Siblings Orgy Circle

Big Tits

I was standing in my sister’s bathtub, fully clothed, as she pulled the shower curtain closed. My dull life was starting to become interesting.

Most would agree that our family tends to be a little boring. My father is a claims adjuster for an insurance company. Mom has never worked outside the home.

Our parents were high school sweethearts, been married for thirty years, have never had affairs, never been drunk or gotten a traffic ticket. They still live in their first house next door to mom’s parents and about a block from dads’ parents in a small town. The major north south street is Main, and the major East West is of course Elm.

We have few family traditions. On the 4th of July we make homemade ice cream, we fry our Thanksgiving turkey and roast a goose for Christmas. We draw names for Christmas gifts, watch a Christmas Carol on Christmas eve and open presents on Christmas morning. We kids always voted for Christmas eve but to no avail. We watch the ball drop in Times square and eat black-eyed peas and cornbread on New Year’s Day.

All of us kids couldn’t wait to get away. After high school our older sister Pam worked for a year then her, I and my fraternal twin Rick matriculated to a small college. Our younger sister Carrie joined us the following year. We were on a pay as you go basis, so it took us more than 4 years to graduate. Carrie and Rick were on the gymnastics team. Other than that, we all just went to class and worked as many hours as we could. College life was not all that exciting. Rick and Carrie graduated with honors, Pam and I graduated.

Rick now sells real estate, Carrie is an associate professor at our alma mater, I’m an accountant. Pam is a bartender. Her business card reflects her B.B.A. but she annotates it as Best Barmaid Anywhere.

Even though we all live about an hour from each other we don’t get together often. We do stay somewhat connected using group chat. Three of us are divorced and Pam will be shortly. Like Johnny and June, we all married in a fever hotter that a pepper sprout, then the fire went out. Today we’re all meeting for lunch. Pam wants to update us on her divorce.

After quick hugs and air kisses over our masks, we sit down and order.

As the waitress walks away Pam starts, “Well it’s almost done. He and I finally agreed to split everything 50-50. It’s all signed, just needs to be recorded.”

Rick asks, “What about the house? Do you get it?”

“No. I can’t afford it so we’re selling. It’ll be on multi-list next week.”

“So, are you happy with that?”

“Yeah, I just want it to be over.”

Carrie asks, “Where will you live?”

Pam laughs, “As soon as it sells, I’ll be homeless. I’ve been looking at apartments. There is just not much available in my area and in my price range. But I’ll keep looking.”

Carrie says, “Why don’t you move in with me until you find something?”

Rick chimes in, “Hey, you’re welcome to stay with me, I’ve got plenty of room. And if you need a loan let me know.”

Pam, “Thanks guys but…”

I interrupt, “Sis, my casa is your casa anytime you want it, and I think it’s actually closer to your job than where you live now.”

“I appreciate the offers, but I’ve got some time, I’ll keep looking, maybe something will turn up.”

Pam loves table topics. Anytime we’re together she throws out a question to be discussed.

Today her question was,” What do you miss most abut married life? Rick you first.”

Rick quickly said with a grin, “The pain.”

We laughed.


“I guess the dream. I dreamed that we’d be together always. You know have a family, white picket fence. It just didn’t last very long.”


“That’s easy, the first few months. It was great before the passion wore off. What about you?”

Pam, “it’s not very dramatic but I miss being a homemaker. Stuff like, house cleaning, fixing dinner, doing laundry, I like it all except ironing and sewing. I still do those things but it’s different being by myself.”

She continued, “Here’s a fun one. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you pick?”

Lunch was good and we got caught up on what was going on in each of our lives.

We kept coming back to Pam’s topics. Sharing war stories about our marriages and having hypothetical conversations with various celebrities.

We talked and laughed for several hours and were getting ready to leave when Carrie said, “You know this has been fun, it’s great to see everyone. I think we need to do this more often.”

I said, “I agree, it’s been too long. Let’s pick a date and place now.”

Rick added, “Yeah let’s do that but instead of a restaurant let’s meet at one of our houses.”

Pam, “That’s a super idea, and that way we don’t have to worry about having to leave or wearing masks.”

Carrie, “Let’s do a sleepover so we can have drinks and not worry about driving home.”

Everyone was excited about the idea. We all talked at the same time. Someone said, “game night”, someone “movie night”, refahiye escort another threw out “potluck”. The ideas kept flowing.

Finally, I said, “Let’s just decide. I propose that we meet at my house next month, say the 2nd Saturday. I’ll stock up on food, snacks and drinks. I’ve got three bedrooms and a pullout. I’ll make sure there are clean sheets.”

Everyone agreed. The goodbye hugs and kisses were heartfelt.

A few days later my phone chimed. It was Pam.

“Hey sis, what’s up?”

“I just want to say I’m really wound up about all of us getting together, I can’t wait.”

“Me either, it’ll be a blast.”

“The real reason for my call is to tell you that we sold the house.”

“That’s good news, isn’t it?”

“In a way, but they want to close quickly. I haven’t found anything yet so is your offer still open? I clocked it and actually you are quite a bit closer to work. Can I bunk with you for a while? Pretty please.”

“Of course. And I’ll help you move.”

“Actually, all I’m moving is my clothes and personal items. I’m renting a pod and storing everything else until I get a place.”

A few weeks later it took us 2 trips in both cars to move her clothes and personal items. Fortunately, I had two empty closets. After helping her pack and move I knew that she was a size 2, wore a 34b bra, liked black panties, had more size 8 shoes than most shoe stores, a large collection of bikinis and a half dozen vibrators.

At first, having her in my house didn’t really change much for me. She worked nights, I worked days, so we just left notes for each other. Sunday was the only time we were together, and she slept most of the day. That all changed during the second week. Covid19 regulations shut down all restaurants. She was out of work.

I was surprised to see her when I got home the first evening. She was sitting on the couch wiping tears when I walked in.

I asked, “Hey what’s the matter? Are you OK?”

Then she told me. The restaurant had called her just as she was ready to leave.

I said, “Well that sucks. I’m sorry. Did they say how long they’d be closed?”

“They don’t know. I feel bad for the employees. A lot of them have families. I’m lucky that I have a place to live, thanks to you. Supposedly we can all qualify for unemployment. But I actually love what I do. It’ll be like breaking a good habit.”

“I’m sorry you have to go through this, but as they say, this too shall pass. Come on cheer up let’s have a drink.”

We moved to the deck. I opened a bottle of wine and threw a couple of steaks on the grill. Soon she was laughing and planning how to move on. She always liked to be in charge, so, I just listened.

She said, “Until I can find work, I’ll be your hausfrau. I’ll do the laundry, shop, cook and clean. This place could use a heavy cleaning.”

I said, “Wow, ok, ahh whatever turns you on. But you don’t have to do anything. We can share the work and just enjoy spending some time together.”

“No. I’m serious. I miss doing those things and I won’t feel like a freeloader.”

We enjoyed a couple glasses of wine with our steaks. After dinner she, said, “I’d like to watch a movie. I can’t remember the last time I was able to watch a movie in the evening.”

“That’s sounds good to me. You pick one while I clean up and make some popcorn.”

We were on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between us. We had both seen the movie, a rom com, several times so we were doing more chatting than watching. About halfway through the leading man proposed.

Pam asked, “Do you think you’ll ever get married again?”

“I doubt it. The pain hasn’t worn off. What about you?”

“I might. But it would have to be someone special.”

“What do you mean special. Special, how?”

“For starters, he’d have to be sober, educated, smart, kind, have a sense of humor, good conversationalist and nice looking. Actually, someone just like you.”

“I’m flattered.”

“Oh, and he’d have to be good in bed. Are you good in bed.”

Laughing I said, “I enjoy sex but I’ve never received any kind of rating.”

“Let’s find out. I’ll rate you.”

“Yeah, right. And what qualifies you as a sex rater? You’re funny.”

“I’m serious. I’ve had a good bit of experience. C’mon. Let’s mess around.”

She picked up the popcorn, stretched out with her legs on my lap.

“My life kinda sucks. I’m semi homeless, unemployed, haven’t had a date in months and I’m really horny.”

“I can identify with horny but we’re family. Have you forgotten we’re brother and sister?”

“So, we’re also a man and woman. Don’t you think I’m sexy enough?”

“Well, I think you’re pretty cute but we’re family. I love you and I respect you. As my sister.”

She wiggled her legs on my lap.

“Ok let’s try this. Do you like my legs?”

“Yeah, they’re very nice but…”

She rubbed her foot on my cheek.

“You want to touch them?”

I just smiled.

“So let me ask you this. If I weren’t your sister reyhanlı escort and we had just met, would I turn you on?”

“Pam, I’m sorry but I just keep seeing you as my sister.”

She dropped her leg back to my lap and appeared to focus on the movie.

Shortly she said, “I think you need to be desensitized. You are conditioned to think of me as a sister. I need to desensitize you so that you will see me as a woman.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“We’ll see. I’ve got some ideas.”

We watched the rest of the movie in silence.

As the credits were rolling, she stood up and said, “I’m heading to bed. Can you at least give me a hug?”

I hugged her, chuckled and said, “I do love you. I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you.”

“I love you too. What would you like for breakfast, I’m cooking?”

I had a little trouble falling asleep as I replayed the evenings conversation. Next morning, I showered and dressed for work. The smell of bacon frying greeted me when I stepped out of my room. In the kitchen I stopped and stared. Pam was standing at the cooktop in a very brief negligee.

She turned and smiled, “Good morning. Breakfast is almost ready. Sit down and I’ll get your coffee.”

She bent over a little farther than necessary as she handed me my cup. I could see everything from her neck to her belly button. And everything looked nice. I tilted the cup and spilled half my coffee. She grabbed a towel and began wiping the table. Her cute boobs jiggled as she wiped.

She took my cup, refilled it and returned.

I reached for it, but she said, “I think it’s better if I place it on the table. My boobs might be distracting. You want to touch them?”

They were distracting. I tried to focus on the coffee and breathing.

She plated breakfast and placed them on the table. Again, giving me an enticing view.

We chatted as we ate as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

I had a busy day at the office, but it was hard for me to concentrate. I left a little early.

As I entered the house, “I yelled, hey, I’m home.”

“I’m in the kitchen.”

Indeed, she was. She was standing on a little step stool in the pantry. The counter was piled high with cans and boxes. She was wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut out. Looking from the side I could see part of a boob through the opening. But what really caught my eye was her butt cheeks. The shirt covered about half of her buns. I couldn’t breathe so I quickly sat at the bar.

She said, “I’m redoing your pantry. It needed deep cleaning and purging. I threw out stuff that was expired. Some of them had dates from a couple of years ago. Don’t you ever check dates?”

She stepped down and opened the refrigerator. Bent to pick up the wine bottle baring even more butt. Poured a glass of wine and brought it to me.

As she sat it down, “Looks like you could use this. Hard day?”

I stuttered, “Sort of.”

She walked back to the pantry and resumed replacing the cans and boxes. Watching her butt cheeks flex as she walked away was fascinating to say the least. I sipped the wine and stared at her bare legs and butt. I focused on that little crease just under each cheek. I had just taken a sip when she reached up to the top shelf causing the shirt to ride up and a boob to peek out. I choked.

Looking over her shoulder she asked. “You OK?”

I nodded.

The feeling in my groin was not a brotherly feeling. I was a little ashamed. But I am only human.

She moved up a step and said, “C’mere and give me a hand. Hand me the stuff on the counter.”

Standing that close to her bare butt, my hands shook. I handed her a few cans then dropped a couple.

She giggled and asked, “Are you looking at my butt? Do you want to touch em?”

I didn’t respond, just handed her the last items and hurriedly moved back to the bar.

She stepped back and shut the pantry door, “Well that’s done, thanks for your help.”

She opened the oven, bent over. My heart stopped.

She poked at something inside and said, “That’s almost ready.”

My voice shaking, I asked, “What are you cooking?”

“It’s dinner for you and your date.”

“My date?”

“Yeah, didn’t I tell you I arranged a blind date for you.”

“No. You didn’t say anything about that. Who is it? Is it someone you worked with?”

“It’s not the brunette with the big boobs, if that’s what you’re hoping. It’s a surprise she’ll be here soon so you need to change clothes and get ready.”

“Ready for what? What should I wear?”

“Something casual, something you’d wear on a first date.”

“This is crazy, who is it and where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise, just get cleaned up and you’ll find out.”

I showered and dressed. When I came out of my room, I didn’t hear anything, so I walked around. The dining room was set up for two, linen tablecloth, silverware, china, crystal stemware and lit candles. Soft music playing in the background. To say the least my curiosity was peaked. I heard rize escort steps behind me. I turned and there was Pam. Wearing a short, sleeveless black dress, low neckline, and side slit up to her thigh, with stiletto heels. Oh, and she was wearing a small black mask with sequins outlining the eye holes.

I was staring as she said, “Hi, I’m Desiree, your date for the evening. Please be seated. She began opening a bottle of champagne, I’ll also be your server.”

I started to say something, but she placed a finger on my lips and said, “This is a special evening. Let’s not talk, just enjoy the moment.”

All I remember about the food, several courses of it, was, that it was all beautifully plated. I suppose I ate but don’t remember. What I remember is how beautiful she was. And God forgive me how desirable she was.

I think we were on the second bottle of champagne when she turned up the music and asked, “May I have this dance?”

I held her close as we slowly swayed with the music.

After the second tune started, she said, “It’s really hot in here.”

She reached behind her and pulled the zipper. Slowly she slid the dress down and stepped out of it. She was wearing sheer black bra and bikini panties. She moved closer and held her arms out to resume our dance.

I attempted to say something but again she put her finger to my lips. I’m not sure what we did would be called dancing. It was more like just rhythmic rubbing together. When the song ended, she took my hand and led me to her bathroom. She slid the shower curtain open and motioned for me to step in.

I mimed “Like this?”

She again motioned for me to step in.

I was fully clothed as she pulled the curtain closed.

Softly she said, “Do you see my finger?”

I looked down and her finger was wiggling inside a hole she had obviously cut in the curtain.

“Do you know what this is?”

I didn’t know what to say.

I couldn’t think so I asked, “What.”

“It’s a glory hole.”

“I want you to unzip your pants and stick your man tool through the hole.”

It took me a while, but I took a deep breath, and did exactly that.

She said, “Good job, and nice one too.”

I felt her hand enwrap my dick. There were several strokes before I felt a moist tongue then a warm mouth. She sucked and licked it a little bit then slid the curtain back.

She was standing bare assed naked on the other side. Naked except for the mask.

She motioned for me to step out. She wrapped her hand around my dick and led me to her room.

Outside the door she paused and asked, “Would you like to carry me across the threshold?”

I picked her up and carried her through the doorway. Inside she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled down my pants. I sat on the bed as she removed my shoes and socks and pulled my pants and underwear off.

She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

“I propose we mess around. Are you interested?”

I murmured, “Uh huh.”

Her hands formed a heart around her pussy.

Smiling she said, “It’s freshly shaved. Do you want to touch it?”

I ran a shaky finger lightly down her slit.

She responded, “Good. Thank God, finally. Do you want to mess around with Desiree or Pam?”

I laid back and pulled her on top of me, “Sis, just sit on my face.”

She pulled off the mask before sitting on my face. After a bit she spun around, and we licked and sucked each other until we both came.

Afterwards, with her lying on top of me playing tongue tag, she said, “I’m giving you an a+ rating for pussy eating, we’ll try something else later when you’re ready, but I can have multiple orgasms. If you’re interested just keep licking and sucking my clit?”

“How many can you have?”

“The most I’ve enjoyed is 4 or 5 in a short time. They usually kind of mellow out but the last one can be a doozy sometimes.”

I moved down, she wrapped those luscious legs around my head, and I went to work. She was creamy and tasted so good. it didn’t take long for her second spasm to start.

She put her hand over her crotch and said, “Give me a minute.”

Soon she said. “Ok do it.”

The next one was a little less intense. When she was again ready, I concentrated on rapidly flicking her clit. It took a while but she started to tense up then began shaking, then started flailing around. I couldn’t maintain contact.

She shouted, “Oh my god, god stop.”

I laid there watching her pussy quiver for a while them moved up and held her as she began relaxing.

“Well, that was a doozy.”

I said, “That was amazing and so much fun. I never knew women could have multiple orgasms. Do you know your pussy quivers after an orgasm?”

She replied, “That’s not all that quivers. I only orgasm with my clit. But I enjoy a nice dick in me too. Are you up for it?

Laughing she said, “Up for it, get it?”

I’m not sure her pussy was still quivering when I entered her but whatever it felt great. I took my time, enjoyed each stroke. She pulled my head to her and we kissed and tongued each other until I came.

I laid beside her playing with her tits, neither of us saying anything until she rolled on top of me.

We kissed then she said, “So are you sufficiently desensitized, or will I have to go through my little charade every time I want to have sex?”

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