quickly and watched as an unfamiliar man lit her cigarette and drew in, causing the
tobacco to glow in the darkness.
Once he had it lit he offered it back to her. Cassidy had not yet recovered her composure and felt
frozen as he gently slipped the filtered end between her glossed lips.
“You are Cassidy Lynn, yes?” His accent was slight but unmistakably Latin.
Cassidy exhaled a wispy cloud of the relaxing smoke before answering.
“Yes, I am. I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”
“Of course I do,” he said pleasantly enough but in a way that was perhaps too agreeable, as if he
meant something more. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Manuel De La Cruz and I have recently
become a client of your Firm.”
The man was standing very close to Cassidy, close enough to be encroaching in that unexplainable
zone of personal space that people usually reserve for those whom they consider intimates. Cassidy
wanted to step back but found herself caught in the outside corner of the balcony. It was very
disconcerting to her and she felt almost overwhelmed by his presence despite his seemingly
unthreatening manner.
He was a tall man, standing easily five inches above Cassidy even though she was wearing heels.
His bearded face and thick dark hair were impeccably groomed. His designer suit, obviously tailored
to fit his muscular frame, indicated that he was a man of taste, class and wealth.
He had caught her completely off guard though and for a moment she couldn’t decide if he was
purposely trying to frighten her or not.
She watched silently as he lit a cigarette for himself as he spoke.
“Forgive me for intruding Cassidy but where I am from it would be considered impolite for a man to
allow a beautiful woman to smoke alone in his company.”
He addressed her as if they were long lost friends and Cassidy struggled with herself, trying vainly to
remember where their paths could have crossed. It was no use though and between the alcohol she
had drank and the almost hypnotic way he spoke Cassidy felt her head begin to swim in confusion.
Manuel seemed to sense this and smiled slightly in mild amusement. It was only when his eyes
caught hers that she found her voice.
“How…I’m sorry but have we met before? How do you know who I am?”
“No, I have never before been fortunate enough to make your acquaintance. I know your name simply
because I asked one of the other guests who you are.”
Cassidy could almost feel his gaze as his eyes roamed over her body and she had the distinct and
uncomfortable feeling that his interest in her was anything but professional. A nervous knot formed in
her throat as she tried to keep the conversation under control.
“Well thank you Mr. De La Cruz but I’m sure the Firm has your interests well represented. I’m afraid
that there is nothing I can offer…”
“Cassidy do not pretend that you do not understand my intention. You do not do justice to your own
intellect. I asked who you are because of your exquisite beauty. You are a rare jewel and as soon as I
saw you I knew I must have you in my arms.”
Cassidy was shocked at his directness but still part of her enjoyed his attention. This wasn’t the first
time she’d been hit on at social event. She was friendly and attractive and there were always some
men who were willing to try their luck with her. It was all basically harmless flirting and deep down
inside Cassidy felt it was flattering in its own way. Besides, she was still infuriated with her husband.
It would serve Mark right if I did fuck this guy. At least he knows how to speak to a lady!
Pissed or not though, Cassidy didn’t plan on just jumping into bed with the first rich and attractive man
who came along, no matter how tempting the idea actually was.
“A jewel you say? Oh my, that’s really very kind of you.” Cassidy finished her cigarette and crushed it
out. “Look, you are a very handsome man Mr. De La Cruz, I’ll give you that but I’m just not that easy
to have. Besides, I hardly think this is the place for a quickie.”
Cassidy smiled at him playfully, hoping he had just had too much to drink.
Something about the way he looked back at her though told her he wasn’t drunk or simply flirting with
her. He seemed to move even closer to her and Cassidy’s smile slipped away as the small knot of
nervousness she had felt became a growing lump of fear in her throat. There was an intensity about
him that was keeping her off balance, a palpable energy that was at once both frightening and
Silence stood between them for what seemed like a long moment before he spoke.
“Cassidy, I am a man who believes in being direct and honest about my desires and I have told you
that I desire you. My hope, my belief is that you might desire me as well.”
Cassidy hands began to shake as the reality of his words sank in. She was trapped alone with him
eighty stories above the street below with no idea how much he would dare in order to have his way
with her. Worse still, something dark deep inside her almost hoped he would at least try.
Almost as if Manuel could see the turmoil in her heart he turned and put his hands on the railing,
breaking the intensity of the spell that he had woven.
“Of course if you do not feel the attraction, if you do not desire me as I desire you then you have but
to say so and I will accept your decision. After all, the final choice in the passionate matters of the
heart always lay in the hands of the woman.”
He sounded gentle and sincere but there was something about him that felt dangerous. Maybe it was
his close proximity or just the strength of his will but in spite of his protestations to the contrary she
didn’t believe he would just walk away. He turned toward her again and his smoldering gaze pierced
through her, holding her in place and leaving her almost unable to speak. Her fear crept deeper into
her breast and she began searching for a way to put him off without possibly angering him.
“Please, you don’t understand, I’m married. This isn’t right.”
Manuel gently took her left hand in his and lightly fingered her wedding ring. His hands were warm
and strong and his touch was electric.
“Ah, so I see. You must love your husband very much to show such loyalty. I humbly beg for your
forgiveness” he said as he released her hand.
“Oh, well I’m glad you understand so if you don’t mind…” Cassidy felt a moment’s relief at his
apparent acquiescence but still he stood his ground, not quite blocking her in but not truly allowing
her by either. “So if you don’t mind I’d like to go back inside.”
Manuel smiled but still didn’t move.
“I find myself wondering Cassidy, why your husband, whom you love so very much, is not here with
you tonight? What man would make so loyal and beautiful a wife go to an affair such as this without
“In my country a man would be proud to have such a wife at his side and he could never bear the
thought of not enjoying her in such a lovely gown.” Manuel let his fingers graze her arm as he spoke
until he touched the silken fabric just below her shoulder. “But perhaps I misunderstand. Is he gravely
ill? Is this why he did not escort you here?”
Cassidy felt that same flush of electric heat at his touch and instantly recognized the unmistakable
pleasant warmth of arousal that was beginning to stir within her. It was a sensation that was as
pleasing as it was alarming and for a brief moment she was unsure whether to reject or embrace its
growing strength.
In the end though she brushed the urge aside and shook her head no in answer to his question.
“No, no he’s fine. He just had…other plans.”
Cassidy didn’t know what else to say and swore silently to herself, damning Mark again for not being
with her.
Manuel almost seemed to read her mind and continued to press forward.
“Cassidy, I beg you. How long will you deny your life for a man who offers you so little. You have no
responsibility to anyone but yourself. A woman should be the center of her husbands’ world, not an
inconvenience. Why do you resist your own happiness?”
He leaned forward and gently kissed her shoulder. Cassidy felt paralyzed as his lips briefly danced on
her skin. Warm and exciting sensations suddenly pulsed through her when he reached behind her to
let his fingertips trace down her spine through the open back of her dress. The gathering heat she
had felt quickly awakened in her body and glowed brightly with a life of its own.
His words had sounded so true and his voice was like a hypnotic song that made her want to give in
to his advance. She felt fear again but this time she was afraid of what she was beginning to desire.
She was only moments away from succumbing to his advance when she finally pushed him away.
“No! I’m sorry, I can’t! Let me go!”
It took all of her strength to break his spell but she pushed by him and opened the French door
leading back into the apartment and her escape.
His voice was strong and commanding but without anger or threat and she paused at the door, half
expecting him to follow. She needn’t have worried though. Manuel was still facing the railing, looking
out at the City.
“Go then if it is what you want but if you only go because of what you fear then stay.”
He turned and came closer but this time keeping a polite distance.
“In my life I have taken what I desired. I let nothing stand in my way. Is that not how you have seen
Once again he wove truth into his spell and once again Cassidy couldn’t find a way to disagree.
“Yes, of course but…”
“There are no buts Cassidy. Truth either is or it is not. What are you running home to? How often are
you allowed the chance to live, truly live on your own terms! If you go now you deny me that is true
but only by denying your own life and your own fulfillment. You fear lying to your husband yes?”
“Yes, of course.”
“My dear beautiful Cassidy, you should only fear lying to yourself for that is the true tragedy of life.”
He held out his hand and Cassidy wavered, caught by her loyalty to her marriage and by the call of
passion that had for too long been denied to her by her husband.
Manuel was very handsome. He was mysterious and exciting but more than anything it was his eyes
that held her there. They were deep and intense, commanding and gentle. They made her knees
weak and her pussy damp with a longing that she had forgotten was possible. Slowly she reached out
and put her hand on his.
Manuel gathered her into his arms and lifted her back through the doorway and onto the balcony. He
kissed her hard and passionately, stealing her will to deny him while the subtle scent of his cologne
filled her senses.
It was a musky, masculine aroma that fueled her desire and she kissed him back with the hunger of a
starving lover. When his hands cupped her breasts through the gown her nipples pulsed and
protruded against the fabric of her gown. His mouth traveled down to her neck and as he kissed and
nibbled on her tender flesh she suddenly felt the cool air night air begin to flow freely over her legs.
As he gathered her skirt up to waist she remembered where they were and a surge of panic went
through her.
“Wait! What are you doing? What if someone sees us?”
“Then they will be envious of our passion.”
“Oh god no…I can’t do this, not here…oh shit…”
Cassidy’s protests were weak and her voice quivered and trailed off. Her heart was Bomonti Escort beating a mile a
minute as Manuel continued to lift her dress. She knew she was taking a tremendous risk but when
she felt his hands cup the pliant flesh of her bottom her whole body reacted to his touch and she just
bit her lip, unable to find the resolve to make him stop.
He drew her hips against his crotch and Cassidy felt his hard and throbbing cock through his slacks.
The desire to feel its shape against her belly was too strong to resist and before she even realized it
she was grinding her body against him.
His lips on hers were hot and hungry and were devouring her self control. His brazen willingness to
take charge of her so thoroughly had melted her resistance, so when his fingers slipped down under
her ass and touched her now very wet slit from behind she moaned wildly in excitement.
The man pulled her panties down over her hips and soon they fell away to her ankles. He teased and
tickled her ass in the most wonderful way as his touch circled downwards until he was again able to
find her wetness. When his searching finger slipped deeply inside her enflamed entrance she
trembled in his embrace.
As his fingers explored her most secret of places he nuzzled her cheek and she was pleasantly
surprised by how soft his beard felt on her skin. She wondered briefly how his beard would feel
against her thighs when he spun her around so that her back was against his chest. As he rubbed the
bulge of his cock against the bare skin of her ass he began tickling her clit with his hand.
She was very wet now and the sensation of his finger separating her labia made her gasp with
pleasure. He slid it up and down the length of her pussy, massaging her folds until her hips begin to
flex in response to his skilled and delicate touch. Cassidy turned her head to kiss him as he fingered
her and their tongues flicked together, dancing in passionate delight.
Cassidy felt beads of moisture begin to leak down her inner thigh as he once again lightly played his
finger over her clit. She was still very afraid of being found in such an act but she was caught by this
strangers will and unable to truly resist him. A bit longer,she told herself,just another minute. Then I’ll
go with him anywhere he wants, anywhere but here!’
Every second that passed though made it more and more difficult for Cassidy to separate her fear
from the hot excitement that ran through her veins. The twin emotions began to entwine in her body,
coiling together like serpents and coalescing into pure adrenaline fueled arousal.
This man she had just met played her body like a master musician, circling her clit with his fingers
and tapping a rhythm on her button that sent chords of pleasurable sensations reverberating all
through her being. Soon the telltale signs of a coming orgasm began to spread through her belly and
a low deep moan escaped her lips.
She felt the thumb of his offhand flick over her nipples through her gown as the other teased and
caressed her aroused flesh. Moments passed as the slow climb he was inducing built up; layer after
layer of sensations ran through her like St Elmo’s fire.
“Oh fuuuck! Don’t… don’t fucking stop! Oh fuck yessss!”
Cassidy’s long legs tensed sharply and her body flooded with impending release. Her hungry pussy
clenched and squeezed in its frustrated emptiness and then her entire body rolled with thunderous
rapture as her orgasm rose and engulfed her like an unstoppable tide. Ripples of pleasure traveled
through her like the cascading rings on the surface of a pond until she felt nothing but the warm
embrace of sensual delight.
Manuel held her in his arms and supported her body against his while she passed through her
moment. He caressed her thighs and whispered in her ear, telling her how incredibly beautiful and
exotic she was. Slowly Cassidy recovered and, turning to face him, rested her head on his shoulder.
“Oh you do know how to treat a lady,” she said with a slight giggle.
Manuel laughed with her.
“I did nothing but show you the way. Your hunger and lust for life is your strength and all you will ever
need to experience such heights.”
Cassidy wasn’t so sure about that but she was sure that fingering her to orgasm wasn’t what he had
meant by ‘having her’ regardless of how hard she had cum. She kissed him and ran her hand down
his stomach until she found the hard shape of his cock through his pants.
“So now what happens? Is there somewhere we can go?”
“There is always a place but I must have you now Cassidy. You have made me so excited I cannot
wait another minute.”
Without warning he turned her toward the railing and gathered her skirt up to her waist.
“What? Oh my god Manuel no! You can’t fuck me here!” She protested in vain though and when he
gently bent her over she placed her hands on the railing, arching her hips to give him entrance to her
channel. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
She heard his zipper go down and held her breath, waiting for him to find her aching pussy. When
she felt the hot spongy head of his penis slip over her folds she closed her eyes, waiting eagerly to
feel his size. He placed his hand firmly on her back and with steady pressure his cock pushed her
labia open and slid into the grip of her wet pussy.
Cassidy felt his thickness stretch her open as he worked his shaft more and more deeply into her
until; with a quick, hard thrust he forced the last of his length into her.
“Ahh! Oh fuck that’s good” she whispered as she felt his true size fill her up.Oh fuck me, yes! He’s
got a nice big cock!
When it came right down to it few things felt as good to her as having a hard cock in her pussy and
Cassidy tried to resist the urge to moan loudly as her body began responding to his welcome
Her efforts to remain quiet only became more challenging as Manuel began moving inside her. He
drove in and back with long, even strokes that massaged her inner walls deliciously.
His dick felt hot and hard in her pussy and he seemed to know just how fast she could take him. Even
the angle that he entered her was perfectly comfortable, allowing him to move in and out of her easily
yet still touching all of those sensitive zones that made her want to scream out loud.
Cassidy felt like she was losing her mind. She was fucking a strange man just feet away from her
coworkers. She was risking her career and her marriage, everything she had worked for in her life
and she wasn’t even sure how it had happened!
She did know that she liked it! The way he spoke, the strength in his voice, his supreme confidence,
all of it excited her. He was a terrific cocksman and he was driving her toward another amazing
orgasm at the rate he was going.
His forceful will was matched by his gentle touch. He was incredibly tuned to her needs, every
movement he made adding to her arousal until she was virtually panting with lust. His hands flowed
over her body like liquid mercury, caressing her flanks like a master masseuse. He touched her back
and hips gently, encouraging her to move with him. Soon he had Cassidy pushing back as he thrust,
cleverly timing their movements in an elegant dance of pleasure that had every nerve in her body
buzzing with sexual energy.
The pressure and intensity of his touch increased along with the power and speed of his cock.
Cassidy felt her breasts begin to sway inside her gown, adding the unexpected pleasure of her
nipples rubbing lightly against the satin to her already inflamed desire.
Manuel was now breathing harder behind her and grunting softly each time he drove his penis into
her pussy.
“You are so beautiful my lovely girl. You skin glows in the radiance of the moonlight. You are
everything I knew you would be!”
Cassidy felt a rush of pride in his compliments. She was torn between her fear of getting caught and
her need to feel him cum inside her. She felt his hands caress her ass and then, without warning he
prodded her rosebud with his thumb.
The shock of the sensation caught her completely by surprise and sent her body reeling. He pushed
again until her rose opened slightly and to her astonishment, Cassidy exploded in orgasm.
She yelped and moaned as her pussy convulsed on his shaft, oozing its fluid down her thighs. Her
body shook violently and her knees threatened to give way as she was consumed by the tide of her
Manuel drove into her hard as she came, pressing into her deeply over and over until her eyes glazed
from the exquisite torture her sensitized pussy was receiving.
His cock seemed to get even harder as he pounded her supple body. She almost winced as he took
hold of her hips with his powerful hands and stabbed into her with one final thrust.
She heard the sound of his growls and groans behind her as a hot wetness suddenly filled her pulsing
channel. He stroked deeply again and each time he pulled back another hot burst of his thick cum
coated her vaginal walls until finally he thrust one last time and held his length buried inside her.
Cassidy’s head swam as her moment passed. She trembled and quivered uncontrollably as the
spasms passed through her. Manuel still held her hips but now his grip had become gentle, keeping
his slowly softening organ inside her until, finally, Cassidy stood and turned to face him.
He kissed her softly.
“You are magnificent my dear. A true creature of beauty and passion “
Cassidy adjusted her gown, nervously smoothing the fabric to conceal the effects of their sex.
“That was amazing Manuel. It really was.”
“Oh we are not finished my dear. That was but an aperitif. The Champagne before the banquet.”
Manuel reached down and retrieved her forgotten panties from the ground.
“I have a room reserved on the 47th floor. I imagine that you will want to take your leave from that
party shortly after I go.”
With a devious smiled he slipped her panties into his jacket pocket.
“You may have these back when you meet me there.”
“You have a room here? Why didn’t you say so before?”
Manuel smiled.
“Because it excited me to have you here.”
He turned and walked calmly into the apartment. “Room 4781. Please do not make me wait for too
Cassidy watched him walk away and laughed easily to herself. He couldn’t wait five minutes? He’s
got balls, no doubt about that!
She thought about what she had just done and wondered if she should meet him downstairs. The
wise thing for her to do. of course, would have been to just go home and bury this wonderful
experience in the private recesses of her mind, keeping it only as her own personal secret.
In that moment Cassidy might well have found the strength to go home but she knew that all she
would find there was a husband drunk on cheap beer. It was a thought that filled her with revulsion.
She thought about Manuel and her belly fluttered at the thought of meeting him again.Just an aperitif?
My god what would his banquet be like?
Cassidy pondered the possibilities as the glow of her orgasm slowly waned. The excitement of the
moment had passed and now she felt strangely relaxed. As she freshened up in the bathroom it
occurred to her that she wasn’t even debating whether or not she was going to follow Manuel to his
room. She already knew she would. The only thing that surprised her was how strongly she desired
Manuel was unlike any man she had ever met. Yes, he was handsome, strikingly handsome in fact
but that wasn’t what was attracting her. There was just something irresistible about him that she
found impossible to ignore.
She knew that he expected her to come to him and when she thought about it she didn’t want to
disappoint him. He had told her to be there and she was going to be, just because he had said so.
How very odd! Why would I care about how he would feel? I just let him fuck me and now I don’t want
him to be upset? What the hell is happening to me!
She had never felt anything like it. He had taken control of her body and now it seemed he had taken
her free will as well. Cassidy laughed quietly to herself again as these thoughts played out in her
mind. It was as insane as it was…exciting. He had already gotten her to cum twice in just a few
minutes and that was while standing on a balcony. My god, what is he going to do to me with an
entire evening to do it in!

Part 2
When Cassidy arrived at Manuel’s door she had found it surprisingly difficult to ring the bell. She
really didn’t know him at all and yet just less than an half an hour earlier she had allowed him to take
her sexually on the balcony during her Firm’s company party that was still taking place upstairs.
And then, even after fucking her as if she were some coed slut, he had dared to assume she would
follow him here to his apartment. And yet, here she was.
She had wondered how he would greet her. Would he take her right there, pressed against the door
the moment she walked in? Part of her hoped he would. At least then she wouldn’t have time to
reconsider her decision.
Not that she would have. Manuel De la Cruz had proven to be a man whom she could not refuse.
There was something in his voice that made her want to obey him. Cassidy was mystified and
confused by his power over her. She was highly educated, a lawyer in fact and not a women to be
easily manipulated. But still, when she looked into his eyes her knees felt weak and her breath caught
in her throat.
So she had knocked, just as he knew she would. He met her at the door, looking freshly showered
and wearing silk pajamas under a scarlet robe. He had genuinely seemed surprised to see her but
something in his gaze told her that he wasn’t surprised at all.
Still he was pleased and he invited her in. The living room was richly appointed and impeccably
clean. The rhythms of a Spanish Guitar emanated from hidden speakers and he had offered her a
glass of Cognac and invited her to sit with him. The dichotomy between how forceful he had been
upstairs with the patience he demonstrated now had Cassidy reeling and unsure of what would come
Manuel pulled a cigar from his tabletop humidor and deftly clipped the end. He then sat in an
overstuffed chair and bade her sit on the sofa next to him. Cassidy felt confused at his apparent
nonchalance so when he reached for the lighter she forgo the sofa and walked over to him and took
the lighter from his hand.
“Allow me,” she said as she sat across his lap. She raised the ornate lighter and drew her thumb
across the flint wheel. A bright, long flame burst to life from its tip and she held the flame to the cigars
end as he drew on it. Moments later it was glowing red and Cassidy flicked the shutter closed over
the flame.
Manuel blew a thick cloud of the aromatic smoke into the air. “Thank you my dear. You are most
considerate. There is nothing more precious to a man than a woman who desires to be attentive to
his needs.”
Cassidy snuggled into his lap and watched quietly as he smoked. There was something distinctly
masculine about it and Cassidy was content to enjoy the moment. The scent of fine tobacco soon
filled the room with a rich, flavorful aroma. It was entirely different from the stale, bitter smell of
cigarettes and there was something about it that Cassidy found serene and pleasing.
There, in his domain, with that cigar in his hand and the subtle melodies of the Spanish Guitar playing
in the background, Manuel seemed to her as the epitome of what a man should be. She felt a
connection to him unlike anything Escort Bayan she had ever felt for her husband. She felt like she belonged there
with him.
She took his hand and brought the cigar to her mouth, filling it with the rich smoke. “You have other
needs that I desire to attend too as well.”
She slipped off of his lap and knelt on the floor. Slowly she untied his robe, exposing his powerful
chest to the soft light of the room. She ran her nails through the dark hair that grew not to thickly over
his body and caressed his well defined abdominal muscles. His body was hard and warm and
Cassidy licked her lips in lurid anticipation.
When she reached the waistband of his pajamas she unsnapped his fly. Reaching in, she wrapped
her fingers around his semi hard shaft and gently squeezed. As she pulled his penis free she heard
him moan softly in appreciation.
“Yes, my beautiful girl. Show me how much you want to please me.”
Cassidy stroked him slowly and caressed her face with the soft, hot head of his uncircumcised cock.
“I do want to please you and I want you to be pleased with me.”
She trailed kisses along the length of his penis as he became fully erect in her hands. She swirled her
tongue around the mushroom shaped head and flicked it over his foreskin, wetting it until his purple
flesh glistened in the soft light.
Feeling the power of his erection become fully rampant from her touch made Cassidy wet with
excitement. She took him into her mouth as deeply as she could but much of his impressive length
still remained beyond her lips. Wrapping her fist around the base of his cock, she stroked him in time
with the up and down movements of her mouth. Rivulets of saliva soon escaped from her lips and
lubricated her hand, allowing it to flow smoothly over his shaft.
Manuel shifted on the chair slightly, moving his thighs apart to give her more space to touch him.
Cassidy watched his scrotum appear as he did and she cupped his balls in her free hand, lightly
rolling them in her fingers.
Pulling her mouth away for a moment, she gazed hungrily at his cock. It was pleasantly thick and long
with a slight upward curve leading to its fleshy head. While not huge by any means he did have more
to offer then her husband did.
“I like your cock. It feels almost as good in my mouth as it did inside my pussy.”
Manuel dipped his cigar into the cognac and drew on it again as she slowly stroked him with her
delicate hands. “You have such a wonderful touch my dear. Please, continue. I wish to experience
more of your…attentiveness.”
Cassidy smiled and granted his request, lowering her wet mouth over his cock once more. She loved
how his penis tasted and how smooth it felt as it slid over her tongue. She sucked hard on the head
and then pulled back so that she could run her lips over the shaft.
Cassidy could feel Manuel’s breathing come in a long, slow cadence and he seemed to be calm and
relaxed but his cock throbbed and pulsed at her touch.
She glanced up and saw him watching intently as she sucked his cock. His eyes smoldered with dark
intensity, following her every move. Cassidy ran her tongue down his length and then she took his
balls into her mouth, lathering them with saliva.
As she moved back up she stroked his shaft. He seemed to have gotten even harder as it jutted out
proudly from her fist. Cassidy wiped her lips over the bulbous head several times and then once
again slid it into her mouth, swirling her tongue over his hot skin.
Pulling back, she dragged her soft lips over his shaft and left long, viscous strands of saliva clinging
to the tip of his penis as it slipped out of her mouth. Cassidy spit the moisture back over his glans and
then dived back down, letting his cock pass over her tongue until it slid deeply into her throat. His
penis felt so much thicker than her husband’s and, savoring the illicit difference, she sucked as hard
as she could until she had to come up for air.
Manuel caressed her face and wiped the moisture from her chin. “How incredible you are! My blood
burns at your touch!”
In that moment Cassidy felt very proud that she had pleased him so thoroughly. He made her feel
sexy and desirable in a way that she had not felt in several years and that simple appreciation of her
as a women inflamed her passion even more then did his masculine sensuality.
Cassidy’s excitement gripped her chest tightly and her heart quickened with her arousal. She sucked
Manuel’s finger into her mouth as her wet hand slid up and down over his cock. When Manuel gently
pushed the dress off of her shoulders Cassidy slipped it down her to her waist, exposing her breasts
to him for the first time.
With her hand still lightly playing with his cock she rose up and offered her distended nipple to him.
When his mouth captured the tender bud she sighed and held him to her breast.
“Mmm, that feels so nice” she cooed as he sucked on the pink skin of her nipple.
Manuel set down the forgotten cigar and dribbled a bit of the cognac over her full breasts. The amber
drops beaded on her skin and raced over the natural rise of her boobs as it flowed down into her
cleavage. The strong aroma of the French brandy wafted up from her breasts and tingled on her skin.
When he brought his mouth to her bosom and began to recapture the rogue drops of the liqueur,
Cassidy moaned softly “Ohh my gosh…”
Manuel chased each drop with kisses and slight flicks of his tongue until he had Cassidy squirming in
front of him. Then he drew her moist lips to his and, with a kiss, shared with her the full bodied,
cinnamon spiced flavor of the drink.
Cassidy inched her dress down over her hips as Manuel feasted on her breasts and then eased his
robe and shirt off his shoulders. Once free of their unneeded clothing, he lifted her and cradled her
body in his strong arms.
“It is time, my sweet, beautiful girl. Now I will show you have a gentleman makes love to a women!”
Oh shit, his arms are like iron she thought as she wrapped her arms round his neck. She felt
weightless in his embrace and laughed excitedly as he carried her effortlessly in to his bedroom.
Candles flickered from every corner, filling the room with a soft, natural glow. When he set her gently
on the sheets, she stretched out languidly, enjoying the feel of the silk against her skin.
Cassidy watched him intently, feeling the sexual tension in the air as she fully appreciated his nude
body for the very first time. His bronzed skin looked smooth in the candlelight and his well defined
muscles flexed sensually as he moved. There was an almost feline grace about him that made her
belly flutter in anticipation as he casually picked up an alabaster spritzer bottle from his nightstand.
“As I said before my dear Cassidy, you are rare jewel and as is fitting something so precious…”
He lifted the spritzer over her and with a quick squeeze a mist of aromatic jasmine and lilac perfume
spread over her naked body. More remarkably, the mist shimmered with golden luminescence as it
drifted down upon her skin, covering her from her breasts to her thighs.
As the wonderful scent drifted over her she saw that her skin was glittered with a fine dusting of
sparkling powdered gold. “Oh my god, it’s so beautiful!” Cassidy said appreciatively.
“It is the finest of French perfume infused with pure golden dust. An appropriate setting I believe, for
one so beautiful.”
Cassidy could not have dreamed of a more romantic moment and her body responded with a hot
flush of arousal that made her thighs ache to be touched. When he lay next to her and drew her
mouth to his, she surrendered a kiss to him as if he were her concurring warrior, home for the
ultimate reward a woman can give to her man. She moved to mount him but with a single hand he
stopped her and gently urged her back into the soft embrace of the silken sheets.
“No my dear, you have pleased me greatly and now it is my turn to please you.” He kissed her with
the hot passion she was still discovering within him, a passion that continually threatened to
overcome her. He kissed her neck and then slowly moved down her body, sucking her breasts and
kissing her belly until he had slipped down to her pubic mound.
He started slowly, kissing her inner thighs and flicking his tongue around her vulva, making her
tremble with excitement. His breath felt hot on her skin and when his fingers gently parted her petals
she tweaked her nipples hard. “Yes, lick my pussy, don’t make me wait! I want to feel your tongue on
my clit!”
Manuel curled his arms around her hips as he brought his mouth to her wetness and Cassidy allowed
her knees to fall outward, spreading herself openly to his touch. Laying back into the sheets, she
arched her hips upward, anticipating the probing warmth of his mouth on her sex.
Manuel though, seemed to delight in keeping her in a torturous state of frustration. He nuzzled her
inner thigh, tickling her sensitized skin with his beard until she was actually squirming in his arms.
“Ah, but what a beautiful flower you are my dear. Your womanhood rivals the delicate petals of
nature’s greatest creations! Even your scent surpasses that of the rose.”
Cassidy felt her wetness begin to leak from her pussy and slipped her own hand down over her
mound, gently tapping her clit in uncontrolled desire. When she felt his lips finally descend, she
caressed his cheek, urging him to give her what her body was demanding. “Yes, that’s it! Lick my
pussy like that, oh fuck yes, that feels soo good!”
Manuel didn’t disappoint her. His tongue slipped into her moisture and traveled up and down her slit,
dipping in and then swirling around her inner lips. His mouth pinched and pulled at her engorged flesh
and sucked at her juices as they oozed from her body.
Cassidy’s hips rolled and flexed in his arms, instinctively trying to bring her most sensitive spots to his
tongue but it danced and flicked in ways that eluded her efforts yet still drove her mad with lust.
Cassidy whimpered and cooed at him, lost in the blazing, wet fire that that he kindled in her belly. His
fingers dug into her hips hard enough that she was sure he would leave her bruised but the pain
melted in the heat of her need, fueling her bodies’ race toward orgasmic release.
Just then Manuel centered his attention on her rock hard clit and twirled his tongue round and round
over her bud. His lips locked around the fleshy hood and he sucked hard, causing the tiny vessels
under the skin to fill with even more fresh blood. In seconds a sizzling series of contractions cascaded
outward from her vagina and erupted through her body with enough force to make her belly ripple and
to drive the breath from her throat. Cassidy moaned loudly, declaring with incoherent words that she
had reached her peak.
Wracking spasms wound through her and beads of perspiration appeared on her skin as the moment
crested. Her body pulsed and throbbed and then the orgasm receded like the tide. Presently her
breath returned.
“Oh my fucking god!” was all she could say as the pleasant purring of her sex enveloped her like a
warm blanket. Manuel kissed and nuzzled her thighs as she relaxed back into the sheets, seemingly
content to let her enjoy the afterglow of her orgasm.
After a time Cassidy had begun to drift off into a hazy dreamlike state and Manuel moved up next to
her, caressing her flanks with such a light touch that her skin barely registered the contact.
Lying on his side next to her, he let his gaze travel over her nude form, enjoying the pleasant curve of
her hips and the gentle rise of her breasts. Somewhere deep in her mind, she noted the hypnotic
affect of his fingertips as they roamed from her belly up into the valley between her breasts. When he
cupped one firm globe in his palm, she opened her eyes. “Mmm, you have warm hands…”
“It is an unfortunate man whose hands chill the woman he makes love too my dear. I am indeed lucky
to be blessed with a pleasing touch.”
Cassidy turned her head and received a tender kiss. Her hand reached to him and found his penis
hard and warm, waiting with controlled strength for her attention. Tightening her hold, she stroked him
with long movements, pulling his foreskin over the crown of his cock until she felt the telltale thrust
from his hips. It was the most subtle of movements but still enough to let her know what he needed.
She drew him up, on top of her body and invited him to move into the cradle of her thighs. Manuel
kissed her, softly at first but as his body rose and shifted, his kiss became demanding and insistent.
When she reached down to guide him into her, he grasped her hand and kissed it. “You have come
so far Cassidy, yet there are things you have not yet experienced. You must trust me now if you are
going to truly feel the pleasure that I can give you.”
With deliberate slowness he gathered her wrists together and held them with one of his large hands.
He then reached beneath the sheets and withdrew two scarlet red silk sashes, letting them trail over
her breasts and neck as he showed them to her. “So I ask you, do you trust me Cassidy?”
Cassidy had never practiced any form of bondage before and the reality that she was about to be tied
up while having sex with a man she didn’t know suddenly became very frightening to her. “I don’t
know, I’ve never…ohh”
Her quiet pleas faded as he wrapped her wrists together tightly and then secured the sash to an
antique wrought iron ring that was mounted to the headboard like a nineteenth century door knocker.
He left her just enough play to flex her arms and no more. She tested the restraint and sighed
“I do trust you, but are you sure we need this? Everything has been so good!”
He shushed her as one might do a child and then covered her eyes with the second sash. In a
moment she was restrained and blindfolded, bound helpless in the bed of a man who seemed
capable of almost anything. Part of her wanted to rebel, to scream for help but her passion would not
allow such resistance. She was caught, caught by a man who had woven a web of her own sexual
desires. Unsure of what he might subject her to, she surrendered none the less, just as she had ever
since he first found her.
She still felt his hard body laying heavily on hers and when he drew her right leg up in his arm she felt
his hard cock brush her thigh. “Oh my god” she whispered as Manuel brought his body in position to
enter her.
“You see, my dear Cassidy, if I were to make love to you as you expected, you would have found
pleasure to be sure, but you would have been denied the excitement that you must feel to be truly
moved into bliss.” His voice was calm and gentle but his cock pressed into her hard, filling her
unexpectedly and causing her to gasp in surprise. “This way you will feel me as deeply in your mind
as you do in your body.”
Being unable to see caused her to focus on her sense of touch and soon she was keenly aware of
every movement he made as he began fucking her. She felt his thick cock stretching her as it had
done before and relished the sensation of his pelvis dragging up and down her belly. When he rose
and lifted her right leg up to his shoulder, her passage opened and his shaft dove ever more deeply
into her, making her gasp from the intensity of his penetration into her.
Wanting to clutch her breasts as they bounced on her chest, she struggled with the restraint, her
arms flexing and straining in frustration as this amazing man had his way with istanbul Escort her. Soon he was
pounding into her pussy hard and she felt her wetness grow with each thrust. She was huffing and
grunting as his length filled her and her mind raced with the thought that she was being thoroughly
taken. Time and again, she tried to move her arms only to be reminded of her helplessness.
His mouth appeared on her neck and he sucked hard on her skin. His body pressed her down and his
powerful hips flexed again and again as her channel clenched tightly on his hard, throbbing cock. “Oh
yes…fuck me, fuck me hard baby. Fuck my pussy like that! Ahh yes!”
Her words became garbled and stilted as her body was ravaged by this man. Her clit screamed for
her to touch it and she almost sobbed in frustration as her arms failed in their struggle against her
restraints. Her hands became taunt and her fingers curled and whitened as she pulled but Manuel
held her body in place as he bore down, sinking his cock into her until his balls slapped against her
tender flesh.
All at once, Manuel gripped her rounded hips and pressed in deeply, driving the entire length of his
cock into her. Cassidy felt her body tremble and quake and when her legs were drawn up and lifted
onto his shoulders she again found herself vainly tugging at her restraints.
Cassidy almost swooned as she felt his arms circle her thighs, drawing them together and her heart
skipped a beat as rose tall on his knees, lifting her butt completely off of the sheets. This improved
the angle of his entry but also made pussy grip him more tightly. He drove his length into her again
and again, making her entire body rock each time his hips slapped against the tender skin of her ass.
Her whole body felt the strength of his thrusts and Cassidy let out a strangled grunt each time his
cock sank into her. Sweat formed on her legs and began running down her thighs, making her skin
slippery enough that she began to slide out of his grip.
Cassidy had already cum three times that night and now felt her body resisting the possibility of once
again opening the gates. She welcomed the powerful thrusts that drove deeply into her but
whimpered at her body’s futile attempts to allow the flood to fully rise within her. “Unnh, ahh yes,
please baby, please make me cum. Make me cum all over your cock!”
Manuel responded to her pleas and allowed her legs to slip off of his shoulders. He withdrew his cock
and Cassidy whimpered as her wet hole clenched at its sudden emptiness. She was ready to beg him
to put it back in when she felt the glorious feeling of his mouth close on her tender flesh.
“OHH…FUCK YES! She shouted in surprise as his tongue plunged into the wet pool of her sex.
Cassidy rolled her hips in his face, desperately trying to cum, all the while begging him not to stop.
“Suck me please, oh fuck yes, lick my pussy baby!”
While she had loved being fucked by his cock, her poor little slit had become tender and now the
warm wetness of his tongue was exactly what she needed. Whatever the block was that had formed
against the tide, it dissipated like a mirage and Cassidy felt the flood of orgasm come rushing toward
He sucked hard on her clit, concentrating his flicking tongue on that little bundle of nerves and it
pulsed wildly, overwhelming her and rocking her to the deepest corner of her mind. His hands roamed
up her belly and then cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples hard. Cassidy bucked in his arms and
then her body tightened noticeably. Her ragged breathing stopped for a moment and then a powerful
spasm raced through her, making her jerk uncontrollably and driving her breath out in a long,
primeval scream.
Cassidy felt the orgasm race through her again and again and perspiration flowed from every pour.
She felt consumed by a pleasurable heat that made her feel like she had become molten inside. She
tried to speak but words failed her and in the end she could only laugh in joy at the overwhelming
power of it all.
She had never experienced a multiple orgasm before but felt certain that this must be what it was.
Every time she started to wind down, another wracking wave crashed into her mind until she thought
she might pass out before it stopped.
“Oh my fucking god, that was incredible!” She laughed again weakly as it passed,
feeling far too weak to say much more. Her body purred with warm satisfaction and her legs were so
tired she doubted he could lift them.
Manuel had teased her clit for the first few seconds of her orgasm but then he just sat back, enjoying
the sight of her writhing body until she finally drifted down from the clouds. He then untied her hands
and removed the blindfold, releasing her from her bonds.
Cassidy rolled into his arms, snuggling up to him like a kitten. She had no words to say to him, rather
she let the warm glow of her flesh signal her carnal satisfaction. She felt his hands roam slowly over
her hip and thigh and she sighed deeply as he softly kissed her shoulder.
“Mmm, that’s so nice” she murmured as he spooned behind her and slipped his arm under her head,
supporting it weight.
“You are so lovely my sweet girl. Your skin glows in the candle light with the radiance of the moon on
a starless night.” His words came to her barley as a whisper, as if they had been carried in to her on
the breeze.
Cassidy smiled inwardly, knowing it was romantic flattery but still touched deeply that he would grant
this gift of prose to her. Never before had she met someone who could make her burn with desire
with a single phrase. She was relaxed and contented, so it was with some surprise that when he drew
her close she felt his still hard cock fall against the sensitive valley of her bottom.
It felt hard and hot and he ground it into her until the underside his shaft made its way more deeply
into the crevice of her aerobically toned ass. Cassidy’s heart quickened as Manuel placed his right
hand on top of her hip and drew her closer, gently bending the spoon of their embrace while pumping
his shaft along the delightfully pleasant shape of her descending curves.
“I have one more pleasure to give my sweet girl, and one more to take. May I ask you, have you yet
given this gift to another?”
Cassidy could sense his eager excitement and, knowing well what he wanted, felt butterflies fluttering
violently in her belly. Her husband had once expressed a desire for this part of her body and, in an
effort to find a way to please him; she had succumbed to his need. He had been clumsy and quick
though and she had found the experience to be painfully unsatisfying. The idea of accepting Manuel’s
thicker girth where her husband’s had proven too large frightened her terribly.
“No, I haven’t.” She lied, not to be deceptive or in a vain defense of her virtue, but because the truth
would only further diminished the worthiness of her husband, and that was something she didn’t want
to contemplate. Not with Manuel’s cock pressing hungrily against her.
Manuel lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly. “Then I shall be gentle with you my dear. You
must believe that I wish you to enjoy this as much as I.”
Manual then urged her to lie on her stomach and trailed kisses over her back. He massaged her
shoulders and ran his strong hands down her body, his expert touch gently soothing her nerves.
“Mmm, that’s nice,” she said as her body began melting into the bed. “You have very talented hands.”
Manuel paused for a moment as he retrieved the crystal decanter from the bedside table. “It takes
little effort for a man to learn the things he finds to be of value. What can be more valuable than the
ability to please a beautiful woman?”
Manuel refreshed their tumblers with the forgotten Cognac and offered Cassidy her glass. “Please
drink, it will help you relax.”
“Thank you” she replied and then drank deeply from the glass. The smooth liqueur burned mildly as it
flowed down her throat and the radiant warmth of the alcohol soon spread over her.
Manuel sipped his brandy and then chose a different decanter. With this, he poured a line of scented
body oil over her back and began working into her skin. Cassidy cooed slightly as the oil warmed her
body even more. When his hands travelled over her ass her breathing became heavier and her
arousal once again began to build.
He poured a small amount of oil over the rising flesh of her bottom and massaged it into her shapely
bottom, making Cassidy purr at his touch. When he worked the oil downward she pressed back
against his hand and spread her legs slightly, inviting him to delve more deeply.
His fingers drifted to her anus and he began softly tickling her there. He touched her rose with a
single finger and slowly prodded her, not pushing so hard as to intrude, but enough to make her body
clench in resistance.
“Oh! Manuel please,” she said plaintively. “I’ve never done…I don’t think I can do this!”
He shushed her gently. “Of course you can. You have but to relax, and trust that I would do nothing to
cause you pain.”
Cassidy was so badly torn. She hated the idea of disappointing him; there was something so
incredibly magnetic about Manuel that she so far had refused him nothing. Even so, her husband’s
callus and clumsy penetration of her back door had been painfully traumatic and until this very
moment she never thought she would again allow a man to use her in that way. She was becoming
so fearful now that she knew she would never be able to take him comfortably even if she did allow it.
“Oh god Manual, you don’t understand!”
Her protests were cut short though when she felt him kissing the cheeks of her bottom. His lips felt
soft and warm and there was nothing insistent in his touch. “You need not concern yourself my sweet
Cassidy. I would do nothing to you that you do not desire of me.”
He continued to kiss and nibble at her bottom though and Cassidy knew that his intent remained
unchanged. Not knowing what to say, she resigned herself to the pleasant kisses, hoping that she
would somehow find a way to please him. She concentrated on his touch and as his mouth drew
nearer to her center she closed her eyes, focusing her thoughts on the sensations he coaxed from
her body.
Moments later she felt him part her cheeks with his hands and gasped in surprise as something warm
and wet flicked at her rosebud. Cassidy’s hips flexed in response and new moisture leaked into her
vagina as the soft probing of her anus continued. It felt good, really good in fact and when Cassidy
realized what he was doing she was shocked, yet despite her surprise she was amazed at how
relaxing it was to have him licking her ass. “Oh wow, that feels nice” she said and she lifted her
bottom slightly, trying to get more of his tongue on her sensitive hole.
Cassidy had heard of rimming but never thought she’d experience it firsthand. The gentle prodding
and licking soothed her muscles and the tension melted away. Soon she felt her body opening to his
licking and an odd desire to be penetrated rose in mind. “Mmm yes, where did you learn that baby, It
feels so fucking good!”
Manuel declined to respond but wetted his finger and gently pressed it inside Cassidy’s puckering
hole. Cassidy felt the intrusion and sighed as she quickly adjusted to him. She felt him pour more of
the scented oil on her entry and soon he was moving his finger easily within her.
Manuel took his time preparing her, slowly expanding her entry and gaining her trust. After awhile he
was able to use three fingers and Cassidy squirmed and thrust back at him as he massaged her tight
passage. Finally Cassidy not only felt comfortable enough to take his penis but was enjoying having
her ass played with so much that she was actually craving the idea of having him inside her.
She reached back and took his cock in his hand and began stroking him. She felt him stiffen and
grow until his erection filled her grip completely. Then she rose to her knees and bent low with her
head on the pillow. “I’m ready baby and I want it. I want your cock in my ass.”
Cassidy almost quivered in anticipation as he rose to his knees behind her. Her anal passage was
wet with lubricant and felt very relaxed and her pussy oozed with moisture from her arousal. She felt
his cock being rubbed on her thigh and she wiggled her hips, playfully teasing him.
Manuel slid his cock across the cleft of her butt and she sucked in her breath, expecting him to put it
in her soon, so when he moved lower and plunged into her pussy she moaned in blissful surprise.
“Ohhh yeah. Fuck me like that.”
Manuel gave her a few hard strokes, coating his shaft in her juice and then pulled out and drew his
uncircumcised head upward until it found her nether entry. Cassidy pushed back on him and held her
breath as his hardness began to force her muscles apart. Tinges of stinging pain blazed in her body
for a brief moment but Manuel held her hips and drove in until her entry conformed to his shape.
Cassidy winced for a moment and she concentrated on relaxing her body. She had been well
prepared and moments later she felt her bottom’s grip on his shaft lesson until the pain faded
completely. What remained was an incredible feeling that was very different than having her pussy
fucked. Taking a breath, she rocked back onto him and gasped as his entire length slid into her. “Oh
goddamn Manuel, you feel so fucking big inside me!”
His cock moved deeply and easily in her rectum and when Manuel pressed her down into the sheets
couldn’t help but groan. His arms held her tightly and she felt his rasping breath on her neck as he
began to fuck her ass every bit as hard as had her pussy. The bed bounced in its heavy frame as he
fucked her and she found herself squeezing his cock as it plunged into her. Cassidy couldn’t believe
his hunger as his gentleman’s aura evaporated. He was fucking her with the passion and ferocity of a
man crazed with lust and she was pleased and proud that she was able to bring about such an
amazing transformation in him.
Pressed into the sheets, she was unable to rub her clit but she had cum so many times that night it
hardly mattered. Her only thought was the pleasure he was taking from her. It was a deeply satisfying
moment and even if he fucked her ass raw she knew it would be worth it when he came.
At some point his hands had found hers and he held her tightly as he hips slammed his penis into her
tender ass. His body hunched forward, building up a tempo that she knew could not be maintained.
Between her own gasps, she begin urging him to cum, wanting nothing more than to feel his seed
drench her bowels.
Then she felt his arms become as hard as steel and his body quivered and shook. He plunged into
her hard, holding himself planted deeply in her ass and she actually felt his cock pulse and throb as
he filled her with his second load of the night.
They lay together like that for a long while. Cuddling and kissing until Cassidy realized she had to get
“I’m sorry,” she told him. “My husband is going to be wondering where I am soon.”
Manuel nodded in understanding. “You do not need to apologize to me, my dear sweet girl. You have
your life to return too and I will think no less of you for it.”
Cassidy slipped on her dress and fussed hopelessly with her hair before giving up and leaving it down
around her shoulders. She gave him a kiss and was about to leave when Manuel put his hand on the
“If you must leave then you must, but know you do have a choice. You must decide where you truly
belong. There, with a man incapable of loving you as you deserved to be loved, or here with me. I say
this because you do have the choice; it is up to you to make it.”

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