The Partnership Pt. 03 – The New Whore


I decided it was time to take care of my business with the Saloon. I had not seen my new bartenders wife yet who was my newest whore. I left Kathy to do the heavy fucking with the hands, as her daughters seemed to be mated up with my ranch foreman and ranch manager. And they were doing their best to help Mom out as both my men were still willing to let their young soon to be wives help out. So I road out for town feeling the ranch was in very good hands. Kathy was still very taken with my big black smith and his big black cock. My new wife didn’t seem to be able to get enough of him.

I rode in town to view that for the most part not much had changed. When I entered my Saloon things were very quiet as usual in the early morning. My new bartender lead a very pretty young woman over to me and introduced her as his wife and my newest whore. He promptly ask me to escort her upstairs and fully use her to confirm she was a full use whore. I smiled at him and confirmed I would enjoy his wife sexually at a later date, but I did confirm she was very pretty and I was told she was very well received as our new girl by the customers.

He was hoping his wife would soon be our top whore, but I hated to tell him as long as my good friend let Molly my first wife work for me here, she would never take that place from Molly.

I moved to the bar as my main bartender waved me over.

“Boss we have two new possible whores you need to know about. There is a young couple south of town who are in some trouble right now. The young husband was in a few days ago and they have a gang who have moved in on them. I thing there are a half dozen of them and they have taken his little ranch over. They are rapidly also taking his young wife over too. He told me if she is going to become a whore for the bunch she might as well work here and help him money wise with their ranch.”

“Is she willing to do the work here for the success of their ranch?”

“Yes Sir, I believe she is. The other situation is a young woman is in need of help with her family. Her husband was killed two year ago here gambling. He was cheated and when he yelled about it he was killed. It was not long before you came here. She is maybe 40 with three kids, A girl soon to be 18, a boy about 14 and another girl of maybe 10?”

“So she wants me to hire her daughter when she turns 18 to work here?”

“Oh, no Sir, she is having trouble finding enough work to provide for her family. She ask about working here herself, Sir.

“So she has become desperate and is willing to whore to provide?”

“I believe so Sir.”

The next morning I rode south to the little ranch on a small creek about 30 miles. From a small ridge I scouted the property and I saw one rough looking guy doing nothing out by the barn. Another man was between me and the ranch looking over 30 or so cows that were in fair shape and looked like with calf. They had water close and grass for maybe 300 head. A very pretty young woman came from the house a few times hanging laundry on lines running from pole to pole for that purpose.

I finally mounted up and road down to the young man looking over the cattle. “I sat the big black and looked at him.

“You own the Saloon don’t you?”

I sat quietly watching him.

“That’s right I do. And your wife is looking for a job in my Saloon?”

“The six men who have taken charge of our lives the past six months are now all fucking Marsha nightly. And the money she could make could maybe help our ranch over the hump to make a go of it.”

“Why not just kill them and take your ranch back?”

“I can not help Marsha if I am dead and she has said she would much rather have me alive than dead. I am not much good with a hand gun. I am okay with my Winchester, but not against all six.”

“Your bartender told me if you hire Marsha and they try to keep her here, you likely would take a hand to help us.”

“Well, lets ride down and I will take a look at Marsha and talk about it.”

“But what about the animal down there?”

The Animal was missing now.

“Not long before you rode down he took Marsha back inside, he is fucking her by now.”

We rode down to the house. As we stood by the steps up to the house waiting for him to finish fucking young Williams wife Marsha. Several minutes passed before he came outside. When he did his mouth began to rant.

“Who the fuck are you and I will give you five minutes to get out of my sight before I kill you! We are the Big Billy Morris gang and you better git.”

“Oh my, are you big Billy himself?”

“No I am his brother Guss, and your time is up.”

His hand dropped toward his gun and I shot him. He had the most shocked look as he sat down and rolled over on his face. I punched the two shells from my gun and reloaded it.

“I have never seen anything so fast I my life.”

The very pretty young woman came from the house and she kicked the dead man as hard as she could in his dead ass. She had been crying. As she wiped he eyes of her gaziantep bayan escort tears she looked at me. She reached down to the hem of her short dress and lifted it off over her head.

“I am sorry I cried and I want to present myself as well as I can for my work for you.”

“Please put your dress back on Mrs. Taylor I can tell you if you desire it you had the job from the ridge up there if you wanted it. How about some lunch and we can talk of maybe another job for us all?”

She look stunned but turned and we heard her in the kitchen. I took his upper half and Willian his feet and we carried the dead man out beside the barn to be planted the next day.

We sat over coffee after a very good meal and I began asking questions. I liked their little ranch and wondered why they’d chosen it. Once w Willian started talking you had to listen and watch his eyes as his eyes sparkled with his dreams coming out. He had reasons for this place and they were good ones. Land around him was open to buy and increase the ranch to a decent size. He wanted to run about 3,000 head of good cattle but was at about max with 300 as it was.

“So how long do you think with Marsha selling her pussy it will take to keep the wolves from the door?”

“Oh, maybe five or six years? With lots of luck?”

“Marsha you want to work for me at the Saloon?”

“I want to do what I need to do to help William make this ranch work.”

“Did you enjoy these men enjoying you these past months?”

“I wanted to kill them every time they touched me.”

“Ok, how about a partner? We buy the land you need to make it go and we stock you with 3,000 head of good stock and the horses you’ll need. Maybe 3 good hands? And Marsha you show them pretty tits of yours off for them boys and lift that little skirt for em a couple times a week and keep them here instead of my Saloon and you’ll do your part and more.”

“You are saying you’ll go partners with me?”

“Nope I am saying I will go partners with the two of you. Your wife’s pussy is on the line if you fail. She comes to work for me if you don’t make it.”

Marsha stood up and put her hand out for me to shake it. William followed. The young woman grinned at me and told her husband to go out and check the cows.

“I am going to get laid because I want it from him now William so be jealous please.”

And she did just that and William is a very lucky man. I told them both that. And she ask if I had meant what I’d said about the hands they were to hire? I told her I was and that it would help the ranch in the long run and keep young Willian very interested and away from my Saloon and at home.

The other five bad men rode in the next morning and I helped young William dig the graves and I rode back to town. The next day I sent a very nice young Mexican cowboy out to their ranch that I knew would be a top hand and be just the start to keep young William on his toes and young Marsha on her cute back.

A few days passed before I made it down to see the widow who wanted to become my next whore. A little house in the south end of town was not in the good end of town nor was it in much shape to house a family, but I knew this woman was doing her best. A beautiful young girl met me at the door and yelled for her mom to come as she had a good looking fellow at the door. When the woman of the house came I understood where the young girl got her looks.

“Lora, take Martin and Jenny up to the Park for a couple hours please.”

The three youngsters left and she invited me in. She turned to me and shook my hand.

“I have no idea how this works but I am willing to do what ever I need to. You are the owner of the Saloon?”

I nodded that I was.

“I have not been with a man since my husband and he was my only lover anyway. He was active with your girls and I have been told the girl called Molly was his favorite. He always told me I was better than anyone he was ever with. I gave him my blessing to enjoy himself and never denied him when he came home and wanted me. Men need that I guess?”

“You need money very badly? You are going to have to move?”

“Yes, very soon.”

“Are you a good cook Mrs?”

“I am Jessica Mann, and yes I think so.”

“Could I hire you to cook on my ranch to start with? If your heart is set on working I will have you naked on stage tonight and customers fucking you soon after.”

“You could use a cook?”

“The guy who cooks for me is getting on in age and needs help. I have about 40 hands at the ranch to cook for so yes I need the help. I have a small cabin unused that can be yours. And My daughter is near you children’s ages so they could be very healthy for her as could you. In a few weeks we can discuss other duties that could help on my ranch. I have a lady who takes care of the sexual needs of my hands. She is doing it in a big part herself as her daughters are both involved with my managers and talking marriage and families. They do both help out some.”

“I might find this much more comfortable sexually than your Saloon.”

“You won’t be required to make this happen to help out with the comforting of the hands, but we have found the men stay at the ranch and are in much better shape to do their work if we provide this for them.”

“You are giving us so much more than I had even hoped for Mr?”

“Jamie, Mrs Mann and you’ll be valuable to me just cooking. If you choose to share yourself as a woman to help out too, I will be very pleased.”

“Please it is Jessica, Jamie and I will do my part in every way I can. So as soon as I need to I’ll give your men sexual pleasure when needed.”

“You are hired then Jessica. I will have a wagon here tomorrow to move your belongings for you to your cabin on the ranch. Take a few days to settle in on the ranch and to meet the staff and hands. You and the kids might enjoy riding over the ranch area it is quite beautiful to see. Your daughter is every bit as lovely as you Jessica and the young men will be quite taken with her.”

“Jamie I would like to keep her from the pleasure of the men if I can?”

“No, Jessica that was not where I was going with it. She will have several young men after her as a wife and my men understand I will help them start their own ranch if they desire. So if she desires to be a Ranchers wife she will have the chance.”

“Will she be required to provide service to her husbands men?”

“This has worked in this area, it isn’t a standard practice everywhere. In fact this area is the only area it seems to be used, but I know how well it works here. It will be up to her and her husband?”

We left things at that and I returned to the Saloon to do some work. Both Sally and Becky were naked on the floor. Charlie my head bartender was very pleased with both young women and also with Barry. Both girls were used by many customers each night with many compliments about both girls. I rode down to William and Marsha’s new ranch I am partners in and William and I rode on south to buy more land to enlarge.

“How is the new hand working out William?”

“My wife is naked most of the time since he came and I can tell you since we are gone Juan is very deep in Marsha right now.”

“So has this become a problem for you, William?”

“No, Jamie, not at all. I told Juan as soon as I found out Marsha enjoys having Juan as her lover, that I was really ok if he was with her anytime she agrees. So far she has not denied him sexually. She really likes Juan and enjoys sex with him. I think he is helping her heal from her time with the gang.”

“I have a couple of other young men I think will work out as very good hands and lovers for Marsha. Do you think she’s ready for it now?”

“Now is good Jamie, I don’t want Juan falling in love with my wife or her with him. They fuck lots right now. And her charms being spread around some might be good.”

I bought 3 small ranches that were about to go under and two small farms which raised our land base to just over 30,000 acers and gave room for several hundred head of cows I had on the way to our ranch. Two of the young men who owned that I bought land from were in very bad shape with money. Both could pay off all of their bills but would not have much left. Both men needed housing and help with jobs. I had planned to build several new houses as the places to live in town were not much.

Both young men were somewhat good working other than on a horse. And I had found a man who was a very good carpenter, but some what long in years. So the young men would have a very good teacher. I did address both with their wives working at the Saloon. Both wives had children and were finished they hoped with being mothers. And both felt their wives might be interested. One young wife was perfect to do so. The second was a little chubby but very pretty. Her husband was very excited she might be of interest.

William and I did talk about the fact he would now need more than a dozen ranch hands to handle a ranch this size. I ask if he felt Marsha could handle the sexual needs of that many young men?

“Jamie I think she can and likely will. She is so proud she can help our ranch in this way and She has changed her mind of being Used and Being needed. These are our young men and she is very excited doing this for us. You and me helping to make our business better.”

“Your wife is a beautiful exciting woman and anyone who works for you will be blessed to do so because of Marsha.”

“We owe you so much Jamie and Marsha would jump in bed with you anytime you are out here.”

“I am more than a little flattered William, but for the first time in many Years I have an interest in a woman that is more than sexual.”

“Some one you may think about as your wife?”

“It is way too soon to even begin to think of it in that terms, but I am very interested in her.”

“This is a female you may have trouble letting service your ranch hands?”

“No exactly the opposite William. She has been cooking for my hands and knows part of her job will be to service them sexually too. This week I will tell her it could help if she would walk down to the bunk house and begin to service the hands. She has only been with one man in her life and he was killed a couple years ago. I think before I know exactly how I feel about her, I need to make her a whore and see her completely used.”

“That is a strange way to look at a woman you are in love with Jamie.”

“I agree William, but I didn’t understand how much I loved my wife until she became a whore. But being a whore turned out to be more important to her than our love. I guess I need to see Jessica can become my whore but that our love will be important enough she can be either mine completely or still be my whore and love me completely. Are you comfortable with Marsha becoming more and more active for other men.”

“I am more and more proud of Marsha as we move forward as partners together and with you. And she has taken her part of keeping our hands on the ranch by fucking them to help keep them there. Marsha and I have talked of her working in the Saloon for you to prep her for the job of providing sex for our hands. She says she feels ready to be naked on stage for your customers and for me to watch as she goes upstairs to fuck your customers. I want you to make my wife a complete whore by letting more men fuck her than I am comfortable with. But I think she will do it til you ask her to stop.”

“How far do you want her to go William?”

“How many customers would Marsha have in a normal night Jamie?”

“Marsha could be very popular with the men who come in my Saloon William. Early on probably nearly 20 each night for a month is likely. If you guess a 20 day month she’ll be with over 300 men as a conservative guess William.”

“So in 3 months she’ll be as completely a whore as she can become?”

“Would you want her doing it that long?”

“Let’s see how she does with the new ranch hands?”

“I will send out at least 10 men to try out and let her be with them a couple weeks and I will add ten more in a week or so and let her do these 20 for a few weeks?”

We left it at that and I did send ten hands out the next day. I got home to my ranch and I was very pleased at Jessica’s cooking and her friendship with my hands. They had very good things to say about her. Several of my guys ask if there was any chance she would be expanding her duties to spending time in the bunk house?

“Have you ask her that question boys?”

Several of them just grinned back at me. Finally Bart a very good cowboy answered my question.

“Well, Boss, she said it is to be part of her duties to do that. And she said we could probably expect her to begin coming down in the next couple of weeks.”

“I think that is probably about right guys.”

“So she really will be coming down to the bunk house?”

“That is part of our agreement, Yes.”

“How soon is this maybe to happen Boss?”

“If I were you I would hang around the bunk house tonight.”

“You will send her down tonight?”

“I am going to give her the go to do so tonight. And If I know Jessica, she will be in the bunk house naked for you guys by 8pm.”

About 4pm that afternoon I went up to the kitchen and chatted with them for an hour. As I went to leave I turned to Jessica and I whispered to her.

“Jessica I think the rest of the duties we talked about could begin tonight?” She looked startled at first and then she smiled at me.

“You want me to begin those duties in the bunk house tonight?”

“That would be perfect Jess.”

Would you prefer I walk down in the nude?

“No Jessica you could do so in a simple house dress like the one you have on now. But you could take it off outside the door and enter the bunk house nude for them?”

“Is this something you desire to see me do? You’ll watch me enter nude?”

“Yes, I will watch you enter naked knowing you’ll be completely theirs.”

“Can I come up to you after I finish there?”

“That would be more than I can hope for.”

She smiled at me. And I smiled back.

“Jamie, I am having feelings for you.”

“I have feelings for you too Jess.”

“You watch for me just before 8pm.”

At just past 7:30 that night I crossed to the barn and stood just inside the door about 20 feet from the Bunk house door. The lights from the building had the area in front of the bunk house was very lighted.

I smoked a cigarette and waited for the sound of her feet on the path way. I walked over and stepped in the house. There were 12 cowboys waiting on her. Seven of them were totally naked and the other five were only in their long johns.

“Boss isn’t she coming down?”

“Jessica will be here in less than ten minutes boys. Be gentle she hasn’t been with a man in a couple years so go slow.”

I slipped back out the side door and back in the shadows to the barn. I had another cigarette about half done when I heard movement on the path way. I stood holding my breath as the movement came into the light and I saw it was indeed the woman I knew I was falling in love with.

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