Sisterhood – Temptation Ch. 39


Ivy palmed the wooden doors aside and they swung inward. Katharina followed her into the jumble of steam beyond, sticking out her hip and her elbow to bump the doors away as they swung back at her.

The heat inside the sauna was intense and cloying. It prickled at Katharina’s skin with a subtle sting that was not quite painful but teased her with the anticipation of pain. She felt behind her against her ankles and her shoulders the air of the spa, now soothingly cool by comparison. Then that disappeared as she and Ivy walked forward and were wrapped in hot vapor. The hot damp in the air stung at Katharina’s nostrils as she breathed, but it was only when she and Ivy paused and she took a deeper breath that she felt the glowing heat fill her lungs with an invigorating burn.

“Hot,” Katharina whispered, “Feels good.”

She felt the first break of sweat trail down her spine and into the crevice of her buttocks, followed by another that snaked down the side of her face, between her breasts, then over her stomach and into the groove where her thigh met the mound at the base of her dick. She noticed that she was already hard again, and thought of what Vera had said, about how the heat of the spa was like a caress on her body. Here, the touch of the steam was even firmer. Katharina wondered whether if she thrust her hips into it it might almost feel like being stroked.

“Yeah, hot,” Ivy murmured in agreement. She giggled, “This is totally the least comfortable place to fuck. But I don’t know, somehow it’s still so much fun.”

Katharina took a step forward, her head thrust out, peering into the blanket of still vapor that hung in the air, “So, shall we-“

“Sh,” Ivy sprang to Katharina’s side, her quick movement throwing up a whirl of wet mist about their bodies. She clamped her hand quickly and firmly around Katharina’s outstretched dick, and raised her other hand. She lifted her index finger, “Listen.”

Katharina listened. She had been aware already of the blend of sounds echoing across the chamber towards her. There was the irregular drip of dampness, like in the pool chamber. And voices, more of them than in the pool, or perhaps just more distinct. Some sounded close, but there were no words, only little gasps, breaths, girls sighing in the heat.

Ivy jabbed her finger in the air again and squeezed Katharina in her hand. Katharina heard it then, and her dick pulsed thick against Ivy’s grip. It was a grunting sound. High-pitched, girlish. A sweet voice but colored by a hoarse exertion that shaded into aggression. The sound of a girl working very hard. There was a slapping too, a sound that Katharina recognized vividly as two sweat-covered bodies colliding repeatedly.

The source of the sounds seemed to be close, it cut over the subtler background murmur that came from all around and deeper inside the chamber. Katharina glanced to her side and saw Ivy’s excited face. She put her hand on Ivy’s wrist to pull Ivy’s grip gently free of her dick, then led Ivy forward, treading quietly.

After only a few steps, dark shapes loomed out of the grayness of the steam, outlined in the gentle light that diffused through the air from somewhere at the back of the room. After a couple of steps more the outlines of two bodies became clear, and Katharina stood still. One body was in vigorous motion, and was clearly the source of the desperate grunting that now rang out very loudly as they approached. Another body was visible only as a pair of hips and two long, thin legs sprawled across the top of one of the stone platforms that punctuated the space of the sauna. The grunting girl was sitting, or rather squatting, astride the other. She was facing away from where Katharina stood, and was bouncing her firm, plump backside down with force against the other girl’s body. The shrill grunts came at the nadir of each downward thrust, as the girl’s splayed thighs struck the slightly protruding bones of the other girl’s hips.

Holding still and standing now quite close, Katharina could even hear the wet slicking sound of the bouncing girl’s pussy rapidly sliding along the shaft of the other’s dick. The smooth, shiny wet ridges either side of the girl’s entrance slipped up and over the tip, clasping closed as she lifted her backside in the air, only to part again and swallow the other girl’s dick all the way to the base as she slammed herself back down.

Katharina looked again at Ivy. The excitement on Ivy’s face was spreading. Beneath a think blanket of steam, Katharina saw that Ivy’s dick had begun to rise. Katharina took hold of it, lightly, in her fingers, and stroked. “Hot,” she whispered.

Ivy’s body stiffened and a tiny gasp left her lips, almost lost against the screeching grunts of the girl in front of them. “Yeah,” Ivy said quietly, “I love a girl who groans.”

There was an abrupt lull in the movement of the girl’s hips, which drew Katharina’s attention. She watched the girl hold herself poised, the dick half in and half out of her pussy. etlik escort The girl arched her back and reared her head, cocking it to one side as if to listen. Katharina braced herself to be seen, but the girl did not turn. She only sighed a brief ‘huh’ before shoving her hips backward and down to impale herself again, then resumed her bouncing with vigor.

“Unh! Nnnyeah! Fuck!” the girl’s messy, grunted vocalizations solidified into words. Then she spoke, mumbling hoarsely through gritted teeth, each utterance jolting out of her as her body collided with the girl beneath her, “Fuck! Yeah! Mistress… is gonna… come! Fucking… come!”

Then, hearing the girl speak, and having caught a glimpse of her face as she had paused, Katharina recognized who it was. One of the ka’ini, a dark-skinned girl named Shireen. She stood out in Katharina’s memory as always being absolutely immaculately made-up, with dark eyeliner around her already thick eyelashes, her eyes bright white beneath a deep purple eyeshadow. And glossy lips, always neat, shiny lips, in varying colors, sometimes bold red, sometimes a thick, plain black.

Katharina did not recall having seen Shireen naked before. Her deep brown skin was streaked with glistening trails of sweat. Her backside and her hips were full, but firm. She was a little broad-bodied but athletic. And her long black hair, still glossy as if freshly washed, was strewn free across her shoulders, stuck to her body with sweat.

And then after recognizing Shireen, Katharina realized also who the girl beneath her must be, whom Shireen had just addressed as ‘mistress’. Katharina knew that Shireen was ka’ini to one of the three sisters. The long legs that Katharina could see dangling from the stone block beneath Shireen’s bouncing backside were a little too long, and perhaps also too skinny, to be Anna’s, and far too long to be Miriam’s. Lisa was the tallest and the oldest of the sisters. It had to be her.

Katharina found herself staring blankly at Lisa’s long dick being alternately disgorged and swallowed up as Shireen pounded herself up and down on it with increasing rapidity. Breaking her stare to look up, Katharina suddenly locked eyes with Shireen, whose head was turned, grinning at her. In the bright white of Shireen’s smile, Katharina noticed a subtle crooked twist to one of Shireen’s front teeth, a somehow endearing irregularity against her very pretty and immaculately painted red lips.

Shireen winked, then looked away, leaned her head back and shook her long black hair. She slowed her movements slightly, as if to take closer control of them as she slammed her rear end down several times, groaning and grunting, knocking the breath from her own body with the violence of each collision.

“Yes! Fuck! Mistress… is gonna… fucking… come! For her favorite… fucking… pussyyyyngh!”

There was a reply from out of sight beyond Shireen’s body. An agonized, whimpering moan. Lisa’s long legs twitched, the slender muscles of her thighs tensing against the stone block on which she lay. Shireen sat up a little and reached behind herself with one hand, then lifted her hips and pulled Lisa’s dick smoothly out of herself. It seemed to be already spurting as it came free, alternately thickening and slackening in Shireen’s grip as it flung a slick fountain of cum up onto the small of Shireen’s back and over her spread buttocks. Shireen sat down and slowly rocked her hips back and forth against Lisa’s, holding the shaft of Lisa’s dick pressed tight against the slit of her pussy and against her butthole, rubbing the underside with the palm of her hand as a series of steadily weaker, thinner jets of cum flowed up and over her fingers.

Shireen let go and leaned forward. She put her hands on the stone block in front of her, out of sight. Amid the murmur of deep breaths that sounded from the two bodies on the block, there was a moist smacking sound that Katharina guessed might be Lisa’s lips kissing or sucking on Shireen’s fingers.

“Best pussy,” Shireen whispered, a purr of laughter beneath her voice, “Always ready, always hungry.”

“Unh, Shireen, you-” Lisa’s voice was breathless, laughing feebly.

Lisa’s voice seemed to be cut off by a movement of Shireen’s arm. Then with a brief glance over her shoulder at Katharina and Ivy, Shireen stretched her legs out either side of Lisa’s body and slowly shuffled backwards until she could dismount from the block. She hopped down onto her feet, lifted each leg in turn to stretch it, then stepped back to stand between Lisa’s legs. She tossed her hair to one side and leaned forward to take Lisa’s slowly softening, twitching dick in her hand and bring it to her mouth. With a muffled sigh she sucked it in between her lips and began noisily slurping it clean.

Katharina realized that she was still holding on to Ivy’s dick, and that her grip had tightened in excitement while she had been watching Shireen at work. She slackened her fingers eyüp escort but kept hold, and glanced over at Ivy with a conspiratorial smile as she stroked her.

Ivy smirked, then nodded at Shireen’s backside. “Well, go on,” she whispered.

“Go on what?” Katharina whispered back.

“She obviously wants you to do her,” Ivy stared wide-eyed at where Shireen was now faintly swinging her hips from side to side as she sucked.

“Oh,” Katharina stared. Shireen’s legs were planted wide apart and she was bent at the waist. Her cum-splattered buttocks were spread and Katharina could see clearly the dark folds of her pussy, wet with moisture. “Right. Of course. I see. Maybe she does.”

“Yes,” Ivy nodded rapidly, raising her whisper in excitement, “Did you hear her? What an absolute fucking beast! She wants to bounce that butt against your dick like a-“

There was a slow slurp and then a pop as Shireen turned her head and spat Lisa’s dick free, shaking it in her hand, “I can hear you, you know.”

“Oh. Sorry,” Katharina giggled nervously.

On the block, Lisa, now visible, lifted her head. She groaned and propped herself up on her elbows. The pale skin of her face was flushed red at the cheeks and streaked with sweat. She looked down along her own body at Shireen, then seemed to notice Katharina and Ivy.

Lisa’s face was slender, even a little pinched. Her smile was serene, difficult to read, perhaps benevolent, or condescending. She closed her eyes in a slow blink and pulled some of her fine black hair away from her eyes, “Girls.”

“M-miss Lisa,” Ivy chuckled. Without taking her gaze off Lisa’s face, Ivy scrabbled between her legs to swat away Katharina’s hand.

Katharina quickly let go of Ivy’s dick and nodded at Lisa, “Miss Lisa. Hi.”

Lisa smiled back, “Shireen is very lovely, isn’t she?”

Shireen shook Lisa’s dick from side to side, slapping it against Lisa’s thighs. She wriggled her hips, shaking her rear end towards Katharina, “So, may I?”

“Expend some of that energy of yours on these two lucky girls?” Lisa asked.

Shireen bent to put her lips on the tip of Lisa’s dick. She kissed it, then nodded.

“Of course,” beneath Lisa’s drowsy eyes there was a subtle smirk on her lips, “If they have made it here to the North Wing then they have earned whatever is offered to them. Enjoy yourself Shireen.”

Shireen lifted her head and pursed her lips in a tight pout, “Best pussy?”

Lisa smiled but made no reply. She sat up straight and swiveled her hips to swing her legs off one side of the block, then hopped down. She staggered for a moment, her knees seeming to buckle under her, then straightened and coughed.

Katharina noticed how tall Lisa was as she stooped to kiss Shireen on the lips. It was difficult to judge from memory whether she was taller than her sister Anna, because of Anna’s habit of always wearing very tall heels. Lisa seemed at least more imposing than her sister, and also somehow calmer, serene, less full of energy and tension.

Lifting her fingers to Shireen’s chin to turn her head gently away, Lisa broke their kiss and pivoted on her feet, facing into the thick of steam ahead. She brushed the backs of her fingers against Shireen’s cheek then strode slowly away, calling out, “I will go and find my sisters. But I am yours Shireen whenever you want me.”

“Bye Miss Lisa,” Ivy waved. Then when Lisa’s figure had faded completely into the haze, Ivy turned to Shireen, “So you wanted her to call you ‘best pussy’, huh?”

“Shut up,” Shireen snorted.

“Ivy,” Katharina chided.

“S’okay,” Shireen planted her hands on the edge of the empty stone block and shoved her hips back towards Katharina, “It’s just a game. She calls me plenty, in private.”

“Well, she’s right about one thing,” Katharina reached out and put the palms of her hands on Shireen’s hips. She felt the cloy of sweat on Shireen’s skin as she stroked, “You are very lovely. You would definitely be my best pussy.”

Shireen looked over her shoulder at Katharina and giggled, “Aww. You’re sweet. Now fuck me.”

Katharina took her dick in her hand and bent it down to press it against the wet folds of Shireen’s pussy. She met the next backward thrust of Shireen’s hips with a gentle shove of her own and felt herself slide in with a brief, clinging friction before she was enveloped in heat.

“Yeah, we’ll call you whatever you like,” Ivy stepped up to the block and put her hand on Shireen’s face to stroke her cheek.

“Trying to redeem yourself, eh?” Shireen grunted. She patted the surface of the stone block in front of her head, “Come on. Get up here.”

“With pleasure,” Ivy scrambled eagerly up onto the block, hauling herself forward with her fingers gripping the edge. She crawled on her knees and turned to sit at the edge between Shireen’s hands, her legs dangling off.

“Okay now drop the sweet talk and fill my face,” Shireen pursed her lips and slid eyyubiye escort them over the end of Ivy’s dick. She shoved her head downward with sudden force until a slow choke gurgled out through her stopped throat, then she reared up and disgorged Ivy, drool trailing from the corners of her mouth. “You two make a cute couple. The sweet one and the mean one.”

“We’re not-” Ivy began, before her protest trailed off into a delirious groan as Shireen thrust her head forward once more and shook it from side to side, swallowing Ivy’s dick all the way to the base.

Feeling Shireen’s pussy clamp tight, Katharina dug her fingers a little deeper into the softness of Shireen’s hips to hold them both steady as she drew her dick out and then slid it slowly back in. Shireen’s wetness seemed to renew itself and Katharina felt her dick slide more smoothly home with her next thrust. Then she heard a very satisfying moist squelch as she quickened her movements, pushing her hips forward against Shireen’s squirming backside.

Shireen lifted her head and tossed her hair aside. “Yeah. Oh yeah,” she gasped, “Now, terms.”

“Terms?” said Ivy.

Shireen took hold of Ivy’s dick and held the tip against her lips as she spoke, “I do all the rough stuff. I like it. Hair-pulling, smacking, face fucking if you want.”

“Uh, ohh great,” Ivy moaned.

Katharina slid one hand up onto the small of Shireen’s back. She saw there the fine black hairs at the base of her spine, slicked against her dark skin by sweat. She traced her fingers up across Shireen’s back to between her shoulders and took hold of a bunch of Shireen’s long glossy hair. She twisted it around her fingers and tugged gently, testing.

“Mm, yeah,” Shireen’s pussy twitched and grasped at Katharina as she purred, “Yeah, like that.” Then she lifted her finger, pointing a neatly red-polished fingernail in the air, “But three conditions.”

“Okay,” Katharina let go and slid her hand up the back of Shireen’s neck, leaning forward to dig her fingers against Shireen’s scalp, massaging her.

Shireen hunched her shoulders and leaned her head back into Katharina’s grip, “Mm, nice. So, first, no marks on my beautiful body of course.”

“Very reasonable,” Katharina chuckled.

“Second, I will give as good as I get and I will get carried away. You have to stop me if you don’t want to be pounded.”

“I, uhhh… you can… you can pound me,” Ivy leaned back and groaned, her dick twitching against Shireen’s lips.

“Okay,” Katharina curled her fingers together to take Shireen’s hair in her fist again. She drew her hips back and then as she thrust forward she tugged again, a little harder than she had the first time, “And the third condition?”

“Uhh… I, yeah… harder…” Shireen mumbled, “What?”

Emboldened, Katharina yanked Shireen’s head back by her hair and leaned in to whisper, “What’s your third condition?”

“Ahh! Mm-hmm,” Shireen chuckled, “I was wrong, you’re the mean one, aren’t you?”

Katharina felt a hot shiver of excitement pass through her body and throb up the length of her dick, thickening it against the tight grasp of Shireen’s pussy. “Maybe,” she replied.

Shireen turned her head away from Ivy to crane it back and look Katharina in the eye. She held Ivy’s dick in her hand and began jerking it roughly as she spoke, “Well you can be as mean as you like, but you can’t come in me. That’s the third condition.”

“Uh-huh, only mistress gets to do that,” Ivy grunted.

“Maybe. As a special treat,” Shireen winked at Katharina, the white of her eye flashing bright against her dark skin and the deep purple of her eyeshadow. She turned back to Ivy and put her cheek against the underside of Ivy’s dick as she continued to pump it.

“Ohh fuck, yes,” Ivy’s hips twitched and she squirmed against the surface of the stone where she sat, “Fuck I bet that feels fucking amazing.”

“Oh,” Shireen suddenly ceased her jerking and lifted one finger away from the surface of Ivy’s dick, pointing up as if to punctuate, “I mean in my pussy of course. In or on any other part of me is totally fine. As a courtesy you can warn me when it’s about to happen, but you don’t have to. I know how it is with you girls, sometimes you just…”

“Unh, unggg, yeah oh it’s… I’m…” Ivy’s hands flew to Shireen’s head and buried themselves in her hair, gripping and scrabbling.

Katharina felt Ivy’s fingers against her own and watched as Ivy’s dick thrust upward, sliding against Shireen’s cheek as it gushed and twitched, flinging a sudden fountain of cum against Shireen’s face.

Shireen scrunched her eyes closed and quickly resumed pumping hard on Ivy’s dick, shaking it and slapping it against her cheek as it continued to spurt. “Hah,” she laughed, “Just like that.”

“Uhh, sorry but…” Ivy winced, breathing heavily, “Please, can you… your mouth again?”

A quiet grunt of laughter sounded in Shireen’s throat as she opened her mouth. Then she stuck out her neck to wriggle her head into place on Ivy’s still gushing dick. The sound of Shireen’s choking was stifled as her lips sealed around the base.

Katharina let go of Shireen’s hair as Ivy took a firm hold of Shireen’s head, holding it in place to thrust her hips up and drive herself against Shireen’s face.

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