Love in a Harem Ch. 02

A male nurse approaches and asks if she is Pixie. She says that she is and he asks her to follow him. They go through a door into a service corridor. A few steps along the corridor and they stop in front of a service lift. They get into the lift, he presses the ‘B’ button and the lift descends. They step out of the lift and she looks around to see that, apart from the stairs the only door available is marked ‘Medical Room’. He opens the door for her and takes her through a waiting room into the Doctor’s Office where she is invited to sit beside the desk. The doctor finishes washing his hands, sits by her and greets her with a smile.

He says: “Good morning Pixie and welcome to the company. I have to ask you a number of questions, many of which are personal. Are you okay to continue?” She nods and replies that she is. He continues: “Do you consider yourself to be a prostitute and if so, approximately how long have you exchanged sex for money?” She confirms that she is a prostitute and is proud to be one. She became a prostitute on the train this very morning, she discounts yesterday because it was an audition and she was only employed afterwards.

He smiles: “Well said Pixie, your honesty does you credit. My next question is when did you first engage in sexual intercourse and under what circumstances?” She tells him that her first vaginal penetration was maybe at age 14 with a 16 year old boy from the same school … she blushes … adding that it was behind the school toilets. He continues: “How did you feel about your first time?” She tells him honestly that it was the best thing she had ever experienced and the desire for sex has never left her, if anything it has become stronger. When he asks her if she ever considered herself to be a slut, or even a nymphomaniac, she replies: “Absolutely! From the start and ever since, until today when I became a whore as well as a slut and nymphomaniac.”

He smiles warmly, gazing into her beautiful big blue eyes then asks if she takes a contraceptive pill. She nods and tells him the name of the pill. He confirms that it is held in stock and she doesn’t need to pay for it anymore. He asks if she considers herself to be prolific, she says that she does and that she has attended a clinic each month for a check up. He smiles telling her that she is an intelligent, self aware and responsible young lady. Then he assures her that she will receive the best possible medical care at the company, free of charge and very confidential.

He asks her to strip naked and after feeling for any lumps in her breast tissue he gently teases her nipples to test for response, then asks her to sit up in the examination chair. She shows her familiarity with the process by putting her feet in the stirrups without being asked. He smiles and asks, following her trips on the train, if she enjoys being naked in public. She says that she adores it and even more when engaged in sex.

He gently strokes her vulva and her response is to open her legs as far as the stirrups allow. He smiles and tells her that he is sure she will be very popular. When he inserts his fingers he remarks on how responsive she is, being self lubricated already. He leans forward and teases escort bayan her button with the tip of his tongue which draws a soft moan from her, then sucks her button in pulses while hooking his fingers to locate her g-spot. Her response is satisfyingly fast for them both, giving her release and him the opportunity to check that her juices taste so good that her taster can only become addicted to her.

He takes a speculum from the tray and lubricates it with KY jelly. With the jaws closed, he rotates it 90 degrees and spreading her lips open with one hand, positions the jaws at her entrance with the other. He slides it inside and she emits a soft moan. He looks up and asks if she is okay to continue and she nods that she is. The nurse stands close by watching attentively and she wonders if he is learning or perving, or perhaps both!

The doctor turns the speculum back 90 degrees and then slowly, judging that she isn’t in pain, opens the jaws and locks them in that position. He takes a cervical smear and inspects her vagina through a camera on a cable that he inserts deep inside her. He inserts and removes a couple of probes before sitting up, removing the speculum and congratulating her. The nurse appears to have enjoyed watching and even that gives Pixie pleasure.

The doctor puts a little finger glove on and applies KY jelly to it. Then uses the finger to transfer the jelly all around her rear passage then some liberally inside it. She is enjoying the attention and doesn’t flinch when his finger enters and moves around. He looks up to her and asks if she has had much anal sex, she replies that she hasn’t. He removes his finger with a swirling flourish and she gasps at the empty feeling. He says that she has looked after her assets and they will serve her and her visitors with distinction.

He takes some blood and asks her to dress. Dressed and seated by the desk again, the doctor tells her that she appears to be very healthy and if the tests require another visit, she will receive a call. The doctor wishes her a good day and asks her to follow the nurse who will conduct her to the Occupational Therapy Suite. He leads her out of his office and into the waiting room. Then he opens a door labelled Occupational Therapy which opens out into a gymnasium surrounded by cubicles each containing a different piece of apparatus. He leads her into one of the cubicles and closes the curtains behind them. He turns on the machine and clicks some buttons and the back wall of the cubicle swings open. He signs for her to go through and as she does, the wall swings solidly back into place. She has completely disappeared.

As the wall locks into place, the lights turn on to reveal a small room with a huge metal wall facing her, it has the look of a bank vault seen in films, very strong and very secure. The central section opens slowly and silently, she can see a man beckoning to her from the other side of the door so she goes to him as requested. The door silently closes behind her. He is as if he is straight out of 1001 Arabian nights, he introduces himself as Le Maître, the Master of the Harem. Pixie gets the tingles as he explains that the Harem, and it’s ladies, are bursa vip escort for the exclusive use of approved executives in the group of companies that own the organisation in this building. The owner of the group is an Arabian Sheikh. Any male member of staff in the Harem, like himself, is a eunuch. All males, including Harem staff, are to be addressed by Harem ladies as Sir. No other persons are permitted entry to any part of the Harem.

Le Maître then informs Pixie that she will be paid a salary of $30,000 per month but the offer is conditional on her agreeing to live in, and by the rules of, the Harem. He asks if she is willing to commit to such a contract of concubinage that pays $360,000 per annum. She asks about her flat and possessions and she is told they will arrange to terminate her rental agreement and move her belongings into storage for her, just as soon as she signs the contract papers. She nods with a smile: “Sir, I wish to accept the generous offer and move into the Harem as a concubine as soon as is desired”. He nods and leads her to his control station where he asks her to sit. He opens a leather document case in front of her asks her to sign by each of the pencilled “x” marks. She signs where required as Le Maître turns the pages for her.

When all documents are signed he smiles: “Congratulations, you are now a Concubine of the Harem and your new name is Ayisha. Please remove everything you are wearing and place it into this bag”. He holds out the bag so she may drop each item into it as she strips. Once she is completely naked, he seals the bag with an adhesive label and shows it to her. It was one of the documents she signed. Placing the bag beside his control station, he leads her through a door that opens as they approach. On passing through the door, it opens into a huge space, bigger than any internal structure she has ever seen. The only possible reminder that it is a basement are the impressive large marble columns soaring up to support the very high ceiling.

An attractive concubine approaches them with a big smile on her face. Around her, just above the hips, is elegantly draped a gold link chain. From the central part of the chain, front and rear is draped a beautiful, sheer, baby pink fabric hanging between her legs almost to the floor and almost but not quite hiding her charms. She isn’t wearing any underwear or footwear. She also wears a bra of matching fabric but edged in gold, her areola and nipples are visible through the fabric. On her right wrist she wears a wide gold bracelet. Her whole outfit displays the wealth of her owner. The arrangement is simple, sublime and extremely sexy.

As she gets closer Ayisha recognises her as the girl who was being auditioned, when she mistakenly got into the company carriage and had her own informal audition! She smiles and bows respectfully to Le Maître and he greets her: “Concubine Maryam, it is my honour to present to you Concubine Ayisha. Please help her settle into the Harem”. Maryam smiles and shows her respect to Ayisha by bowing to her. Ayisha smiles back and shows her respect by bowing to her. Le Maître leaves them together and they embrace. “Come bursa elit escort Ayisha, let us bathe and get to know one another. I didn’t know if we would ever see each other again!”

Ayisha nods with a smile and Maryam leads her to the nearest of 3 pools. Maryam takes off her clothes which takes no time at all. Then holding hands they enter the welcoming warmth of the water. The water is waist high and round the sides of the pool are built-in seats. Maryam pulls a floating tray on which are a variety of scented washes. They start washing each other rather than themselves as if by instinct, because there was no word or sign to indicate the wish of either woman. They smile a lot and spread their legs at the appropriate moments. It is very sensual but not overtly sexual. The washing completed they tell each other about themselves and how they arrived in the Harem. Maryam’s experiences after the audition mirror those of Ayisha except they were a day earlier.

Helping each other from the pool, they gently pat each other dry with a big warm fluffy towel. They are bonding with each other at the same time as well as enjoying their new luxurious lifestyle. Looking around they can see 20 to 30 other concubines, mostly in pairs like themselves. Maryam asks if Ayisha would like to partner with her and Ayisha agrees with all her heart, the partnership is sealed by a delicious lingering kiss. Ayisha says the kiss was wonderful but asks if lesbian relationships are allowed. Maryam says they are and is the reason she asked her to be her partner. They embrace and kiss again.

Holding hands they go to one of a number of rooms with Arab style entrances near the pools. The entrances each have a pair of curtains of a similar fabric to Maryam’s outfit, these are tied back by golden cords. In the room is an amazing display of concubine outfit items. They choose matching gold belts which are fitted just above the hips. They both select baby blue fabric coverings. Maryam dresses Ayisha first to show how it is done, with cascading folds in the sheer fabric like oriental curtains, then Ayisha returns the favour. Their bond is growing. They both choose a wide gold bracelet for their right wrist and they embrace, this time their lips touch in the softest lingering kiss.

Taking her hand Maryam leads Ayisha towards the centre of the space. There are a number of fountains surrounding a wonderful self service buffet. There are many drink options (none contain alcohol), sections for: meat, fish, vegetable, fruit and sweets. Maryam says it is all kept fresh by the eunuchs and is available 24/7. Ayisha can only look at it all in amazement, having never seen such luxury. They take a small selection on a plate, there is no space to hide any extra fat in these outfits, and go to join some other girls nearby.

They are given a friendly welcome and are engaged in the conversation. Ayisha reflects that she can see no reason for jealousy or animosity here, they are all the same, contract sex slaves … She feels really settled and happy, is earning about $1,000 a day and is living in luxury. The only sign of activity is when a eunuch comes for a concubine, presumably to take her to pleasure an approved executive.

After eating they enjoy a display of dancing and are invited to join an introductory class the following day. They agree to join in, partly because the girls look so elegant and partly because they want to be as attractive to any male viewers in the gallery as possible.

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