Sabrina vs Moon (Sexfight)



Sabrina had been so looking forward to this unsanctioned sex-fight with Moon for almost a month now. The anticipation had been building up ever since she first saw Moon in a sex-fight almost 9 months ago, since that moment Sabrina knew that one day she would be riding that perfect face into submission. Moon had won the fight that night, but to Sabrina it seemed that it could have gone either way. So she just considered Moon more lucky than skilled. That just made her want the girl even more, as she felt that not only would she be able to beat her, she could actually dominate her. And thoughts like that got her pussy all wet and bothered. So, as it is with dreams sometimes, this one seemed destined not to happen.

If not for a chance meeting, isn’t is always a chance meeting, this fantasy would still be living only in the dream realm. Sabrina had overheard two of the other wrestlers talking about Moon and that she sometimes did unsanctioned matches. She almost knocked her chair over trying to listen in, without looking like she was really all that interested. She did pick up enough info to get a rough plan together in her head, Sabrina would ‘bump’ into Moon at the one of the shops near the gym and try to strike up a conversation with her. Even though they were both wrestlers, their paths never seemed to cross and Moon pretty much just kept to herself when not involved in a match. But Sabrina had watched many of Moon’s matches and thought that she knew all of the girls moves and how to easily counter them. She couldn’t wait to see the look in Moon’s eyes when her head was trapped between Sabrina’s thighs searching desperately for a way out before her mouth became the new throne. “This is going to be so much fun,” Sabrina thought while perfecting her plans.

Moon was wondering for the umpteenth time, “When is Sabrina going to get off of her ass and get this show on the road?” She always caught those furtive looks, and those Lara Travesti sideways glances and could feel the heat emanating from the girls body whenever they were in the same area, but Moon was letting Sabrina think that she was taking the lead in this little game, and not the other way around. As much as she could tell that Sabrina was hot for her, Moon lusted after Sabrina with a passion. The problem was that the girl was moving glacially slow, so Moon had to send two of her friends to have a ‘chat’ that Sabrina would have been deaf to not overhear. Once that was done, she was hoping that she would not have to wait much longer.

Later at the local market…..

“Hi, you’re Moon, from the gym right?,” Sabrina asked as she casually bumped into Moon in the produce aisle. She couldn’t help but notice the skin tight dress that Moon wore, it was not too revealing, but it definitely did not leave a lot of room for guessing either.

“Yes, that’s me,” Moon said with a smile meant to suck the poor girl right in. “And you are?” she asked with a slight questioning tilt to her head. It took a good deal of her will power to not grab the back of her head right there and twist their tongues into sexy little knots, but she managed to stay focused. Somehow..

“I’m Sabrina, I wrestle at the same gym. I’m surprised that we have’nt run into each other before. I have been there for almost a year now, and I’m pretty sure I have seen you there. Do you wrestle also?” she asked with the subtleness of a jackhammer. Sabrina had to admit to herself that she was not very good at this kind of subterfuge. She would rather get straight to the point, but she didn’t want to take any chances at all of scaring this one away. Much later, she would be able to reveal her true intent, once she had thoroughly shown Moon who was going to be the boss.

“You know I wrestle, don’t you?” Moon replied with an innocent coy smile. “I’m pretty sure Lara Travesti that I have seen you watching.” She had to remind herself that she was not the aggressor here, she was supposed to be playing hard to get. “Or was that Amy I’m thinking of?” She stammered as she tried to cover her forwardness with a little awkwardness.

Sabrina was slightly taken aback to know that Moon had even noticed her at all, let alone seeing her at any of her matches. She was not sure what to make of this, except to think that maybe this could work out in her favor somehow. “I think I have seen a match or two of yours, you are something else in the ring,” she gushed like a little school girl, hoping to seem starstruck. What she was instead was on the prowl for a new challenge, and Moon was firmly in her sights.

Moon smiled at this and tried her best to blush, not that it would show up on her velvety brown skin. She really needed to practice that blushing thing more in the mirror, she just couldn’t seem to get it quite right. “It’s just a hobby for now,” she lied. “But I could always use more practice though,” Moon said, leaving an opening the size of the Grand Canyon for Sabrina to take the advantage. If the girl missed this, then there was no hope for her, Moon would have to just hit her over the head with a club and go cave man style.

“Hey, I have an idea,” Sabrina beamed. “How would you like to do a practice session with me?” She said with about an equal measure of hope and doubt in her voice. She hoped that she didn’t come off as too eager for this to happen, Sabrina definitely wanted to make sure that she caught Moon with her guard down.

“That sounds like a great idea,” Moon blurted out before Sabrina could change her mind. “We should set something up soon, how about this weekend when the gym closes?” She ventured hopefully. “I have a set of keys that we can use to get in.” She could feel the wetness between her thighs Travesti Lara increasing as the thought of having Sabrina to herself tried to crowd the other thoughts out of her mind

“Uhhh, I guess so,” Sabrina said trying her best to sound unsure about that prospect, when that is exactly what she was hoping for. “Are you sure it will be OK for us to be in there?” She asked, putting the ball back in Moon’s court. “Don’t they have a rule about unsanctioned matches?”

“There are, lets call them exceptions,” Moon said in a conspiratorial tone. “I am friends with the manager and she lets me do ‘practice’ sessions, so that I can get better,” she explained. “And for situations just like this,” she said to herself with a wry smile at Sabrina.

“Well..,” Sabrina said slightly hesitating with an answer that might seem too quick.

“But if you don’t want to, then I..” Moon had started to say, before Sabrina jumped in.

“No, I do want to, I think it would be good practice for both of us,” she added in before Moon had a chance to finish that thought. She didn’t want to end this before it even got a chance to start. “Soooo….., I think this weekend will be perfect,” Sabrina trilled, trying her best to not let her excitement show.

“Perfect, I will meet you there at 10:00 Saturday night, we will have the place all to ourselves,” Moon finished. Not adding that she would have Sabrina all to herself, which was the whole point, or at least that’s what she thought.

For some reason, waiting for Saturday evening to get here was like waiting for Christmas morning so that you could open your presents. Time seemed to just be going in slow motion, three hours had passed Saturday morning, but when she looked at the clock for some reason it was only 15 minutes later. She might actually be insane by the time 10:00 got here at this point.

Moon had made all of the preparations, and made sure to make the gym off limits after 9:00 P.M. on Saturday, she didn’t want any chance of an unwelcome interruption on the nights activities.

“Tonight your ass is mine!” Thought Moon and Sabrina at the same time, almost like they were linked.


see fighter pics in my art gallery

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