Summer Camp for Naughty Husbands Ch. 04


Steve arrives home. Fresh from Camp, a certain level of unknowing percolates through his every thought. His hard work over the years is evident in the elegance of the exterior. A circular drive with a covered front entry porch makes the statement that some serious effort has gone into putting this home together. Little touches from the moment you enter the property, a fountain over there to draw the eye to, a piece of art that tells you this is a house where somebody has good taste and the disposable money to choose the scale of a corporate property.

The camp experiences were just short of breath-stopping for him. After a blindfolded, highly sexual, experience that turned out to be with his mother-in-law, Sonya, he is uncertain what will happen next. But he can’t wait to see….

“Hi honey, I’m home,” Steve says with a newfound joy.

“He’s back, I wonder who he thinks he will be doing first, you or me, “says his mother-in-law to Nicole.

“I wonder,” says Nicole. Now in her own home, she finds herself in the new position of sharing her husband with her mom.

Steve sails across the wood floor like a kid at Christmas, sliding the last few feet to a power hug and I miss you so much kiss with his wife.

“Honey, I have missed you, but I learned so much and can’t wait to share…with both of you”, he said with a lilt in his voice that Nicole had all but forgotten.

“Honey, I have missed you too, she grabs him and squeezes for all she is worth. I have missed us for so long. I hope that the camp ignited the fire you used to have for me,” she said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Steve, I’ve missed you too. You showed me a side of you that I never knew existed and I like it,” said Sonya.

“I think we should have a talk about the new house rules and see where we go from here,” said Nicole.

“We need to do more than talk,” said Steve as he grabbed Nicole’s ass while powerfully hugging her.

“I can’t wait,” said Sonya.

Nicole grabbed both Steve and her mom by the wrists and pulled them to the living room. They each found a spot to sit differently than they would usually. Steve is in the middle on the overstuffed couch between the two end chairs the women chose. The women sit on the edge of their chairs leaning slightly forward. Steve sits comfortably back on the couch with both arms outstretched to the side.

“Ok I am going to start,” said Sonya as she looked straight into the eyes and soul of Nicole.

“I have been thinking about the experience at the camp and have been in a state of arousal ever since. I don’t want this to be a family thing that was a one-off and you pushed me aside. I also don’t want this to be something that will be a wedge between the two of you,” she said with a matter-of-fact tone. But this is different. For over an hour, I felt pleasures never felt before, unknowingly provided by Steve. The taboo nature of the experience is making me wet just thinking about it,” said Sonya feeling the magnitude of what she just shared. “So, Steve, what do you think?” said Sonya.

“Well, I have thought about this. The reason I went to camp was that you and I just didn’t get along. Nicole thought it would be better if I wasn’t here while you were in town. I understand the problem of this. You think that I don’t treat Nicole the way a husband should. The new experiences have certainly brought me to a new level of understanding about who I am, what I like, and how I can enjoy a new facet of our relationship,” he said.

“OK Steve, that is bullshit. Just tell us what you think about being here with two women who want you to provide endless pleasure for them right now,” said Nicole as she leaned forward exposing her cleavage for Steve to view.

“Honestly, what I learned at the camp is that I like being a sub to both of you. Given that I have tried so hard to be a super strong leader at work and then carried that home I know that sounds odd. However, I learned that feeling out of control gives me a great deal of pleasure. Instead of trying fikirtepe escort to direct every moment of the day, I can just let go and enjoy.

Sonya, I thought in the middle of the blindfolded experience that I recognized your voice. Then I started to fantasize that it was you. When I found out that I was right I nearly cried with joy that the feud was over, and we could be friends. Nicole, I found out that I love to be dressed up in women’s clothes and live the life of a man who dresses very feminine or something like that. Honestly, I don’t even know what I am going to do about this. I must keep working to be able to support us, but I know that a suit and tie is just not where I want to live,” he said with a new confidence.

“Steve, you are free to do whatever you wish at work. When you are here, I like the idea of you being my pleasure provider and I love the idea of you and Mom being friends. Who knows, maybe even lovers. It has been so long since my dad died. She hasn’t been with a man since his passing. I almost feel I owe her something. You might be the new currency of the house,” she said for the first time knowing that she was on to something.

“Sonya, that whole act you have had about being the prim and proper model of decency needs to be buried and never seen again. I saw a side of you that was amazing, sensual, and beautiful. I know that you are more than the tight-ass snob that you have tried so hard to push on me. I know you are more than the nose-in-the-air conservative woman who wouldn’t let me kiss Nicole in front of you. I know you are real. A real woman and I can’t wait to see how this all works out,” said Steve as he stood to move toward Sonya.

Steve reached his hand out to Sonya, and she took it. He pulled her to her feet and gave her a big hug, and a gentle kiss on the lips.

“Feud over,” he said.

“Feud over,” she said as she pulled him to her and kissed him passionately.

“Mom, take it easy. You don’t want to spoil him,” said Nicole.

“I am just letting him know that I am on board with the new and done with the old,” said Sonya.

Nicole rose and moved across the floor to join them and group hug.

“I love this, two beautiful women….

“Three,” said Nicole as she grabbed Steve by the hand and pulled him toward the guest bathroom.

“We hoped you would be on board with this and have set up a salon in the bathroom to transform you into a woman for the rest of the weekend. I hope you enjoy it. I know we will,” she said with a wink.

Steve, we have put several outfits on the bed for you to choose from. Depending on what you choose we will create a look for you and put the whole outfit together.

Steve walked over to the bed and looked right at the pants, blouse, and scarf outfit and said, “It’s me, I know that is the new me. I love that look. Classic old Hollywood.”

“I told you this is the one he would pick,’ said Nicole to her mom.

“Steve, or from now on Stevie, this is going to allow you to keep working and also enjoy the pleasures afforded one of the women of this house,” said Sonya.

“Are you staying?” said Stevie.

“As long as you will have me, and by the way we flipped a coin. I won and I get to have your services first,” she said.

“So, I’m just a toy for the two of you now. Well won’t that be interesting?’ he said with a wink.

I say we start with a shower. This shower is big enough for all of us and we can get acquainted while enjoying the warm water and the amazing shower you built. I know I was critical of this when you spent the money on it. I told you what a waste of money and all the nonsense I spit out in your direction. I am genuinely sorry about that, and it won’t happen again,” said Sonya.

The water in the shower is connected to a tankless heater, ensuring unlimited hot water for the three of them to enjoy. Huge in scale but intimate and sensual. A bench for lounging and enjoying steam, shelves to display every bathing fındıkzade escort product a person would ever need. Even a TV behind glass. Lights, to create any mood, the sound system that rivals a dance club, and shower heads seem to be everywhere, including the floor that shoots up like a high-tech bidet. The slimline toilet behind a half wall with a hand-held water wand for cleaning those hard-to-get places even has a hose to allow douching. The shower is the brainchild of Steve on how to use his annual bonus to its best and highest return. Hours of thought went into every possible option for the sole creation of pleasure. Sonya kept telling him he was wasting his money and he should have taken Nicole on a trip.

“The last one in is a rotten egg said Sonya as she stripped her clothes off and threw them at the couple.

“Now how do I turn this thing on?” she said pushing buttons on the control panel that brought the marvel of bathing to life.

“Let me show you. You need to know how to work this, especially since you are going to live here,” Stevie said as he explained the basics of getting the shower going.

“That sounds so good,” Sonya said as she hugged Stevie and squeezed his member.

“Stevie, let us do the work of cleaning you and shaving your body. We have talked about how we want you to look and having no hair on your body is the first step. Today we will shower but we will schedule laser treatments right away,” said Nicole.

“Stevie, I like that. It feels right. I am yours to do as you wish,” said Stevie.

“Be careful what you say you may regret giving us that license,” said Sonya.

Nicole squished the body soap on the puffy pink wash pad and began to rub Stevie’s shoulders and chest.

“Ummm, that feels so good,” he said.

“Mom your turn with the razor and don’t leave a single hair, said Nicole.

Sonya used her skills to take Stevie from a hairy guy with stubble everywhere to a silky-smooth body that could, with the right amount of make-up and hair styling, pass for an elegant woman.

“Ok, inspection time,” Nicole gently ran her hand across his chest and shoulders, armpits, and neck.

“Let’s save the goodies for last, after all, we wouldn’t want him to get too excited,” said Sonya.

“Your legs need some more shaving time, I think we need to do them twice to get to that super smooth feeling we want,” said Sonya.

“I think you’re right,” said Nicole as she lathered up his legs a second time.

“OK now for the naughty bits. Stevie, I want you to bend over so I can get in between your legs and your new pleasure center. I want you to feel like you have never been touched in this area before,” said Sonya as she placed her hands on Stevie’s back and pushed him forward.

“Ohm, that feels amazing, the feel of you touching my ass and swirling around is so good,” said Stevie.

“Why don’t you do the tongue test and see if he is smooth,” said Nicole.

Oh, my goodness that feels good. Sonya you are driving me crazy,” said Stevie as he arched to press his ass into Sonya even harder than she was pushing toward him.

“Hey, let’s not get too carried away, the day is young,” said Nicole as she pulled Stevie up from the shoulders. I still need to do your bits, and I will be the judge of whether they are smooth enough, she said staking out her territory.

“Nicole you are always the boss around here, don’t worry about your position. He is yours, and I am the lucky one who gets to share,” said Sonya.

“Thanks, Mom, all of this Is new to me, and I was feeling a little less than,” she said as she offered up Stevie’s cock, now fully engorged.

“Stevie, I am going to try and be professional with this, but I have to tell you that having your cock in my hand is making me very wet and I think the time to take care of my needs is quickly approaching,” said Sonya as she put the final touches on his ball sack.

“Here,” honey, see if you approve. I think I got it all, but fulya escort you better do the tongue test,” she said.

“Nicole, that feels so good, “said Stevie.

Bam, the smack of skin-to-skin reverberated throughout the bathroom.

“Don’t talk to me when I am working,” said Nicole.

Stevie jumped and she caught her teeth on his tender skin, he let out a whimper.

“I am sorry, Nicole,” he said.

“My name is mistress whenever you are naked. Don’t ever call me Nicole with your clothes off. This is serious Stevie. Do not call me Nicole when you are naked. Do you understand?” she said in a tone that left no doubt that she was serious.

” I understand mistress, thank you for teaching me your needs,” he said still in disbelief that this was his new life.

“OK, so here is how this is going to go today. Don’t get too used to this, it may be a while before we bathe together again. Time will tell. What you are going to do now is to show us that you were paying attention and wash each of us. If you were paying attention, you would have noticed the pressures of areas that mom wants, and we agree that she and I are very similar in what we enjoy. Any time you don’t live up to the expectation you will get a smack on the ass. Get two of those and you will be locked in a cock cage for a week. Believe me, we don’t want to lose the use of your cock for a week but do have standards that we expect you to live up to. Are we clear on this?”

“Yes mistress, said Stevie as he took the puffy soap pad and started to rub the soap on Sonya. “I am so hot right now; I want to ravage both of you.”


“All right Stevie, you have passed the first step in getting to the new you. Let’s dry off and see what we can do with some make-up and hair, “said Nicole as she moved toward the exit door from the shower.

“I can’t wait, to go out with you two and grab a cup of coffee or a drink and let the feminine side of me shine,” he said as he grabbed a towel off the heater.

“You can’t wait. Hah, I am so horny for your services. I am about to burst right now. What about a quickie to take the edge off?” said Sonya with clear distress in her tone.

“Mistress what do you think?” said Stevie.

“Well, why not? But let’s not take too long, I have a plan for the day,” said Nicole.

With that Sonya, already dry jumped up on the bed, spread her legs, and said, “This won’t take long, I’ll even help if you need it, just get to it.”


“Just follow her directions and I will work on the clothes,” said Sonya.

Stevie walked to the bed and for the first time, he saw Sonya as a real woman for his taking. Not a mother-in-law but a woman on his bed.

“OK, enough with the gazing, put your mouth on my pussy and just lick me until I come. Sweet, simple, nothing too difficult, but damn it Stevie get to it,” she said with despair. As he did, she smacked his ass hard and grabbed his cock as a prop in her fantasy.

Stevie took her desires to heart and just dived in like a schoolboy, no style, no subtleties, just action.

“That, do that harder. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes. Now take your finger and put it in my ass,” she said in the raptures of pleasure. Pleasure has the taboo of being family and the rapture of just getting some pleasure in a way that has no title or judgment.

“Oh my god yes. Yes, yes,”

She bucked her hips into his face and pushed hard for one more sustained moment. “Oh my God Nicole what have you let loose in my life? Yes, don’t stop. Nicole come here. Yes, yes, Yes as she felt another orgasm race through her body. Every cell is alive with pleasure Nicole, watch him make me come. You are so lucky to have him. How did I ever criticize him? Oh my god, another one. Nicole he is going to drain me of my life,”

“That’s enough, both of you,” she said as she pulled Stevie off her mom. Nicole stepped in to take her position as the mistress of the house.

“Honey I am sorry I couldn’t stop once he got going there was only the pleasure of the moment,” said Sonya.

“Mom that isn’t the issue, I don’t want Stevie’s jaw to get so sore that he can’t take care of us again later as the girl he thinks he wants to be,” said Nicole.

“Oh my, Stevie, thank you,” she said.

“Yes, it was my pleasure as well. How fun this new family dynamic is going to be, said Stevie….

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