Sadie Sage Unleashed 02


Hey, it’s Sadie Sage again and I’m here to proudly announce or sadly announce, that my stepping out plans went pretty well during the first half of the summer. But that was with my nerd friends and my popular people friends. Things were going to be a little different over the 4th of July weekend. My original plan was to spend a few hours at Joey’s party until I got wind of all the possible guests that would be in attendance.

The nerds accept me and the cool kids tolerate me, but the word was that Joey’s jock friends would be attending the party and no one had any kind words to say about how the jocks would probably treat me, you know, as a cross dresser. But I knew that non acceptance would be in my life, so I didn’t cancel my plans.

LOL, I changed my plans for sure, but I did not cancel. The first thing I changed was when I would go. I felt that it would be best if I went early and leave well before sundown. I also changed my outfit. I dumped my pleated skirt and leggings idea for black Denim shorts and an extra small jersey. However, because I was still in my reveal stage, I spent time figuring out my chest area. Which is why I elected to wear a jersey and by that, I mean I still had some work to do.

What worked for me was my look. What didn’t work for me was my plan to arrive and leave early. What worked for almost everyone else was day drinking and hoops. I didn’t mind having to fend off two of the jocks who also showed up early, but beer consumption didn’t help. And nope, they didn’t care for me or at least for my lifestyle choice, but they managed to keep their displeasure to facial expressions and glaring eyes. And believe me, glaring stares are just the everyday normal for a boy who role plays a girl. So, all in all, it was business as usual and I even gave them both a little credit because they had a chance to trip me once as I walked past them with my trash bag in hand and they didn’t.

Still, it wasn’t the best situation to be in because things always get worse as more beer is consumed, so I prepared to pack it up and call it a day. As I was making my good bye rounds to the friends who already accepted me as Sadie Sage, I received a pleasant surprise.

As I was letting my friend Andy know that I would be leaving soon, he said that he would leave within an hour and come over to keep me company. That was actually pretty sweet of him, so I asked him to stop into the “Stop & Rob” convenience store and pick up a box of beer, you know, for him and I mentioned that I would call in some food snacks for us. I’ve warned about being alone with Andy because he has blood pressure issues because he walks around with a boner 16 hours a day, but he seemed sincere, so I reluctantly agreed to his offer of company.

After that, I went straight to Marci and Connie and asked them both to keep checking in with me all night long, just to make sure I was able to respond to text messages. LOL, that’s when I knew that I would have other visitors because Connie’s eyes lit up when she heard me say that I was preparing to leave. Connie (cool girl) had been using my spare bedroom to have her secret love affair with my friend Ben (nerd) for a couple of weeks and I could see the wheels in her head turning when she learned that I would be going home. I knew she was planning to have her own private firework show. All of which was fine, but keeping their secret was killing me, which I kept because Connie had really learned how I like my coffee in the mornings. Oh, and Marci? LOL, as I mentioned several times in the first chapter, she another story all together.

I hadn’t planned to say much of a good bye to Todd, who you might remember declined my offer to share a Pizza dinner with me, alone in my home, a few weeks ago. Even though I was so over it (Oh, no I wasn’t), I pulled it together enough to bid him erenköy escort a farewell for the evening. And what I mean by that is that I didn’t see him standing there and I ran smack into him, so I had to say something, right?

“Oh, sorry, oh, hey Todd, I didn’t see you standing there. Listen, it’s nice to see you again, but I was just removing my apron because I’m leaving for home. Just let me slip behind you and so I can put my trash bag down. And oh, by the way, Andy will be keeping me company tonight and he’s bringing a box of beer. Blue and white, I believe. And don’t get a big head. I’m not leaving because you’re here and your presence reminds me of the way you rejected me. I’m leaving because those two jocks over there who are very good at holding up the wall having been making me feel uncomfortable.”

“It’s good to see you, Sadie. Listen, I warned you about being alone with your twerp friend Andy, so be careful. And don’t let Conner and Kurt get to you. They’re just a couple of jock jerks who both have image issues to deal with. Believe me, if you were the towel boy in the locker room, well, things would be a lot different. Hey, you have bumps tonight! Cool.”

“I’ll be fine home alone with Andy and I have a feeling that I won’t be alone for long. One of your popular female friends has been secretly sleeping with one of my nerd friends and my spare bedroom has been a safe haven for them. They offered to pay rent because they do it so often. I’m just happy that the two groups can come together and share body fluids.”

“Seriously? OMG, Marci? Is it Marci? Have you been to peek or set up a camera? Spill baby.”

“LOL, no, Marci is true and loyal. But no more guesses. I’m sworn to secrecy. But Ben has surprised me and Connie really knows how to make a fine cup of coffee in the mornings. Her favorite color of undies is black and she is matched on the top and the bottom. But I can’t talk about it. Call me as soon as you get over your hang ups, Todd.”

And Todd hasn’t changed a bit. He still doesn’t want to take me out, but he still wants me to hold the trash bag in such a manner that it hides how he says good bye to my butt. Which was another normal in my life, but I threw a curve ball back at him. Since Connie taught me how to properly use a sideways cheek kiss so it wasn’t a full kiss (gay), I leaned up and slipped one on Todd as I said good bye. And all that means my sideways cheek kisses are world famous now and if you don’t believe me, just check my Chang homepage tomorrow and read all about it. World famous I tell you.

There were just two more things to do before I left and they both involved the jocks. One, they weren’t going to get off that easy and two, my shorts fit me really well and they were going to get a good look at them. I mean, if they want to glare at me, then they should something to glare at, right? And it’s OK if you folks make a mental note that I didn’t mention anything about letting them glare or stare at my chest area because still I haven’t figured that out completely just yet. And I think the little yellow post-it note that I stuck on my jersey with an arrow drawn on it was hard to interpret. Well, except for Andy who interpreted the post-it as an invitation, but that’s another story all together.

Anyways, because I was leaving and because I’m as sweet as sugar, I thought I would extend an olive branch to the two boneheads. When I couldn’t find an olive branch, I grabbed them two red plastic cups of beer and made my way to the wall they were holding up.

“Here you go guys, two fresh red cups. I’m clocking out and leaving for home, so I thought I would make it clear to both of you that I’m not a bad person. Oh, and I also thought that I would remind you that I’ve never done anything to either ergani escort of you and to remind you that I look so much better in a jersey than either of you. And by the way, I’m not leaving because the two of you are jerks. I’m leaving because I’m hosting a blow out party that includes a blue and white box of beer. There will be four people at my party and two of them will be naked. Now, what do you have to say to me in terms of an apology? And I won’t judge either of you if you both close your eyes and think of me as the locker room towel boy as you apologize for treating me so poorly. I also won’t judge you for pausing as I had you a towel, just like neither of you will judge me for being topless in the locker room. Sadie, by the way. Sadie Sage.”

“Piss off. And if you’re on your way out, the Ladies Room is on the other side of the house. Studs like us use the half bathroom in the laundry room. Now beat it while we watch Julia give body shots.”

“Alright, so Conner, you’re beyond hope, but you still want me to hand you a towel, fine. Kurt? Do you feel the same way?”

“Look, we’re just buzzed and having a little fun. Um, you look great and I hope you had a good time for the hour that you were here.”


“Ah, um, I like the shade of your lip gloss. Now go, use the Ladies Room and have a good time hosting your party of four.”

“And a box of beer, don’t forget the box of beer. Ripe Red Raspberry. And I have enough struggles in my life without more snide comments from you guys. I brought you both a fresh beer, so???”

“OMFG, piss off queer, but thanks.”

“Damn it Conner, now I have to piss! Sadie, carry on and enjoy the holiday weekend. Damn it Conner.”

That may or may not have been a truce, but it was pretty close. I mean, Conner could have knee capped me, but he didn’t and I heard him use the word “thanks”, so I took that as a good sign and a success. I also figured out that Conner was the bigger jerk and Kurt was the lesser jerk, but he followed and supported his friend.

So, at least I knew what I was dealing with. The problem was how I chose to deal with it before I left Joey’s party. My method of choice was to get stupid. I mean, I didn’t remember taking a red pill and I controlled my ice tea bottle all night so I don’t think anyone spiked it, but somehow, I got stupid. And by the way, stupid and weird are the same and inter-changeable from here on out.

I watched Kurt staggering towards the rear of the house, which meant he was going to use the “studs only” bathroom. Stupid or weird, I quietly followed him until he entered the bathroom and closed the door. Weird or stupid, I walked right into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Like I said, weird and stupid are inter-changeable here.

“Excuse me, it’s occupied. I was here first. Hey, do you mind? OMFG, it’s you! Sadie? WTF?”

“Hi Kurt. Yes, it’s me. Don’t mind me, I just wanted to freshen up my lip gloss before I left. What shade am I wearing, Kurt?”

“OMG, ah, Raspberry Red. Look, can’t that wait for a minute? I’m a little busy over here.”

“Ripe Red Raspberry. And you can do whatever you need to do, you know, over there. I mean, I’m over here, you know, leaning into the mirror. It’s all good Kurt. You need the bowl and I need the mirror, so everyone’s happy, right?”

“Ugh, this is weird and I can’t, you know, go with you, well, while you’re doing that.”

“LOL, just relax and think of a sports game. Oh, and then think about me handing you a towel in the locker room after the big game. By the way, some would call that “milking it” and no one would call that, you know, going.”

“Hey, bathroom etiquette! Eyes up. Look Sadie, what do you want? I’m about to bust.”

“Well, I was going to wait to see which organ won the battle. ergene escort Are my lips shiny?”

“Huh? What? Battle? Yeah, they shine. Now, I really need to go.”

“LOL, I was wondering which organ was going to bust first. Your full bladder or your full balls, but I’ll leave you now because unlike you and conner, I’m nice. Oh, are locker room towels better if they are warmed up? Maybe even hot?”

“Hah, funny, I mean, true about the battle, but funny. Can I have my privacy now, please?”

“No problem. But before I go, I was wondering if you would be willing to walk me safely to my SUV. I know the sun is still up, but it’s never safe for a girl, real or roleplaying, to walk alone down the sidewalk. So, can I have an escort, please?”

“OMFG, fine, yes! Geez, wait for me outside on the front porch!”

“I’ll be there. By the way, that’s still called “milking it”, stud. Don’t be long.”

What a perfect time to lean over and plant my absolutely, world famous sideways cheek kisses on him! LOL, why I chose to whisper the words “towel boy” in his ear while I was leaning into him was beyond me, but he heard it, loud and clear.

LOL and yeah, then it was time to get the hell out there and I mean I almost trotted through the house to the front porch. And of course, there was Conner, looking for his bully beer drinking jock buddy.

“Hey, hey, sissy Sadie. Where’s Kurt? Have you seen him faggot?”

“And here I thought you would be nicer to me when I put my number in your phone. By the way, make folders in your phone’s photos app and make fake names for the folders.”

(Arms crossed, eyes squinted).

“Ugh, OMFG, I’m sorry. Look, it’s hard to leave my bullying days behind me sometimes. Oh, holy stop looking at me like that snap, Miss Sadie, Queer Supreme Sadie, have you seen my good friend Kurt?”

“He’s finishing his milk and then he is going to safely walk me to my SUV. Oh, and he said that you both like your locker room towels slightly warmed.”

“Damn it, girl, I mean Sadie, not so loud! I have a rep.”

“Hah, you have a boner and I have a portable basketball hoop set up. But I’ll hush it for now. Kurt’s coming, so go hide around the corner of the house and call me soon, Conner.”

Oh, I had him, but I didn’t have any time left and Kurt was exiting the house, so Conner the Bully would have to wait for now. I mean, I had a party to host and a jock escort to get me to my SUV. And like the gentleman that he is when Conner’s not around, he walked me to my SUV. And because he was such a gentleman, he didn’t squeeze much when he slipped his hand in the back pocket of my Denim shorts.

“Thanks for seeing me safely to my ride Kurt. And don’t get excited if you happen to see a Sadie Sage post on Chang where she claims to have been drunk and out of control and barged in on a stud in the bathroom. No one will know who it was, but you will come out on the high side. Call me.”

“Alright Sadie, have fun hosting the impromptu party of all parties, you know, all four of you.”

“OMG, and all the beer. You keep forgetting the box of beer and the big box at that!”

“LOL, I’ll be sure to tune into TV3 in morning to watch the raid details.”

“Hah, funny. And???”

“Ripe Red Raspberry.”

I took off for home because things were getting a little too friendly on the sidewalk and the sun was still up and Joey’s neighbors were milling about and they didn’t need to see all that. I also made a beeline for home to release the pressure of the Denim that was trying it’s best to stop me from ever having children. LOL, that’s when I decided that a Denim skirt would be in my future because I like the way I wear Denim, but getting turned on while wearing it was dangerous, to say the least. Oh, and then I praised my previous decisions to purchase several loungewear suits! The freedom they offer is the best.

I knew that Andy, Ben and Connie would be right behind me, so I called in the food order, made room in the refrigerator for a box of beer and quickly researched on the web about how one would go about warming up a couple of towels.

End Sadie Sage unleashed 02

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