The Adventures of a Slut Mommy 10


The Adventures of a Slut Mommie.

Chapter 10: Kristy Gets Her Wish

Hello again, readers. Katie Muggleton writing. Wow! Nine chapters in, and many people are still reading along with my adventures! If you remember, we ended the last chapter with my husband, Sean, and I reconciling and making love. Our first lovemaking since our breakup was so emotionally intense that I burst into tears, and my feelings overwhelmed me, causing my mind to shut down and pitching me into sleep. We made love again the following morning, and I burst into tears again. This time from joy and happiness, not stress.

That is where we take up my story.

I slept in my husband’s strong arms for close to an hour before my need to pee woke me. I tried to slip from the bed to put my nightie on and go to the main bathroom as I typically did, but Sean drowsily said, “For goodness sake, Katie. Use the en suite. That’s what it’s there for!”

Blushing, I replied, “I don’t like waking you up when I use it. You complained that it woke you up when I turned the light on in there.”

“Gosh, Katie,” Sean said. “That was, what? Fifteen years ago? You mean because of one snarky comment when I hadn’t slept enough, you’ve snuck out to use the main bathroom ever since?” I nodded, and Sean added, “Wow. You must think I’m an ogre or something. If I’ve been that bad, why have you stuck by me all these years?”

“But you haven’t been bad,” I denied. “You’ve been a fantastic husband and father to our children. My job is to ensure your needs are met, including getting enough sleep. And if that meant slipping out so the light didn’t wake you, that was okay.”

“All my needs, Katie?” Sean asked teasingly. He pulled the bedding back, exposing his swiftly lengthening cock. “Does that include all of my sexual needs?”

I couldn’t help it. My eyes filled with tears, and I said, “Given how often you’ve looked for it elsewhere, Sean. Obviously, I haven’t adequately met those either.”

Sean sat up and grabbed my wrist before pulling me back onto the bed. He took me in his muscly arms and kissed my tear-stained cheek. “I’ve been an ass, Katie, but I’ll make it up to you, I swear. If you can put up with me shacking up with Amanda for all those years, I can accept you being forced by those four assholes. Death was too good for Frank! I wish he’d lived and had to endure twenty years of being made someone’s bitch in prison!”

I burst into tears again because those words, more than any other he could have said, proved to me that he now thought Frank and his cohorts had forced me.

“Shh, baby,” Sean whispered as he stroked my hair and face. “I love you, and we’ll be good again. Better than before, I believe, because we’ll explore together instead of apart.”

I momentarily wondered about that statement. Did it mean, as I suspected it might, that Sean wanted us to play with others together? Or did he mean he would be home more often, so we’d be together more? Either way, I was happy!

We cuddled for a while before I offered to make breakfast. Sean immediately agreed but insisted I shower with him before I did, so I relieved myself and joined him in the shower. In there, he surprised me again by sitting on the shower floor and tonguing my pussy. Typically, it would be me who knelt and serviced him. After he’d brought me off, he dressed in business casual whilst I threw my long robe over my shoulders and tied the sash tight.

When we walked into the kitchen, our kids sat together at the breakfast bar, smiling. They said nothing but insisted Sean and I sit as they made breakfast. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m usually careful with my breakfast and lunch meals to ensure I don’t put on any weight. Going with less then means I can relax and enjoy my evening meal, which was something I enjoyed doing. Making and serving a delicious evening meal and then sitting around the dining table with my family and/or friends as we ate, laughed, joked and teased was the highlight of my day.

However, Kristy and Johnny made Belgian waffles with caramelised bananas, strawberries, whipped cream and ice cream, all covered with our choice of sweet sauce. I chose strawberry, while Sean had chocolate. A large pot of brewed coffee was placed at our elbows, and the kids served us both. We had a great morning. Plenty of chats, laughs, giggles and teasing. And plenty of hugs and kisses between Sean and me. We only stopped when Sean said he needed to go to his office and make the phone calls to bring his customers up to date with their portfolios and discuss what should happen next.

Johnny headed to his club for possibly the last time. He’d have a final interview with the coach and player management staff and then pack his locker up if it was over. Kristy went to uni to meet with her study group, which meant I’d be alone again.

However, when he stood, Sean suggested I bring my laptop and follow him. Curious, I held his hand as we walked across to the garage and up the internal sürmene escort stairs to his office. For clients, there was a set of stairs and an external door. The builders had done the preliminary work to install a small, open-air elevator so the office would have disabled access, but it wasn’t active yet.

When we walked inside, I gasped. A small counter now graced the area immediately inside the entranceway. Behind that was an expansive desk with room for two. I could see spaces for two large PCs that I assumed Sean would link.

“Room for you and Kristy,” Sean smiled. “The computers should be here Monday morning. The broadband is already in with the modem there,” he pointed under the desk, “the computer guy I’ve hired to set it all up will only need to plug it into the internet router. The cable here was split off the one running to our house, so it’s fibre-optic the whole way. Internet speeds here should be as fast as in the house. That means we’ll get our market updates swiftly and have no problems accessing our customer’s files.”

I looked around, amazed. Then my husband grinned again and said, “In the meantime, I’ve boosted the Wi-Fi signal from the house, so you’ll have good coverage wherever you are in here. Why don’t you man the phones and begin working on your degree? Plus, we may have some clients visit. If we do, I’ll get you to greet them and offer tea, coffee or a cold drink before you bring them across and introduce them to me.”

“I’ll need to change and do my makeup,” I gushed and walked towards the door quickly.

“Katie?” Sean called before I reached the door. I turned back. “Wear something really sexy. No panties or bra, okay? If they’re males only, feel free to flirt and/or flash them.”

Dumfounded, I stared at my husband. Sean loved me flirting, but previously, if I’d shown too much flesh, he’d swiftly drag me home or upstairs and correct my behaviour.

Sean grinned wider, “Just do it, my little Katie slut.”

I bit my lip and groaned as the typical tingle I felt between my toned and shapely thighs when my husband was close instantly blazed into an inferno of desire. I raced to my bedroom and showered quickly before opening my walk-in robe. I wanted something appropriate for a professional workspace but would knock my husband’s socks off. I thought I had the right outfit, but I couldn’t remember if I’d clicked ‘buy’ or dumped the cart before I logged out.

Luckily, I found it still in the box it had arrived in. It was a black and white Privé Hounds Tooth crossover bodycon dress. The crossover vee left vast expanses of my inner breast mounds exposed, and the skirt part of the dress clung to my gorgeous curves, ending barely past my panty line. I’d have to be careful not to slump because, if I did, the Vee would sag open, exposing my luscious breasts. Plus, I’d need to keep my knees tightly together to prevent flashing my sweet little pussy to anyone standing before me.

I didn’t typically wear nylons, but I thought they were appropriate for office wear, so I carefully pulled on a sheer dark grey pair. I paired them with my black, patent leather 5-inch pumps. Satisfied I’d met my husband’s ‘sexy’ requirement, I did my hair and makeup before taking my contacts out and donning a pair of designer eyeglasses.

I haven’t mentioned wearing contacts before, have I, readers? Well, a woman has to have some secrets. The truth is, without my glasses or contacts, I’d barely see the cock before me!

When I returned to Sean’s office, he was on the phone with a client, but when I walked in, his voice faltered, and his mouth hung agape. He swallowed twice before he could continue his conversation. To further tease him, when I sat on my computer chair, I purposefully turned it to flash my waxed, nylons obscured pussy. Sean lost his sentence and had to cough again to cover his loss of words.

Opening my laptop, I logged onto the Open University website, navigated to my course and began reading the course materials. As I read, I quickly realised that this subject was much more complex than the simple ones I’d done earlier, but that they weren’t particularly difficult. I’d reached the end of the readings when the phone in front of me rang. I looked over at my husband, but he was still animatedly chatting with his client.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to smile, picked up the phone and cheerfully said, “Muggleton Consultancy. Katie Muggleton speaking, how may I help you?”

“May I speak with Sean, please?” The man on the other end of the phone said.

“Sean’s on another call at this time,” I replied. “May I take your number and get him to call you back?”

“You have the sexiest voice, Katie,” the man said. “Are you Sean’s wife or daughter?”

“I’m not sure that matters, Sir,” I answered. “Would you like me to have Sean call you back?”

The man chuckled and said, “Have Sean call me back. Nothing urgent. I have a chance to buy some shares from a disgruntled former employee suşehri escort of a large manufacturing company. I’d like Sean’s opinion about the value of those shares and where he thinks they’re going. My name is Rex Mossop. Sean will know the number.”

“He’s off the phone now, Mister Mossop. Would you like me to transfer you through?”

We didn’t actually have a switchboard, just three phones connected to the same number. We had ‘call waiting’ to cover a second call, but any more than that would receive a ‘busy’ signal.

“Yes, please, Katie,” Rex requested.

I covered the mouthpiece with my hand and said, “Rex Mossop for you.”

Sean nodded and picked his extension up. Trying to understand what my husband did, I avidly listened to Sean’s end of the conversation. During the first part of the conversation, my husband ensured the shares were legal to buy and that no ‘insider trading’ was occurring. After he’d confirmed the trade was legal, Sean’s fingers flew over his keyboard as he ran some complicated checks and algorithms, trying to establish the shares’ trajectory.

After nearly five minutes of entering figures and information, as he chatted with his client, Sean announced he thought the shares were a good medium-term investment, meaning Mister Mossop should hold them for twelve to eighteen months before unloading them.

Sean hung up, and another call came through. Sean looked at me expectantly, so I answered as I had earlier. This call was from the contractor checking the NBN cables were ready for him to install the new computers, printers and modems. Sean had said they were, so I felt confident confirming his installation schedule.

“This is already much better, Katie,” Sean acknowledged. “I’m getting way more done with you answering the phones. Would you like to man the office for me from nine to five every weekday? At the moment, I have to redirect the office phones to my mobile when I’m out of the office. It would be much better to have you answering them and taking messages. Then, if there’s anything urgent, you can call or message me, and I’ll get right back to them.”

Of course, I was happy to help out, but I didn’t want my housework to fall behind, so Sean agreed that I could redirect the office phone to his mobile when I needed to clean or do other household chores.

Towards 3:30 pm, for some reason, Sean seemed jumpy. I figured out why when Kath and Mike walked in just before the close of business at five.

“Hello, gorgeous!” Kath gushed as she rushed around the counter and jumped into my lap. We exchanged a fierce hug and soft lip kiss, as we always did.

“What brings you here, babe?” I asked as I casually groped her firm ass.

“Your husband phoned Mike and said he’d gotten his head together and asked if we wanted to join you and him to celebrate.”

“Oh?” I teased. “I thought you were finally turning over your and Mike’s ill-gotten gains for us to hide from the taxman.”

“Sean, unfortunately, is the one honest investment broker in Australia, Katie,” Kath teased back. “He’s looked after our investment portfolio for years, as you well know, and we have no complaints about our returns!”

“Let’s shut up shop and send the phones to the answering service,” Sean suggested. “We’ll go to the main building, get a bottle of wine, order some takeaway and celebrate Katie’s and my reconciliation.”

Something was going on here. I could feel it, but I couldn’t figure out what. I knew Kath’s sexuality had suddenly blossomed since our weekend together, but I didn’t think she would have said anything to Mike about her and my adventures, and I seriously doubted she’d mention her D/s relationship with Rick. However, spending time with Mike and Kath was always enjoyable, so I quickly agreed. I shut down my laptop and turned off the phones. That meant they’d immediately go to the message bank, and Sean could get them tomorrow.

As we walked to the lounge, Sean whispered, “I told Johnny and Kristy to stay away until at least 2:00 am, Katie. So, go with the flow tonight, okay?”

“What have you got planned, Mister?” I asked.

“Just remember that you are my slut, Katie,” Sean demanded.

Of course, that word meant my pussy was instantly tingling, and I could feel moisture pooling between my pussy lips.

Kath and I went to the kitchen and got our men beers. I called our local Chinese takeaway shop and ordered a selection of meals along with plenty of special fried rice. Then Kath and I joined the men in the lounge. I walked towards Sean initially, but Kath took my hand and pushed me towards her husband.

I looked at her and then my husband confusedly, but Sean indicated with his eyes that I should sit with Mike.

I wondered again what the heck was going on, but I followed what Sean wanted and sat beside Mike. When I sat, Mike wrapped his strong arm around me. “It’s good to see you and Sean are happy together again, Katie,” he said. “Sean and I have arranged some surprises taksim escort for tonight. Trust us, okay? All of us, Sean, Kath, and I, want this, but it might shock you. Hang in there, okay?”

Now, I was totally confused, but I trusted my two best friends and my husband, of course, so I said nothing. As I mulled over what could be happening, the front doorbell rang. I checked my phone and thought the Chinese delivery was fast, but I got up to answer the door.

Instead of a delivery guy, Rick and Siobhan stood at the door. They were both dressed as Bdsm dominants. Siobhan wore an outfit similar to what she wore at The Chateaux when we played. Rick was similarly dressed, except he had on the black leather pants he wore when I saw him at Kath’s place.

“Hello, slut Katie,” they chorused when I opened the door.

I controlled my now instinctual response to being called a slut and greeted them. Wondering what my husband had set up, I escorted Siobhan and Rick to our lounge. To my shock, Mike and Kath both slid off the sofa onto their knees.

“Hello, Master Rick, Mistress Siobhan,” they intoned as they took up submission position number one.

“Strip,” Rick demanded.

Mike and Kath stood long enough to divest their clothing before retaking their submissive position. I was amazed that Mike had removed all hair except what grew on his head. Kath had removed her pubic hair, but she’d regularly done that, so I wasn’t as amazed.

Siobhan had an amused expression on her face as she watched me observe the interaction between Rick, Mike and Kath. Then she assumed a severe mien and said what Rick had. “Strip,” she demanded.

I laughed, but that quickly cut off when Sean stood and disrobed before taking up the first submissive position.

“Sean!” I gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Siobhan will explain, Katie,” Sean said, keeping his eyes on the ground.

“Katie, my slutty little girl,” Siobhan crooned. “Get on your knees before I take my cane to your sexy ass!”

Siobhan’s voice held so much power and command that I didn’t hesitate. I dropped my dress and nylons to the floor, which was all the clothing that I wore, and knelt beside my husband.

“Good slut,” Siobhan praised. Then she explained, “After Kath’s four days with you, she started asking me questions about what it was like to be a Dominatrix. I quickly elicited from her that you and her were intimate. However, I also swiftly established that although Kath could joyfully and willingly have sex with you, she wasn’t bisexual or a lesbian. Rick and I have been friends and mentors for years. I recommended Rick to Kath as a suitable dominant for her to explore with.

“Unfortunately, Rick has, shall we say, better morals than I. I couldn’t care less if my play partner is married or not, but Rick will not play with a married woman unless her husband is aware and forgiving of the relationship or an active participant. Rick is also one hundred percent bisexual, coupling with men and women with equal fervour.

“When he insisted that to become Kath’s mentor, she needed her husband’s permission, Kath confessed her desires to Mike. To her surprise, Mike admitted to bisexual fantasies, mostly involving your husband, and admitted he wanted to try submitting to someone.

“Their first time submitting as a couple was to me. However, in the review we three had afterwards, Kath said the sex between her and me wasn’t as satisfactory as she’d hoped. With Mike’s approval, I asked Rick to meet and chat with them. They set up a session the following day, and Mike watched Kath submit to Rick and take his cock in her three love holes. As Rick fucked her, Mike orgasmed twice without his cock being touched.

“After Rick had cum inside his wife’s cunt, Mike asked if he could suck Rick off. Rick made Mike clean his cum out of Kath’s pussy first. Then he allowed Mike to blow him. It turns out that Mike loves sucking cock, and Rick tells me he’s terrific at it!”

My husband broke in and said, “Don’t go getting any wrong ideas, Katie. I am not bisexual, nor do I ever wish to suck a cock. However, after those times you tied me to the bed, I’ve found I enjoy submitting to a dominant woman. Siobhan believes we both have the ability to become genuine Bdsm switches. Changing between domination and submission seamlessly.”

“When did you five work all this out?” I asked confusedly. I turned to Sean, “I thought you were going to leave me or force me out of the house. I mean, we weren’t even talking. Am I expected to believe you arranged all of this since our session yesterday?”

Sean laughed and explained, “I had to get past my hurt, Katie, but I never wanted to break up, nor did I want a divorce. But I needed to work through my visceral reaction to hearing some men had forced their cocks into you. Mike and Kath helped me with that.”

“And how did they do that, Sean?”

“You’ll rightfully be angry, Katie,” Sean answered. “But Mike is Kath’s bitch when Rick isn’t around. Kath made Mike kneel at the end of the bed as she and I fucked. Then Mike ate my cum out of Kath’s pussy. He wanted to suck my cock, but I couldn’t make myself let him. Later, Rick arrived, and Mike watched him fuck Kath, too. When Mike had cleaned Kath up for a second time, Rick let him suck him off as Kath sucked me.

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