Mark , Parenthood Ch. 02 – Stand In


This story contains characters from other stories lbut is intended as stand alone.

All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I’m hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts consensual sex between adults, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Kate was the Project Sponsor at one of Mark’s customers and the two had been having an affair since the second time they had met. Kate was at a low ebb at the time and Mark’s down to earth approach to life, combined with his flowing compliments had led the two to sleeping together that night and every night Mark was staying at hotels nearby. He travelled all over, and Kate had encouraged a number of similar businesses in the area to use Mark’s firm meaning he was busier than ever but also meant the two could hook up more frequently than if he were just visiting Kate’s site.

Mark’s newest project was at a company that Kate had influenced into using his services and he was introduced to a tall blond lady named Janet that specifically said, “We’re expected big things of you based on what my old college friend Kate has told me.” Mark had suitably risen to the occasion during his first session for Janet’s company and she found herself suitably impressed during the kick-off meeting.

These kick off things were always two- or three-day affairs. Mark liked to travel to the customer the day before and the previous evening was another opportunity for he and Kate to meet up. They had made arrangements to meet up the following evening as well and their common practice was to meet up in the bar, dine at the hotel’s restaurant and then make their way to Mark’s room for some sexy times.

This evening a surprise was waiting for Mark as he stepped into the bar. Kate was in her expected seat, but Mark paused when he spotted Janet sat next to her. Keeping Janet’s earlier comment in his mind he strode towards them wondering how to play this. How much did Janet know about Kate and him?

“Ah here is the man of the moment” announced Kate.

Mark comically looked behind him expecting someone different to be termed that but nodded and said “Hello” to both.

Kate handled the initial introductions saying “Sorry to spring this on you unannounced but I wanted to pitch a proposition to you now that you have had chance to meet Janet. Come on, I’ve altered the restaurant reservation for the three of us so we can talk a little more privately.” Mark went along with the new plan and gallantly stepped back allowing both women to lead, once they were all seated at a corner table Kate started off the conversation addressing Janet “Well you’ve seen him in action today. Have you formed an opinion yet if he will meet your needs?”

Janet looked from Mark’s puzzled expression to Kate’s smiling face and then nodded saying “Yes I think he fits the bill perfectly.”

Kate chuckled at Mark’s expression and explained “I’ve told Janet about our evening get togethers where you fuck my brains out” Mark was gracious enough to look shocked prompting Kate to continue. “The thing is that Janet needs the services of man and I’ve suggested you would be a suitable candidate for her.”

Janet then tried to take up the explanation “Well the thing is… I mean I’m… That is to say that… “

Kate sighed heavily and interrupted “What my eloquent friend here is failing miserably to say is that she is separated from her husband but wants another baby before it’s too late for her to conceive. Yes, she could go on the apps to find someone, but it will take time to establish a new relationship, she has her existing kids to take into account before exposing them to another bloke and in the meantime her body clock is ticking. I suggested that if we could persuade you of her good intent that maybe you’d consider being a suitable sperm donor.”

Mark’s expression resembled someone who had just received a knockout punch. It was now that Janet found her voice “I know it’s a bit of an ask especially as we’ve only just met but Kate can’t shut up about how great you are. I can assure you I won’t be looking for any monetary support — I do very well on my own thanks — and I can assure you that the child won’t want for anything. If on the other hand you wanted some part of their upbringing, then I’d be more than happy to accommodate that as long as we don’t tell them their real father until they are old enough to understand. It’s just… I don’t know how to say this… At my age there are no guarantees about conception, but I really, really am desperate. It’s all I can think about. It’s all consuming and I’ve seen what you’ve done for Kate’s ego, I figured I could do with a little bit of that in my life.” Janet paused, not sure if she had said enough but felt she needed to add “Please. I almanbahis adresi wouldn’t bother you if I wasn’t desperate. I’m afraid without drastic actions my time would have run out.”

The blonde mum then sat back in her chair waited for his response. Without realising it, Kate was holding her breathe as she too waited on his reply. Mark looked from Janet to his lover and back to Janet; his face was unreadable. It was a good few minutes before he said, “I’m not averse to helping you” and he paused while he composed his next sentence, his mind working overtime.

“Oh god” Janet exclaimed “I can hear a but coming here.”

Mark held his hands up to forestall her “No but’s. I’m still trying to get my tiny brain around this hence the pause. I’m flattered that you’d willingly consider me. Kate’s situation, while similar, is actually very different. If it were just a quick roll in the bed, even then I’d be picking my words carefully because of the way I feel about Kate.” It was now Kate’s turn to look stunned at his words. She was enjoying herself with him but knew there would be a finite lifespan for their affair and here he was professing that it would alter his mind if someone else was offering themselves to him. “But it’s more than that” he continued “It’s making another human being who will grow up to an independent adult eventually plus, as you say, there are no guarantees of conceiving. Have you thought about how you would feel if we weren’t successful?”

Janet took heart that in all his words, he had not said ‘No’. “I have thought about that and will accept that if it is fates intention for me. I have two kids already and love them with all my heart but being the youngest of three I have a special place for a third child because of my experience with my siblings. So, if there is anything I can do to make this happen then I will do what is necessary. Yes, I could go on some one-night stand but that wouldn’t demonstrate what kind of gene’s they’d contribute, I’ve even been to a clinic where I can get sperm from an anonymous donor. You on the other hand come with my dearest friend’s highest recommendation. I’ve seen you in action today and was impressed; I can see why Kate says the things she does about you and why she suggested you to me when I told her of my dilemma. Please don’t be mad at her, she was only trying to help an old friend.”

Mark shrugged and stated “The lady need never fear I’d be mad at her. She is too precious to me.” Once again Kate was hearing words that surprised her — pleased but surprised none the less.

It was now Kate’s turn to interrogate Mark, figuring she needed to propel this discussion on somewhat, she asked, “Do you find Janet attractive?”

Mark replied nonchalantly “Yes, I think she is very attractive indeed, but my words of caution still stand. This is a big step certainly for two of us if not all three of us and I’ll need a bit longer thinking it through.” He turned to Janet and added “I want to help; I really do and I’m not saying no; I want to underline that. It’s just the whole making another human being thing that is so very new to me.”

Janet nodded her consent adding “I fully understand. I’ve had months of soul searching to reach this point, you’ve had it lumped on you this evening.” Kate then steered the conversation to mundane topics having guessed that no more would be said about the main topic of conversation. In actual fact the three of them had a very enjoyable evening and afterwards Janet bid the other two farewell and Kate steered Mark up to his room. The two predictably made love but Kate could tell Mark was still thinking through the evenings conversation and so settled for cuddling her lover on the big comfy bed.

During a break in the following days meeting Janet steered Mark to an unoccupied adjoining meeting room and asked “I hope I haven’t adversely affected our relationship after last night’s conversation. I was against lumping it so directly in your lap, but Kate knows you better than I do and I just followed her lead I’m afraid.”

Mark smiled back at her and placing his hand on her arm calmed her by saying “Don’t worry no harm done. In fact, I came to a decision this morning while taking a shower.” Janet’s face paled at those words and held her breath as he continued “I’ve decided that I will help or at least try to if you are still serious.”

Janet jumped and flung her arms around Mark’s neck as she buried her face into his shoulder blade. A muffled “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that.” Mark placed his arms around her to comfort her. It was only the third time he had held a customer in such close proximity but then he rationalised that the two of them would soon be sharing more intimate contact and he actually liked the feeling.

They held each other for the longest time but it was John that ended it by saying “I think we ought to head back in there. Do you need to take a minute almanbahis adres to compose yourself?”

Janet pulled back and nodded “Yes, you are right. I’ll take a trip to the toilets while you go back in there. Thank you again” and swiftly turned on her heels and made her way out of the room. A few seconds later Mark did the same and re-joined the meeting just as everyone else was filtering back into the room, the last person being Janet. Throughout the next session Janet was trying her hardest not to look at Mark as he guided the rest through his session. Not to look at the man that she hoped would be the father of her baby. Not to look at her next lover. Strangely it was this last thought that excited her more than its predecessor.

For his part Mark was his usual professional self even if he too was avoiding eye contact with Janet unless someone involved her in a conversation topic. They purposely kept apart during the break for lunch as they did during the afternoon comfort break. Once the afternoon session was completed, the attendees filed out of the room to catch up on their emails, only Janet and Mark remaining in their seats looking suitably busy. Once the last person had left, Janet went and shut the door and came and sat next to Mark who looked up and smiled his most charming smile. Janet was visible shaking as she wrung her hands together in her lap. Mark reached over and placed his hand on her arm making her look up into his face before he said “Look. I appreciate this is a big step, especially as it’s not like anything either of us have done before.” Janet gave a big sigh of relief and gave a crooked smile back as an answer. “Don’t think it has to be wham, bam thank you mam. We can take things steady. There is no script for this. No-one I know has done anything remotely close to it and so if you want to talk through any aspect before doing anything then I can be patient” Mark added.

Janet unclenched her hands and placed one on top of Mark’s saying “It is a little bit of that but it’s mainly the fact that I so desperately want to get fucked; I want you inside of me. It’s been so long since I’ve been intimate with a man, I’ve been so focused on providing a safe home life for the kids, but this is a new feeling for me. I’ve seen you in action for my own eyes and I like what I see. You are genuine, funny, passionate on your subject matter and above all a nice bloke to be around. When you combine that with what Kate has told me about you means you were the ideal candidate for my baby’s father. I was seriously worried about her at one point, very worried indeed, but in the matter of a few weeks she was a different person, she was back to the Kate I knew and that coincided with when you entered her life. I don’t need that same transformation, but I need a bit of the man that was instrumental in that change.”

Mark was a little stunned by her comments; pleased none the less. He leant forward and in the same hushed tone replied “I think you are similarly amazing and can’t wait to get you naked” at this Janet gave an involuntary squeak. “I need to speak with Kate first though but once we have that out of the way we can make more suitable arrangements. I’m in the area every couple of weeks and I’ll prioritise your schedule so that the kids don’t get inconvenienced too much. There are no guarantees of this thing working the first, second or even third time but I promise to try my best to be there for you.”

Janet leant forward and flung her arms around his neck once more, burying her face in his neck like before. She liked the way she felt safe in his embrace. Eventually she pulled back, wiped her eyes and replied “My parents have the kids this evening. The kids love being spoilt, and my parents love being needed. Because they don’t live far from me, they’re happy to have the kids whenever work demands my presence. Kate has already messaged and said that she is at the hotel already and for us to meet her there. I’m afraid I was too excited this morning and I let slip to her what your decision was. I’m so sorry but for what it’s worth she is thrilled for us.”

Although Mark was a little miffed that Janet had let the cat out of the bag as he would have preferred to be the one who told Kate he kept quiet and smiled. They quickly packed their respective work bags and made their way separately to the hotel. Mark reached the bar first and went straight to see Kate “I’m sorry you didn’t hear the news from me. I wanted to save telling you until we met face to face.”

Kate smiled wanly and replied “She was just excited. I’m pleased that you decided to help her.”

Mark looked a little perturbed “You could say she’s excited, I suspect she hasn’t heard a thing I’ve said today since telling her. Where does it leave us through?”

Kate looked surprised by his question and after a moment’s thought replied “Where it leaves us is you’re helping my dearest friend. I needed you when I was at my lowest, but you raised almanbahis adresi me back to my normal self and beyond. Although I would have preferred to keep you all to myself, it was after all me who suggested you for the role. Focus on Janet and I’ll still be there waiting in the wings once you’ve performed, and we can pick up where we left off. I can’t ignore the fact that it is now me doing the dirty on my husband. It was fine when I was the injured party but now the boot is on the other foot, it’s nagging at me somewhat. A period of time to reflect while you and Janet work stuff through will give me a chance to reflect. Yes, I know I could do that already but each time you are here all I can think about is how fabulous you make me feel and how you take care of my needs. Does that make sense?”

Mark nodded “Yes, it makes perfect sense. Janet is both nice and attractive but ultimately, she isn’t you and therefore I have to adjust my motivation with her. I guess I knew all along that our time together has a finite life span but all the same the anticipation of knowing I’d soon be back with you is always a strong driver for me.” It was at this point that Janet arrived.

With drinks in front of them, the three had a very pleasant half hour catching up on their respective projects until Kate announced, “Well I’m going to leave you two some time to talk stuff through between yourselves.” All three stood, Kate first gave Janet a hug and whispered just loud enough for Mark to overhear “Look after him. I want him back once you’ve finished with him.” Turning to Mark, she pulled him close and whispered so only he could hear “Give it to her good. The sooner you get her knocked up, the sooner you are back between my legs.” She then pulled him into a smouldering kiss that he would never forget.

As she strode away, Kate knew that she had left both in no doubt who had made this possible. Janet and Mark just stood shocked, looking at each other until Mark stirred and said “I’d say it’s a little early for dinner. How about we go upstairs and have a chat in private.” Janet nodded and strode off into the foyer and to the lift.

The ride up in the lift was quiet as it was just the two of them and as they were stood side by side looking at the lift doors, Mark reached over with his hand and took Janet’s, he was concerned with how much she was shaking. She smiled over at him and guessing what was going through his mind said “I’m okay, honest. I’ve just never done anything like… you know… like this.”

Mark squeezed her hand and replied “Don’t worry, I’m there for you every step of the way and will never put pressure on you. Okay?” Janet silently nodded as the doors parted. Mark steered her to the right and opened the room door for her to set foot in there first. Janet made her way to the large seating area in the room and then stopped dead; she had no idea what to do next. Mark cast the key card aside and walked up behind her and gently placed his hands on her upper arms — again she was shaking. Keeping his voice calm and low Mark said “It’s okay. I appreciate it’s a big step so why don’t you take a seat and I’ll make us a drink?”

Janet smiled sheepishly and looking over her shoulder at him replied “I’m rather ashamed to admit this out loud but Kate has already told me I can confess anything to you, and it won’t go further but it isn’t a drink I need. What I need is you to undress me and be inside me as quickly as you possibly can.”

Mark reached up for the lapels of her jacket and pulled them apart and back so that the garment slid down her bare arms, Placing it gently over the chair in his room, Mark then reached around and started to unbutton her blouse. He was being gentle which miffed her slightly, but Janet held her tongue. The blouse was similarly draped over the back of the chair and Mark then turned his attention to the zipper of her skirt which eventually lay in a crumpled heap at her feet leaving her in just her bra and panties. He stepped up behind her, wrapped her in his arms and started to kiss along her shoulder. As he got to her ear he mumbled “You look magnificent.”

It was at this point that Janet turned to face him, took his right hand and placed it on her left breast before wrapping both her arms around his neck and pulling him into a long lingering kiss. Mark moved his hands around Janet’s back to unclasp her bra and pulled the garment aside so that he could put his hand back on her breast and feel it’s warmth against his hand, the hard nipple pressing into his palm.

Janet removed her hands from his neck and placed her thumbs inside the elastic of her panties, pushing down so that they lay at her feet. She stepped over to the bed, climbed on top of the covers and lay her head against the pillows with her legs open and inviting. In record time Mark had discarded his own clothing and similarly get on the bed as he took a long look at the pussy before him. Janet noticed where he was looking and said “I’ve heard about that very skilful tongue of yours and hope to experience it sometime in the future. The one thing you won’t need to do is prepare me down there, I’ve been leaking all day since you said you’d help me. Please come and fuck me. Now.” holding her arms out beckoning him.

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