The First of Many to Come…


Rebecca Lewis was late for her lesson. She hurtled up the corridor and turned onto the stairs towards Biology, when she smacked straight into a tall figure, scattering pupil’s workbooks everywhere, fluttering down to the floor like purple birds.

Rebecca cursed under her breath and looked up at the figure

‘Sorry I-‘

It was Mr Tate. Her stomach did a double flip and her mouth was suddenly completely dry. Mr Tate was Rebecca’s dream man.

Ever since her first lesson with Mr Tate, Rebecca had desired him. Mr Tate was not conventionally attractive, but he was tall- standing at 6″4, he towered over Rebecca, who was around 5″6. He had broad shoulders, a crooked nose and was never clean shaven. She spent hours thinking about him, and spent her nights wrapped in fantasies of running her fingers through his dark brown hair, staring into his clear blue eyes as he fucked her senseless on her desk, against his filing cabinet, on the rough school carpet. But she always knew that these fantasies could only ever be fantasies. It was his lack of interest, his sternly professional attitude towards his pupils, that attracted Rebecca to him most. He would never even touch a pupil on the elbow, let alone kiss them. And Rebecca always knew this.

But that didn’t stop Rebecca from squirming and becoming damp whenever she saw him. Every lesson with him, she had to force herself to concentrate on her History work, and keep her eyes away from the bulge in his trousers.

And so now, standing before him, flustered as he looked amusedly down at her, she felt no different. Her breathing sped up, her 34DD breasts heaving beneath her school shirt, and she had to clasp her thighs together as her knickers suddenly moistened. Eventually, she seemed to recover her equilibrium and spoke breathlessly:

‘Sorry Mr Tate, I was just rushing I didn’t see you’

He gave her a crooked grin that made her clamp her thighs together again, and bent down to pick up some of his scattered books.

‘No worries Rebecca, I was miles away myself.’ As Rebecca bent down to help him, her bag dislodged itself from her shoulder, dropping to the floor and spilling it’s contents. She flushed embarrassedly and she bent to begin retrieving her own books and pencils, which had rolled all over the place. Between them they eventually managed to clear the floor, and straightened up.

‘Well I think you must be really late for your lesson now’ the teacher grinned. Rebecca smiled back at him again, flushing and squirming. Breathlessly- practically panting- she agreed with him, and began her way up the stairs, with thoughts of bunking off of Biology and locking herself in the toilets for the hour to masturbate.


He watched her half run shakily up the stairs, and let out a long deep breath. Looking around, he strided into his classroom and sat at his desk, depositing the books on the cabinet next to him, and leant his head in his hands.

Jon Tate had always prided himself on his professionality. He had only been a teacher for three, nearly four years, and had impressed his tutors at University with his passion for teaching, accompanied by his self-discipline and morals. This was why Jon had found himself so unhappy recently. He had broken the top, practically unspoken rule. He had found himself attracted to a student.

She had been in the first class he ever taught at this school. She was only 14 at the time, and she was awkward and slightly spotty, still with braces on. She still had puppy fat. But she had been hardworking and conscientious, and he had liked her for being so sweet. The next year, Rebecca’s grades stayed top of the class, she grew more confident in her answers in lessons, and she produced essays that were thought provoking and original. She continued to work hard throughout exams, and he found in their one on one sessions that he truly enjoyed her company. but still, she was a gawky awkward teenager, with no idea on how to handle herself. He had grown to like her even more, and requested her to be in his set the next year when she moved onto her final year of school.

That was when everything changed.

It had been a long summer, and when Jon returned he had a long day teaching the brand new, shiny nosed children entering school for the first time. He had been waiting all day for his final lesson, with class 13A- Rebecca’s class. He was looking forward to teaching students he knew again, and couldn’t wait to read their essays. When the class piled in, Jon began to teach, not realising that Rebecca had been running late. When the door knocked, he turned away from the whiteboard and looked in the direction of the soft, timid sound.

It was Rebecca, and she couldn’t have been more different. The young, quiet and blushing woman stood before him was gorgeous. No longer spotty, she now had smooth and glowing skin, her blush set rosy pink against her creamy white face. She had grown about 3 inches taller, enough for her Escort Eryaman puppy fat to smooth out into a flat stomach, wide hips, and a slim waist, and her breasts had grown another couple of sizes so that they now bulged softly at the top of her school shirt. Perhaps because of these new improvements, Jon seemed to appreciate her old assets more, finding himself for once taking into account her wild, curly, but beautifully shiny ginger hair, and her warm brown eyes. As Jon stared at her, he felt his heart rate increase, his cock get hard.

And that was how it had happened. What had once been fondness and affection for a sweet intelligent student, had become desire for smart and sexy young woman, and Jon found that their one on one sessions were now hours of having to clench his fists and force himself to listen to her, waiting until he could finally leave them and masturbate furiously. He was sickened with himself. Even though Rebecca was no child anymore- he had sang her ‘Happy Birthday’ along with the rest of her class on her 18th birthday last year- his desire felt wrong. She was his student, and he was in a position of trust. But still, he ached to touch her, and felt himself leaning into her when she was working next to him, waiting for her to accidentally brush against him. Anything to assuage this burning desire. Redheads became his new fetish, and when he was out now he seemed to always end the nights pounding a flaming haired woman mercilessly, picturing his student as he came.

He couldn’t help it. He wanted Rebecca Lewis. He wanted her bad.

But he was a professional, and would never dream of breaking such an important rule. The idea was abhorrent to him. He still found himself however, wondering if there was some way he could wank off before his next lesson.


Rebecca had an early finish, so when she got home that day she set herself up at her desk, not bothering to change first, wanting to complete her History essay before she went out with her friends. She pulled the purple book from her bag and flicked it open lazily, expecting to find pages of written notes about Tsarist Russia. What she found instead, however were pages on Jack the Ripper, and the London fire. She remembered that course. It was a year seven course. She thought for a moment and realised excitedly that her book must have been swapped with one of the ones Mr Tate had dropped. She checked her watch. School was about to finish, she could make it back before he left surely.

She grabbed the book and her bag and rushed out of the door to grab a bus back to school.


Jon finally sent his Year 8 class out as the bell rang for the end of the day. He rubbed his forehead, glancing at his huge stack of marking. Tempted as he was to go home, he simply couldn’t leave this till tomorrow. He picked up his red pen, and opened the first book.


Rebecca entered the History corridor. Her heart was pounding as it always did when she was going to see Mr Tate. She cleared her throat and smoothed her short pleated school skirt over her thighs, before walking up to his room and knocking shakily on the door. He called out ‘Come in!’ and her heart lept as she opened the door.


He looked up from a year seven book in irritation, and then he saw her. His mouth dried as she walked through the threshold of the door, smiling timidly. He stared at her for a beat, her flaming hair tumbling in soft curls around her face, and her brown eyes depicting her anxiousness and also.. excitement? Jon found himself already growing hard at the thought of her being in his classroom alone when most other teachers and all students had gone home. He swallowed and pulled himself forward in his chair so that he was under his desk, the growing bulge in his trousers hidden from view. He coughed lightly, gathering his wits to ask her what she was there for. She blushed a beautiful pink colour that made Jon’s heart warm and his cock twitch.

‘Sorry sir, I-I think I picked up the wrong book earlier in the corridor’

She walked shakily towards his desk, searching in her bag for the book. His heart fell, and he wasn’t sure why. What had he expected her to say, ‘I’m here to fuck you.’? He cleared his throat again as she pulled out the purple history book and held it out to him with a trembling hand. He took it from her.

‘No problem, I’ll help you find yours.’ As Rebecca leant against the desk to wait, Jon stood up without thinking, and Rebecca’s eyes were pulled down to the hard and prominent bulge of his erection straining against his trousers. She gasped, her full lips parting as she blushed.

‘Shit!’ Jon sat back down again, crossing his legs so one ankle rested on one knee, hiding the bulge from Rebecca’s view. He held a hand up to his forehead in shame and embarrassment. Rebecca sat there, wet, shocked, and extremely excited. Was it possible he felt the same way? She closed her eyes briefly and breathed Eryaman Escort in. She could smell his aftershave on the air. It made her wetter. Rebecca felt emboldened. She stood up.

Jon heard her walk to the door slowly, and wasn’t at all surprised. He was waiting for her to leave and run away from the school, ready to call the head teacher and have him sacked. When he heard the door close softly he wasn’t surprised. When he heard the click of the lock however, he opened his eyes. Rebecca was walking slowly back to him again, and she was undoing the top button of her school shirt. His dick grew harder, and he lowered his arm from his forehead. Rebecca waited until she was stood right in front of him. She looked down at the bulge over the top of his legs. Her lips parted in arousal again, and she did something she had never dreamed of doing. She closed her eyes, leant forward, and kissed him.

Jon was shocked. For one moment he let himself enjoy the soft clumsy kiss of this young, beautiful and enchanting girl. Then he realised what he was doing. He made a reluctant noise in the back of his throat as he grasped Rebecca’s upper arms, forcing her away from him.

Rebecca’s eyes shot open, and Jon saw her arousal in them. It fired his own, but he had to see through the haze of lust and see sense. He shook his head.

‘Rebecca, no.’

He watched as her eyes turned from excitement to disappointment. She didn’t lean away from him, she was still bent slightly and leant into his hands. For some reason he couldn’t bring himself to take his hands away from her arms. He could feel how warm she was through the thin material of the school shirt. Her positioning meant that her breasts were straining against her shirt, and he could ever so slightly see down her blouse to her white lacy bra, hugging her milky white, bulging breasts. He couldn’t help himself but glance down.

Rebecca didn’t miss the gesture. She smiled ever so slightly as Jon looked back to her face. She deliberately leant against his hands even more, pushing her breast forward so they were squeezed between her arms, pushed together.

Suddenly Jon felt a twinge of irritation with this sexy girl. Didn’t she understand the trouble he would be in?

He gritted his teeth and pushed his hands away from her.

‘I think there’s been a misunderstanding’ he snapped at her.

Rebecca was hurt. It wasn’t easy for her to kiss him like that. She had never been so bold in his presence. Suddenly she was angry with him, and the anger helped. She raised her eyebrows in indignation.

‘I’m not stupid, SIR.’ She placed emphasis on the last word. Suddenly, she dipped down, pushing herself under Jon’s crossed legs so that her face was in front of his crotch. He looked down at her, shocked, as she reached her hand out and grasped him firmly through his trousers.

‘This is for me.’ She said, looking up at him angrily. He felt his own anger, but the pleasure of her hand in him was too much, he couldn’t speak, he could only watch her, stunned, his mouth open as he gasped.

His expression made Rebecca even bolder, and she undid the single button, then unzipped him. The tip of his thick dick was poking out of the top of his briefs. She wrenched his underwear down, and his erection sprang forward.

Without thinking, Rebecca leant forward, closed her lips over the tip, and sucked.

This had all happened too quickly for Jon to stop. He leant forward to push her shoulders away, trying to ignore the exquisite pleasure he was feeling. As Rebecca felt his hands on her shoulders, she moaned her protest in her throat, sending vibrations through Jon’s cock. He rolled his eyes in pleasure, letting out a small breath. Rebecca sensed her moment, and she slipped him even further into her mouth, swirling her tongue around him as she went.

Jon moaned slightly. And he found his hands leaving her shoulders and fisting in her hair instead. Rebecca smiled around his cock, and tried to slip him completely into her mouth. But she found she was unable to. She pulled her face away, and looked at his cock. It was huge. She looked in awe, pumping his dick with one hand, and looked up to find Jon looking down at her, his eyes hooded. She smiled and blew gently on his dick, and he groaned gutterly, a noise that made Rebecca clench, and she leaned up. Jon looked at her. He tried to regain his senses but everything was fogged. Her clumsy, inexperienced blow job had aroused him more than any other he had had, and besides, he thought as he looked at her wet lips, shining with his precum, thing’s had gone too far to turn back now. He groaned in surrender and grasped her face roughly. She gasped and he took his chance, leaning forward and kissing her, hard.

Rebecca couldn’t believe what was happening, she was finally kissing this man properly. Rebecca was a virgin, and the few times she had kissed boys it had been sloppy and inexperienced. This was so Eryaman Escort Bayan different from her soft timid kiss. His rough hands were on the sides of her neck, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. She was completely taken by this passionate, possessing kiss, and her hands moved from his knee to his hair, running her fingers through it, tugging gently. Then she brought her hands down to her shirt, undoing the buttons with fumbling fingers, hardly able to concentrate as his tongue swirled round hers. Once her shirt was undone enough to expose the whole of her lacy bra, she took one of his hands away from the side of her neck and brought it down to one of her breasts, not really sure what to do. But he took over for her. He softly squeezed her breast through the lace, stroking her nipple through the material with one of his thumbs. His other hand moved down her back slowly, cupping her pert arse. Rebecca moaned slightly into his mouth, and then lent a hand down, stroking Mr Tate’s huge dick.

Jon broke the kiss, groaning in frustration. He swiftly and easily picked Rebecca up around the waist, holding her against him and kissing her neck as she gasped and panted, her legs wrapping around his waist. He moved them towards the back of the room, finally laying her on one of the desks and untangling her legs from around him. She leant on her elbows looking up at him, his trousers were undone, his shirt untucked, and his huge erection out. She moaned just looking at it.

Jon unbuttoned his shirt, and was about to pull it off, when he noticed Rebecca moving to touch his dick again. He grabbed her hand, shaking his head. She looked puzzled. He leant forward, kissing her roughly, and grabbing one of her tits. As he broke the kiss, he squeezed it harder. She gasped, and he smiled against her lips.

‘It’s your turn’ he whispered in her ear. As she panted, he pushed her softly back against the desk. He unbuttoned the final buttons on her shirt, and pulled it down her arms, dropping it to the floor. Slowly, he moved his face up her stomach, and traced the line of her bra with his tongue. She gasped, and then he moved his hands from her hips to the back of her bra strap. He finally pulled the bra off and stared at her breasts. They were milky white, even paler than the rest of her skin, and her nipples were stood pink and erect. He slowly licked in a small circle around each of them, then teased them with his fingers. Rebecca’s hand twisted in Jon’s hair and he smiled. He was loving her crazed reactions to his touch. He was in total control, stood towering over her as she writhed under his expert hands on the desk.

Rebecca was blinded by pleasure. Her back arched, pushing her breasts into Mr Tate’s stubbly face even more, and her pussy was now aching to be touched.

She could feel the moisture seeping out of her and running between her arse cheeks. After years spent coming to fantasies of this man, she now just wanted him to fuck her.

Jon kissed Rebecca’s stomach, moving down further and further, until finally his chin scraped against her skirt. He lifted his face and looked at the beautiful, writhing girl on the desk. She looked up at him, her eyes burning with need, and he placed his hands on her knees. She whimpered and leant her head on the desk again. His hands pushed her knees further apart and then slid up, lifting her skirt and revealing her pale lacy blue knickers. He smiled. She didn’t wear matching underwear. Then he noticed the damp patch on her knickers, and then he could smell it. He almost came then and there. She was so aroused, and so arousing. He pulled her shoes off of her feet, but kept her thigh-high black socks on. Then he leant up, pulling her knickers off slowly. He looked at her moist, glistening pussy. There was a mound of trimmed hair on top, but none on her pussy lips. And she was so, so wet. Jon dropped her knickers on top of her shirt and then moved his hands under her thighs to grasp her hips from underneath. He pulled her forward, so that her pussy was an inch from his face. He waited a moment.

Rebecca could feel the air on her wet pussy as Mr Tate had pulled her towards him. In her aroused, unseeing state, she heard him say just one word.


Panting, she leant herself up on her hands, her arms shaky. He grinned his crooked grin at her, and then dipped his face down to her pussy. Rebecca felt tears roll out of her eyes at the exquisite feeling of his tongue licking her clit, moving in circles, round and round. Then he dipped down, and he roughly shoved his tongue into her, tasting her. She couldn’t help the gasps that left her. It was just so arousing, watching him doing this, feeling him doing this. Suddenly her arms couldn’t hold her anymore, and she fell back on the desk, her arms falling above her head so her breasts were lifted right into the air.

Jon’s tongue moved in and out of Rebecca, then up to her clit circling it, then sucking it, then down again. He heard the whimpers and groans coming from above and felt himself grow rock hard. It wouldn’t be long he knew.

Rebecca was spinning, hardly knowing where she was. ‘Ah… ooo oh yes, yes Mr Tate’ she gasped. Mr Tate’s face left her pussy, and she looked up helplessly, quivering.

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