Moving Our Parents Stuff


Two middle-aged siblings discover that the love of their lives is closer than they thought.

Chapter 01

Growing up with my sister was no walk in the park. Like most siblings, we fought like crazy, but we always had each other’s backs when push came to shove. Whether it was a physical fight or a relationship issue, we were there for each other.

Ellen was two years older than me and had her circle of friends, and I had mine. We lived in two separate worlds, but sometimes our social circles collided.

Her boyfriend, who later became her husband, is an example. I knew he was a loudmouth braggart with a wandering eye. But Ellen was head over heels in love. She thought he hung the moon and stars.

It turns out my instincts were right. He was an untrustworthy philanderer. But despite all the hurt and betrayal, Ellen repeatedly forgave him.

I never understood her decision, but I admired her resilience. She was smitten, blinded by love, and she made her choice. And even though I disagreed, I stood by her side, supporting her through it all.

That’s what siblings do! We may fight like crazy, but we’re there for each other when it matters. No matter what. And that’s precisely what I did for my sister, even if it meant swallowing my opinions and biting my tongue.

At the end of the day, family is family. And you stick by them, even when they make choices you can’t understand. That’s what love and loyalty are all about.

Chapter 02

As we grew older, Ellen and I naturally drifted apart, as siblings often do. Our gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas at her house became more about our parents than anything else. Sadly, I missed most of these due to my deployments to various conflict zones.

But we never wavered on calling each other on our birthdays. It didn’t matter where I was stationed or which theater of conflict I served in; my sister always reached out. These calls became a bittersweet reminder of our aging.

Then, thirty years into her dysfunctional marriage, our parents passed away. I was between deployments, living on base, when my sister called me with the news. It was a solemn moment, but there were no tears. Our parents had been married fifty years and lived long and fulfilling lives. Mom lost her battle with cancer, and Dad passed away within days of her passing.

At that moment, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey we had both been on. Our bond as siblings may have weakened over time, but our connection through those birthday calls remained strong. It was a reminder that even amid chaotic deployments and personal struggles, we still found a way to reach out and acknowledge each other’s existence.

Life has a way of reshaping sibling relationships, but small gestures of connection can bring comfort and meaning. And for that, I will always be grateful for my sister’s unwavering birthday calls.

Ellen and I handled most of the funeral arrangements through phone calls. We agreed that staying at our parents’ house before the services would be a good idea. Not only would it allow us to salvage any personal memorabilia before the realtors came in to clean up, but it also kept me away from her husband, whom I still detested. Plus, it allowed us to catch up since we hadn’t seen each other in two years. It was a win-win situation for both of us.

Ellen picked me up from the airport, and we started catching up on the way to our parents’ house. She updated me about her three kids – the older ones are out of the house, and the youngest is graduating college soon. I promised to be there for her daughter’s graduation.

What struck me was she didn’t mention her husband, Cain. When I brought it up, she answered through gritted teeth. Over the years, in our phone calls, she had told me about his constant cheating and how it took a toll on their marriage. And this time, with everything going on it her life, it seems like his latest betrayal hit her harder than ever.

His cheating started early in their marriage and continued throughout it. Ellen thought she could change him, but he continued his infidelity. And every time he got caught, he’d promise it wouldn’t happen again. But it did; it always did! He even had affairs while she was pregnant, vulnerable, and in need of assistance.

For thirty years, she always found an excuse to stay with him. I knew deep down it was because she loved him despite all the emotional abuse he put her through. It’s something many women in similar situations go through – the constant rationalizations for why they shouldn’t leave, almost like going through the five stages of grief.

First, she denied he could cheat on her. Then, she made a bargain that they would work on the marriage if he stopped cheating. But when she found out he had lied, anger and depression followed. And now, after all these years, she’s accepted that this was the life she’s made for herself.

Seeing her go through this was heartbreaking, but I was always there for her. I hoped that one day, she’d find the strength kaynarca escort to leave and find happiness on her terms.

Chapter 03

My sister had gained a few pounds since the last time we met. She was wearing a sweatsuit that was a bit too small, which accentuated her curves. Ellen was never a small woman and she carried the extra weight in her chest and backside, which had become quite voluptuous.

I observed this as we exited her car at our parents’ house, and she struggled with the keys to unlock the door. Although we had gone through the typical childhood phase of show me yours, and I’ll show you mine, it never went further.

“It feels strange being here.”

I sat my roll-on bag down and turned slowly, taking in the home where I grew up. I had not been in it a dozen times in the 30 years since I left. It was not because of hostility between my parents and me. It was logistics. Ellen was closer to the airport, and it was easier to see them there than to drive another hour south.

“It feels the same to me. But then, I haven’t been gallivanting worldwide, fighting endless wars.”

I refused to take the bait. I enlisted in the army out of high school in a proverbial effort to make a man of myself. I discovered that it was like any other job after a few years.

There were assignments I hated and others that at least weren’t objectionable. Sometimes the boss was an asshole, and sometimes a great guy.

The Army gave me training, lifetime medical care, a respectable pension, and there was no chance of it going out of business or getting bought out.

I became a lifer. I was 48, E8 with 30 years of service, and considering retirement. A career soldier’s assorted bump, bruises, broken bones, and other wounds were taking their toll. I was fit but feeling my age.

“What are we going to do with all of their stuff?”

“Most of it can go to Goodwill,” Ellen said, “the rest we can toss. I arranged for a real estate agent to bring in a clean-up crew and list it for sale.”

“Let’s eat, then assess what needs to be done. We can make a list and work off that.”

I was accustomed to giving orders and Ellen reacted to my premptory tone.

“Yes, sir, sergeant sir!”

Ellen gave a poor approximation of an E1, snapping to attention and saluting. Never mind that you don’t salute an NCO. She tried to spin on her heels, overbalanced, falling backward into my arms.

Her 200 pounds knocked me off balance, and we ended up on the floor with her on top and me on the bottom clutching at two handfuls of big soft titties.


“Jesus, Ellen! Are you okay?”

I squirmed, trying to push her off, unintentionally causing my cock to grind into her ass.

“I think so,” she said, gasping, “But I think I’ll stay in this position for a while. I haven’t had this much action in years.”

“You’re terrible! Get up!”

I reluctantly released one big jug and used one hand to slap her thigh. The sound and feel of flesh slapping flesh startled me. Ellen’s fall caused her sweatpants to slip down around her hips. They were trapped between our bodies. My cock was pressed against the crack of her ass through her thin cotton panties.

Ellen rolled off me and to her knees. The sweatshirt drooped, exposing cavernous cleavage and a serviceable white cotton bra. The sweatpants were around her hips, revealing panties that matched the bra. When she scrambled to her feet, I glimpsed a hairy thicket outlined by her panties between her legs, running up her belly.

“Okay! The fun is over,” she said, pulling up her pants. “Let’s work on that list!”

Chapter 04

We spent a long, sweaty afternoon dragging old boxes of clothes, photo albums, and the like out of the attic. We also attacked the closets and dressers, assembling several mounds of flotsam and jetsam of two lives; most were going to Goodwill. The rest was left for the house cleaners to dispose of.

I was sweating like I had marched 20 miles with my weapon and a full pack when Ellen’s howl startled me. Before I could react, she came charging up from the basement, holding a full 750 ml bottle and a partial of Johnny Walker Double Black.

“I knew daddy was drinking,” she laughed, “he said he wasn’t, but here is the evidence!”

I sat up, interested. It was a week since I had a good drink. The dishwater served in the airport lacked a kick and was short on quantity. Here was a drink a man could enjoy.

“Did we pack away the glasses, ” I asked, licking my lips and rubbing my palms together.

“I left two out to have a cola with the chicken we bought at KFC.”

“No ice, huh?”

“No, you alcoholic! This is NOT a full-service bar,” Ellen laughed. “I threw all of that out when I defrosted the refrigerator.”

“I’m no alky, but I do like good scotch.” I took the partial bottle from Ellen and held it up, reading the label, “And this is excellent scotch!”

“Well, it’s all yours! I stopped drinking years ago. “I’ll kaynaşlı escort shower while you get drunk.”

Her sweatpants clung to her big jiggly butt as she walked to the bathroom. I caught myself staring and mentally shook myself to clear the evil thoughts from my mind.

Half the partial bottle was gone when Ellen returned, and I had a nice glow. Perhaps that is why I reacted so strongly when she walked back into the living room wearing an oversized t-shirt and apparently nothing else.

“You’re not going to flounce around here in that, are you? You’re barely decent!”

Her breasts were huge mounds, disturbingly jiggling as she walked. The shirt barely covered her sex and accentuated the size of her mature hips.

“What’s wrong with this?”

She held her arms out to either side, causing the t-shirt hem to ride up, exposing white panties.

“You’re damn near naked!”

“Well, I’m not! I wear T-shirts every night.”

She glanced at the growing bulge in my jeans and smirked.

“If I got that kind of reaction from my husband, perhaps my marriage would be in better shape.”

“Pervert,” I said, chuckling. “Have a drink with me and tell your little brother what’s happening.”

“As I said, I don’t drink anymore. But I’ll have one.”

Ellen sat cross-legged on the old couch with her back against the armrest and opposite me. Her t-shirt rode up, exposing her panties and the dark hairy patch they covered.

“Sit more ladylike,” I said, slopping the water glasses half full and emptying the partial bottle. “I can see your lady parts.”

“Who said I was a lady,” she smirked, “Besides, you’re my brother. Who can I relax around you if I can’t relax around you?”

“Your husband!” I retorted and took a swallow of the scotch.

“Please! He stopped looking at me years ago. If it weren’t for my toys, I wouldn’t be getting any action at all!”

“TMI, Ellen, TMI”

She turned her glass up and surprised me by chugging half of it. She grimaced, her lips pulling back, exposing her teeth.

“That’s some good shit!”

“The best!”

I turned my glass up and drained it. All I had to do tonight was sleep. I was tired and decided getting drunk was the best way to sleep.

“So, what’s going on with you and numbnuts?”

Ellen drained her glass and wiggled it in front of me for a refill. I broke the seal on the remaining bottle and filled her glass half full.

“Ain’t nothing going on with us! Absolutely nothing! We don’t talk! We don’t fight, and we don’t fuck! He goes his way, and I go mine.”

“Why do you stay?”

I refilled my glass and topped off Ellen’s. I had that warm, rosy glow you have before you realize how drunk you are.

“After 30 years, where would I go?”

She laid back against the opposite arm of the couch with her splayed legs in front of her and her t-shirt barely covering her hairy sex. Grey strands of pubic hair poked out of the leg hole of her panties.

I was drunk enough to stare without embarrassment. She was drunk enough not to care that I was staring at her sex.

“Away,” I said with a drunk’s expansiveness.

I emphasized my point by motioning with my glass. Some of the liquor splashed on my sister’s thigh.

“Careful! If that booze is so good, you shouldn’t waste it.” She brushed at her thigh, trying to wipe the scotch away.

“I have nowhere to go and no one in my life. Except for Sarah, who graduates college this Fall, the kids are grown and gone. They have their own lives and families to worry about.”

“Two things,” I said, struggling to sit up. “You always have me! Any time you want to leave you can stay on base with me. Second, stop wasting that good scotch.

I leaned down and licked the liquor from my sister’s thigh. She smelled of lavender soap from her shower. For a moment, I lost myself in her aroma.

“Uh, anytime you want to get your head from between my thighs, it’s okay with me.”

“Sorry about that!”

“Not a problem! I might have let you continue if I had more of this scotch!”

I pushed myself upright with my hand on Ellen’s thigh. I rubbed it slowly, unsure why I did but knowing it felt good. I plopped back with my head on the back of the sofa and my legs sprawled in front of me.

Ellen crawled up, leaned her head on my shoulder, and started softly crying, with her hand painfully squeezing my thigh.

“It’s your fault,” she sniffled.

“How the hell is it my fault? I left this burg at 18, and except for short visits, I never returned.”

Ellen snuggled closer, causing my hand to slip from her thigh to her butt. I squeezed and patted it.

“Mmm! That feels good! Do it again!”

I obliged, patting and stroking her behind. I imagined how it would look if she were on her knees and I was behind her, pounding her. I ended by giving her butt a firm slap.

” Ouch, you brute,” Ellen exclaimed.

She scooted closer, plastering her soft teddy bear body to mine, threw one big thigh over kayseri escort mine, and continued explaining.

“That’s the problem! You were my wingman. When you left, I had no one to help me fight.”

Ellen raised her face, nuzzling into my neck. The hand that patted her ass was now familiarly caressing it. The other was awkwardly around her shoulder and resting on her breast.

“The flip side of me enlisting in the army was not you marrying the village idiot.”

I slapped her ass again to emphasize my point. Ellen snuggled closer, burying her face in my neck.

“By the way, I want you to know I’m a good girl, and I don’t fuck on the first date.”

“What the Hell are you talking about?” I tried to sit up but was pinned by her body on mine.

“You have one hand stuck down my panties, stroking my ass. The other is around my shoulder, playing with my tit. I should be asking you what your intentions are!”

“What the Hell…!”

I never finished whatever it was I was going to say. My sister pushed me on my back and shut me up with a long, tongue-filled kiss. Her hand slid up my thigh, grabbed my cock, and massaged it through my jeans.

“Ellen! What the hell are you doing?”

“Indulging my fantasies,” she drunkenly slurred, “after you enlisted, your ex-girlfriends talked about your cock size and stamina. I was ticked that I slept under the same roof as the town stud and never sampled the goods.”

“Since we’re reminiscing, I used to get off watching you flounce around the house in panties and bra before I enlisted. You even had a big ass back then!”

“A big ass,” she howled.

She rose to her knees, straddling my leg and looked over her back. Her big jug was inches from my mouth, and I could feel the warm moistness of her pussy on my thigh.

“I’ll have you know I had boyfriends who loved doing me doggie style so they could watch that big ass bounce.”

I rolled her over, leaned forward and pulled her panties down. For the first time in our lives, and kissed my sister’s ass while fingering her pussy. I paused to catch my breath and decide if we would do this. After all of these years, was my sister and I going to fuck!

“Don’t you stop! Don’t you dare stop,” she crooned. “I’m drunk enough and needy enough to fuck you, but if you give me a chance to think about it, I won’t!”

I pulled her down on top of me, and we engaged in a long tongue-filled kiss. Ellen was naked when we broke the kiss, with her panties and shirt on the floor. She knelt on the couch and unzipped my jeans. I lifted my ass so she could get them off. My older sister gave me a wicked grin and took my cock in her mouth!

“Are you sure about this,” I gasped, my hips pumping my cock deep in her mouth?

“Little brother, I’ve got your cock in my mouth! That’s how sure I am!”

“Sweet Jesus! Does your husband know what a good cocksucker you are?”

“Sucking his cock IS our sex life! We haven’t fucked in months!”

My hand slipped across her bubble butt and found its way into her anus, finger fucking my sister’s ass while she sucked my cock.

“Fuck! I haven’t had anything in my ass since I fucked the quarterback in high school.”

“You fucked Allen Krane?”

“I used to,” she said, pushing me on my back and straddling me. “Now, unless I were a big soft boy, he wouldn’t know the difference. He came out as gay. Apparently, my ass wasn’t the only one he fucked”

She was trying to sit on my cock while my jeans were still around my ankles.

“If we’re going to fuck, let’s do it right.” I smacked her ass hard. “Get up!”

“Do it again!” She laid across my lap, wiggling her big ass.

I brought my hand done hard several times until her ass glowed red, and she screamed from the pain. Her pussy was so wet I could feel her juices running down my thigh.

. I pushed her to the floor. She rolled on her back and spread her legs, looking like a turtle on its back.

I stepped out of my jeans, knelt between my sister’s legs, and entered the best pussy I had in years.

“This could get us put in jail!”

I stroked slowly, relishing a wet tight pussy I had never considered fucking.

“As good as your pussy is, Big Sis, it would be worth it!”

Even though she was chunky, Ellen was always hot. I loved watching her flounce around the house in panties and a bra. However, back then, she was my sister and off-limits. It was never expressly said but always implied; You can’t fuck your sister!

Now, here I was! Balls deep in my sister’s pussy with her legs wrapped around my back. She knew how to use it, tipping her hips up to give me better depth.

“Baby, I’ve spent 30 years with a man who saw me as little more than a cook and a place to dump his cum. If I go to prison for fucking the one man I love and who loves me, so be it!”

“You are an incredible fuck!”

I rose to my knees, held her legs up and spread like a wishbone, and drove deep into her hole. The look on her face was rapturous; she was enjoying her brother fucking her as much as I was enjoying doing it.

“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls you fuck!”

Foam built, covering Ellen’s pussy and my cock. In our parent’s home, we fucked for the first time, and it was epic.

“Not all,” I said, smiling down at Ellen, “just the ones who fuck as good as you!”

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