Tango on the Razor’s Edge Ch. 11

Big Dick

We came home to find Holly and Dan cuddling on the sofa. His arm was around her shoulder, and her hand was on his thigh. They were softly sharing intimate secrets while they basked in the glow of recent sex. Holly greeted us with an abrupt, “What took so long?”

“Mr. Hammonds had a lot to say to Dad,” answered Cathryn.

Holly smiled her cruel smile and asked, “Mr. Hammonds? What did he think of your father?”

Cathryn squeezed my waist as she answered, “Dad was amazing. You should have seen her. By the time she was done, Mr. Hammonds was ready to apologize to me.”

Holly’s smile brightened. “Did he say anything about how your father was dressed?”

I replied, “He seemed surprised, but no one said anything.”

“A couple of the football players whistled at her while we were walking back to the car,” added Cathryn.

Holly said, “I bet they did. Your father looks hot.” She pushed a white box wrapped with a broad red ribbon across the coffee table with her stocking-clad toe and said, “Dan bought you a present.”

“Dan bought it?” I asked. Holly had undoubtedly bought whatever it was, and I’d made the money that paid for it, but I was too far down the rabbit hole of submission to mince words. I picked up the box and said, “Wow, it’s such a nice box. I wonder what’s inside.”

Cathryn said, “Open it, silly.”

I pulled at the luxurious red ribbon to release the bow and then slid it off the box. Inside was a black and white satin dress. I held it up to my shoulders to find it was a French maid outfit.

Holly smiled and said, “You are going to look so feminine doing housework wearing that.” She beamed at me for a moment before she continued, “Well, put it on.”

I started off in the direction of the bedroom.

Holly laughed. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going upstairs to change.”

“Oh, just get dressed here. We’ve all seen what you’ve got.” She looked at her daughter and asked, “Help her out, would you, Cathryn?”

Cathryn unzipped me and helped me out of the dress I was wearing. I was just about to step into the maid’s outfit when Holly said, “Before you put that on, come here and show Dan your restraint.”

It took me a second to figure out that she was referring to my cage. I tentatively stepped in her direction until I was close enough for her to grab it and use it as a halter to guide me to stand in front of Dan. She pulled down my panties, then pushed one of my testicles up into one of the gaps in the cage. “You see, Babe, He can’t get out of this.”

Dan shook his head. “Guys can always get out of those things.”

Holly protested, “We bought this one specifically because it’s inescapable.”

Dan inspected the cage without actually touching it. He was unconvinced. “You’ve got the key. You could always just let him out.”

“Is that what you’re worried about? That I’ll let him out so I can have sex with him when I’m here at home?”

“Yeah, well, of course. He’s your husband. It’s totally rational for me to think you two might have sex.”

Holly stroked his leg. “Baby, don’t you trust me?”

“Not while you’re with him. Look at him. He obviously wants to have sex with you.” My cock was pulsating within the confines of its metal enclosure, which it lifted in semi-erection. Bits of flesh poked out of the ventilation holes, and my balls ached. “How could I trust you two alone with him like that?”

“No, but Baby. He can’t get out.”

“You’ve got the key. You could always let him out.”

“Is that what you want, the key?”

“That would give me a little peace of mind.”

“Well, if that will make you happy.” Holly retrieved the key from her handbag, and then I watched in horror as she handed it to Dan. “There. Are you happy now?”

Dan slipped it into his pocket, “I’m happier.”

Holly looked back at me and said, “Okay, you can get dressed now.”

I stretched my panties back over my cage, then Cathryn helped me put on my new dress.

“Oh, you look nice,” said Holly. She stroked Dan’s thigh. “Doesn’t our new maid look fantastic?”

Dan shook his head in disgust.

“Oh, come on. Don’t you want her to cook for you?”

“Can’t we just get take out?”

Holly replied, “Where would the fun be in that?”

“Does everything have to be fun?”

“Of course, Baby. What’s the point if there’s no fun.” She looked at me and asked, “You like to have fun, don’t you, Nicki?”

I dutifully replied, “Yes, My Goddess.”

Holly smiled brightly. “Oh, you’re so good.” She pulled at the corner of one of the shopping bags and peered in. “Did you pick up some appetizers?”

I pulled the shrimp and cocktail sauce out of the bags and put them on the coffee table.

Holly scoffed at me. “You can’t do it like that!”

I shook my head in confusion.

“Take them into the kitchen. Arrange the shrimp on a plate and put the sauce in a bowl,” she explained. “When you come back, curtsy and say something submissive as you present them to us.”

“Yes, My Goddess.”

“That’s a good start,” antep escort she beamed.

I returned a few moments later wearing the pink apron over my new dress carrying the shrimp arranged around a bowl of cocktail sauce. I curtsied as low as I could while balancing the food and said, “I’ve prepared this for your enjoyment.”

Holly smiled again and said, “I knew you’d settle into being our little maid.” She dipped one of the shrimp into the sauce from the tray then held the sauce-laden shrimp above Dan’s open mouth. “Look what our servile little maid brought for you.” She wiggled it in front of his face. “Don’t you want it, Baby?”

He replied, “Of course I want it. I’m starving,” then held his mouth open so that she could feed him.

Holly touched the red sauce to his tongue then slid the shrimp along its length, making the sauce-coated shrimp sexy as only she knew how. She pulled it just out of Dan’s reach each time it tried to take a bite. Eventually, he tipped his head back and let her penetrate his lips with the salty, seafood phallus.

“There you go, Baby,” she softly cooed. “Don’t force it,” as she let him bite the shrimp’s meat from the tail. She discarded the shrimp’s tail in a bowl and then dipped another in the sauce and fed it to him. She said, “The shrimp was an inspired choice, Nicki. Be a good girl and pour us some wine.” As I turned to go back into the kitchen, she continued, “And get Cathryn a Coke while you’re at it.”

Cathryn smirked as I passed by. I guess I’d assumed that our relationship had changed after our afternoon with Hammonds, but I should have known better. I poured two glasses of white wine and a Coke over ice and returned.

With another low curtsy, I said, “Your wine, My Goddess.”

Holly took only one of the glasses, which forced me to give Dan his wine. I curtsied in front of him and said, “Your wine, Master.”

Cathryn sniggered, “If Mom’s your Goddess, shouldn’t Dan be your God?”

Holly laughed out loud. She stroked Dan’s thigh, this time brushing against his cock, and said, “Oh Baby, you’re a god now.”

From my low curtsy, I silently begged him to just let it go. Instead, he asked, “Am I your God?”

If it wasn’t for me, Dan would be the former owner of a failed factory. He would have lost the family fortune, and he’d probably live with his mother in a double-wide. He’d be nothing. But I was standing in my own living room, dressed as a French maid, emasculated and cuckolded. I was so low that I had no choice but to admit the truth to him, to the woman who was still technically my wife, and to my stepdaughter: compared to me, Dan was a god. In a low voice, I conceded as much. “Yes, Sir, you are My God.”

For the first time that afternoon, Dan smiled. “I like the sound of that. A peon like you would never think of having sex with a goddess like Holly, would you?”

I was still deep in a curtsy, watching Holly stroke the bulge in Dan’s slacks. I replied, “No, Sir. She’s much too good for me.”

“That’s right, and don’t you forget it. It won’t be long before you two split up, and she’s mine.”

Holly’s hand dug deeply into Dan’s trousers, slowly stroking the length of his engorged manhood as he spoke.

I lowered my head even further and replied, “I think about that every day.”

Dan gloated at my submission while Holly cheerfully added, “You can still live with us, though. We could use a maid like you.”

“Yes, My Goddess,” I replied as I completed my curtsy and returned to the kitchen. “I’ll get dinner ready.”

“I left out the recipe I want you to make.”

“I picked up steaks and potatoes.”

Holly laughed. “Don’t be silly. Steaks are much too masculine for a sissy like you to cook. You should cook something feminine.”

“What did you have in mind?”

Holly laughed, “Well, obviously something that doesn’t involve a big piece of meat! You’re much too girly for that! I left a recipe out on the counter.”

A plain white sheet of paper adorned with scattered food stains was held down by the blender. “Chicken with Morel Mushrooms in a Sherry Wine Sauce” was written in a loose, feminine scrawl across the top. I didn’t recognize the handwriting, which filled one side of the paper and half of the back. The instructions were as detailed as they were complicated: “squeeze the morel mushrooms from the head to the base to extract as much fluid as possible,” “firmly massage seasonings into the chicken thighs,” “vigorously whisk the melted butter to a hearty froth.”

I said, “This is going to take forever. Why don’t I just cook the steaks?” hoping to enlist Dan’s support for a quick meal.

Before Dan could reply, Holly firmly said, “Be a good girl, and do as you’re told.”

I paused for a moment, still hoping Dan would speak up. When he didn’t, I replied, “Yes, My Goddess.” I began to hunt for the ingredients, finding most in front of cabinets or at the top of drawers. Holly had obviously made sure we had everything I’d need. She even had fresh asparagus and the gaziemir escort ingredients for a nice salad.

“Don’t forget to make a Hollandaise sauce for the asparagus,” called Holly from Dan’s embrace on the sofa.

I quickly scanned the counter, then called back, “I don’t see a recipe for that.”

“Do I need to do everything for you?”

“I don’t know how to make Hollandaise sauce.”

“Quit acting like a guy and think like the woman you want to be.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You’ve heard of the internet, haven’t you?”

I quickly found a recipe on my phone, then replied, “Yes, My Goddess.”

Holly turned to Dan and said, “You see? She’s going to be the perfect maid for our happy little family.”

It took me almost two hours to make the sauces and cook everything. It would have been hard enough as it was, but I had to navigate the kitchen in high heels, and Holly kept interrupting me. “Get us some more wine.” “Come close the blinds. The sun is in our eyes.” “Don’t forget to set the table.” Each request involved me crossing from the kitchen to the dining room while trying not to humiliate myself any further by stumbling in my heels.

As I was setting the table, she said, “There’s only four of us tonight.”

I’d thought Chris was supposed to be home, but it wasn’t unusual for her to have dinner with friends. So, I set the table for four without question, but just as I was finishing up in the kitchen, Chris walked through the door.

Holly said, “There she is. For a minute there, I thought you were going to be late.”

Chris looked at her mother and her lover on the couch, then at me in my over-the-top feminine garb. She shook her head and said, “Jesus, Mom. Do you have to do this?”

As Holly stood up, she said, “Come on, sweetie. Don’t be like that. Nicki has put a lot of effort into this meal. Let’s all enjoy it as a family.”

I retrieved another place setting, but as I was making room for it at the table, Holly said, “That won’t be necessary.”

“But there’s five of us,” I replied.

“Oh, don’t be silly. The help doesn’t eat with the family.”

“The help?” I asked.

“You, Sweetie. You’re our maid now. You’re the help.”

I forced myself to smile and said, “Of course. How could I have been so stupid?”

Everything I’d feared was coming to pass. I was a servant in my own home: emasculated, humiliated, and servile. Dan was the man of the house. Soon he would be Holly’s husband and Chris and Cathryn’s father. I looked at my reflection in the kitchen window to see the pathetic, cocksucking, cum-eating, pussy I’d become. It was no wonder Holly was with Dan, and I was nothing more than the help. As much as the humiliation and submission turned me on, this was no way to live. I had to leave.

I was ready to walk out at that instant, but one thought held me back, I’d promised Holly that I would give her two months. I still had a few weeks to go. Staying a little longer wasn’t going to make much of a difference, and it would take me a few weeks to find a job and an apartment before I left. I resolved to put my resume together, network with the people I knew in the industry, and find a new job far away from the mess I was living in now.

They all sat down around the table as I brought their meals in from the kitchen. Holly smiled brightly as I served Dan first. She wrapped her hand around his wrist and said, “You see, she served you first. She’s acknowledged that you’re the man of the house now.”

Dan scowled as he shook his head. He said, “Let’s just get this over with,” then took a bite before I’d served anyone else.

Holly’s smile broadened as I put her meal in front of her. “This looks delicious. You’re such a good girl.”

I smiled in the solicitous way a maid might respond to praise from her mistress.

Holly continued, “I knew you’d settle right into your new role.”

Cathryn’s expression was difficult to read. She was thinking about something, but it wasn’t obvious what. I might have asked her, but it would have been inappropriate for “The Help” to be so inquisitive. Chris, on the other hand, was an open book. She was disgusted by all of us. She ate as quickly, then asked to be excused before I’d returned to refill the wine.

After a moment of silence, Holly turned to Dan. “It’s your call. You’re the man of the house now.”

“If I have to sit through this, I don’t see why she can’t.”

Chris folded her arms across her chest and deeply sighed. “Whatever.”

The four of them sat in stony silence for a few moments before Holly tried to engage Cathryn, “How was school today, sweetheart?”

Cathryn swallowed what was in her mouth, then said, “I think I ruined Mr. Roberts’ life.” She wiped her mouth with a napkin. “I was just trying to have a little fun, but it all went wrong.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re overreacting. Everything is going to be alright.”

Cathryn shook her head. “Yeah, I thought so for a while, but after reading what people are posting gaziosmanpaşa escort online, I’m pretty sure he’s going to be fired.”

“I’m sure Mr. Hammonds will have his back,” Holly reassured her.

Chris laughed cynically, “Right. Where have you been, in a cave?”

“Hammonds is a good man. He’ll treat Mr. Roberts fairly.”

Chris replied, “What the fuck do you think Mr. Hammonds can do? Half the parents want Mr. Roberts fired. The other half want him in prison.” Holly tried to interrupt, but Chris talked over her, “You two are such fucking cunts. You only think about yourselves. Just in case you haven’t figured it out, we live in suburban America: The land of conformity.”




“GLADLY!” replied Chris. She stood up, ran upstairs, and slammed the door.

Dan shoveled what remained of his meal into his mouth, then said, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Holly was unfazed by the commotion. She’d been focused on cutting up her salad and buttering her bread and hadn’t taken more than a couple of bites from her meal. She stroked Dan’s hand and said, “Come on, Baby, relax. I want to enjoy my meal.”

Dan shook his head, extracted his hand, and pointed upstairs. “How can you eat with all this shit going on?”

Holly tried to soothe him. “Just relax, Baby.”

Dan shook her off and said, “I’m leaving. Are you coming with me or not?”

Holly asked, “What’s your hurry?” as she picked up a long piece of asparagus, dripping hollandaise sauce. She wrapped her lips around it and seductively sucked off the sauce. Once the green stalk had been sucked clean, she dipped it in the white sauce and slowly sucked it clean a second time. She looked up at him and asked, “Are you sure you want to leave?” as she stroked his thigh with her free hand.

“We can do this at my place.”

“Don’t you want to do it here, where we have the help we need?” She held his gaze with her eyes while she dipped her finger in the Sherry sauce, collected a healthy dab on her finger, then leisurely licked her finger clean.

It broke what was left of my heart to see her tongue lap the white sauce from her finger while her eyes passionately engaged Dan’s. I’d assumed that Holly had spontaneously teased me with the white sauce on that night not long ago. Now I knew it was just one act in her repertoire and that I was one of many men who’d been seduced by it.

Dan slowly calmed under Holly’s caress. He kissed her sauce-covered lips and said, “Come on, Baby, let’s go to my place.”

“I thought you wanted to take my tight hole tonight,” she cooed.

He kissed her again and said, “You know that I do.”

“Well, Nicki’s here. She can give it to you.”

“Why does he need to give it to me? It’s your ass.”

Holly laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“You called Nicki ‘he.’ Don’t you think that’s funny?”

Dan looked at me, sighed in disgust, and said, “Does she really need to be there?”

“Of course, she’s my husband.”

Dan stroked her hair and said, “But she wasn’t there when I took your pussy.”

“Yes, but this is my ass. It means so much more to her than my pussy did.”

Dan shook his head, “That’s so fucked up.”

“No, Baby. It is what it is.”

I cleared the table as I watched Holly stroke his thigh and deeply kiss his open mouth. I briefly considered breaking the focus of their embrace with a distracting crash of stacking dishes or a disruptive spill from a half-full glass. Instead, my mind slipped into an analysis of their conversation. I’d thought Holly had given him her ass a while ago; why had she waited until now? And why did I have to be there to watch Dan take something that I’d never had, something that I would probably never have? Was she preparing me for Dan becoming head of the family with me as their maid? Who was I kidding? Dan was already head of the family. I was nothing more than the shell of a husband who cooked and cleaned while they had sex in front of me. I reminded myself that I only had to endure this humiliation for a few more weeks. Soon I’d break free of Holly and become the man I was meant to be.

Holly stood up, took Dan’s hand, and led him from the kitchen. “We’re going upstairs. I want you to join us once the dishes are done. Do you understand?”

Without looking up from the sink of soapy water, I reluctantly said, “Yes, My Goddess.”

“Look at me,” she demanded.

Once she was firmly in control of my submissive gaze, she said, “Be quick about it. I want you up there in twenty minutes. You got that?”

I looked at the clock, then returned my gaze to her. “Yes, My Goddess. Twenty minutes.”

Her stern expression melted as she turned her attention back to Dan. She said, “Come on, Baby, we need to get ready,” as she led him upstairs.

I turned my attention to rinsing the dishes and loading the plates into the dishwasher while she led him upstairs. Once they were out of sight, I kicked off my heels and returned to the dining room to gather the glasses.

“Why’s mom’s ass such a big deal?” asked Cathryn from one of the comfortable chairs in the living room.

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