Master Control Ch. 04


The next day my Master contacted me early in the morning. I was tired and hung over from the bottle of wine and was still in pain from the stress positions I had endured the day before. He wanted to ensure I would be available for the evening’s events. As if I had a choice.

I told him I was tired and sore and wanted a rest. He sounded displeased but came up with a compromise. He offered me a choice I reported this evening or we could postpone a week but there would be tasks I would have to complete over the week.

I had to think for a moment, I could easily just get it over and done with and endure the pain or I could have a rest but what would he make me do during that week. In the end my aching body made the decision for me. I needed a rest. I choose to postpone.

`Ok Boi, here is the first thing you need to do, buy two, 5 litres bottles of water and a 12 back of one Litre bottle and candles.’

Why did he want me to buy so much water? What was the meaning of this? I couldn’t really say no I had just agreed to the postponement and I didn’t want to anger him any further. I told him I had work but I would get it on my way home.

I did what he asked and got the bottles of water. I was sitting down to relax when my phone started to ring and Master Control popped up on my screen. No, this isn’t fair he gave me the night off. I protested but he told me it was only a short call.

I accepted the video call. I was as always ordered to strip immediately. He also requested I get my electric razor, light a candle and find my chastity device. I was too defeated at this point from our previous experiences and the night before so I complied instinctively.

`I see you let your pubes grow back, naughty boi’ he taunted before ordering me to shave.

I stood in my bathroom again naked and again shaving off my pubes for a sadistic master who I had never even seen. It was cold and took a while I had a full bush. When I was finished I was ordered to put the chastity devise on.

`Now take the keys, blow out the candle and push the keys in the melted wax and your pubes on top of it. I’ll know in a week if you have tried to cheat. Oh and boi, you will görükle escort regret it if you do’.

I did as was ordered resigning myself to not cumming for a week. Pushing keys and my shaven pubes into melted wax not only was humiliating but also hurt.

`Now before I go boi. I want you to drink all the water over the next few days. You may only pee into an empty bottle no toilet. I want you to store your pee for the next week.’ As he finished his order he hung up the call and left me there naked and caged.

The next few days passed without any interaction. I had done as ordered and had now almost filled 7 litres of pee that I kept in my closet. My mind was racing as to what he would make me do with it. I was afraid as I knew how evil he could be.

I had the day off and was on my way to the shops when I got a message from my master. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was walking through a park to get groceries. I said I can’t talk because it was raining and I wanted to hurry.

`Stop’ he ordered. `I want you to find a park bench and have a rest for a half hour’.

I couldn’t believe it he wanted me to sit on a wet bench in the rain for 30 minutes. I mean not the worst thing he has ordered but did I really want to sit here in the rain.

`Oh and boi you sounded so tired last time so I think you need to properly relax while sitting there. So take your shoes and socks off as you sit there.’

I begged him not make my humiliation public. The thought of sitting on a park bench barefoot in the lashing of rain was too much. But as usual my begging didn’t help. He told me that he’ll text at various times and I will have 5 seconds to show a picture of my bare feet or the dating app would go live.

I did as ordered and sat there with a wet ass as rain poured over me and my unshod feet. A few people walked by and gave me funny looks. What must they be thinking? I’m sat in the pouring rain barefoot. Finally the half hour passed and I put on my wet socks and continued my journey.

The day of our postponed session finally arrived. I had collected almost 21 litres of piss. It was so degrading looking in my heykel escort closet at all this piss. I also needed to cum really badly. It had being 7 days since I wore the devise and the urge was getting very strong.

As expected my master rang me in the evening. He said he had a busy day and it won’t be too bad. It will only take an hour maybe less. I was happy to hear that but also sceptical that it would be easy. The quicker I do it through the quicker it will be done.

Of course I was ordered to strip. I was so used to being naked on cam now it barely felt like anything. I knelt there naked with my hands behind my back my dick straining against the cock cage. He told me to kneel in the corner and await further instructions. Wait for a notification and don’t move.

For what seemed like and age I knelt there naked whilst my master watched staring at a blank wall. I had drunk the last of the water and needed to pee. I didn’t dare move and waited for further communication. In my head I prayed to hear a notification. Then finally it arrived.

`Use a tie to gag your mouth, then carry all the bottles on pee and leave by your shower. I then want you to kneel in the shower looking at me with your gagged mouth staring into the camera’.

I was so defeated and so annoyed, the fear of the blackmail made it even worse so I did as ordered. I set up the camera and carried all the pee to the shower. There are so many litres and so many bottles of piss. I knelt in the shower and waited.

`I want you one by one pour the bottles of pee over your face. I know it will take a while but I’m sure you will manage. Get to it Boi’ he ordered.

I couldn’t believe it, this was too much but what could I do. I had no choice. My dick was for some reason still straining in the cage. I couldn’t want this. I think it was just the lack of control the degradation.

I didn’t know where to start but figured getting rid of the two five litres was smartest. I wanted to get the worst out of the way. I picked up the first bottle and opened it. Another direction came through.

`Smell each bottle before pouring’ he typed.

I bursa otele gelen escort did as ordered which had become the norm for me now. The smell of stale piss was awful and it was about to be poured over my naked body. I lifted the bottle high and started to pour. It wasn’t like the night before when I was pissed on. This was cold and made me shiver.

The smell was also much worse than when I just sniffed the open bottle. I was completely drenched in pee with another 16 litres to go. A bunch of laughing emojis popped up on screen and a pic of me with the yellow liquid cascading over my body with a look of disgust edged into my face.

`That looked smelly boi’ followed by more lol’s and laughing emojis.

The second 5 litre bottle was much the same and I thought the worse was over. Then I realised that the one litre bottles pour out much slower due to the cap being smaller. It took about twenty minutes to get all 21 litres over my head. Some of it went into my gagged mouth.

`Get on your knees until I text back, hands on head boi’ he ordered before disappearing for a full hour.

As I knelt there with my hands on my head covered in piss I knew I had become a true slave. I tried to convince myself I hated it but part of me knew I was born to be this way. I had to pee so badly and since I was covered in it I just let loose as I waited.

When he came back he ordered me into my room and told me to put my legs up on the bed and lie on my back. He made me show him the candle to prove the keys where still embedded in the candle wax. He was pleased with the results.

`You can now cum boi. But I want you to give yourself a facial’.

I was happy for two things, the first being the pee had dried into my skin and the second I was able to cum. It had being nine days since I Last cum. I got the candle and unscrewed the key and removed the devise. I was excited and didn’t care about the facial.

I started to stroke and was very quickly moving towards the edge. I must have looked ridiculous with the tie keeping my mouth open as I panted. After just three minutes I came all over my face. I shot some into my mouth.

`Good boi’ he texted along with a screenshot of me looking into the camera my face coated in cum, including my hair and a small bit dripping from my mouth.

`That’s all for now, I’ll contact you when I need entertainment again’

And then he was gone again leaving me covered in cum and piss and probably spit completely humiliated.

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