You come to visit me in my classroom after school. My door is open, so you come right in and make your way over to my desk. I am finishing up some grading so I don’t notice it’s you until I feel you put your arms around me. We kiss. It’s sexy and sweet, but quick. You rub my shoulders while I finish, and when I get up to put things away, you sit down on the desk and cross your legs. When I sit back down I notice you’re wearing a skirt, and your legs look, as always, incredibly sexy. I still have a few things to do, but your legs are distracting me. You kick off etimesgut escort your shoes and your foot finds its way into my lap. You’re being very subtle, which is turning me on more than you can imagine. You spread your legs at one point and I get a quick glimpse of your pink panties. Your toes graze my crotch and you can feel how hard I am. I start rubbing your leg. I am working my way up your shin, past your knee, and before I can get to your thigh, you jump up and excuse yourself to the restroom. While you’re gone I eryaman escort adjust myself so it isn’t too obvious how hard you have made me. When you come back I ask you to sit on my lap, but you refuse. You sit back on the desk, and as I try to get back to rubbing your thighs, you stop me and slowly tease my cock with your feet again. I am ready to explode and you slowly spread your legs again, but only briefly, and I don’t get to see this time. I am rubbing your legs, but you keep them together just to drive me nuts. I am trying sincan escort to finish my work so we can leave, but just as I am about to shut down my computer, you get up, drop something in my lap, and walk toward the door. Just as I notice what you dropped into my lap, I hear the door close and you lock it. In my lap is your panties, and before you make it back to my desk, I stand up and undo my belt. I am unbuttoning my pants when you get back to the desk, but you have other plans. You slide up your skirt, sit on the edge of my desk, and lean back. You grab my face and kiss me deeply. It is intense and delicious, and I grab your face back in return. It goes on for what seems like forever, and when it finally finishes, you keep your hands on my face and push me down towards your pussy. One lick and I can tell you are soaked and already close.