My Boss’s Mistress

Alexis Ren

“I’m sorry Mrs. Kopawski, your husband is in a meeting with a client and can’t be disturbed right now. Yes, I’ll have him call you as soon as he can. Goodbye.”

I hung up the phone in disgust. My boss, Mr. Kopawski, was busy, but his “meeting” was 19 years old and looked great in a mini-skirt. I didn’t care about his infidelity; I figured it was none of my business what he did and with whom. However, over the past few months I had become increasingly frustrated with having to play secretary and lie to Kopawski’s wife.

Kopawski’s “meeting”, Tiff, emerged from his office a few minutes later, smoothing her skirt with a smug grin on her face.

“Hey James,” Tiff said to me seductively as she walked past my desk. “How are you?” she asked, leaning over and giving me a nice view of her sizable cleavage. Her midriff baring tank top and ruffled miniskirt didn’t exactly fit in our professional office, but I didn’t mind the view. Most of the employees worked on site with clients, so there were rarely many people in the actual office.

“I’m alright. How are you? You weren’t in there that long. Did your “meeting” go ok?” I teased. Tiff had flirted with me the first time she set foot in our office, and we’d always danced around the actual reason she was there.

“We both got what we wanted this morning,” Tiff replied with a smile, lifting her arm to show off a diamond tennis bracelet. She certainly was quick-witted for a barely legal gold-digger. “Kevin was VERY pleased with my work, as usual.”

“Ah, yes, the “consulting” work you do,” I replied. It’s one thing to have a mistress, and another to buy her expensive presents. Kopawski was the sole owner of the company, so it wasn’t actually stealing to buy Tiff gifts with company money, but it certainly was illegal to write them off for tax purposes.

“So how is that girl, Lisa? Did you two ever get back together?” she asked me.

“Nah, it looks like this time it’s for good. Probably for the best,” I replied.

“So you’re a free man. You should come out with me and my friends this weekend. You’d like them, and definitely would have a good time,” Tiff suggested.

“And do you think they’d like me?” I asked in response.

“Why not? You’re still pretty young, you’re cute… what’s not to like?” Tiff giggled.

I smiled at the compliment from the attractive young (bottle) blonde. “Oh, you may want to stop by the restroom on your way out. You’ve got something there,” I said, pointing at her chest. Tiff looked down and noticed the small gob of white on her shirt and giggled once more.

“I must have spilled some crème from my coffee on it,” she said with a wink. She then proceeded to lift her shirt and lick the drop from her halter top. When finished she licked her lips suggestively at me and said, “Yummy.”

It was a bit surreal to see a woman lick the remains of my boss’s semen off her shirt while I was working. Still, she was hot, and I had to admit that her attitude about sex was alluring. Then again, for all intents and purposes sex was her job. She came by once or twice a week, and he paid her an allowance of a few hundred dollars, plus gave her lavish gifts.

“I gotta run,” she said, springing up from her chair. “It was a pleasure as always, James,” she said, extending her hand. I took it and kissed it playfully before saying my goodbye.

I strongly considered taking Tiff up on her invitation, but ended up going to the playoff game Friday night when my buddy ended up with two free tickets. Monday morning at work there was a message on my machine at work from Tiff teasing me for “ditching her” but reaffirming that we should hang out.

Tiff didn’t stop by the office that week. However, Kopawski informed me that if his wife asked he would be at a business conference in Tucson. I agreed, although I rolled my eyes once his back was turned.

Friday afternoon Mr. Kopawski came by my desk looking somewhat frantic. I’d been on-site with a client during the morning and was stopping by to finish some paperwork before heading out for the weekend.

“James, I’m glad I caught you. I need to ask a favor. It’s personal and you can say no, but if you’re willing it will be reflected in your upcoming performance review,” he said to me.

“Sure, what is it?” I asked, curious.

“I’ve noticed that you and Tiff get along. I had promised to take her to Lake Naki this weekend. I already rented a suite for the weekend. I forgot that we’re celebrating my kid’s birthday this weekend and not next weekend. I didn’t realize this until I told my wife about the “conference” last night. Long story short, I need to be there with my family this weekend, but I don’t want to piss off Tiff.”

“So where do I fit in?”

“Would you be willing to take her up to the lake this weekend and keep her company? She doesn’t have a license and really wanted to go. She doesn’t have any real family you know,” my boss said, looking at me expectantly, as if sympathy for Tiff would sway my opinion.

I was torn. I certainly bonus veren siteler didn’t mind the idea of a healthy raise at my performance review. Plus, there are worse things in life than getting away for the weekend, especially when you aren’t paying for it. I was a bit concerned about spending extended time alone with Tiff. I wasn’t sure I wanted to cock tease myself that badly. Tiff was a flirt, and I knew she wasn’t shy about showing off her young, tight body.

“I’d need some walking around cash; you know, for making sure she has a nice time and doesn’t just have to sit around the room all weekend,” I replied, deciding to milk my boss for all he was worth. Plus, I wasn’t about to entertain his mistress on my dime.

Mr. Kopawski looked at me, momentarily annoyed, and then sighed. “I’ll get some money out of petty cash. Will $100 be enough?”

“You know her tastes better than I do,” I replied.

Kopawski sighed once more. “Better make it $200. But she’s worth it. She’ll make it up to me this week, I’m sure,” he said with a wink.

I was left with the responsibility of calling Tiff and informing her of the change of plans.

“Oh. I see,” she said. “Maybe I just shouldn’t go.”

“It’s up to you,” I said. “But the boss man gave me some money to show you a good time with. I promise I’ll be more fun than I am at work.”

“Really?” she asked, the tone in her voice shifting from disappointed to seductive. “Are you SURE you can be more fun?”

“You haven’t seen how fun I can be,” I shot back.

“Well, when you put it that way. Ok, let’s go have fun on the old man’s dime,” she decided. I had to admit that I was a little excited to spend my boss’s money with his mistress. Perhaps it was sort of a passive way to get back at him for some of the long nights I’d had to put in. Tiff gave me directions to her house and I left work early to pick her up and beat traffic on the way to the lake.

Tiff was dressed far more casually than she usually did for her “appointments” at the office. It actually was a nice look for her. With less make-up and slightly less tartish clothes she looked more like a cute nineteen year old than a gold-digger.

I let her choose the music on the two hour drive, which required a bit of patience on my part. Her tastes were extremely mainstream, which wasn’t shocking.

We got to know each other better on the ride up, although it was mostly me listening to her talk about herself. She really didn’t have much family. To hear her tell it her mother kicked her out the day she turned 18. It became clear she was a bit of a wild child and probably a major handful for her mother.

“I’ve always dated older guys,” she continued. “So yeah, when my mom kicked me out I moved in with my boyfriend. He was kind of a loser I guess, but really sexy. We’d fuck three, four times a day sometimes. I think he sold drugs or something, cuz he didn’t really have a job, but he still had enough money.”

“So what happened with him?” I asked.

“Well, I found out he was cheating on me. I’ve had a lot of boyfriends like that. So I moved out and crashed on a friend’s couch. She’s totally hot, she’s a stripper. That’s actually how I met Kevin, your boss. Through her, I mean.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked.

“Yeah, I was thinking of getting into dancing, so I went to her club one night to watch what she did and talk to the manager. Well, Kevin was there that night. I guess he was one of my friend’s best customers, always tipped well. I ended up talking to him for a while. He actually convinced me not to become a dancer,” she explained.

“He did?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think he wanted me all to himself. He gave me his card, suggested I come by the office and see if we could work something out.”

“So wait, did you know what he had in mind?” I asked.

“I’m not dumb, James,” Tiff replied. “He was intentionally vague, but made clear he could offer me a job that while it wouldn’t pay as much as dancing, would be more fun and take less time. I kinda had a hunch what he was offering.”

“But you agreed to it anyways?” I said.

“Yes, I did. It’s not easy for girls like me, who never did that well in school. I can’t be a doctor or a lawyer. Your boss is sweet, he’s charming when he wants to be, and he’s really not that demanding. I know I can’t do this forever and he’ll get tired of me eventually, but for now he’s paying the bills. But enough about me, let’s talk about you,” she said.

Talking about me ended up being mostly talking about my love life. It quickly became clear that Tiff and my ex had very different views on sex.

“How often did you get a blow job?” Tiff asked me.

“You mean like as foreplay?” I asked.

“No, I mean, like just for you, she sucks you off, you finish in her mouth, and she doesn’t expect anything in return.”

“Uhh… god, I can’t remember,” I said. We were only halfway through the drive, and the sex talk was both making me uncomfortable and turning me on.

“See, bahis I’m all about pleasing my man,” Tiff explained. “I’m a very oral girl, you know. I think I get wetter from giving head than anything else.”

I couldn’t think of anything to say in response to that, but mustered, “well that must make the guy’s you’re with happy.”

“Oh yes, I know how to make a guy happy,” Tiff replied. “Very, very happy.” I noticed her tone had one again adopted a seductive tone.

I changed the subject, but quickly found that we didn’t have a lot in common. Tiff was a sweet girl, but not terribly cultured nor worldly. I had to keep my eyes on the road, so I wasn’t able to just stare at her tits and pretend to listen as I’d occasionally done with girls like her in the past.

At last we arrived at the cabin. It certainly was picturesque, completely buried in the woods. Tiff carried in only a small handbag, leaving it upon me to bring in the rest of the luggage. It took two trips, and by the time I was done Tiff had finished exploring our abode.

“This place is pretty hot,” Tiff observed. “The TV is a little small, but the fireplace is beautiful. I wish there was a hot tub or something though.”

I shrugged my shoulders and tugged my luggage into the bedroom. I then realized there only was one, King sized bed.

Tiff wasn’t stupid and practically read my mind. “We’re both adults, we can share the fucking bed. It’s huge. You don’t snore do you?” she asked, genuinely interrogating me.

“Only when I get really drunk,” I responded.

“Ok, it’s settled then,” she said.

I wondered if I could take being in the same bed with Tiff. The fact that she was amazingly sexy hadn’t changed. In fact, as she walked around I was even more acutely aware of her natural beauty. She was that perfect mix of youth and womanhood.

“You hungry?” I asked. I was famished.

“Hells yeah,” Tiff replied.

I’d packed a cooler with a few recommendations from Kopawski on what Tiff liked to eat. It went over well. I was impressed by Tiff’s apatite; I imagined a slender girl like her didn’t consume much.

“This is fucking great,” Tiff observed, finishing her light beer. “Thanks for taking care of the food,” she said smiling at me genuinely.

I was torn. Tiff seemed capable of bouncing between sweet and innocent and totally slutty. Sitting here, in casual clothes, she certainly didn’t seem like my boss’s almost underage mistress. She just seemed like a cute 19 year old.

We played some cards, and my opinion of Tiff continued to soften. While she wasn’t academic, she wasn’t as dumb as I had originally thought, and was practically a savant at card games.

“I’m lucky we’re not playing for money,” I observed after losing the fourth straight game of gin rummy.

“Sweetie, that would be totally unfair to you,” she said with a wink. “Beer?” she asked, walking to the fridge to get herself a new one, her fourth of the night. I was busy admiring her cute little ass and almost forgot to respond.

When walked back towards the table I couldn’t help notice her nipples poking through her shirt. “It’s chilly in here,” I observed, not realizing how obvious my statement was.

“You’re damn right it is, you perv!” Tiff responded, giggling. “Why don’t you be a man and light a fire?”

I took her advice, and my years of Boy Scout training paid off in the form of a crackling fire.

“So, we’ve played cards… what now?” I asked.

“We could fuck,” Tiff replied, dead-pan.

“Uhhhh…” was all I could say.

“I’m kidding,” Tiff added, although she didn’t sound very committed to that. “Let’s lie down by the fire.

Tiff turned off the lights and we lay down facing each other on the big soft rug in front of the fireplace. Tiff looked absolutely gorgeous in the flickering glow of the fire. I fought the urge to reach out and touch her, kiss her, take her in my arms. She was my boss’s mistress, and despite her flirting certainly wouldn’t be interested.

Following a few moments of awkward silence, Tiff looked at me and asked, “Truth or dare?”

“Oh, um, Truth,” I replied.

“If I asked if I could suck your cock right now, would you say yes?” Tiff asked.

I was slightly shocked, but figured that she was trying to get a reaction out of me. “Yeah, sure, I would,” I replied, trying to sound casual.

“Good to know,” Tiff said with a giggle. “Ok, dare me.”

“I dare you to finish your beer and get us two more,” I said.

“That’s weak. Come on, dare me to do something sexy, like run outside naked.”

“Ok fine, I dare you to run outside naked,” I replied.

“Ok, but you can’t look,” she told me. I sighed and nodded, allowing her to play her little game.

I put my hand over my eyes and listened to her disrobe. She giggled the whole time. “Ok, I’m naked. But NO peeking,” she added. I heard her run over to the back door, and naturally peeked between my fingers.

I could only see her backside, but it was amazing. If you looked deneme bonusu up “Nice ass” in an encyclopedia, Tiff’s backside would be there. Young, tight, firm, and free of any blemish, it was just big enough to be feminine. I shook my head a little, marveling at the wonders of youth and the fact that it was only 5 years ago I was routinely sleeping with girls her age.

I quickly recovered my eyes as she glanced over her shoulder. She laughed loudly as she opened the door, stepped outside, and then quickly ran back inside laughing. She ran back over by the fire, and said “you can open your eyes.”

I removed my hand and saw she was under her blanket, smiling happily. “Truth or Dare.”

“I’ll be bold, dare,” I replied.

“I dare you to strip naked for me while I watch.”

“I like how you put in the “while I watch” clause. Very clever of you young lady. Ok, fine, you asked for it…” I stood up and began removing my clothes, doing a sort of parody of a sexy strip tease. Tiff hooted and hollered encouragement as I removed my shirt and pants. Finally as I slid my boxers down her response was much more serious.

“Dang, that’s some dick you have there, James! You didn’t tell me you were packing!” Tiff exclaimed. I quickly slid under my own blankets. “You’re bigger than your boss, you know.”

I really wasn’t sure what to do with that information or why Tiff told me. It did serve to remind me that this was my boss’s mistress I was dealing with. At the same time, my male ego was happy to know I was more endowed than my boss.

“Truth or dare?” I asked, my heart still racing. Our little game seemed to have progressed, and I was ready to up the ante.

“Dare,” Tiff replied without hesitation. “Give me your best shot.”

“I dare you to suck my cock.”

I could hardly believe the words came out of my mouth. It was what we’d been teasing at almost since we first got into the car. But now it was out in the open, and Tiff had a decision to make. If she said no the game was over. Our flirtation would likely cease if we both knew it wasn’t going anywhere.

Tiff looked me in the eye. She didn’t say anything. She simply stood up and dropped her blanket.

How do you fully describe the sensation of seeing a woman fully naked for the first time? How do you describe the insane, almost impossible sexiness of a 19 year old? The first thing I noticed were Tiff’s tits. They were small but lovely. In the ride home I convinced her that getting implants would ruin them. Her nipples were dark pink and very hard.

Tiff’s navel was pierced, her stomach naturally flat. Her hips curved out just enough to be sexy. Her pussy was totally bare of any hair, a fact that didn’t surprise me. The lips looked slightly puffy, and I could only imagine how it felt inside her at that moment.

Tiff put her hand on her hip and posed for me, allowing me to soak in the sight of her naked body. This was obviously a young woman who was used to men looking at her lustfully.

I slid my own blanket off my body. My cock was almost painfully hard and pointing straight at the ceiling. Tiff did her own appraising; I knew my body likely wasn’t as firm or ripped as some of her lovers, but I also knew my cock could probably compete with all but the biggest of them. Tiff seemed to be satisfied with what she saw, because she knelt down and positioned herself between my legs, her face near my erection.

Looking me in the eyes Tiff informed me, “You can come in my mouth whenever you want to, I love the taste. And yes, I swallow.” It was quite matter-of-fact, but I was touched by her consideration. I had been in the awkward position of receiving a blow job and wanting to get off, yet being unsure if I could cum in the giver’s mouth.

Tiff touched my erection for the first time with her small hand, causing me to jump. She smiled at me, and then focused her eyes back on my cock. She ran her fingers across me tenderly, as if to truly size me up and figure out what she was working with.

“Your cock has very soft skin,” she observed.

“Your fingers feel amazing,” I replied. It was true. She was doing very little to me, but even her gentle touch felt completely amazing.

Tiff wrapped her fingers around my shaft and started to stroke it slowly. She alternated between staring intently at her hand, marveling at what she was doing, and staring me in the eyes, licking her lips seductively.

“Wasn’t the dare for a blowjob?” I asked. The fact was I didn’t want to get too worked up from just Tiff’s hand.

“You’re right,” Tiff agreed. With a beautiful smile, she pulled her long, straight light brown hair back behind her and then lowered her mouth, extending her tongue so it just touched the tip of my cock.

Shivers ran through my body as the nubile young woman began to lick my shaft. She obviously knew her was around a dick. She hit all the key points; the ridge of the crown, the sensitive spot beneath the opening, and even licked her way down to the portion of the shaft between my balls. She was smiling the whole time, and I could tell she wasn’t lying about genuinely enjoying sucking cock.

She licked one long stroke all the way from the bottom to the tip of my cock, then opened her mouth wide and took me into her mouth.

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