My Sister Makes Porn, So What Ch. 02


My throat tightened as I took a few more steps into the room. Well, I definitely understood why she felt the need to hide this from me. We’d talked about sex work before, and it was something we were both comfortable with and supportive of. But my own sister? Wearing these sexy pieces?

Fuck, the mental image was enough to make me hard. I wasn’t the type of guy who lusted after his own sister, but I had to admit, she was objectively hot. Anyone who was into girls would see that and recognize it. But now I couldn’t avoid impure thoughts about her. She’d been on that bed, wearing these things.

I had wandered over to the closet without realizing it, and pulled out one of the many inappropriate-for-sisters-to-wear outfits. I could recognize it’s erotic appeal while still having no clue how it would be worn, given its nature of straps and chainlinks connecting the various strips of leather. It smelled like something, so I held it up and sniffed it, realizing my perversion as soon as I did it. But I couldn’t say I hadn’t enjoyed it. A soft, floral perfume lingered on it, something inoffensive and fresh smelling. Some part of my brain registered disappointment that I hadn’t smelled Kelly, and my member throbbed in agreement.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I’d never been like this, I’d never been tempted by her before. Was a little bit of leather and a fluffy bed enough to make me think of my sister… as a sexual partner? As a mate? My cock gave its opinion, and I sighed. I didn’t have time to continue this internal debate, though. Kelly’s car had just pulled up in the driveway, and the honk of her doors locking was enough to rouse me from my stupor.

I shouldn’t be here, was the only thought intelligent enough to cross my mind. I dropped the leather-strap-and-chain thing, rushing out of the room and shutting the door behind me before jumping to the couch in the living room.

“Jake! I’m back! Sorry it took me so long, you were probably bored huh? Can you help me carry in dinner?”

I got up to help, but quickly realized I had a massive problem: I was still rock hard, throbbing at attention. Fuck, I’d have to figure out an excuse. I pulled the blanket over my lap, and cleared my throat.

“Uh, hey Kelly. Um, I kinda hurt my back moving my stuff in today, so I hope you don’t mind if I lay here a little more.”

She grumbled a bit, but otherwise bought my story. Thank fuck. If she caught me with a boner on her couch, that’d be bad enough as it is. She set some pizza down on the table, giving a side glance at the blanket that was suspiciously only covering my lap. Fuck. Sheepishly, sıhhiye escort I pulled it up over my entire body, careful not to give her too good of a glance at my crotch.

Why would she look there? I was the one with a sudden perversion, not her. Just because I can’t get the idea of my sister being skimpily dressed out of my head, didn’t mean she thought of me that way.

She sat next to me, giving a soft smile. Her lightly tanned fingers swept back a lock of brown hair behind her ear, and her pale pink lips parted softly as she spoke.

“So, everything is moved in?”

Thank god for unsexy talk. I nodded eagerly, happy to dispel these thoughts from my head as I grabbed a slice of pizza. “Yeah, the truck is empty, just like my stomach!” I gave a little chuckle, taking an oversized bite. “Thanks for the pizza,” I said between bites.

She laughed and grabbed her own slice. “No problem! I figured we’d celebrate with a good old fashioned pizza party like we did when we were kids. Did you find the soda in the fridge?”

I nodded, hopping up to get it. The nice thing about growing up with someone is that you don’t have to ask what they like, you just know from years of experience. But on my way back, Kelly was looking at me strangely. Fuck, I wasn’t supposed to be walking. A quick mental inventory of my situation helped me relax – I likely didn’t have an erection at the moment. Thankful of the small miracle, I sat back down next to Kelly and handed her her pop.

We sat quietly for a few minutes. She likely knew something was up – I mean, come on, I was barely able to make eye contact with her – and for my part, I just found out my sister was a porn star! I mean, at least that was what I suspected. Either way, it was enough to rattle anyone.

“Hey, I’ve had a long day… do you mind if I turn in?” I gave a small yawn and smiled at her, and she nodded. We both got up at the same time, and headed to our respective bedrooms. She got to her door just before I slipped into my room, and turned back to face me.

“You didn’t go in my rooms, did you?”

Fuck. Had I left something out of place? My mind immediately revealed to me the leather-chain thing that I’d dropped to the floor. Would she think that was me? Or her own clumsiness? I turned back to face her, giving as best a casual smile as I could.

“Nah, I just hung out after moving my stuff in. You told me not to, right?”

She paused, hesitating. She bit her lower lip, clearly thinking about something, and I swear her eyes darted downward. What the fuck was going on?

“Ok,” she şırnak escort replied, not sounding entirely convinced. “Good night, Jake.” And then she was gone, disappeared into her room. I followed suit, also disappearing. As soon as my door was closed, I jumped onto my mattress and pulled out my phone.

Sure, I didn’t have my computer set up on the WiFi – note to self, I still needed to ask Kelly about that – but I could still use my phone to do a bit of recon. Most importantly, I had to figure out if Kelly was actually a pornstar.

Kelly. A pornstar.

I paused for a moment, phone in hand. The concept was so foreign, so impossible-sounding that I didn’t know if I wanted to venture forth into this mystery. Maybe it’s just a spare bedroom, I mused to myself. Could I accept that answer? Would that be enough to keep me from exploring this further?

No, I doubted I’d be satisfied with that answer. I frowned, unlocking my phone and pulling up the first porn site that came to mind. I searched for a few minutes, trying my hand at finding local girls and then comparing the backgrounds to the room I saw. Unfortunately, nothing stood out as a match. I tried another site, and then a third site, going into the more obscure realms of the internet. Still, nothing that was an exact match to the room I had just seen earlier this night.

Until, finally, an idea dawned on me. Sure, Kelly had an expensive house and her taste in decorations was refined, to say the least. But she had to afford it somehow. Was she on one of those ‘sell your pictures to loyal simps’ sites? A strange twist took hold of my stomach, but I had to ignore the sensation. I’d been searching for at least an hour, so I pressed forward.

It only took a few minutes to find her, after that revelation. It turned out that Kelly, or ‘KelTheBelle’ as her adoring fans called her, had had this profile for months. Months. That sunk in for a moment, as I scrolled through the various posts. Everything on her profile was free to view, partnered with a quiet little plea for subscribers at the bottom of each post.

There was that bed I’d seen, fluffy and pink.

There were the nightstands, adorned with cheap decorations.

And there was my sister. Sometimes sitting there, sometimes laying down. Always barely dressed.

I’d never seen that much of my sister before. We’d always been a modest family; the most skin I could ever remember Kelly showing off was a swimming trip we took to the beach once, and she’d worn a rather subdued one-piece suit. These pictures were different, though. Very little was left söke escort to the imagination in each of them, as more and more skin was exposed.

Why couldn’t I look away? Why was I still scrolling her profile? I’d accomplished my mission, satisfied my curiosity. My sister made amateur porn with herself as the star, selling glimpses of her body to the horny and desperate. I’d found out what the room was for, and didn’t need to go further with my research.

Except… I knew the answer. The answer was eight inches long, hard and throbbing between my legs. There was no ignoring it, no hoping for it to go away. My sister’s body was enough to stir my primal male instincts, and I should have felt guilt and regret over that.

But, objectively, how could I? Any hot girl wearing barely anything would be enough to drive any man wild. And Kelly was hot, by any measure of the word. I’d settled in on a picture of her wearing nothing more than a backless sweater, with the shot taken from behind. She’d always watched her figure, working out just enough to stay lean, but not so much she’d stop having a softness about her. Her round rear hung out from the bottom of the sweater, and her smooth flawless back rose out of it. But what astounded me were her breasts, peeking out toward the left as she turned to face the camera.

My hand had found my cock and was stroking. I looked down at myself, and then back to the phone. Her head was cut off, just out of sight in the picture, but I could visualize her face. I’d seen it enough times that my brain auto-completed her looking back at me with a shy, exposed expression. One of surprise in her eyes, where her soft pink lips were whispering to me softly.

“Jake… big brother… what are you doing? Why are you touching yourself to me?”

Despite the imaginary questions, she didn’t move or stop me, for obvious reasons. I sat there entranced, one hand furiously pumping away at my cock and the other keeping Kelly’s picture still. It didn’t matter that it was a still image, or that it wasn’t even made for me. In that moment, all that existed was me and Kelly, and I was about to burst for her.

“Ah, ah… ahnnn!” I bit down on my lip trying to stifle my arousal as my orgasm built and crested through my frame. My muscles shook, my body clenched, and my seed shot out like a jet from my tip. I fell back on the bed panting, taking a look over at the phone in my hand. Fuck. I’d gotten my cum all over it – all over the picture of Kelly. My eyes nearly bugged out, and my balls churned up a last squirt of satisfaction at the visual.

My eyes started to droop shut, getting harder and harder to keep open. A tinge of regret started to course through me, as I again looked at my phone. Fucking post-nut clarity. I’d just cum to my sister. I groaned, wiping off my screen on the bedsheets and curling up for sleep.

At least she’d never find out, right?

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