Naked Tag


Author’s Note: Submitted for the 2020 Nude Day contest. Enjoy, and please consider voting (assuming you don’t live in the future). It’s for a good-ish cause!


Jade woke up to someone booping her nose. That someone was her roommate, Naomi. Naomi was naked.

“You’re ‘it’,” Naomi said gleefully as soon as Jade had fluttered her eyes open.

Jade groaned. “You kidding me? It’s so early.”

“Game’s started. You know that. Not my fault you’re still sleeping.”

“Your fault you got tagged though.”

Naomi shrugged and brushed back her platinum blonde hair. “Kinda, I guess. Forgot it was today. And that it was gonna start on our floor. But, you know, lots of easy targets right now.”

“So you pick me?”

“You were the very easiest.”

Jade rolled her eyes, but smiled at the lazy logic of it. She swung her feet out of bed. “Alright, I’ve only got my top and panties. What do you want?”

“Hm… give me the cami.”

“Bottomless, huh?”

“I’ll probably get tagged again anyway.”

“Probably,” Jade agreed. “It’s early yet.”

Jade slipped easily out of her two articles of clothing. She handed her camisole to Naomi and left her panties on the floor.

“Gotta hit the bathroom naked now,” Jade grumbled. “Thanks for that.”

“Just gotta tag someone.”

“Uh huh. They might be more alert than I am, though.”

Naomi snorted. “You know better than that. Half of ’em won’t have remembered any better than I did, and half’ll still be asleep. Anyone else won’t be moving quick yet anyway.”

“I think your math’s suspect, but sure.”

Jade padded out of her room and down the hall to the bathroom. It wasn’t busy, and there were only girls on the floor anyway. Mostly ones she knew. There was a thrill to making the walk naked, and a small nervousness, but it really wasn’t any big thing. Not yet.

Which was probably just as well. Jade wasn’t properly awake yet. She needed to get her brain running before she could deal with the day to come.

There actually was someone already in the bathroom when Jade opened the door. Gwen, an eighteen year old freshman, was at the sinks brushing her teeth, appearing to be just out of the shower.

Jade grinned. She didn’t know Gwen all that well, but she suspected it might be fun to see what the shy, red-haired girl would do with being tagged. There was a very good chance it’d be her first game of naked tag, and she so far seemed totally oblivious to Jade sneaking up on her.

“You’re ‘it’,” Jade declared, poking Gwen in the shoulder.

Gwen frowned in confusion, spat toothpaste into the sink, then looked at Jade’s prodding finger before running up and down Jade’s whole naked body.

“Um… what?”

“Tag,” Jade said, poking her again.

“I don’t… what?”

Jade stepped back, folding her arms as she leaned against the edge of the sinks’ counter. Gwen was a little taller than her, which felt a bit weird, but she also had a bit of a sweet innocence to her that left no doubt Jade was the older and more experienced girl here.

“Has no one told you about naked tag?”

“… naked tag?”

“That’s a no then, I take it.”

Gwen was blushing now, having correctly guessed she was in the dark about something fairly relevant. Her eyes kept flicking to Jade’s nude body, which Jade didn’t mind. It was bound to happen, her not wearing any clothes and all. Gwen would hardly be the only one looking as the day went on.

And, really, Gwen was so adorable about it that Jade couldn’t possibly have taken offense even under other circumstances.

Naomi walked in before Jade could start explaining things, still wearing only the camisole she’d stolen. Gwen’s eyes darted over to the new bottomless girl, and she only flushed pinker.

“What’s up?” Naomi asked. “You tag Gwen?”

“Yep,” Jade said. “But no one told her about today, seems like.”

“Oh. Whoops.”


“Best get into now, then. It’s still early.”

“Loads of time yet,” Jade said with a nod.

“What are you talking about?” Gwen asked.

“Well… naked tag, right?” Jade began. “You know tag, obviously. Everyone does.”

“It’s like that, but whoever’s ‘it’ has to be naked,” Naomi said.

“Right. So Naomi got me already,” Jade said, gesturing down at herself.

“And then she got you,” Naomi added, pointing at Gwen. “Now you gotta take off your clothes.”

Gwen squeaked in embarrassment. “I do?”

“Yep. Rules are rules. Jade gets to keep them all except one thing. Her choice. Hence me not getting her panties.”

“It’s a surprisingly dangerous time, early in the morning,” Jade said. “Lots of us are only wearing, like, two things anyway.”

Gwen glanced down at herself and her cami and pyjama bottoms. “I only am,” she said quietly.

“Right,” Jade agreed. “And that’s actually kinda smart usually. Lotta people somehow think wearing lots of clothes is clever somehow. But you always lose everything when you’re tagged anyway, so all you’re doing is making yourself more of a target for someone who wants to get sinop escort dressed again.”

“Two things is actually ideal, in some ways,” Naomi said. “Makes it less likely someone’ll go for you. Another thing people think is clever is only wearing a sundress or something.”

“But if someone’s feeling spiteful, they might tag you anyway and deal with getting nothing out of it,” Jade said. “All that means is then there’s two people ‘it’.”

“How… how do you know who’s it?” Gwen asked.

Jade and Naomi grinned at each other. “Anyone who’s naked is ‘it’,” Jade said.

“Oh. Right.”

“Later in the day, there can be lots of people.”

“Right now, it’s just you,” Naomi said. “Only you haven’t taken anything off yet.”

Gwen hugged her arms around herself. “Do I have to?”

“Well… no. Technically. You could simply refuse,” Jade said.

“But you’d be a party pooper,” Naomi said.

“A spoilsport.”

“A stick in the mud.”

“And etcetera.”

“Oh.” Gwen struggled internally with the decision. “Is it just this in the dorm?”

“Nope. Everywhere,” Jade said. “Except not in class, ’cause teachers’ll get pissy.”

“Still gotta wear whatever you have on when you go in,” Naomi said. “However little that may be. But no tagging.”

“Right. And elevators and stairs and such are safe as well. Just for safety and whatever.”

“Dining hall’s usually safe territory too. Just gets messy otherwise.”

“Shoes and stuff aren’t counted. Don’t want anyone hurting themselves stepping on things.”

“Any girl wearing something is fair game. Students only, obviously.”

“Boys play their own game. Last year they were lame, but I’ve been assured they’re stepping it up this time.”

“They couldn’t handle us making fun of how few of them lost their clothes last time.”

Gwen’s eyes were still wide and disbelieving. “I can’t go outside… naked!”

“Well you’d best tag someone then,” Jade said. “Half the girls on the floor are still asleep. It’s easy pickings right now. Plus no tagbacks when you do get someone. That might go without saying.”

“Good to clarify,” Naomi said. “There was that kerfuffle last year.”


Gwen was still weighing her options. “So if I just get someone now, then don’t get tagged again….”

“You’d be all set,” Jade finished for her. “And we’d all know you’re alright.”

“It can be very helpful socially,” Naomi agreed.

“You wanna hang with the cools kids, don’t you?”

Naomi rolled her eyes. “The cool kids don’t call themselves the cool kids, Jade.”

Jade grinned. “Can if I want.”

Gwen took a deep breath and started pulling off her top. “I can do this.”

“For sure you can,” Jade said.

She and Naomi both had their attention firmly on Gwen as she slowly, nervously stripped. Gwen only noticed how they were staring when she started to pull her bottoms down.

“Don’t look.”

“Dude, you’re gonna be naked,” Naomi said.

“Plus it’s just us,” Jade said. “I mean… I’m already naked.”

“True. I guess.”

Gwen still didn’t seem totally happy about being watched, but she was a good sport about it and obeyed the rules. Jade took her pyjama pants and stepped into them. They were a little long, but manageable.

Naomi had already wisely backed up and appeared ready to flee if Gwen went for her, but she only had a cami on anyway, and Gwen didn’t really seem interested in getting zero clothes back for her efforts.

Gwen looked at herself in the mirror, then back to Jade and Naomi. Her arms kept twitching like she wanted to cover herself with them, and she couldn’t quite decide between being a shy naked girl, or trying to pull off a more casual pose like Jade had been doing while she was the naked one.

It probably helped some that both Jade and Naomi were only half covered now. Jade’s tits and whole upper body were out, and Naomi’s pussy and legs were clearly visible with only a top on.

“So now I just… find someone to tag?” Gwen asked.

“That’s about the size of it, yeah,” Jade said.

“And then if I don’t get tagged again, I can just be dressed all day?”

“Sure can,” Naomi said, eyes glinting.

She knew as well as Jade that it wasn’t really as easy as it sounded. Especially when there started to be multiple taggers running around. Plus, sometimes girls who desperately wanted not to be ‘it’ sent the kind of signals that only made others want to focus harder on them.

Before Gwen could muster the courage to run out and find someone to steal clothes from, the door opened again and Diana walked in. Diana was yawning as she walked in, clearly even less awake than the rest of them were.

Jade and Naomi both grinned and stepped back.

Gwen was pouncing before she even seemed to realize what she was doing. “Tag,” she declared with a sort of vicious joy.

Diana stopped short, stared up and down at the gleeful redhead who’d just poked her, then grinned. “Ha, ok, you got me.” She looked back and forth from Jade to Naomi. “You guys help her set up an ambush tokat escort for me or something?”

“Not hardly,” Jade said. “She was about to go hunting if you hadn’t just walked in.”

“Oof. Well, fair’s fair.”

Diana shrugged her way out of a loose t-shirt, sleep shorts, and panties.

There’d been a comical fear on Gwen’s face for a moment as she worried that she might have to choose between covering her top or bottom, but she seemed happy enough getting to put on shorts and a shirt. Even if the shorts would have been quite small and tight on her for wearing most days.

Given her recent nudity and fear of sharing it, Gwen was delighted with what she got.

“So you said I can still put sneakers on, right?” Gwen said, looking happier and braver now that she wasn’t naked in front of everyone.

“Yep. Footwear’s exempt from the game,” Jade confirmed. “And, like, a backpack or something to carry your stuff, if you want. Good luck.”

Gwen nodded, smiling shyly. “Thanks.”

She squealed in surprise as Jade smacked her butt on the way out, but Jade only grinned winsomely and fluttered her fingers in farewell.

“Well that was kinda fun,” Naomi said. “A naked tag virgin.”

“And so cute about it too,” Jade said. “The shy ones can be the best, sometimes.”


Diana cleared her throat. Both Jade and Naomi turned to her, each belatedly realizing they should have fled already.

“Tag,” Diana said sweetly, touching Jade’s shoulder. “Aaand since I’m still ‘it’, also tag,” she added, touching Naomi as well.

Both girls groaned.

“Dammit, Di,” Jade said.

“Not cool,” Naomi concurred.

“S’what you get. Ambushing me like that.”

“Told you it wasn’t,” Naomi grumbled, tossing her/Jade’s cami aside and putting her hands on her bare hips. “But would you listen? Nooo. Well great. Now we’re all ‘it’.”

“Sure are,” Diana said. “I’m off to find a good target.”

“I’ll come with,” Naomi said, abandoning her foul mood as quickly as it had come. “You in?” she asked Jade.

“Nah,” Jade said. “It’s gonna get too hectic. I’ll just get someone at breakfast or something.”

“Suit yourself.”

Shrieks, giggles, and the pounding of running feet became something of a backdrop to the morning. Jade went about beginning her day without worrying about it. If someone gave her an easy chance, she’d probably go for it. Otherwise it just wasn’t worth the effort right now. Too crowded and chaotic.

It was more of an actual game later on. Once they got out and onto the campus. Where there was room to actually run and chase.

For now, Jade amused herself at everyone else frantically scampering about in various stages of dress; from fully clothed, to nightwear, to completely naked. All sorts of variation.

Jade took a shower, luxuriating in not having to worry about someone waiting to pounce on her when she left. Her hand strayed to her pussy as the warm water ran down her body. She tingled faintly at the knowledge that she’d soon be naked in front of more people. Not just Naomi or Diana, or even little Gwen.

Jade’s lips quirked. ‘Little’ Gwen who was taller than she was. But such an innocent. Jade almost felt bad about tagging her, but she had to learn sometime. Better now than later. It had been kind of fun getting her naked too.

Despite her thoughts, her musings about some of the other girls, and her own temporarily enforced nudity, Jade wasn’t really in the mood for playing with herself just yet. There hadn’t been anything quite enough of a thrill for that.

That was ok. The day was just starting.

Jade couldn’t wrap herself in her towel after drying off, of course. She had to patter nakedly back to her room, towel dangling loosely in her hand. A girl on her way to the bathroom squeaked and darted back the other way, but Jade only made a false lunge at her before proceeding at her normal pace, a faint smile on her lips.

Honestly, being ‘it’ was more fun most of the time. Nerve-wracking and humiliating sometimes, sure, but Jade was sufficiently used to it that it was more fun and lightly embarrassing than full on anxiety-inducing.

In fact, Jade was kind of looking forward to it. At least two other girls were ‘it’ already, and probably more than that. She didn’t need to try and keep the game going. Others could do that. She could just enjoy all the fun parts of getting/having to be naked.

Getting dressed was a breeze. Jade just put her dark hair up in a ponytail, threw on some socks and sneakers, slung her laptop bag over her shoulder, and was ready to go.

Jade hummed to herself as she made her way down the stairs to ground floor. She made some more girls skitter away from her as she casually proceeded, and did her level best not to give away how much fun she was having with her brief superpower.

Rather unexpectedly, Gwen was hanging about the front door peering out anxiously. The nervousness itself was easily explained in that Gwen seemed to have lost her clothes again already.

“Naked again, are we?” Jade asked cheerfully.

Gwen yozgat escort started, then flushed lightly and shrugged. “I was doing so well,” she mumbled. “Thought I could just escape while everyone was running around up there. Then… someone got me just before I could leave. Now I don’t know what to do.”

“Come with me,” Jade said, extending her hand to the shy, naked girl. “I’m headed out too.”

“But… but there’s people out there!” Gwen lowered her eyes. “Boys out there.”

“Sure are. And that’s awkward sometimes. But you know there’s gonna be boys coming through here any minute now too, right?”

Gwen appeared not to have considered the occupants of other floors. Clearly she hadn’t been at the front door long enough for anyone else to walk by.

“What do I do?” Gwen pleaded.

“Walk with me,” Jade repeated, hand still extended. “Better than going alone, isn’t it?”

“Yes. But….”

Jade ignored whatever protest Gwen was about to make. She snatched her hand and started walking. Gwen just had to keep up.

Jade understood. It wasn’t like she thought Gwen was being silly at all. It was tough walking around other people and showing off absolutely everything. Especially if you’d never done it before.

Even Jade, seasoned veteran that she was, felt delightful nervous tingles as they strode out into the warm, sunny, morning air. It wasn’t busy out yet, but there were some people around. Some girls, some boys. She and Gwen immediately began attracting attention from everyone.

Small, tentative thrills ran through Jade as she imagined where they’d be looking. They had lots of options. Two naked girls walking together, nothing to hide themselves with except for their bags.

It was a bit of a gray area, honestly, whether Jade could swing her satchel around to cover her pussy if she wanted to. Or her ass. She left it at her hip anyway.

Gwen’s backpack, if anything, was probably drawing more attention to her rather than hiding anything. Sure it covered her butt somewhat from certain angles, but it also made her look….

“You know you’ve got a sexy schoolgirl thing going on right now,” Jade said. “Is that on purpose?”

Gwen, wrapped up in trying not to make eye contact with anyone, startled at being spoken to. “What?”

“You know. Your shoes. Your backpack. And your pigtails.”

Gwen reached for her hair and the twin pigtails she’d french braided in. “What about them? Are they bad? I’ve been wearing them like this sometimes. I didn’t–“

“Not bad. Not at all. Just, I didn’t realize, but honestly you’ve got a cute look going.”

“No I don’t.”

“You do. The more I look now, that’s all I can see. And that blush isn’t helping.”

“Well I can’t help that, can I?”

“No, I know. I’m just saying.”

Gwen looked back wistfully at their receding dorm. “Maybe I should just give up on today. Go back to sleep.”

“No way! You’ve made it this far. Plus you’ll get clothes again pretty soon. It’ll be fine.”

“How? Everyone can see us coming. No one’s getting close.” Gwen looked around and flushed darker. “‘Cept those boys.” She squirmed. “I can’t deal with this. They’re gonna look.”

“They already are,” Jade said, squeezing Gwen’s hand. She could feel eyes on her just as Gwen could, and it was getting her excited. “Just don’t worry about anyone. If you start acting all shy, you just get more attention.”

That was kind of unfair, Jade knew. Gwen couldn’t help being shy. And she did it so adorably too.

But she honestly was handling herself pretty well. Jade had seen many girls do as Gwen had considered and just gone back to their rooms to wait it out. Or curled themselves up into a shy ball. Or refused to play entirely.

Gwen was blushing and looking down at her feet as they walked, but wasn’t awkwardly trying to cover her breasts or pussy, or curl herself up, or hide behind Jade or anything. Her hand squeezed tighter around Jade’s as she heard the pair of boys catch up to them, then walk past, but that was about it.

“Morning,” one of the guys called cheerfully as they went by.

Jade nodded and allowed a small smile back. “Morning.”

Gwen’s grip remained firm even after the boys were past, and only gradually slackened.

“Not so bad, was it?” Jade said.

“I mean… no. They just kinda kept walking.”


“But… we’re naked.”


“Did they even look?”

Jade snickered. “Oh, Gwen. Yes they looked. Probably the whole time they were catching up. But it’d be quite a faux pas to just, like, leer at us for as long as possible.”

“It would?”

“Yeah. It’s a day for fun. Not for being a creep.”

“Oh.” Gwen considered. “I don’t think I really understand the game all that well.”

“That’s ok. You’ll get the hang of it.”

More voices got louder from behind them. A guy and a girl this time. Jade peeked back at them and noted that the boy had no shirt on. It was hard to say if he’d already been playing tag, or whether he was just passing on a shirt today because he could get away with it. He definitely looked good enough with no shirt on that it might be deliberate.

“Just keep walking,” Jade murmured. “Don’t look back. There’s a girl coming. Wait and see if she gets close. Then drop your bag and go for her.”

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