Teach Me


A warm spring afternoon greeted the students of Morris-Daye Highschool as they spilled forth into the world. The final bell had rung, classes had ended for the day and the school emptied quickly. Within minutes, the halls were silent, Dave for the after-school clubs and athletes headed to the gym or field. Much of the hallways illumination shut off, leaving it in the eerie half-light.

I’m one classroom, a teacher still lingered. Dawn Campbell, the art, at history and philosophy instructor was wrapping up her final paperwork for the day. She shoved a stack of papers and notebooks into her shoulder bag and walked to the door of her classroom. She looked back into the room and smiled. With a nod, she sit off the lights and exited into the gloomy hallway. Before her eyes could adjust, she was almost run over by a student reaching down the hall.

“Whoop!” A blonde blur jumped aside, barely avoiding Dawn. “Sorry!” She called over her shoulder as she continued down the hall.

“No run…ing…” her voice trailed off as the girl vanished around the corner. She shook her head and pulled the door closed. Her auburn locks soiled around her youthful face as she sighed and made her way to the administration wing. Before she reached the offices, she drew out of her cell phone and checked it.

no texts, no missed calls… nothing.

“As usual. ” She muttered and shoved out back into her bag. Dawn loved her life and career. Even with that, she was very, very lonely.

Dawn finally arrived at the office and turned the corner to enter when a familiar blonde blur appeared. Running full speed, the student plowed into her! The impact caused the two of them to tumble to the ground. Dawn fell back onto her posterior.


The young woman followed her to the ground, landing in her hands and knees between Dawn’s legs. The teacher’s knee-length skirt shifted high on her thighs, enough for the student to see her black lace panties. In turn, Dawn looked down and could see the girl’s very large breasts barely contained in her pink bra. She tried not to stare, but couldn’t help but take in her sweet mounds of flesh. The student looked up into Dawn’s eyes pleading.

“I’m so sorry!”

Before she could respond, two ladies from reception rushed to Dawn’s side and helped her up.

“Miss Campbell, are you alright?” The first lady asked.

“Miss Autumn!” The second woman scolded the girl, “you’ve been told a hundred times to slow down!”

As Dawn got to her feet and straightened her skirt the first woman picked up Dawn’s bag and handed it to her. “Miss Campbell, are you alright?”

“I- I’m fine. ” Dawn replied shouldering her bag.

“I’m really sorry. ” Autumn said again, remorsefully.

“Autumn!” The second snapped, “I think it’s time for some detention!”


“No, you’ve been warned numerous times!”

As the older woman continued to argue and berate Autumn, Dawn observed her. Her eyes drank in the very mature figure of the student and something “animalistic” awoke in her.

“Fine!” Autumn stamped her foot.

“Miss Campbell?”

Dawn shook her head clear and turned to the woman.

“Would you like to discipline Autumn?”

“Discipline?” Dawn swallowed hard. She knew what the woman meant, but Dawn suddenly pictured something entirely different.

“Yes, detention. “

“Oh, right. ” She looked back at Autumn, who looked up at her with pleading eyes. Dawn suddenly felt very warm and confused.


“I, uh… three… yes, three days.” she stammered.

“Very good.”

“Three days?!” Autumn exclaimed. She fumed as she glared at Dawn. Dawn returned her gaze, but her eyes briefly fell to Autumn’s having chest. Autumn noticed to the glance and cocked her head.

“Autumn, come with me. ” the woman grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the office. “I’ll get you your detention form.”

“Fine!” She replied with one last glare at Dawn. This time she realized the teacher was still “eyeing” her and felt… confused.

“Miss Campbell, are you sure you are unhurt?”

“Yes. ” She smiled, “I’m… fine. ” her voice trailed off as she watched Autumn stomp into the office. She could see that Autumn was assuredly fully mature, at least physically.

“Miss Campbell?”

“Fine.” She said entirely too loud. “I’m alright. ” She reassured the woman and glanced back at Autumn. She realized she had a very silly natural switch to her gait.

“Alright then.” The woman looked at her confused, “Autumn will report to your classroom after the last bell tomorrow. “

“Thank you. ” She replied with a smile and proceeded into the office, past Autumn who was putting and mumbling a curse under her breath. As she passed, Dawn and Autumn locked eyes. Autumn’s expression momentarily softened a Dawn swallowed hard. The woman at the desk handed Autumn her detention slip and the young woman snatched it away. Giving Dawn one last glare, Autumn spun on her heel and stormed out.

“Ignore her, she’s a troublemaker,” remarked Miss Smith, the math instructor.

“What Şişli travesti do you mean Sarah?” Dawn asked as she checked her mailbox.

“She flighty, loud and disruptive. ” Sarah explained, “that’s if she shows up for class. “

“How can she pass? Does she?” Dawn asked.

“Well, I’ll be honest, she does pass. Actually, she gets excellent grades, but I’ll be damned if I know how. “


“She a very good student in that regard. ” Sarah said. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her pay attention for an entire class session, but somehow, she gets it. “

“That’s… amazing. “

“My guess is, she must work very hard at home. “

“Indeed. ” Dawn replied.

After she turned in her rosters for the day, Dawn made her way to her car. She had never seen this girl before, but she was… intrigued. As she climbed in, as sat down, she felt something wet!

“What the hell?!” She boosted herself up and parted the seat. Completely dry? She lowered herself again and could once again feel moisture. She held a breath as she did her hand up her skirt to her panties.

“Oh my god! She blushed, “I’m soaked! But how? Why?” She paused for a moment, then her flushed red lips formed a single word.

“Autumn. “

That night, Dawn sat on her couch, eating a salad and watching a movie. Then suddenly, her mind began to wander. A vision appeared in her mind. Autumn… her long blonde hair, her full pale lips, her huge round breasts, her natural switch that caused her round ass to swing from side to side. She set the salad on her coffee table and melted into the couch further. She swallowed and slid a trembling hand inside her shorts. Soon, her fingers rested atop her trimmed public hair. Wet! She shook her head and slid further down. As her fingers grazed her womanhood, she gasped.

How am I this wet?! Over a girl?!

She withdrew her hand and sat there, silent, staring at the wall. She soon pictured Autumn again and bit her lip. Her hand darted down her shorts again as she spread her legs. She traced slow circles on her clit, her own moisture lubricating her fingers. She took in a long, ragged breath and pushed a finger inside. Her head fell back into the couch as she sent another finger in. Slowly, she did them in and out and her thumb rubbed her clit.

She pictured Autumn’s breasts hanging in front of her, gently cradled in pink, and licked her lips. She moved her other hand into her shorts and took over rubbing her clit, while with her other hand, she continued to slowly, gently, intensely fuck herself.

“Auuuutumnnnn…” She moaned as she slowly slid her fingers in and out of her soaking wet womanhood. Suddenly, she stopped and opened her eyes. She withdrew her fingers and laid quietly staring at the ceiling. “What are you doing?!” She scolded herself. “How can you fantasize about a child?!” She disappointingly shook her head in disbelief. “What’s wrong with me?!”

The next day, Dawn focused on teaching her students whom she loved so very much. During a period of independent study, Dawn sketched as she normally would while her students did classwork. All of her students were very respectful of her and well-behaved while in her classroom. Dawn was widely liked by faculty and students alike. She tried always to be friendly and treated everyone as equals. They respected her for her treatment of them.

Students found it easy to relate to her as a peer and friend. Even though she was just 40 years old, she appeared very youthful and that made her students even more relaxed with her. Her teaching style was quite unique, she preferred her students to learn and excel as a group. Teaching art, art history, and philosophy allowed for a more relaxed atmosphere and style. Most of her students saw her classroom as a sanctuary and safe space to be as creative as they chose. Expressing themselves as they would. She always decorated her classroom with art, both hers and her students as well as having music playing softly in the background. It was an atmosphere of peace that she loved so very much. No one could condemn her “unusual” approach to education, because, at the very least, she got results.

Dawn sighed as she continued to sketch, her mind began to wander. She dreamt of getting away. Even though she loved her career, her students, and the little oasis she made for herself, she longed for something new and exciting. But what? She didn’t know, but- A cough from a student brought her back to the here and now. She glanced down and the sketchbook only to realize she’d been sketching… Autumn?! She blushed and quickly closed the book.

“You okay Miss Campbell?” A small, quiet voice grabbed her attention. She looked up to see a lovely pale-skinned young woman, dressed in all black stood at the corner of her desk.


“Are you..okay?” she asked again.

“Oh, Carrie. Yes, I’m fine.” She replied with a nervous smile.

“Okay,” Carrie replied and handed Dawn a drawing.

“This is lovely Carrie, well done.”

“Thank you, Miss Campbell.” Şişli travestileri She turned away.


“Yes?” She turned back.

“Have you given any more thought to what we discussed last week?”

“Miss Campbell?” Carrie peered questioningly through the strands of long black hair obscuring her face.

“Art school.” Dawn reminded her.

“Oh!” She shifted nervously, “kind of.”

“You are very talented, I do hope you continue on after you leave here.”

“Thanks.” She smiled sheepishly.

“Your skill is going to outpace mine.” she gave the girl a wry grin.

“Thank you.” she blushed and scurried back to her desk.

She sat smiling to herself until she glanced at the clock. The day was almost over and then… detention and Autumn. She swallowed hard, suddenly nervous.Over a girl?! But… that body is all woman! Stop that! She shook her head.

Dawn nearly jumped out of her seat when the final bell rang. She collected herself, stood up, and smiled as her students gathered their things.

“Okay, everyone.” She called out. “Have a wonderful rest of your day and remember.” she paused.

“Be good to each other.” They called out in unison.

“And be good to yourself,” she replied.

As the students filed out, she said goodbye to each and every one of them. They loved her classes and she loved having them in her classes. After the last student exited, she sat down. It was suddenly very quiet, except for the soft music. She flipped open her sketchbook and evaluated the drawing she had done. It really did look like the young woman she had only seen one and very briefly. She jumped again when she heard a loud, annoyed sigh emanate from her doorway. She looked up to see a very angry Autumn enter, a sour expression on her face.

“Autumn.” She stood and smiled.”Please, come in.” She gestured to a desk. The girl dropped her bag and sat down with a ‘harumph!’

Dawn perched on the front of her desk, giving Autumn a nervous smile. (I)Snap out of it! (/I) After a long moment of silence, Autumn spoke up.

“So, what do you want me to do?”


“Yeah, clean, organize… stuff like that.” she curtly explained.

“Oh! No.” She shook her head, “None of that.” She twirled a pen in between her fingers deftly. “I don’t believe I have you in any of my classes, do I?”

“Nope,” Autumn replied.

“Why not?”

Autumn shrugged and looked around the room. “I’m not artsy.”

“You don’t have to be, to be in my class.” She chuckled.

“But, you teach art.”

Dawn smirked, “True and art history. As well as philosophy. But anyone can take an art class.”

“I-I don’t have any talent,” Autumn replied.

“Autumn,” Dawn smiled warmly. “Talent is only part of the puzzle. What you really need, is desire.” Her voice filing on the last word.

“Desire?” Autumn echoed.

“Yes.” She slipped off her desk and went to a bookshelf and pulled a slim book out. She returned and set it on the desk in front of Autumn. She pulled up a chair next to her and sat down.

“What’s this?”

“Just take a look.” Dawn smiled.

Autumn sighed, looked at Dawn still confused. Dawn smiled sweetly and gestured toward the book. Finally, Autumn opened the book and leafed through the pages. Page after page of drawings and paintings. Beautiful paintings. The longer she perused the pages the more Dawn relaxed and felt at ease with this fascinating young woman. What was happening? What was this feeling?

“Miss Campbell?”

“Yes, Autumn?”

“What can you tell me about this picture?” She tapped a painting. Dawn smiled and moved closer to the sexy young woman and pulled the book to herself.

“Ah yes.” She nodded and pushed it back. “This is a mother and daughter discovering the beauty of nature.”

“The colors…”


“They are very…”

“Intense?” Dawn completed her thought.

“Yeah!” she agreed excitedly. She stared at the picture and whispered, “It’s beautiful!”

“Yes…” she replied looking at Autumn rather than the picture, “you… it is.”

“Beautiful…” she said again.

“So, you like it?” Dawn asked.

“Oh yes, very much!” She turned the page and gasped. “Amazing!”

“Thank you.”

Autumn looked up at Dawn wide-eyed. Their faces were only inches apart, their breath intermingled. Dawn wanted to kiss her, but instead, she reached out and closed the book. She smiled and pointed to the name on the cover.

“Penelope Dawn Campbell?” Autumn read aloud. “This whole book is your art?”

“Yes, I have several and a few other books of art and essays.” She explained.

“That’s amazing! You’re so talented!” Autumn exclaimed.

“Thank you, Autumn.” Dawn’s voice was low and unintentionally laced with lust. She put her hand over Autumn’s hand.

The two locked eyes for a long moment. Dawn’s mouth hungered for the girl. Autumn was completely lost in Dawn’s eyes. Dawn finally broke her gaze, stood up, and straightened her blouse. As she made her way back to her desk Travesti şişli Autumn stared at her, confused at what she was suddenly feeling.

“What was that?” Autumn asked.

“What was what?” Dawn asked innocently. Autumn cocked her head and frowned at her.

“That? It was nothing.”

“It was something.” Autumn insisted, “That look, your hand on mine, there was-“

“You’re imaging things,” Dawn replied dismissively.

“I am not!” Autumn declared with a hurt expression on her face.

“Autumn, that’s enough,” Dawn replied firmly. Wishing she hadn’t put so much force behind it.

“Fine,” Autumn said and crossed her arms.

“Autumn?” Dawn softened her tone, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah… I- I’m sorry Miss Campbell. I guess I got caught up in…”

“It’s okay.” Dawn approached her again. “I’m sorry as well.”


“Listen, why don’t head out and we can restart tomorrow.”

“But-” Autumn tried to hold in all she was feeling. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You opened your eyes to art,” Dawn said with a nod and a smile. “That my dear is definitely something.” She smirked.

“Yeah.” Autumn looked down at the book and then back at Dawn. “Miss Campbell?”


“Can I borrow this book?” she asked tentatively.

“Of course dear.” She replied, pleasantly surprised.

“Thanks!” Autumn jumped up and shoved the book in her backpack. She threw her bag on her shoulder and dashed toward the door.

“Autumn!” Dawn called to the girl.


“Don’t run.” She said with a smile and a wink. Autumn laughed and left in a flash. Dawn shook her head and turned her attention back to her classroom, to the chairs where she and Autumn sat. Exchanging… what was that exactly?

Why am I even thinking about it? She’s a student, I’m a teacher. It’s unethical!

Dawn sighed and slumped in her chair.

That evening, Autumn laid on her bed slowly leafing through the pages of Dawn’s book and running through the events of her detention with Dawn. The way Miss Campbell looked at her, the way it made her feel. The confusion of it all. Autumn rolled to her tummy and turned a few more pages.

“Wha?” Autumn came across a painting of a young naked woman, back to the viewer looking over her shoulder. An innocent, shy look on her face.

“Hmm…” Autumn’s green eyes took in every detail. She jumped up, retrieved a notebook from her desk, and returned to the bed. She carefully tried to recreate the painting from the book. Her first attempt was, to put it mildly, awful. But she knew it would be.

“Damn!” she angrily flipped the page and tried again and again. Her focus on getting it right was so distracting that hours later, she jumped when her morning alarm began to go off.

“What the heck?!” She grabbed her phone and looked at it in shock.

“Five AM?!” She scrambled to her feet and looked around, suddenly very tired. “Today is going to suck!” she declared as she stumbled into her bathroom.

In the shower, her mind began to wander. “I can’t believe I haven’t slept!” Her hands slid across her young wet body.What’s the deal with MIss Campbell anyway? I get a funny feeling when i am around her. Her hand on my hand was comforting and unnerving at the same time.Rinsing her hair and letting the hot water beat against her large round breasts, she closed her eyes.Why do I get all nervous when she is close to me? She makes me feel… She shut off the water and stood in the shower, water running down her body.

“I-I don’t understand… any of this!” She stepped out of the shower and onto her plush floormat. As she began to dry off she looked at herself in the mirror. “Am I… gay?” She asked out loud. They hung in the air like the steam from the shower… “Gay”.

I’ve never dated, I’ve never even been interested… in anyone. Sure, I had a crush on Gabbie for a really long time, but that was a few years ago before her family moved away.

Autumn sighed and dropped the towel. She stared at her naked form in the mirror. Her hands settled on a little pudge of a belly and squeezed it. Barely getting anything in her grip.Baby fat! Miss Campbell is so…mature and womanly. What could she even see in me? She shook her head and exited the bathroom. She dropped onto the edge of her bed, thinking about Gabbie… and Miss Campbell. She glanced at her clock and jumped up.

“Shit! I’m going to be late!”

“Lunchtime,” Dawn said to herself after the students had filed out. She reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a baggie of trail mix and proceed to pick at the contents. Soon, she became lost in thought.What am I going to do? I-I can’t be attracted to a student. It’s wrong and possibly illegal. I’m not even sure how old she is. She is a senior, but that doesn’t mean much. I’m 40 years, I should be pursuing women my own age, she’s just a child! Not fantasizing about a teenager. What the hell is wrong with me?!

“Miss Campbell?” A voice from the door startled her.

“Oh! Autumn, please come in.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks.” She entered and moved to stand at Dawn’s desk. “I hope I haven’t interrupted your lunch.”

“No, no, you’re fine. All of my students are welcome in my classroom.” She stated, sliding the bag of trail mix aside. “As long as my door is open… well, my door is open.” She laughed.

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