

After flying for over 10 hours, i finally arrived at San Francisco International Airport. I decided to stop by the lounge to eat something and take a shower before going to Sophie’s house. Sophie and i have been best friends since kindergarten, and we kept in contact even after i moved to London when we were in 9th grade, but now i was moving back to the States after getting into Stanford.

I took a cab, but unfortunately, the traffic was really bad. The driver informed me that the drive, which usually takes around 30 minutes, would now be at least an hour. So I put on my earbuds and stared through the window. The city was just the way I remembered it; the only thing that had changed was my reflection. My hair was still the usual burning red shade; now I had learned how to style it properly, so it fell in beautiful waves over my shoulders. My green eyes were no longer covered by thick glasses due to my short-sightedness, and now I knew how to do my makeup, so I’ve had a bit of a glow-up since I left. But in my head, I kinda looked the same, just a bit more tidy.

After being stuck in traffic for hours, I finally arrived at Sophie’s house. The house looked as fancy as the last time I had seen it. I knocked on the door and waited until the door busted open, and Sophie threw herself into my arms, almost making us fall on the floor.

“Emmy, you’re here! You’re finally here!” she said as she squeezed me in a tight hug and bawled her eyes out; she always was a crybaby.

“Hey, it’s good to see you again!” I said as I reciprocated the hug and spun us a little.

Sophie invited me in and helped me set up in the guest room since I was going to be staying at her house until it was time for me to move to the dorms. After that, she got us some snacks, and we went to sit on the couch to chat.

“When are your parents coming back?” I asked.

“Next week, probably on Friday, so for a while, it will be just the three of us.”

“The three of us?” I was very confused; last time I checked, it was just going to be me and Sophie until her parents came back.

“Allison is staying here too.”

“WHAT? Why didn’t you tell me your sister was staying here too?” I said, starting to feel a little desperate.

“I’m sorry, Emily. I didn’t know until she arrived last night; looks like her apartment is having infiltration problems, and she’ll stay here until it’s fixed. I sent you a text about it, but you didn’t see it.”

I checked my phone, and there really was one unread text from Sophie. Fuck. It’s not like I don’t like Allison. She’s just hard to deal with–always with a stone-cold face and harsh answers. Also, I had a huge crush on her since 5th grade, so that made it all worse. But I’m over her… I think.

Speaking of the devil, Allison entered the living room, apparently coming back from a jog. Her perfect black hair was put up in a ponytail. She was wearing leggings and a sports bra, which allowed me to see that she had abs now–not too much, just a little. She turned her beautiful hazel eyes to me and raised a perfect eyebrow.

“Who’s this?” she asked Sophie but didn’t take her eyes away from me.

“It’s Emily, you dummy. Emily Johnson,” Sophie answered, scoffing a little.

I could notice that Allison’s eyes widened just a little. She kept staring at me for a bit, and I felt my cheeks growing hotter due to her attention. Then, she just shrugged with a little “hm” sound and went up the stairs.

“Sorry about her, Emmy. Looks like Ally is still a rude bitch even after all these years!” She said that last bit loudly, to make sure Allison heard it.

“It’s okay.” I gave her a reassuring smile. “She’s just as I remembered.”

That made Sophie laugh a little, and then we went back to our chat. We talked for hours since we had a lot of catching up to do. She told me about her major in college and why she wanted it, about her long-term boyfriend, Jamie, and just gossip in general. I also talked a bit about why I picked biology as my major, but I didn’t have any news on the dating scene.

“No boyfriends?” Sophie asked.


“What about girlfriends?” She raised an eyebrow, just like her sister; looks like it’s a family thing.

“Not either. Just some hookups here and there, but since I was studying to get into Stanford, they were scarce, you know.”

“Oh my god, we need to get you laid!” she said, and we both laughed. But I knew it was true; I haven’t had sex in over 8 months.

After all the talk, we went to her room, watched some movies, and made plans to hang out. It was 9:00 PM when I went to the guest room to take a bath and sleep; I was exhausted from the trip. But after getting dressed, I noticed my throat was terribly dry, so I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

I was in the middle of chugging my second glass of water when I heard a voice behind me.

“So you’re back, Red,” I turned to see Allison leaning into Maltepe travesti the kitchen arc, staring at me.

She was wearing pajama shorts that barely went to her thighs, showing her perfectly toned legs, and a loose T-shirt with a random band name on it. I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra, which made me quickly avert my gaze to the floor. She noticed and giggled at me.

Allison started approaching me, slowly swaying her hips, and put her hands on either side of me, leaning into the counter and trapping me between her arms. I gathered enough courage and stared her straight in the eyes, she had a sly smile on her face.

“No one told me you were coming back.” She said.

“Maybe because you don’t care,” I said, rolling my eyes at her.

“Baby, don’t say that.” Her voice was almost a whisper. “You know I care, always did and always will.”

She raised her hand and brushed my hair away from my neck, planting a soft, lingering kiss there. That sent a shiver all the way down my spine and right into my sex. I gasped a little, as Allison put her hands on my hips and slithered her leg between my thighs, pulling me.

“You’re still mad I didn’t recognize you at first glance?” she asked, and I tried glaring at her, but I don’t think I succeeded.

The feeling of her thigh pressing against my pussy was starting to make it hard to think, I could tell I was getting wetter by the second. I could feel my cheeks burning hot, and my head was starting to get fuzzy.

“Of course not. I don’t care,” I lied, because, yes, I was mad and absolutely cared. And she knew.

“It’s not my fault, Red,” she said with a fake pout. “Last time I saw you, you were just cute, but now you’re hot as hell.”

Then she pressed more into me, and I accidentally let a little moan escape through my lips. I could feel myself involuntary grinding against her thigh, and it felt heavenly. I raised my hands and grabbed her shoulders. She started sucking and nibbling at my neck, and pushed me harder against herself, moving following my rhythm. I thought it wasn’t possible to cum without being touched directly, but then I could feel my orgasm approching. I heard my moans getting louder, until I froze and shivered as I came on her thigh.

She held me until I came down, and then she let me go and took a step back. Her thigh was smeared all over with my juices, she looked at me with that side smile of hers, and again raised her eyebrow.

“Usually I would make you lick this,” she pointed at her thigh. “But, since it’s your first day, I’m going to take it easy on you.”

Allison turned to leave, but when she reached the arch that led out of the kitchen, she looked at me over her shoulder. I was still panting.

“Good night, Red. It’s nice having you again.” She said with a playful smile and left.

I wanted to scream, and I don’t exactly know why–anger, excitement, or confusion. I felt a mess of feelings piling up in my head. It was always like that with Allison; she always liked to play around with me, act like she doesn’t care one second, and on the other, go after me like an apex predator.

In the end, I just went back to the guest room. I had to take another shower because of what had happened and laid down on the bed. I had trouble sleeping and tossed and turned a lot, thinking about the events in the kitchen. Allison always provoked me, but this was the first time something actually happened. I had no idea how I was going to act around her tomorrow, or if she was going to try something else, and deep down I wanted her to.


The next morning I woke up still feeling tired, but I didn’t want to stay in bed any longer so I took a shower, brushed my teeth and went down the stairs to have breakfast. Sophie and Allison were already at the table, both eating cereal.

“Good morning, Emmy!” Sophie greeted me happily “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, like a baby” I lied.

I took a quick glance at Allison, but she just gave me a knowing look and winked. She looked so smug it made me want to kis… I mean kill her.

“I’m so sorry I have to go to Jamie’s house today,” Sophie said. “I wish I could stay here with you, but it’s his grandma’s 90th birthday, and she just loves me, so I can’t miss it, you know.”

“It’s okay, Soph. We’re going to hang out tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, but I feel bad leaving you alone when you just got here,” she said sadly.

“She won’t be alone,” finally Allison spoke. “I’ll be with her.”

I felt my cheeks flush, and Sophie made a big scoffing sound.

“Being home alone and being home with you are exactly the same thing,” Sophie accusingly said to her sister.

We had breakfast, and as soon as we finished cleaning the table, I heard a honk outside.

“That must be Jamie,” Sophie said and grabbed her bag to head out. “I promise I’m going to be back by 6 PM, okay?”

“Okay. Have fun!” She gave me a Maltepe travestileri hug and waved to Allison before heading out.

As soon as I heard the car leave, I felt a shiver down my spine. Allison and I were home alone, and would be for almost the whole day. I turned and gave her a look of suspicion. And she just laughed at me.

“What are you staring at me like that for?” She said playfully.

“You know that very well.” I said trying to sound angry.

“Well, don’t worry. Because, if you want something today, you’ll have to come and get it.” She said provokingly.

I didn’t know how to answer that, so I just opened my mouth and closed it again. I felt my cheeks on fire for the millionth time since I arrived in the States.

“You know,” Allison said, looking me straight in the eyes. “Your hair isn’t the only reason I call you Red; it’s also because you always blush too much too easily.”

“Fuck you!” I said feeling even more flustered.

And then she just turned and went up the stairs, laughing at me. That girl was driving me insane. I decided to go back to my room and try to calm myself down.

When I got there, I pushed the armchair that was in the room so it was right in front of the window. There I had a view of the neighbors’ houses and part of the park, so I started sketching absentmindedly, focusing on random things like a tree or the neighbors’ decorated window. Sketching always helped me calm down; it’s how I regulate my feelings.

I didn’t notice when I fell asleep in the armchair, but suddenly, I felt someone slightly shaking me awake. When I fluttered my eyes open, still dazed with sleepiness, I saw Allison kneeling by the side of the chair. And the only thing I could possibly notice was how she looked absolutely gorgeous bathed in the sunlight that entered through the window. Her skin looked like it was glowing. Her hazel eyes looked like a mix of millions of colours. And her black hair looked smooth and shiny. She smelled like flowers.

I remembered what she had said to me this morning, that if I wanted something I would have to come and get it. So why not, I thought to myself. I’m already fucked anyway.

“What do you want for lun…” I raised my hands to her cheeks and kissed her, stopping her mid-sentence.

Her eyes widened, as I pressed my tongue against her lips. Begging her to let me enter. She then closed them and parted her lips, allowing me in. She tasted sweet, and I just couldn’t get enough of her mouth. Allison also explored my mouth with her tongue, and everywhere she touched felt like it was on fire. Our kiss was passionate and desperate. And we just parted when we were both out of breath.

“Whoa,” she said panting. “You really are a naughty one.”

“I want you so badly, Allison.” I said feeling myself lose control. “I missed you so much.”

She paused and looked down a little. When she turned her eyes back to me, I could see them burning with intensity.

“I missed you too,” she said, and from the tone of her voice and the gleam in her eyes, I knew she wasn’t lying.

I attached my lips to hers again, and felt Allison lift me out of the armchair and delicately lay me in the bed. I could feel the whole length of her body pressing against me. Her nipples were rubbing my own and our legs were intertwined. We both pressed into each other’s centers. I moaned in her mouth and reveled in each little sound I got out of her.

“I want to make you feel good,” I told her when our kiss parted. “Just like how you did to me yesterday.”

“Okay then.” She said with a big smile.

Allison turned, laid on the bed and started to strip. I also took this opportunity to take off my clothes since they had started to suffocate me. Soon, neither of us had anything on. This time, I was the one who lay on top of her. I started kissing a line from her neck all the way down to her breasts. Her nipples were beautifully pink and perky, with small areolas around them. I kissed them both delicately, then I wrapped my mouth around the right nipple, licking and sucking. Allison’s moans grew a bit louder. I felt her hand on the back of my head, pressing me harder.

“Red,” she said taking in a sharp breath. “That feels so good.”

I switched my mouth to her left nipple, and rolled her right nipple between my thumb and forefinger. That made her gasp, and I could feel her trying harder to press her pussy against me.

I knew I could make her cum just like that. But I wanted to taste her, I was dying to feel her sex against my mouth. So I reluctantly left her nipples, and kissed my way down to her pubic mound. When I reached there, I parted her thighs and settled myself between them. Her pussy was beautiful, pink and flushed. She was extremely wet, I could see her clit peeking through it’s hood and her entrance twitching in anticipation.

I planted a wet, lingering kiss on her left thigh. Then travesti Maltepe on the right one. And finally kissed her center. She moaned loudly when she felt my lips against her pussy, and pulled my hair hard, making me moan too.

“Yes,” she said, panting. “Lick me, Red.” And i complied.

I licked her whole slit, starting at her entrance and stopping in her clit. I did this a couple times, before attaching my mouth to her clit, licking and sucking slightly. I lifted my hand and inserted two fingers in her pussy, finding her G-spot and stimulating it.

Allison was moaning my name, almost incoherently. She was shaking and pulling me hard against herself. It didn’t take long for her whole body to stiffen, as her orgasm hit her hard. She gasped for air, it took a bit of time for her to let go of my hair. I sat on the bed and waited as she came down and caught her breath. Once she did, she looked at me with shiny eyes and a sly look that meant trouble.

She sat up, and pulled me into a kiss, tasting herself on my mouth, and licking all of her juices. Once she was done, she looked me straight in the eyes, her hand still pulling my hair.

“You made me cum so good, Red,” she said in a husky voice. “You’ve been such a good girl, and good girls deserve a reward right?”

My head was all fuzzy, the way she was talking to me made me feel things I’ve never felt with anyone before. I just noded, but that didn’t satisfy Allison.

“Answer me, Red. Tell me how much you want it.” She said pulling harder on my hair and getting closer to my face.

“Please, Allison,” I said begging. “I’ve been a good girl, so please… give me my reward.”

She smiled and gave me a light peck on the lips before leaving the room. I stayed on the bed, feeling a mix of extreme lust and confusion due to Allison’s sudden absence. However, she quickly returned, and I immediately noticed what she went to fetch.

Between her legs, rested a pink strap-on cock, at least 6 inches. I gaped at the sight, and I felt my pussy clench just thinking about what was coming next. She smiled and slowly walked towards me.

“Do you want it?” She said, lightly caressing my face.

I leaned into her hand, and without hesitating, I answered.

“Yes, please Ally. I want your dick inside me now.” I said panting heavily.

“Get on all fours.”

I quickly complied, raising my ass into the air to give her better acess. I could feel Allison caressing my butt cheeks, and suddenly she squeezed them tightly, making me whimper. Grabbing my hips, she started to rub the strap-on cock on my wet pussy, I noticed she was making an effort to provoke me. Lightly rubbing my clit and pushing the tip against my entrance, but not entering me yet. I was so horny I didn’t know what to do with myself, except beg her for relief.

“Please, Allison,” I felt like I was in the verge of tears. “I can’t take anymore teasing, please fuck me.”

I heard a groan of satisfaction coming from her, she cleary liked the way i begged. And then she rewarded me, shoving the entire cock deep into my dripping pussy. I think I came just from her entering me. And then she started thrusting in and out of me, making me moan incoherently.

“Red, you’re so tight,” Allison panted. “Do you like my dick?”

“Yeees, I love it! It feels so good! Keep fucking me Ally, please.”

The feeling of her cock slipping in and out made me feel like I was in a never-ending orgasm, everywhere in my body turned into an erogenous zone. Wherever her fingers touched sent an unexplainable jolt of pleasure through my whole body. I could feel the biggest orgasm of my life coming.

“Ally I-I… I’m going…”

“Cum for me, Red” She said, her voice was dripping with desire. That sent me over the edge.

Whe I came, it was unlike any orgasm i had ever had before. My mind went blank and I could feel my whole body going rigid, for a brief moment I thought I was dying. But then i went limp on the bed, gasping for air. Completly dazed.

I didn’t even feel Allison slipping out of me. When I noticed myself, she was already without the strap-on and helping me to lie properly on the bed. She held me tightly, giving me light kisses and caressing my hair. After a while she finally talked.

“You okay, Emily?” she asked, giving me a caring look.

I joked, “Who’s Emily?” laughing a little at the fact that it was her first time calling me by my actual name.

“Stop that, you dummy.” She said, even though she also laughed. “I’m serious.”

“I’m more than okay,” I said, looking at her lovingly. “I’m happy… and also satisfied.”

She smiled brightly and gave me more kisses. I felt like I was in heaven.

“So, are we like… something now?” I asked hesitantly.

“Not yet,” she said, scaring me a little. “I still have to ask you out, with, you know, flowers and balloons.”

That made me smile. She brushed a strand of hair that was covering my face and raised my chin, giving me a more passionate kiss.

“But you’re already mine if that’s what you meant.”

“So romantic,” I said, rolling my eyes at her.

But hearing her say that I’m hers made me feel at ease. Enough that soon we both fell asleep in a tight hug.

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