Lucky Day


Authors note: At the end of this tale I make reference to “skinning a cat”. I am an animal lover and would never consider harming a feline. It is a term for the method of my decent from the window and a very dangerous practice. Don’t try this at home!


Things seemed to be going from bad to worse that morning. Having been recently dumped by what I had thought was the love of my life I had decided to occupy my time and my mind in fixing up my place and working in the garden a bit. I’d been up all night painting the master bathroom and waiting for day light so I could continue my log furniture building project when I realized I was out of the screws I needed for the furniture. My van was refusing to start so I had to wait until 10am to borrow my fathers truck for a quick run to the local big box store in search of screws.

Little did I know….

As I rounded the corner of the hardware aisle I stopped dead in my tracks. Standing there in the middle of the aisle was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was tiny, maybe as high as my chin, and I could easily have thrown her over my shoulder and stalked off with her. I considered it briefly but only briefly. I’d get shot for that in these parts.

Long blonde hair down past the cutest little ass, and big blue eyes that made my heart pound. I stood in stunned silence for a few moments just taking it all in. She glanced up at me and I hurried to look as if I hadn’t been staring.

Now what did I come here for? Oh yeah screws… dang, just what I needed, as if I wasn’t lonely and hard up enough. I carefully surveyed the wood screws whilst trying to sneak peaks at her from beneath my lashes. She turned in my direction and I quickly bent to grab a box of 2 inch screws trying not to get caught again.

“excuse me but you look as if maybe you could help me”

I thought to myself Oh yeah baby! I can help you right out of that jogging suit and right into bed. “Uh um maybe what is it you need?”

“Well, my toilet is leaking water everywhere and I can’t get it to stop and I don’t know which of these parts that I need to fix it” I realized she’d been looking at the commode parts the whole time I had been taking peeks.

“Hmmm it depends, where is the water coming from?” I was thinking I could offer to fix it and maybe, but no … hell, she’s probably the piano player for the local baptist church or something.

“I think it is coming from under the tank, ah, look could you maybe come and look at it? I’d pay you. You see my husband and I divorced a few months ago and I just have no idea how any of this stuff works or how to put it on.” I acknowledged to myself right then that there had to be a higher power and she had to be smiling on me today!

“Sure I’d be happy to help and no need to pay me I’m not a professional or anything I just fix what ever needs fixing” That got me a great big smile!

“By the way, I don’t even know your name mine is Cindy”

“Pleased to meet you Cindy, all my friends call me Mo and these parts right here should fix it up with no problem. If I am following you to your house I’ll need to make a quick call first I am in my fathers pick-up and if he thought I’d had an accident in it he have a coronary. I’ll meet you in the parking lot. I am in the gold Toyota king cab with a camper on it.” She took the package of parts from me giving me another dazzling smile and headed off toward the checkout.

I hit Dads number on speed dial. ” Hey, Dad (crossing my fingers) I ran into an old friend in town and we are gonna do the breakfast bar at the diner so It’ll be a little while before I get your truck back to you.”

“Old friend? Who? Now don’t you be doing none of that weird stuff in my damned truck!”

“Daaad, it’s just one of the girls I know from the wildlife conservation group (I was hoping it was Antep Escort Bayan going to be wild) and I won’t be doing anything in your truck!”

“Yeah right, I know how you are… I saw you checking out the girl that delivers the mail” Damn, nailed again… shit!

“I promise no funny stuff in the truck, I have to go now, she’s waiting for me. Don’t worry. I may be a few hours, we have a lot of catching up to do.” I hung up before he could warn me again about what not to do in his precious truck.

After stopping by the flowers section to pick out a single red rose bud just in case. I rushed through the check out and headed for the truck. She pulled up to me just as I was putting my purchases in the back and making sure that Dad had his tool box in there. Bless him, not only would I have all the tools I needed but his 2 gal. wet dry vac was in there too. I was going to be a very useful butch indeed. I slipped the rose into the tool box with a grin.

Standing behind her at her door with tool box in one hand and vacuum in the other I was totally unprepared for the horse of a dog that burst through as soon as she opened her door. The damned thing was huge!

“Mo this is Fred he is half Great Dane half Bull Mastiff. Don’t worry he is very friendly.”

I eyed Fred nervously as he sized me up, then he proceeded to walk over and thrust his head deep into my armpit and begin to snuffle. Yeah, he was that high.

“Don’t mind him Hun, he’s just begging for a scratch” I mumbled something unintelligible when my heart had slowed enough to allow me to breathe again and followed her into the house with Fred hot on my heels.

She paused at the bottom of the stairs. “It’s up here off the master bedroom, I’d just come in from my morning run and stepped in water when I went to shower and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. Oh, I hope it hasn’t ruined my carpet.”

I waggled the wet dry vac and said “Don’t worry if the carpets wet this will take out most of it and it should dry out without a problem then.”

Reaching the bedroom I had to pause and take in the king sized bed covered in black satin before she led me on through to the master bathroom. I immediately started splashing slightly as I walked but I noted only the edge of the carpeting in the bedroom had been soaked. I hit my knees and turned the shut off valve at the back of the toilet pointing it out to her so that she could turn it off if she ever had any problems again.

” Umm Mo does that shut the water off to the whole bathroom or just the toilet? Can I like take a shower while you do this? I just have to get this road grit off of me.”

“Just the toilet. Ermmm ahhh sure you can shower I’ll just clean up this water so it doesn’t soak into the carpet anymore.”

Yes!! I rolled my eyes skyward and thanked the goddess above for my luck this day. Being polite I tried my best to keep my eyes on getting the vac set up and cleaning up the water as she shucked her clothes right there in the bathroom but I couldn’t help an occasional glance at the mirror over the sink. My mouth alternately watered and got very dry and I was sure I was going to pass out. My hands shook as I began cleaning up the water, and she stepped into the shower.

When I had cleaned up all the water on the bathroom floor, and pulled all I could from the edge of the bedroom carpeting I shut of the machine and began coiling the cord. The little lady was taking her sweet time in the shower and I was hoping that the frosted glass of the shower doors would hide from her the fact that I was gaping like an idiot. I hit my knees beside the toilet tank and started removing it’s internal parts. Just as I had thought it was leaking around the flush valve seat.

From the shower…

“Mo can I ask you a personal question?”

That made me nervous so I answered cautiously.”yeah, sure, I guess”.

“Are you a lesbian?” My head hit the edge of the vanity top on it’s way up.

She had just turned off the water and slid open the shower door. “Oh! are you OK?”

I shook my head to clear the black spots from before my eyes and reached up to feel the knot on my head that was stinging slightly. My fingers came back red and I could feel a little trickle starting down toward my forehead. I grabbed some toilet paper and applied pressure to it immediately. “Uh, I think it cut me a little but it’ll be OK.”

“Let me see that, sit here on the toilet.” I sat obediently and leaned my head forward so she could examine the wound. As she leaned over to look at it I was confronted with a beautiful set of C cup breasts inches from my face and still covered in water droplets from her shower. She hadn’t even stopped to dry herself. I fought the urge to lick them dry for her.

“I didn’t mean to startle you with that question” She reached in the cabinet beneath the sink taking out beta-dine and what looked like butterfly bandages. “It’s just that as far as I know I don’t know any lesbians and I am curious about them.”

I tensed and hissed slightly as the beta-dine hit the wound then relaxed as she dabbed it off. “Curious? How? and yes I am a lesbian though I don’t flaunt it openly in this community as you can understand I am sure”

She looked down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes ” I have always found women to be , well, very attractive, especially masculine women and I have always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a woman.”

I was sure she heard my sharp intake of air at that and I could see the triumph in her eyes. She had planned this from the moment she saw me in the hardware department. “Hmm, well now that you are standing naked in front of a butch are you still curious or too afraid to consider what could very easily happen here?”

I saw those eyes darken about three shades, I knew what that meant, and then a spark of challenge rose in them and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt I was about to be a very happy little butch indeed.

I reached up and pulled her head down to me catching her lips in a fiery kiss. My other hand cupped a still damp breast and began to gently stroke towards it’s crest. She moaned loudly and the bathroom was suddenly full of very worried and protective canine growling viciously and trying to figure out how to get through her to me! I know he would have killed me if he could have gotten to me without knocking her over.

“Fred, Halt!, Sit!” Damn she was so loud and commanding I wanted to obey her as well. She paused to drop a quick kiss on my lips then grabbed him by the collar and hauled him to the bedroom door shoving him through, closing and locking it. “Mo come in here”

I jumped up from the toilet and my head began to spin a little. I must have hit that vanity pretty damned hard. She was standing by the bed and I took her in my arms.

She pushed me away and said “no, let me” and I dropped my arms to my sides letting her have free reign. She unzipped my jeans with shaking hands and pulled my polo from the waist band. My jeans slid down to my thighs and she ran her hands up under my shirt to cup my breasts. I moaned as she began to tease my nipples with a look of wonder on her face. The bedroom door rattled ominously but held and she yelled at Fred yet again to “settle down”. Releasing my now hard nipples she grabbed the tail of my shirt and whipped it off me. She devoured first one breast then the other and my knees began to tremble. Reaching down to slide my jeans down to my ankles she shoved hard and I fell back on the bed kicking off my hiking boots and jeans on the way down.

Launching herself atop me she ravaged my mouth with a kiss while grinding herself against me. My blood boiled as our clits slid against one another, I wasn’t going to be able to take much of this! Just as she broke the kiss to arch her back yowling like a banshee I exploded and joined in her song.

Fred was throwing himself against the door now and it seemed like the whole house was shaking, I could feel the shocks vibrating the bed beneath me as I fought to regain my breath. “Fred, ENOUGH!” Total silence. I heard him lay down on the other side of the door.

I wrapped my arms around her and rolled hoping my larger, heavier frame would not hurt her. It must not have because she went wild squirming against me and kissing me.

I grabbed her hands and held them over her head for a moment “Shhh, My turn Lady, relax and enjoy”

I released her hands and planted my hands either side of her shoulders, reaching down to kiss and nibble up her neck to the ear. She began to moan and the monster on the other side of the door began to whine. I was determined to take my time and make this something she would remember for the rest of her life. I kissed, nibbled and licked from her ear down to her collar bone then back up the other side and down again. She grabbed the back of my head and shoved me to her breast, I obliged the lady, laving and teasing the pert little nipple before planting small kisses over to the other breast and paying the same homage to it.

As I started nibbling my way down her hard muscled stomach the muscles raised before me and her thighs began to tremble. When I reached her hip I detoured down her leg to the knee and planted a wet kiss there making her squirm. Nibbling my way back up I could hear her breathing getting louder and more raspy. I kissed lightly across her lower tummy making those muscles jump and repeated my journey down the other leg. She was trembling all over now and I have never seen fire like the blazing intensity of those eyes.

She grabbed my head again shoving my face into her and groaning. I began lightly teasing her here there and yonder, everywhere but where she wanted me. She wound her fits in my my hair and ground me harder against her thrusting her hips, totally out of control. I suddenly concentrated on her hard bud and applied gentle suction. She screamed and thrashed nearly knocking me loose but I held on through the orgasm and continued my steady rhythm, sliding two fingers into her depths. She screamed again and arched her back coming almost entirely off the bed with the second one. I slowed my ministrations and began gently lapping and she relaxed, suddenly raising to grab me under the arm pits and drag me up her body. Damn this little girl was strong!

” Hold me, just hold me” I saw the tears streaming down her face and complied without comment. I understood, I’d cried myself, in the same situation, not many years before.

I held her until she dozed off, then eased my numbed arm from beneath her. I made my way to the bathroom deciding to go ahead and repair the toilet. After I finished I took a shower, wondering how I was going to get out of the house. I laid the rose on the toilet seat and used a carpenters pencil to write my number beside it. I didn’t want to wake her and I damned sure wasn’t going to open that bedroom door.

After I collected my clothes and got dressed I walked over to the bedroom window looking out over her back yard. There in front of the window was my ticket out. A long slender evergreen grew close to the house touching the window. Retrieving the tool box and vacuum I took a length of rope from the box and tied them together, opened the window and lowered them to the ground. I eased myself into a sitting position on the window sill and looked back one last time before launching myself at the evergreen, wrapping arms and legs round the slim trunk. My weight caused the trunk to bend slowly toward the ground. I released it as I landed lightly on my feet, picked up the tool box and vacuum and strutted off toward the pick-up whistling.

And that my friends is how we southern butches skin a cat!

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