The Costume Contest


This is a continuation of the story “The Long Tease”


The Costume Contest

Kristen and Beth walked into Sarah’s bedroom and sat down on the bed. Kristen was busy doing homework at her desk. A visit from her older sister is a rarity as they normally tried to steer clear of each other.

“Beth and I need your help with something.” Kristen started. “There is a costume party on Friday night that we are going to, and the winning costume gets a thousand dollars. You are good at building stuff with all your cosplay bullshit, so why don’t you help us make a costume. “

Sarah had to take it as a compliment that her sister was coming to her with this, even if she didn’t mean it as a compliment.

“Sure.” Sarah responded. “For half.”

“Half of what?” Beth said.

“Half your winnings.” Sarah responded, not even looking up from her laptop.

“THIS is why nobody likes you, Sarah.” Kristen scoffed. “You are such a bitch”.

“Look,” Sarah said “You can either get 500.00 with me helping you, or you can try to build a shitty costume yourself and win zero dollars. So that is your choice.”

“Do you think we can win?” Beth inquired.

“I don’t like to waste my time.” Sarah responded.

Kristen and Beth looked at each other.

“This is such a bullshit deal” Beth said. “But… 500 dollars is a lot of cash.”

“FINE” Kristen said. “IF we win, you get half the winnings. If we lose, I am going to kick your fucking ass.”

Sarah closed her laptop and looked at Kristen and Beth.

“Great. What are our assets?”

“What?” Beth questioned.

“What do we have to work with? What are we starting from?” Sarah inquired.

“We were thinking of something with short skirts and tight tops and…” Beth started conveying.

“That is so lame” Sarah interrupted. “Everyone does that. Why don’t you do something unconventional. Do something that people are going to be talking about for years. “

“Okay genius, then what should we go as?” Kristen asked.

“We just got that new refrigerator last week — why don’t we use that box it came in as a starting point.” Sarah suggested.

“What the hell are we going to be with a refrigerator box?” Beth asked. After thinking for a few moments, Sarah came up with a great idea.

“You will be a vending machine.” Sarah said.

“This is so stupid” Beth said “Let’s go…” she started to pull Kristen off the bed and out the door.

“Imagine…” Sarah continued “It can be a fake vending machine and you can hand out candy or chips or something and everyone will love it. I will totally help you build it and all you need to do is take it to the party and bring back the money.”

Both Kristen and Beth were skeptical of this idea. There is nothing sexy about a vending machine. There is no way they were going to win with this idea. Yet if Sarah was going to do most of the work to make it happen, they really had nothing to lose here.

Sarah found the cardboard box left in the garage from the new refrigerator and got to work. She

Set it up on its end and figured out which side would be the front. She made a false window using a left-over piece of plexiglass and created a set of fake shelves that could hold different types of candy.

Beth and Kristen watched skeptically over the next few hours as Sarah built a coin slot and a dispensing slot at the bottom. She found an old numeric keypad to use for snack selection and then spraypainted the whole thing and stenciled “YUMMY SNACKS” on the side. She spray painted it pink with yellow cursive writing and flowers.

“Holy fuck that actually looks like a vending machine” Beth said. So how does it work?

“Well,” Sarah said, admiring her handywork “You two will be INSIDE the vending machine and when people come up and start playing around with the coin slot or the keypad, you can distribute snacks through the bottom, just like a real vending machine, except none of the snacks up above fall down, you just place them down the shoot inside.

“Hey that is pretty cool” Kristen said. “So, we just stand in there?”

“Well, there is plenty of room for both of you, you can get some stools or chairs or something. It would be funny if no matter what snack someone wanted, you always gave them the same thing, Like its broken.”

“How do we get in and out?” Kristen said.

“You will use the small door in the back and just tape it up once you are inside so no one knows it’s there” Sarah responded. The girls went around the back and saw that Sarah had built a secret door to get in and out. Beth got in and Kristen pretended to order something. Beth dropped a test bag of cookies, and it appeared in the front just like a real vending machine!

“This is awesome! We are totally going to win!” Beth said.

Sarah placed some battery-operated lights inside as well as a place to hold the snacks. On Friday evening they loaded the whole thing up into Michael’s truck and headed over to the party. Both Kristen and Beth dressed in skirts and crop t-shirts amasya escort so they would look good when they went up to collect their winnings.

“Sarah, you have to come with us to help us set it up.” Kristen demanded.

“I can’t I have homework.” Sarah responded.

“The FUCK you do. We are all in this, you are going to help us setup so it’s perfect.”

“Fine.” said Sarah, but then I’m right back here.

The three girls pile into Michael’s truck with the vending machine in the back and head over to the costume party near the university. The contest was organized by four different fraternity houses.

“Oh my GOD there are hundreds of people here!” exclaimed Beth as they neared the entrance to the party. It was setup in the back yard of an old historic house. They put up strings of lights everywhere and there were rows and rows of kegs. A DJ was spinning records up on the deck and it seemed like everyone was dressed in an amazing costume.

The three girls moved their vending machine over into a corner of the yard where they thought it would get the most attention. It looked totally out of place in the shady corner but with the pink paint and flowers it somehow fit in just perfectly. You could tell it wasn’t just any vending machine. It was amazing.

The crowd of costumed partygoers watched as the three girls setup their box. They loaded it with snacks and had two stools inside, so they didn’t have to stand the whole time. Before long they had a crowd of people surrounding their vending machine. It looks like this might work!

The girls climbed in through the back door and Sarah turned on the inside lights. There were tiny peep holes where they could see out through the snack window to see who was asking for snacks. They loaded the snacks (bags of chips) ready to be delivered.

The box was just big enough that the two girls could be in there. THREE girls is too tight. Within moments of the girls getting situated in the box, people were pressing on the keypad and throwing stuff in the coin slot.

“We got a coin!” Kristen exclaimed. “Hurry put some chips in.” Beth put a bag of chips down the shoot, and they could hear people laughing outside as they got their chips.

“This is working! This costume is amazing!” said Beth.

“Okay, you girls are all set. I’m going to head back and do my homework” Sarah said.

“No! you can’t we are already busy here; you have to stay and help” Kristen exclaimed grabbing another bag of chips for the shoot.

“We are like…. surrounded by people right now” Beth said, peering out the peep hole.

“Okay I’ll stay for a few minutes, but that is it,” Said Sarah.

The three girls taped up the door in the back and got to work handing out chips. There were only two stools so one girl stood and put the snacks down the shoot while the other two collected the coins and dollars that came in through the slot.

It didn’t take long before it got hot with the three girls in the box. They were sweating. Sarah neglected to put in any sort of air holes, so it was stuffy. Yet every time someone got a snack, someone else was throwing coins down the coin shoot. The girls were climbing all over each other trying to keep the vending machine operating.

The vending machine was mobbed by drunk partygoers in togas and costumes of every shape and size. The girls heard all of the voices on all four sides of them. At one point they heard someone knock on the side of the box, and then someone else knock on the opposite side. They were so busy delivering snacks that they didn’t notice as one of the partygoers put a hole in the side of the vending machine.

They heard laughing outside of the box but could not tell what was going on. A group of guys from one of the frats were shaking the box and knocking on the side. The girls were excited to be the center of attention, yet the swarm of people was overwhelming.

“KRISTEN” Beth exclaimed under her breath. “LOOK” She pointed to the hole in the side of the box a few feet off the ground. To her shock, there was a huge erect cock pointing right at Sarah. She could hear the boys on the outside laughing hysterically.

Both Kristen and Sarah stopped delivering snacks and looked at their new predicament.

“WHAT DO I DO?” Sarah said in shock.

Kristen and Beth looked at each other and giggled. What had they done!?

“Sarah, just wrap your hand around it and stroke.”

“Nonoo” said Sarah.

“Watch” Beth said. She sat on her stool and wrapped her hand around the cock and started to lightly stroke it. Sarah couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Beth what are you doing? You don’t even know who that belongs to”.

“Shhhhh” said Beth. She started to stroke faster, and the girls could hear moaning on the outside of the box.

Suddenly from the opposite side of the vending machine, a new hole opened up, and moments later a new cock entered the box.

“LOOK!” Beth said, gesturing to the new cock. Kristen was closest to this one, so she wrapped her hand around the thick anadolu yakası escort member and started stroking, giggling as she did.

Sarah stood there with her mouth open, completely shocked at what she was seeing. She wasn’t even supposed to be here. A third hole opened on the box and then a new dick appeared. Kristen reached over and started stroking the new shaft. More moaning could be heard outside the box.

Yet another hole formed, this time on Beth’s side. The moment the cock popped into view she started stroking it with her free hand.

Sarah had backed herself into one of the walls watching as her sister and Beth stroked off four cocks at the same time, hearing the laughing and moaning happening just outside of the vending machine. She felt something touch her bare leg. Another cock appeared right behind Sarah.

“Sarah!” Kristen said, “that one is for you.”

Sarah looked at the semi-hard cock poking through the wall. She looked at it, completely unexperienced with such things. She reached her hand out to touch it but chickened out at the last moment.

“Sarah, its ok. Just stroke it like us, it’s fun”

Sarah got down on her knees, so the cock was right at eye level. She took one hand and wrapped her fingers around the dick. As she did this, she felt it get harder. It felt good. It was smooth and was a nice shape. She started stroking just like Kristen and Beth were. ‘This isn’t so bad’ she thought to herself.

She watched Beth and Kristen closely as they were furiously stroking two cocks each. Then Beth took the head of one into her mouth and kissed it. A line of pre-cum stayed connected between the head and Beth’s lips as she pulled away. There was a loud moan from outside of the box.

Beth did it again, but now to the cock in her other hand. She sucked in a bit more, letting the head disappear into her mouth before letting it out. Sarah could tell that Beth was enjoying herself. She kept going back and forth between the two cocks, sucking one into her mouth, running her tongue around the head and then stroking it with her hand before switching to the other and repeating the process.

A new hole appears near Sarah. A huge new cock appears through the cardboard. Without thinking she grabs it with her free hand. It’s the biggest dick she has ever seen. She starts to stroke the new cock.

Across the box, Kristen is also starting to put the cocks in her mouth, tasting, and teasing.

She hears a loud moan from Beth’s side and turns to see her get hit in the face with a massive explosion of cum. It keeps coming as she keeps stroking. Her mouth was partly open when it happened and cum is dripping from her face as she tries to stop it but can’t. the cum slides down her chin and onto her crop top and skirt. The cock disappears from the hole to only be replaced with another cock just moments later. Beth doesn’t even have time to clean herself up before she starts in stroking the new cock.

Another deep moan from Kristen’s side followed by a stream of cum that travels up and manages to hit all three girls at once. Sarah feels cum hit the side of her face and looks at Kristen to see she is covered.

“WHAT DO WE DO??” Sarah exclaims.

“Just keep going Sarah, don’t stop!”

Beth receives another massive load of cum to her chest as she continues to suck the next one. There is no time to clean up.

The space is hot and stuffy. The girls are all sweating profusely in the box, they keep backing into each other as they move from one cock to another.

“Sarah, try to suck it” Beth said, showing her how she is doing it.

Sarah looked at the two cocks in front of her. She opened her mouth the smallest amount and kissed the tip. She felt her tongue pass over the head and taste the lubricating pre-cum as it mixed with her own saliva. It wasn’t too bad. She kissed it again. She heard a moan as she continued stroking. She moved her attention to the huge cock and kissed the head on that one. It was already dripping, and she could taste it in her mouth. She tried to take in the head, but she didn’t know if she was doing it right. She kept getting more liquid in her mouth as it leaked out of the tip of the cock. She was trying to stroke and kiss and suck at the same time.

Another moan and she heard Kristen choak as cum exploded into her mouth and down her chin. This was followed almost immediately by Beth who was suddenly sprayed with gushing cum.

Sarah sucked in deeper, trying to mimic what Beth was doing, going back and forth between her two cocks. She had the smaller one in her mouth, the head all the way between her lips when she felt cum exploding on her tongue. She removed the cock and it burst right in her face. Cum splashed all over her glasses and down her neck. It just kept coming. She was in shock; she had never done this before. She kept stroking and turned to the bigger cock in her other hand. She could see the veins on this one and moments after the first cock went off, the big one started shooting all over her. anamur escort There was cum everywhere. All over her t-shirt and shorts, all over her hair and face. Both cocks vanished only be replaced with two NEW cocks.

“OH MY GOD” Sarah said.

She looked at Beth and Kristen, who were both sucking and stroking as fast as they could.

“It’s too hot in here” said Beth, who let go of her cocks for a moment to remove her cum covered crop top and drop it to the floor. Kristen saw this and followed suit. Sarah who was much more modest kept her shirt on as she started stroking her two new cocks. She tried to get into a pattern of sucking and stroking. She noticed that sucking deeper made the dicks easier to stroke with her hands as they became slippery with pre-cum and her spit.

All she could taste in her mouth was cum. She couldn’t figure out if it was salty or sweet or a little of both, but it was just… everywhere.

Another hole formed in the wall. Another cock. She looked at Beth and Kristen, topless and covered in cum, sucking and stroking. She saw Beth notice the new cock. They were already servicing six cocks between the three of them, how could they possibly take care of a seventh.

Beth got up off her stool and pulled down her skirt and panties, letting both drop to the sticky floor. She leaned against the wall and let the cock she was just sucking on glide between her pussy lips. Beth moaned as she bent over and grabbed the new cock and started stroking while sucking the other. OH MY GOD.

Another groan followed by exploding cum all over Kristen’s face and bare breasts. Moments later another dick let loose in Beth’s hair and across her back.

The inside of the box was starting to get slippery and resembled a twister game with the girls trying to arrange their sticky, slippery bodies in ways that allowed for servicing the next cocks to push through the hole.

Sarah was on her knees when the next explosion hit her square in the face. She tried to swallow but it was too much, but her mouth and lips were covered with dripping cum.

Sarah watched as Kristen followed Beth’s lead and slipped out of her skirt and threw it to the ground of the cum soaked box.

Sarah looked at her own t-shirt and shorts, covered with cum. Her knees were sitting in a pool of liquid. She had a cock head in her mouth when it backed part way out of the box and then forced back into her throat making her gag a little.

She felt something touch her ass and looked down to see a new hole with an arm sticking up out of it, grabbing her thigh. She tried to move away from it but just at that moment one of her cocks shot down her front soaking through the cotton. She could feel the soaked material against her breasts. She noticed how hard her nipples were as they brushed against the wet fabric.

The hand reached up her leg and shorts and she could feel the fingers pressing against her panties. She tried to move away from the hand but there was no room in the box to switch positions. She felt the hand grab the fabric of her panties and pull hard and both her shorts and panties started coming down.

The hand touching her was both unexpected and somehow an incredible turn-on. She was a sticky mess, covered in the cum of who knows how many cocks. And this mysterious hand is now sliding down her shorts and trying to get to her. She had nowhere to hide.

She watches as the cock between Beth’s legs starts shooting cum into the box, hitting Kristen on her ass and back. Kristen has also twisted herself around, so her ass is pressed up against one of the holes in the box. She lets out a moan as someone enters her with a new hard cock.

It seems like every few seconds, a cock filled with cum explodes all over the girls from one direction or another. There are more holes with cocks than all three girls could possibly service. They just keep showing up faster than they can take care of them.

Sarah gives in. Just as the next cock explodes, she takes off her t-shirt just like the older girls. The hand continues to pull off her shorts. She feels as they pass over her hips and move down her legs. She feels the hand return to her panties. The strong hand grabs the waistband and pulls down with such force that the panties rip as they come down to her knees.

There are suddenly fingers all over here. On her ass, touching her ass cheeks. Reaching between her sticky slippery legs. She looks down and there is now a second hole with a second hand about a foot away from the first one. There are now hands all over her hips and pulling her toward the side of the box. She has no idea who these hands belong to.

She feels fingers pressing against her pussy lips on one side, and her ass on the other. She finds that she is now the one who is gasping as these forceful fingers explore her in this wet and sticky box. Hard. Driving. Relentlessly exploring her dripping wet pussy.

As one cock leaves, she finds herself on all fours peering up through the hole. To her shock and amazement, she sees a familiar face. Just on the other side of the box, standing right next to her is Michael, her sister’s boyfriend. She watches as he unzips his fly and pushes his cock through the hole. She can’t believe this is happening. She is going to suck Michael’s cock and he is going to cum in her mouth.

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