The Preacher and His wife


The Preacher and his Wife
Millie Dynamite

WARNING – this is a story of forced sex, rape, and murder. It involves a married couple a minister and his wife. It contains graphic depictions of revenge including rape and murder. If this story is likely to offend you, it is best if you refrain from reading it. If you are curious but afraid, you will be offended, then, I would suggest you not read it – unless you are brave, are you brave? If you are brave, courageous or need to read such awful things to avoid doing them – well then maybe it is good therapy for the likes of you, read on, McDuff, read on. I am very aware this is offensive – this is why it is posted in extreme – because – it is extreme. Consider yourself warned and ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.

He lay in wait his body coiled for action. After weeks of following, watching, and planning the moment was at last here. He knew their schedule down the second the couple was fastidious in their life. Their existence dictated by their religious, fanatical business. The Preacher and the Preacher’s Wife held their congregation in their hands and molded them into a dedicated gathering of worshipers. Only their real worship was not of God but of Robert and Sarah Saunders.

Robert Saunders the enigmatic, charismatic Bible-thumper and Sarah the elegant, former beauty queen, whom every man secretly lusted. They controlled their parishioner’s lives, guiding them in decisions, helping the followers amass vast fortunes and lining their pockets with their members loving gratitude. At the same time, the devious, manipulative couple destroyed others … like him. He could never ever get back what they took from him. He could, however, make them pay for the pain they caused. He would extract a wicked revenge.

His seven years in prison taught him things. A man with a high sex drive locked away with only men learns how obtain release from the constant need. He learns how not to suffer the same fate himself. He also picks up more practical skills as well. How to open locked doors was one skill he acquired. How to hurt someone without killing them. Delightful little techniques that make the strongest man’s or woman’s will bend to his. He was now ready to extract his vengeance. He determined that Sunday night was the best night to strike.

The lights of the car pulling into the drive danced on the window curtains flicked out and darkness again descended. He stood feet from the door concealed by one of the two decorative pillars separating the entryway from the formal living room. The clicked into the lock and hard clank sounded as it was turned. The door opened and the Preacher extended his arm for his wife to enter first their country mansion. She entered and stopped a few feet inside the sophisticated room. Robert shut the door and locked it and flipped on the lights. James stepped into the middle of the entryway holding a stun gun in his hand. Robert dropped his keys while Sarah let her purse slip to the floor. They were wide-eyed as shock, surprise, and fear filled them.

“James,” Robert spoke just as the two prongs lodged in his chest. Searing pain leaped into him as every muscle tingled and lurched with juice that flowed through his body. Falling to the floor he jerked and jumped about on his back as the electricity jolted through his body. Robert lay quiet on the floor while Sarah screamed out her hands on her face her body trembled with fear.

With silent calm, James removed and replaced the Taser cartridge. Raising the gun up he fired the prongs hit her on her left tit and she danced for James. He held the trigger down as she slowly collapsed in pain on the hardwood floorboards. He watched her now vertical dance for a few moments as her body bounced on the floor. It just wasn’t as much fun after they were unconscious.

James Manford worked with speed and precision cutting the expensive clothes from their bodies he restrained the beauty to the couple’s massive king sized bed. The he restrained the preacher to the footstool. Robert’s hands and feet were bound to the legs of the ottoman. James retrieved his tools setting up his instruments of torture and three video cameras to capture the action. He enjoyed sex izle bourbon as waited on his dear friends to awaken. Stripping naked his cock began to twitch and jump in anticipation of what was to come.

They awoke in a slow, steady manner … their bodies hurt from the shock they received. They struggled against the restraints they sat in an odd saying nothing. Drool leaked from Sarah’s mouth as her eyes fluttered hurting from the bright light which flooded the room from the lighting that accompanied the cameras. Her mouth so warm, wet, and inviting caused his cock to stiffen up, as it bobbed and bounced while he walked toward her. The preacher could just make out the man’s feet.

“James, what are you doing?”

“What do you think Bobby?” James asked him.

“I think you have gone mad,” Robert blurted out as he fought the restraints.

“I think I’m going to fuck your wife’s mouth for now,” he spoke with a maniacal tone.

“No, please have mercy,” Sarah implored sobbing out the words. Climbing on the bed he straddled her ample breast and grabbed her lovely blonde hair. He smacked her face with his large cock hitting her lips with the giant mushroom shaped prick head. She tried to turn her head.

“Don’t hurt her please,” Robert begged. “If you stop now and leave we’ll keep our mouths shut about this unfortunate incident.
“No, Robert and Sarah, I’ll show you all the mercy you showed me when you gave the false testimony in court.” With that, he slapped her face so hard her cheek bruised bright red. “Open up bitch.” Plunging his cock he pumped her face with a fury. Her spit flew while she gagged and coughed tears ran her dark mascara down her lovely face, leaving dark streams of makeup in their wake.

“Now this whore will say how much she hated this, but you know how much she loves to suck,” the Preacher yelled out how he would get back at him. How he would rot in jail this time. After a short period, he stopped and crawled off the bed. James repositioned the cameras picked up a tube from where the implements of torture were lay. He put the white cream on his cock and rubbed it in deep. “This will delay me spewing. Got make my fun last. Now watch this Miss Colorado, Watch me rape you husbands ass.” With that he straddled Robert’s ass and pulled one cheek aside, holding his cock he guided it to the opening. The cock hung there as James, listening to Robert, beg him not to hurt him. He jabbed hard driving the big mushroom head inside the reluctant opening. Grabbing the Preachers thick hair, he yanked his head back toward him as he thrust his hips forward. Tearing pain ripped through the Preachers asshole every few seconds a new pain as the cock was driven deeper inside his shitter.

“I learned ass fucking in prison, doing time for your murder. They called it a vehicular homicide, remember that? You swore to God and Man I drove that night and hit the man with your car. Only I wasn’t driving you were. And it wasn’t an accident you killed that man because he saw through you. He was going to expose you,” Hammering his cock home with his pent-up rage. The preacher screamed and whimpered as Manford devastated his ass. Pounding, thrusting in deep and drawing back stopping just before the magnificent head popped out only to drive the head deep inside again with angry determination.

Sarah watched her husband her husband and felts shame that he allowed himself to be violated. Her love Robert turned sour in her stomach realizing she was soon to be debased as well and he would do nothing to save her. He cried like a woman, no he balled like a baby. It was pathetic he made no effort to free himself no struggle to resist he just took it like a faggot. Manford dominated her husband his toned muscles strained with each thrust to pound his cock deeper and deeper in her husband’s ass.

Watching him hump her husband excited her and she began to moisten. Her nipples hardened and breath grew ragged. The change was so sudden she only perceived a vague sensation at first. Lust erupted in her as the revulsion for her husband bloomed. If she was ever honest with herself, she had never been in love with him. She only craved his power and wealth. But Manford fransız porno was more powerful by far and her husband shame was evident.
Taking his cock from Robert Saunders ass. He moved to Saunders’ face and pulled his head up and placed his cock in front of Robert’s mouth.

“Open wide bitch,” James thrust the big cock in the man’s mouth and spewed a thick stream of cum. “Eat it down whore,” he said as he undid the restraints at his hand. Grabbing Robert by the hair again, he pulled him to his feet to show his small cock was rock hard and thick stains of the preacher’s pre-cum showed on the cushion of the oversized footstool. Reworking the binding on his feet he forced the man to sit on the ottoman and cuffed his hands behind his back. Spinning the chair around, he walked away from, Robert. The enormous prick still hard as a rock. Again he adjusted the cameras.

Sarah writhed on the bed in anticipation of what was to come. She rose lifting her back off the bed. She moved her hips around falling back to bed still squirmed her body in expectancy. The process repeated as the desire grew. Holding the tube, he released one of her hands and squeezed out a generous amount of cream.

“Rub it in you want it last as much as I do, whore.” James walked around the bed and undid restraints. “You’re not going anywhere and you won’t fight it. You’re a fucking cat in heat you want so much you taste it. See that Reverend your wife is a bona fide … whore.” Crawling between her legs he pulled them up over his shoulders thrusting deep into her willing cavity with one quick hard thrust. With his second thrust, he plowed deep into honey-hole her where no one, or nothing had ever been. Searing pain exploded inside her while burning lust and a wave of orgasm engulfed her. The pain couldn’t compare to ecstasy. She moaned and groaned her head turned watching her husband’s anguish.

“If you were a man you would at least try to get up, you make an effort protect me. But you just sit there blubbering like a spoiled child.” With that, her body began to react and she fucked back as hard as James did her. Bucking like a mare her hands roamed over his chiseled body in a lustful reaction to his rough treatment. She would scream out his name and tell her husband, “James is a real man.”

They fucked for what seemed to be hours she would dry and he continue to pound her. The lust would build and she would moisten and he would beat into her even harder. The preacher endured the humiliation his world shattered James Manford robbed him of his honor, his pride, his wife’s affection and even his tears. He just couldn’t cry anymore sitting there his world in rubble around him.

“Let me ride you,” Sarah breathed in his ear. James rolled them over with a deft skill and Sarah undulated on top him. James’s hands roamed her body with lustful glee he felt, fondled and squeezed her. All the while, she looked at her husband a look of disgust burned his soul. All things end, James dumped an enormous load deep inside her womb. Without ceremony, he stood and Sarah first crashed to bed followed by James kicking her to the floor.

Jumping from the bed he removed a small box from the table and sat it on the floor. James attached long wire leads to Robert’s chest. He plunged the box into a wall outlet. He forced a ball gag into Robert’s mouth.
“So you don’t bit your tongue off,” he said his voice sounded eager.

“You don’t have to do this,” Sarah pleaded feeling her husband had suffered enough. “We can just leave and be happy together.” He looked at her and a small smile crossed his face.

“You have to show how much you love me,” his voice soft and tender his eyes showed no hate. “You need to shock him a few times, just enough to show you are sorry for what the two of you did to me.” He pulled two chairs up to either side of Robert. Saunders’ eyes were wide as more fear sprang in him.

“He has heart problems,” she told him.

“You just shock him enough for me to know you are sorry,” he said while helping her up and guiding her to the chair. Sitting down he put the box in her hand. “Just turn the knob for me, just a little my dear. You say you want to be teen porno with me, you need to prove he means nothing to you.” She turned the knob a couple of clicks. Robert’s eyes lids quivered, his mouth bit down on the ball, and his body shuddered a small amount. She turned the knob back.

“There does that make you happy?”

“No,” grabbing the box he turned it all up the way. Robert Saunders jerked and twitched falling forward face down on the floor. James turned the unit off and released the Preacher’s feet from the ottoman. Rolling him over, James, looked at the man. “That makes me feel a bit better.”

“Well let me get dressed we will pack up and go,” She moved to her closet.

“Don’t dress yet. Reverend I have a task for you.” He got him up and sat him at his desk in the room. Starting their computer he put a slip of paper on the desk. “Transfer all your money into this offshore account. I’ll just leave after you do that. If you don’t that,” he turned the knob one click and the shut off again, “well it will be unpleasant until you do what I want. You have the choice if I leave with your wife or leave her here with you.” The preacher nodded. Releasing his hands, he grabbed one covering it with his. Squeezing hard James calm exterior remained as the pain jumped in the man’s hand.

“I can crush your hand, break your arm or bust you up bad. There is nothing you can do to defend yourself so don’t be stupid.” Logging on to one account after another he transferred the money. Sarah would remind him of church accounts, secret accounts, and hidden savings accounts until the vast wealth bilked from the church treasury and their adoring congregation transferred to her new lover. She knew the Preacher wouldn’t want her and that James lusted for her.

“That is the last one,” Sarah announced, with that, James, turned the unit all the way up. Robert fell to the floor jerking arms and legs, his body jumped about and his eyes again streamed tears. His ridged cock spewed cum over his chest Sarah watched dazed at what James was doing, this wasn’t the deal. When James turned it off, the Preacher continued in violent contortions clutching the flesh of his chest.

“Heart attack how fortunate,” James said with a cold voice, “saves me killing him.” After a minute, Robert lay still on the floor. Sarah dropped and touched him feeling his neck first then his wrist.
“He’s dead Jim,” she said followed by nervous laugh when it dawned her that she sounded like McCoy.

“Well, that was my plan, cunt. I think he wanted you to stay here,” James pounced on her restraining her arms behind her back he put her in one of the chairs. She struggled, but his powerful hands punished her for her resistance. Binding her legs to the legs of the chair he stood and stroked himself hard again. He raped her harder, rougher, and with more abandon this time, mashing her large breast flat. Twisting, poking and prodding with harsh vigor. He punched her as he thrust inside her unwilling holes. After he had spurted cum in her ass, he cleaned himself and redressed. Putting on coveralls he picked up a large knife. Walking over he sliced over one breast.

“I thought you loved me,” she screamed out at him as the pain swarmed over her.

“Love a laying two-timing whore like you,” he cut a nipple off and put in her mouth. “Eat it down like a good little bitch.”

The fire lit up the night sky James Manford looked down from his window. The flames jumped from the massive mansion skyward. The plain climbed to altitude leaving colorful Colorado behind winging its way eastward. Manford looked forward to his arrival in the small country. There was no extradition treaty there. The banks were a heaven for American gangsters to stash their loot. James Mumford had learned many things in prison. The memory of Sarah’s anguish as he cut her and pounded her with his fist. The shrieks mixed with the sound of the snapping ribs or breaking bones filled him with pleasure. Her agonized exclamations as he cut he flesh caused his cock to twitch a spasm threatening to bulge up in his pants.

Manford crossed his legs to conceal his boner. He sipped at his bourbon and looked forward to watching the scantily clad girls on the beach. He longed to stick his cock in some dark beauties willing pussy. Willing or not he would stick them hard and deep until he sprayed his seed deep inside her cunt.

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