Step Sister Corruption 301 – 310


Step Sister Corruption Part 301 – Day 153 Milk




I had to leave the hospital though at the moment my nipples hurt something fierce and they felt like they’re on FIRE even with the numbing agent that Dr. Braxter injected into me that was beginning to wear off as I felt everything that my dumbass allowed to happen.

Last night I had told both Gabe and Kelly that I was fired from Pink’s which instantly pissed off Kelly as she said she’ll never go to that Pink’s again especially after she found out from me I was fired for doing porn, specifically when our website went live.

Gabe of course asked if I was ok and showed understanding and real concern which is sweet of him…..and as another reason why I love the idiot.  His concern made me smile and though he couldn’t do much but lay in his bed I still felt comforted.

Granted it was Kelly who hugged me giving me comfort but still.  It was nice either way.

Then I told them that because of how everything went down I have lawyer’s looking into HOW I was fired to see if I have a case to sue both Pink’s Gym AND Veronica.  Which will make me happy as punch.


But for now it was a waiting game.  Plus I was hoping that VCR would make my case pro bono, still hadn’t heard of that or not.

Then I told them I would be alright as I had another job lined up for TODAY and of course they wished me the best of luck.

Then came the conversation of the ‘offers’ that Dr. Braxter presented to us that Gabe was so sure he would lose me.

Ok I’ll admit that when I heard how much they were willing to pay me I couldn’t believe it.  Especially if I let some high level stranger knock me up was enough to make me want to say yes right then and there.  4 million to have some stranger fuck me impregnate me then give him the child(s).

But you know what Dr. Braxter never said….we would have to leave each other.

Granted, that’s not to say that if I agreed to the stranger I would have to fly out to where he was, let him fuck me until I’m pregnant and then sit around for nine months until I give birth to HIS children and then bounce back to Gabe.

Don’t really think I could be away from Gabe for a week let alone nine months as witnessed the other night.

I mean I guess we could agree to the money IF the high level stranger came here and I spend a few nights at a hotel while he fucked me until I’m finally pregnant then he can go back to wherever he was from and wait until my stomach pops with his lineage.

That could work.

It’s a lot more doable than having Gabe impregnating me then give that baby up.  

Don’t think I could give up Gabe’s child so easily as compared to the high level bastard.

So both options were kind of out of the question.

Though I’m curious what would happen if we said yes to either of those.

Kelly basically said at this moment she wasn’t ready for pregnancy whatsoever no matter who’s baby it was.  

Something about barely accepting looking like a bimbo. I kind of laughed as we were on the same page when it came to THAT ‘P’ word.

So that offer was off the table….for now at least.  Maybe something that WE can revisit if the offer is still on the table.

The obvious gimme was our eggs.  We weren’t using them….at the moment we aren’t using them at least.  My only question is if they’re going to pay us the difference from the ones they just took or does it start now?

And it looks like I wasn’t the only one on board with that thought process as I asked Kelly about her eggs her exact wording was ‘If they want to pay me more for my eggs go right the fuck ahead’.

We looked over at Gabe before we pulled the trigger on the eggs as he was obviously thinking to himself.  He blinked at us before he shrugged and said, “Your choice” and went right back to thinking, which concerned me.

The hard decision was whether we wanted to have our breasts start producing milk or not.

It would be more income especially if we test well.

But there was some obvious questions, like:

Will it make our boob size increase?

How much milk would we produce?

Would it be for a short period of time? Or is this a forever thing?

And the big question was:

How much would our milk be worth?

Then we moved onto Gabe and his cum, specifically him BREEDING girl’s.

I obviously was not on board with his cum going anywhere other than in me….and Kelly of course, though I still prefer his delicious cum going IN me but I can’t be too mad when some of it goes into Kelly.  I’ve long accepted Kelly being part of our tight knit circle for those that are worthy of Gabe’s semen.

I honestly didn’t care how much they were willing to offer Gabe to basically fuck other girl’s to knock them up as that meant that there wouldn’t be any left for me.  Ok, me AND Kelly.

So what if he was able to knock up a girl a day and get more money than us.

It still boiled down to how much was left for ME.

And I’ll be DAMNED if I yenimahalle escort allow Gabe to start fucking other girl’s and knocking them up left and right if at the end of the day there wasn’t any of his delicious cum left for me.  I’ll be PISSED if that happens.

I mean I know that they make supplements to where his semen never runs out.  Hell I make Gabe take those supplements on a daily basis so I can have MORE of his delicious semen.

Yes I’m a cum-ivore I’ve accepted that fact.  But I’m GABE’S cum-whore.

Still we HAD to talk about it as I could tell that was what he was thinking about.

At first he denied that was what he was thinking about saying he WAS thinking about the website.  

But after a little bit of light accusing he lightly chuckled and admitted that he WAS thinking about it….a little.

I rolled my eyes at him.

So we talked….and talked…and talked.

Finally we reached a decision.

Us getting pregnant was off the table.

Our eggs was pretty much a done deal.

Milk, we still needed answers.

And his semen was off limits and remained being pumped into either myself OR Kelly.  Right where it belonged in my mind.

So we called up Dr. Braxter to notify her that Muschi can pay us more for our eggs, which she chuckled and admitted that was a no brainer but she still had to confirm with us.  She reminded us ONCE we agree whatever happens to our eggs we had NO SAY in whatever they did with them, which honestly we didn’t know what they did with our eggs already so what was the difference between then and now?  The only big difference now was that we would get more money for them.

We asked about the milk and told her we had questions.  So we asked.

Would it make our tits bigger?  Short answer was more than likely we would see an increase in our current size though not by much.  We would more than likely feel that heaviness that Kelly described as our tits swell as they fill with milk.

Kelly immediately said no thank you.  She didn’t want her boobs to increase in size and the little bit of heaviness she experienced was enough to be off putting in her mind.

So Kelly was NOW out for having her big ass tits start creating milk.

But I was still interested.


Like I said, I need to eat too.  And I wasn’t going to turn down FREE money.  So I needed to know more.

How much milk would I produce if I started?  Dr. Braxter wasn’t entirely sure the exact amount because there were variables she wasn’t sure of.  Variables like how many milk sacs were hiding in my breasts, how much would each sac hold, how quickly it replenish itself, or anything like that.  Though she did admit that MOST women naturally produce roughly 24-29 oz of milk a day for their babies so that was the answer she was going with for now.

How long would this last?  Dr. Braxter stated that Kelly or I could start the process and let our breasts start creating milk until our nipples were ready to release the milk in which we would pump the milk out into a container and send it off for testing.  While we are waiting we could either continue pumping or simply put a leaf of iceberg lettuce in our bra to stop the process.  Then once our, MY, milk gets tested Muschi will offer an amount for the milk.  The higher the grade the more money they will offer.  The lower the grade the less they will offer.  Then if we agree we can start taking supplements to encourage milk production and lotion to help our nipples stay regular.

I blinked when she said ‘use iceberg lettuce to stop lactating’ as I had never heard that before.  But I’ve never had milk before…or you know, been pregnant before so I would have never known that.

Then the next question was how long would this last?  Dr. Braxter told us that was up to us.  We could do it for as long as we wanted and she would provide the supplements to help keep our breasts healthy and continue creating milk for however long we wanted.

With the information I heard I looked at Gabe and asked if I could do it.  He shrugged and said, “I don’t mind. It’s your body Summer.”

I looked at Kelly and said ‘last chance’ and Kelly shook her head saying maybe later.

So I was it.

I told Dr. Braxter that I and I alone would do the milk agreement.  She sounded cheerful and told me she would do it in the morning.

So we slept…I don’t know about Kelly or Gabe but I couldn’t sleep worth a damn.

Then morning came as Dr. Braxter came in with everything to ‘start’ having me create milk and explained WHAT would happen so I could be comfortable.

First she put a dissolvable numbing gel on my nipples and around my areoles and injected numbing agents IN my actual breasts, which HURT like a MOTHERFUCKER.  

Once the gel disappeared and I essentially couldn’t feel my girl’s anymore whatsoever.  I watched Dr. Braxter take out a smoky liquid in a bottle and a syringe with a thin ass needle.  Then she FILLED the small ass syringe and injected the smoky almost milky white liquid that looked yeşilköy escort more thick than liquid INTO MY NIPPLES.

Let me say that again….SHE…..INJECTED….LIQUID…..INTO……MY……GOD DAMNED……..NIPPLES!!!!

I was SO thankful I couldn’t feel that as I watched her inject NOT one BUT three of those syringes into each of my nipples.  If I felt that, I’m sure I would have needed to be restrained or I would have swung my fist at Dr. Braxter’s face as hard as I could.  Though I’d be lying if I didn’t flinch or say ‘WTF!’.

If she didn’t tell me ALL this would happen and actually gave me ONE LAST CHANCE before starting I would have punched her in the face.  But she told me and gave me a chance to back out so I couldn’t be too mad at her….and she made sure my girl’s were overly numb to where I wouldn’t feel it. I kind of slapped my own tits as hard as I could to show Dr. Braxter I couldn’t feel shit.

Though Kelly did react for me as she screamed as she watched the needle go into my nipples and exclaim a lot of profanities as she held onto her own tits as if she was feeling it for me.  Hell even Gabe helped me laugh as he freaked out too and holding his own chest like it was HIS nipples that was getting the injection.

Dr. Braxter smiled and said ‘That should start the process’ after the final injection was done then she picked a tube up and said ‘This will help your nipples and areoles get ready for when the milk is ready to start coming out.  I have to warn you it WILL feel like your girl’s are on fire but it will pass once it is absorbed’.  I breathe out and nodded as she lathered a thick near green film over my girl’s but didn’t feel shit.  Then she placed a large clear tegaderm over my nipple and areole.  Then she told me ‘Keep this on and keep an eye on it.  When it fills with milk and it will fill, take it off when it is FULL and only when it’s FULL. she held up another clear patch ‘Then clean your nipples and areoles with warm soapy water then put this one on after the first one is removed over your nipples and areoles like I have done here and let it fill one more time.  Once filled, take it off and use the pump.  Let me know when your ‘sample’ is ready’.

I nodded and asked about how long this will take?  She shrugged and said about a week.  Then she thought about it ‘If you start those supplements in the bag maybe sooner’.

Then she left me with a bag of supplements that will help with my new milk that will be forming, a breast pump, some bottles, and a few other things along with a note stating what I need to stop taking from the previous batch of vitamins and what of this new stuff I need to start taking and how much.

I nodded and left the hospital to start getting ready for my appointment.

And that’s where I’m at now.

I had made it home and found a semi cute outfit that was both professional and cute to wear to my interview.  And now I’m driving to the agreed location for the interview.

My nipples and areoles felt like someone was holding an open flame to them but not entirely too close to where I felt like my girls were being cooked.  No it was more like a mint-like burn…just several degrees hotter.

My nipples felt like they were lightly pulsing as if a late reaction from having a needle shoved into them that now was even beginning to bring a tear to my eye.

I was beginning to feel that ‘heaviness’ that Kelly tried explaining to me that she had experienced on the cruise.

And at every single stop location I pulled on my outfit to look down at my girl’s and see what the patch looked like but kept finding the same light green hue on my girl’s and nothing else.

Eventually I made it to the location where I was supposed to meet Barry Sommers…..and my jaw opened in awe.

In front of me was the NEW gym though it looked like there was still stuff being done.

And on the building read F2F4F XTREME.

I looked at the building and took one last breath to calm my nerves…..and ignore the light burning sensation on my nipples before I opened my door and stepped out.


Step Sister Corruption Part 302 – Day 153 Summer’s Interview




I sat in the hot seat as the man across from me looked at some papers, which I assumed was my resume, while I tried desperately to not say anything stupid….or you know do anything stupid.

Like maybe ask for ice for my nipples so they can finally cool the fuck down.

At least the fire residing on my nipples and areoles had finally tapered off enough to where it felt like whatever ointment Dr Braxter put on my tits to start this milking process had finally been absorbed….I think. But they were still on fire.

Meanwhile the man who stood about six foot with his blonde hair short and combed over and fierce green eyes. His thick blonde beard traveled down past his jawline and near his chest. His shirt that had ‘F2F4F Xtreme’ embroidered on the left yeşilyurt escort chest that looked like it was painted on over his muscular frame.

The man….Barry Sommers.

He looked up at me, “It says here you’re currently in college. Is that correct?”

I nervously nodded, “That’s right sir.”

He spoke, “Studying what?”

I cleared my throat, “Originally I was planning on getting a degree in health science’s.”

He smiled, “Originally?”

I smiled after everything that has been going on with me, “Yeah I was thinking of switching from health science’s to sports communication.”

He smiled, “So you want to go from personal trainer to sports TV?”

I chuckled, “Something like that.”

He nodded, “And what’s your schedule like at the moment?”

I spoke, “I’m usually in class Monday thru Thursday’s 8am to 9pm.”

He nodded, “So you’re only available Friday through Sunday?”

I nodded, “That’s right.”

He nodded and continued, “And I see that you’re currently working for Pink’s Gym.”

I raised my eyebrow. Looks like he didn’t know.

Only question is should I be honest or lie.

I spoke, “Was.”

That made him raise his eyebrow, “Oh?”

I nodded.

He spoke in his timber deep voice, “When?”

I spoke, “Recently.”

He looked at me dead pan, “Let go? Or quit?”

I shrunk a little bit but answered him, “Let go.”

He mused for a moment before he spoke, “Why?”

I looked him, “Honestly?”

That made him smirk, “That would be appreciated.”

I sighed, “Apparently doing porn to inflate one’s bank account is a crime.”

That actually made the bulk of a person sitting across from me laugh for a moment before he regained his composure, “Well sorry to hear that Ms Prior.”

I quickly spoke, “I hope that doesn’t color my chances here in a negative light.”

He smiled, “Nonsense. I don’t care if you do porn or not. But I do appreciate the honesty.”


Barry looked down at his paper’s as he spoke, “Well Ms Prior I’m sure you’re well aware that I have a slew of positions that I need to fill.”

He looked up at me as I nodded.

He spoke, “And Justine speaks very highly of you. Enough to where she thinks that you can easily fill my manager position.”

I nodded and spoke, “Mr. Sommers, if it helps, before Justine left for her new position she trained me to take her position as manager.”

He looked at me and listened to what I told him before he spoke, “If she trained you to be manager but I assume you didn’t get it because you got fired.”

I sighed, “That’s because they chose someone else.”

I looked at him, “But I took all the training and passed all the tests.”

He spoke plainly, “As I’m sure the training and classes that Pink’s offers is top notch. Only problem is I don’t see any experience.”

Before I could start fighting for the position or you know sink into depression.

Barry smiled at me, “But here’s what I’ll do.”

I looked at him hopeful waiting to hear what he said next.

He spoke, “Before I tell you the position I think might be the right fit for I should tell you what we here at F2F4F offer.”

I looked at him weird, “You’re a gym. What’s so special about A gym? I mean people will come here get in shape and feel better. Right?”

He lightly chuckled but smiled, “In a sense you are right. We ARE a gym. But a unique gym.”

I looked at him confused not really understanding where he was going with all this but he spoke, “At this gym we will be providing unique opportunities to our client’s as well as actively getting contract’s that most normal gyms can’t offer their clientele. We can.”

He obviously chuckled at my clear confusion, “Let’s just say that once you work here you’ll understand the unique opportunities we’ll be providing our clientele. And I hope that once you see the opportunities we will be offering it won’t deter you from actively engaging in those opportunities.”

I looked at him confused as I wondered why the fuck he was wording himself so carefully.

I’m tried of people carefully wording shit as I barely caught it from McBitch. If I knew she wasn’t a bitch and me and her didn’t really get along I would have never seen the setup coming. But I did and was able to guard myself.

This time I was completely confused as to where he was going with this and I tried to actively calm myself down and not get irritated.


I don’t do word play. And the way he was making it sound like this ‘gym’ would be more than a gym.

How I had no clue?

Like were they going to offer massage’s or something like that?

No, most Pink’s Gyms do that and so do other gyms so that couldn’t be it.

Food service? Sigh no I think a couple of other Pink’s has a dedicated juice bar or something. And a couple of other usual gyms have a protein bar.

It can’t be classes as nearly EVERY gym offers some type of class.

So what was it?

He switched gears, “With that in mind I’m looking for a night assistant manager that I think you’ll be a perfect fit for while I continue filling positions and make sure everything works for six months. If you prove yourself during that six month’s AND pass a couple of classes that I’ll be sending you to. You do all that by that time frame I’ll give you a probationary shot at manager. If you do well then the position is yours.”

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