Locker Room Thrills


This is my very first story on Literotica. This all started a few years back and the whole thing is entirely true but with a little light coloring in where I could. I hope you enjoy and please let me know of any constructive criticism in the comments. Thanks for reading!!


First, a little about me. I am a forty two year old married mother of two. My kids are ten and eight years old and my husband and I still have a regular sex life. Although not as often as when we were younger, but we still manage to have sex at least once or twice a week and the sex is usually pretty good. I am very proud of my body. It’s not the same as before the kids, but I manage to keep in good shape by running every morning and going to the gym three or four times a week.

This is where I’d like to begin. You see, going to the gym has its obvious purpose of helping me stay in shape and feeling good. But, being fit and staying in shape aren’t the only reasons I go. Oh no…I go to the gym for another, far more selfish reason as well. What other reason is that you ask??? I enjoy looking at naked girls. I mean I REALLY like seeing other girls completely naked!!

Let me explain. I’m not a lesbian and aside from kissing a female friend or two in college as a dare, I have never been with another girl. This doesn’t mean I would never do it. I just never have. But I’ve always been curious about girls and I admit that I find the female body to be absolutely beautiful. Different shapes, different curves, different types of body hair (or none at all), different skin tones, I find it all so fascinating what all sorts of women look like naked.

I grew up without sisters and so besides maybe seeing one or two of my friends boobs or butts while playing ‘truth or dare’ at slumber parties in high school, I never got to see too many other girls without their clothes on. That is until I discovered the gym locker room. Or to be more specific, the showers and the sauna inside the gym locker room.

Let me set the scene for you. The locker room at the gym is pretty normal. When you first walk in there is your typical locker area with benches for getting changed. Then, in the next area, there are the restrooms with the toilet stalls and sinks and mirrors and a scale in case you wanted to weigh yourself. Then to the back there is the shower room.

When you first walk into the shower room, to your right there is a bench for changing and setting your gym bag on along with hooks on the wall to hang your clothes or towel. Then there are four shower stalls. Three of the stalls are along the same wall as the bench and the forth one is on the adjacent wall to the right. On the far wall directly in front of the line of three showers is another bench and next to that bench is the dry sauna. All the shower doors are made of unfrosted glass and the same is true of the sauna door. I hope you can picture this room well.

One evening, after I had finished my workout, I washed my hands in the sink and, as I was drying my hands with the hand blower, I saw the door to the sauna and it occurred to me that I might enjoy a little heat on my tired muscles. I’ve never used bonus veren siteler the sauna at the gym before and for some reason, the thought of relaxing my muscles with five to ten minutes of post workout heat was enticing. So, for the first time since joining the gym 2 years earlier I walked into the shower area of the locker room.

No one was in there besides me and I took a few seconds to just look around the room before opening the door to the sauna, setting the timer for ten minutes and sitting down inside to relax. The heat was pretty intense. After about only two minutes I began to think to myself that I needed to get out because it was so hot. My gym clothes, which were already damp from the sweat from my workout, were now beginning to really sweat through. Still, I told myself not to give up and to bare through. I set the timer for ten minutes and I was gonna make myself last it out for the full ten.

So there I am, sitting inside the sauna looking out at an empty shower room through the glass door and thinking that I can barely take any more of the heat. That is when it happened.

Into the room walks this beautiful blonde woman who, if I had to guess, was probably about twenty five years old. She sets her gym bag down on the bench next to the first shower and begins to undress. She starts by taking off her sneakers and socks. She then reached up and took her hair out of the ponytail it was in. Next, she took off her sports bra revealing what were some very pert and full C cups. Lastly, she hooked her thumbs into the waistline of her yoga pants and quickly pulled them down and off.

She stood there for a moment reaching into her bag and pulling out a towel which she placed on one of the hooks and a change of clothes. She then put her dirty gym clothes into the bag and took out a shampoo bottle and some body wash. She mostly had her back to me, giving me an unobstructed view of her flawless butt and just the tiniest bit of a thigh gap.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I know that might sound weird because it was completely normal for us both to be doing what we were doing. I was just sitting in the sauna trying to relax and she was just doing what people do when they are getting ready to take a shower. I’m pretty sure she didn’t even know that I was there at that point. If she had looked at the sauna door, she could’ve easily seen me sitting there, but she never did, which made the experience even more exciting. I mean, here is this beautiful twenty something year old blonde girl taking off all her clothes and revealing all of herself…every inch of her body to me, an unwitting voyeur and she doesn’t even know that I’m there or what I can see.

She then took the shampoo and body wash and opened the door to the first shower, which was positioned directly in front of the sauna. She stepped inside the shower stall, closed the door and began showering, all the while having no clue that I was able to watch her every move.

She was beautiful. She was naked. She was now wet and she was completely unaware that she was exposing herself to a stranger. I sat there and I couldn’t take my bahis eyes off of her. I watched her shower and run warm water all over her nude body for a good four or five minutes before succumbing to a mixture of the heat from the sauna and a little bit of guilt at what I was witnessing and I decided that I needed to leave the sauna.

So I got up, my clothes drenched in sweat, opened the sauna door and stepped out and began walking out of the shower room. It was then that she noticed me. As I was walking out, I briefly met eyes with this beautiful girl and, through the glass, we exchanged what I can only describe as a shy smile. I grabbed my jacket from my locker, put it on and left the gym.

I got into my car and started it, but before driving away I just sat there for a moment reflecting on what had just happened. I had done nothing wrong or mischievous. I was simply just taking a sauna in an otherwise empty room when all of the sudden, in walks a young, sexy woman who unintentionally gave me my first strip show. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my entire life.

It was then that I noticed that my breathing was fast and shallow and my skin felt flush (partially from the effects of the sauna I’m sure, but still, I was blushing hard). I sat there taking note of my body and the excitement and adrenaline I was feeling and it was then that I noticed I was completely wet between my legs. At first I thought it might be moisture from the sweat from the sauna, but it wasn’t. My pussy was practically gushing with my juices at having seen such an intimate yet innocent thing that this young lady had done. I was totally fucking aroused and as hot as I’ve ever been.

I couldn’t help it and I began to touch myself over my yoga pants while thinking about this young beauty. I started by drawing small circles over my clit before losing all control and thrusting my entire hand into the front of my pants and furiously fingering myself to the most delicious orgasm I have ever had. Thank goodness it was a bit chilly outside and my car windows were up because I had one of the loudest screaming orgasms I’ve ever had, right there in the middle of the parking lot.

That was what started it. From then on I became an addicted voyeur and that little sauna was like a sanctuary for my new found hobby. I can’t tell you how many times over the past few years I would end my work out, use the restroom to wash up before leaving and I would hear the sound of running water from the shower and be drawn, like a mouse to the Pied Piper’s flute, to that little sauna.

I’d go inside and sit down (sometimes without even setting the timer) and pretend like I was enjoying the warmth of the sauna when really I was enjoying a free show. I’d sit in there and my heart rate would nearly double on every experience and my pussy would get incredibly wet.

Not every girl I got to see naked was a supermodel. Some were a little overweight. Some were older and sagged a little too much. Some of the butts I saw were a bit dumpy or flat, but most of them (I’d say about seven out of ten of them) were every bit attractive in varying ways. And in every case, deneme bonusu whether they were attractive or not, I became aroused. Sometimes more so than others admittedly. Why was this? One simple answer…because they were naked. They were naked and I was allowed to look.

There were times when the girls knew I was there from start to finish because I had walked in while they were just starting to undress or they just noticed me nonchalantly enjoying my sauna as they went about their task. There were still other times when I believe I went completely unnoticed and just admired their nude bodies without them even being aware of my presence. It was so intoxicating! I was getting to see all of their secrets and all their most intimate parts and I had the perfect alibi. I was just using the sauna after my workout. Why would the gym have a sauna if they didn’t expect people to use it right???

And that’s the thing…it was rarely used by other people. I’d say on less than 10 occasions have I gone to use it and someone else is in there. If there is another person in it, then I usually cut my session a little short so that they wouldn’t catch on to my true motive, but most times I had the whole thing to myself.

And of course, about half the time I go to the gym no one bothers to take a shower, so I might go into the sauna anyway for a short period of time just to see if anyone does come and shower and if they don’t…at least I got to enjoy a few minutes of warmth and relaxation.

I’ve got some great experiences to tell you about. Most of the time it was just me looking and them undressing and showering whether they knew I was there or not, but on more than a few occasions, something special happens.

Like the time this one girl, maybe mid thirties, of latin origin and a body that was a work of art brought her dildo into the shower with her and gave herself and orgasm right in front of my eyes. She didn’t have any clue that I was there watching her and when she finished, she simply towled off, got dressed and left.

Another time I walked in while this cute young asian girl was in the shower. She had a tight little body and a smallish pair of breasts but with one of the prettiest faces I have ever seen on anyone. She looked at me when I sat down inside the sauna and gave me a little smile through the glass. I watched her for close to ten minutes and I noticed that she kept glancing up at me and would again, give me that little smile.

When she was all done with the shower, she got out, toweled off and sat down on the bench directly in front of me, still completely nude. She then reached into her gym bag and pulled out a razor and began shaving her legs and her pussy right in front of my eyes. Her legs were spread as wide as they could go and she was completely opened up to me.

I was more turned on in that moment than ever before. She wasn’t just showing off for me. She was giving something special to me. She knew I was there. She knew that I was looking at her and she wanted to give all of her body to my eyes. It was the most beautiful gift I’d ever been given at that time.

This has been fun getting to open up to you guys here on Literotica. It almost feels a little liberating to share this with you. This is just the start I hope. I’d like to know if anyone wants to hear more about my experiences with this and any helpful comments as well. Thank you for reading.

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