I woke up around 6, very typical for me. My arm was still draped over Janice, her bum still pushed into my crotch. Morning wood was at full attention against her soft, round buns. She was breathing the slow, steady breath of sleep. I knew there was no time for a morning romp, even though the desire was high, so I gently kissed her shoulder and I slid out of the bed.
After morning relief, and a shave and shower, I headed back into her room to get dressed.
“Well, that is quite a sight!” I heard her say as I walked into the room, cock swinging. “Do I need to jump out of bed and bar the door this time?” she continued.
“I think I might enjoy that sight!” I came back.
“Well, I’d love to beg you to stay, but I will let you go so long as you promise me you’ll be back after your dinner tonight.”
“No worries about that,” I replied as I walked to the bed and gave her a long kiss.
“Mmmm, that’s not going to help me let you go right now!”
Another quick kiss, and I replied, “I promise more later!”
“Good, and I know, we both need to go to work today. I see you had a shower, so I’m going to need to rush to the bathroom as soon as I’m up.”
“It’s all yours, I had a shower. Shall I make some coffee? How about some breakfast?”
“Mmm, coffee sounds good, and I don’t usually eat much for breakfast, just a muffin or some toast. I think there are some eggs in the fridge if you want to go that way.”
As she was saying that she was getting out of bed and heading toward the bathroom. Her body is stunning and my cock swelled at the sight.
“You are gorgeous!” I said to her.
“Oh stop it!” she protested, though the smile told me that she liked getting the compliment.
I finished dressing and went to the kitchen, got the coffee going and looked around for something to eat. She has a couple of muffins and some English muffins in a breadbox, so I popped an muffin in the toaster. I found some jam and butter in the fridge. She did have a few eggs, but I did not fancy making a mess of the kitchen, so I stuck with the muffin.
After a cup of coffee and the muffin, Janice came into the kitchen, her hair still wet, and wearing a robe. She poured a cup of coffee for herself, and seemed a bit apprehensive.
“Are you OK?” I asked, “Did I do something wrong?”
“Why are you here?” she asked, taking me aback.
“What do you mean?” I asked, unsure what was happening, “You asked me to be here – you even made me promise to come back. Do you not want me here?”
“I know I asked you to, but why are you here? Just to get off on my freakishness? Is this just some strange conquest?”
“Janice, I…” I started to react with some anger, but I took a couple of seconds to think about her intimacy insecurities. I looked at her and could see that same vulnerable, frightened woman I’d seen over the last couple of days.
“Janice, please understand something. I called you up when I was coming to New York and asked to see you. I told you that I was fascinated by you and that I wanted to ask you out. At that time, I knew nothing about your intersex status, you were simply someone that I worked with, who was a confident, smart, beautiful lady, and I wanted to get to know her better. We have zoomed fast into a physical relationship, and now I do know about your penis, your vagina, your gorgeous breasts, your lovely, squeezable buns, and I’m still here because I still see a smart
and beautiful lady, who seems a little less confident right now, but I know that that confidence is still there. As I said to you before, I cannot know the hurts you have been through, but I want so much to assure you that I am not here because of your physiology, and I am not here in spite of your physiology. I am here because I want to get to know this confident, smart, sexy, beautiful lady. You.”
She burst into tears. I thought it was a pretty good speech, and she burst into tears.
I stood to approach her, and she threw herself into my arms and cried.
“Janice, sweetheart, what is wrong? Did I say something that’s upset you?”
“No, you big lunk, you said the perfect thing! I don’t…I wish…I just don’t know what to say. I have never ever met someone like you. Everyone is either repulsed or lewdly interested in ‘studying’ my anatomy, and you, well, you seem like you are just interested in me as a whole. I…I…I don’t want to rush things, I just can’t believe that you’re real.”
“I am, and I already told you not to pinch my ass again just to test it!”
She gave my ass a smack, instead.
“It wasn’t that hard a pinch!”
“It wasn’t just a play pinch, either!”
Her tears had died down, and there was a smile on her face again. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her again.
“I’m coming back here tonight so long as you want me to, that I can assure you.”
“I’ve never wanted anything more!”
“OK, now, I have to grab my laptop, and head to their office. I’ll try to let you know a time frame once I find all of that out.”
“OK,” she said, almanbahis adresi as she went to her desk in the guest room. “Here’s a key just in case. I’ll tell the doorman to let you in anytime you come by.”
I brushed my teeth and grabbed my things. With Janice’s subway directions, I made it to the office about 8:45 and met with their CEO briefly before heading into the meeting with the technical team.
We spent all day going point by point through the proposal, defining which company was responsible for which pieces, how the final product would be handed off, and how much our company would still be responsible for once the product was ready. In late afternoon, the CEO walked in and announced that we would meet at a restaurant that was not far from Janice’s apartment, and that we would meet there at 7:30 for cocktails, and then dinner. He then asked me to meet him in his office.
I went to his office, and we had a video conference with my CEO on, too.
“Sean, Frank and I have been talking,” their CEO began, “and I think the one missing piece we have here is that we want a liaison from your company to be here at least half time as the project continues.”
Frank, my CEO, continued, “Sean, you’ve done a masterful bit of work through all of this, and Roger and I both agree that you would be the person to do it. I don’t want to address all of the particulars now, but you would get a housing allowance that should set you up in a pretty nice place in Manhattan, or, if you prefer, a really nice place a bit further out. In addition, a per Diem food stipend when you are
there, a security agreement for your home here in Baltimore, plus travel costs will, of course be covered. You’ll also get more in salary and bonuses for this, assuming that it all goes well, and I’m sure with your direction, it will. Now, if you decide that you don’t want to do this, we can find someone else here to do it…”
“But Frank and I really want you to accept,” Roger interjected.
“You don’t have to give me an answer in real time, but think it over and give Roger your answer tonight at dinner,” Frank finished.
Wow, I thought. This is quite an opportunity for my career, and maybe giving me an opportunity with Janice.
“I’d like to thank you both for your vote of confidence, and after all that I’ve put into this, I can tell you that I don’t want anyone else but me to do it, so I’ll answer you now, yes, I will take it. We can work out the details, of course, but I feel a great deal of ownership with this and I would be hard pressed to turn it over to someone else, so thank you!”
My head was spinning as I left their office. Janice and I had talked about the difficulty of a relationship where I was in Baltimore and she was here in New York. This might help solve that, but it could certainly push things faster than maybe I wanted.
I called Janice to give her the dinner time frame, but decided not to mention the other things just yet. I did tell her that I had a wrap up meeting scheduled the next day with the CEO and their team lead, and then I would probably need to head home to get some things going with our team there.
I told her the name of the restaurant, and she exclaimed, “Hey, I know that place – it’s only a few blocks from my apartment – and it’s quite the expensive place. They must be happy with how you are doing!”
“Well, yes,” I replied, “things are going quite well, I’ll tell you more later. Can I drop my laptop back at your place before I go?”
“Sure, but I’m going to be here at work until probably 7:30 myself. I’ve let the doorman know that he is to let you in whenever you come by. I’ll see you after your dinner!”
I went to her place and dropped off my things. I found a note on the door, so I opened it, and it read:
“You go girl! Tim and I got quite an earful last night! He’s usually a ‘once and done’ but after listening to you go at it, he was up for a second round – I loved it! – Alice.”
I smiled to myself, and put the note back on the door for her to find.
I had some time, so I cleaned up a bit and sat down on her small balcony and listened to the sounds of the city, and thought about my future. Would I find a place to live, or assume that I’d move in with Janice? Was that too presumptuous? How should I approach it? I’d been too fast at “falling in love” before, but my fascination with this woman was stronger than ever. We could be good for one another. She certainly deserved a good chance at love, and I felt that I could be
the one to give her that chance. So many choices and thoughts.
It was time for me to get to the restaurant and I walked the few blocks from her place. It was a warm evening, again, so I had my suit jacket off as I walked.
The dinner was a nice chance to meet and talk with the people involved outside of a work environment, to learn of personal lives. I told Roger that I was not married or involved with anyone in Baltimore, so there was no issue in spending lots of time in New York. My parents almanbahis adres still lived in southern Virginia, so NY was a little bit longer drive, but with work I did not get there that often anyway. I did not tell him about a budding relationship with Janice.
After dinner drinks were served about 9:30, and I said that I was tired and needed to head back to “the hotel” around 10. I declined an offer of a ride telling them that I’d walked over and the walk back would help settle my stomach.
“What time is your train back tomorrow?” Roger asked.
“Actually, I was thinking of staying the weekend and going back on Sunday, so I don’t have a deadline,” I replied.
“Good, then we don’t have to meet early tomorrow. How about 1:00 we meet in my office, we can finish up, then you can decide how to handle a weekend. Any specific plans?”
“No, I have a couple of acquaintances from my time in NY before that I’ve made some plans with – nothing formal.”
“Good, well enjoy the time. I know you have some work to do back at your Baltimore office, and tomorrow we can work out when you can be back in town. We’ll get you an office set up in our building so you have a place to be when you’re here. It’s a great project and I’m glad to have you aboard!”
I walked out into the night, not quite as warm, but still a good night for a walk. The bit of exercise helped me clear the drinks, and had me wondering how to approach all of this with Janice.
When I got to her building, the night doorman looked me up in the book and let me in. I had texted Janice so she’d know that I was on my way, still I knocked as I opened the door.
“Hey, Janice, I’m here!” I called as I opened the door.
“In the living room!” she called back.
I walked in to find her sitting on the couch in a nightie. Not as blatantly sexy as the one she’d worn the night before, still a short gown with spaghetti straps. Her legs were curled up under her.
I walked over and kissed her.
“You are looking quite sexy, my dear!”
She had a funny look on her face.
“What?” I asked.
“It worked,” she said.
“What worked?”
“Alice knows that she’s not the only one having sex on the roof! She heard us!”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” I asked.
“Well, yes, but now I’m kind of embarrassed. I was kind of vocal about things!”
“Yes, kind of, but then again, so was she – and Tim, too!”
“I’m not sure how I feel about it – in a way it’s sexy, but in a way it’s like letting someone else into our private time!”
“Well, I’m not ready to sell tickets, but then again, we are all adults, and it’s your space.”
“OK, well, enough about that,” she replied, “tell me about your day, did everything go as expected?”
“Well, there was one big surprise that I did not see coming, but overall, yes, everything went very well. I have some work to do back in Baltimore, sharing details with our team, and getting things in order.”
“When to you start that?” she asked.
“Monday morning – we won’t waste time. Tomorrow I have to meet with the CEO here, at 1:00, then I thought maybe I’d stay until Sunday afternoon to take the train back – that is, if you don’t mind me Jonesing a place to stay?”
She practically jumped off the couch and grabbed me in a huge hug.
“I wanted to figure out a way to get you to stay until then, but I was afraid to ask!”
She kissed me all over my face, then long and hard on the lips.
“So, there’s a bit more,” I said after the kiss, “let’s sit down.”
“Uh, I’m not sure that I like the sound of this,” she said.
“Let me explain,” I went on. “They want someone from our company to be on site with them for at least half of the time for the duration of the project, and the project will last at least 18 months, with an option for a second round that could push it to 3 years. Both Frank, my CEO, and Roger, theirs, want it to be me.”
“So you’ll need to be here in New York! That’s terrific! We can be together, not with me here and you in Baltimore! Wait, they ‘want it to be’ you – what are you going to do? What about your life there?”
“Yes, they want it to be me, and yes, I accepted. I have a housing allowance and a per Diem for food while I am here. Plus it is essentially a promotion, so I get a salary bump, and potential bonuses if everything goes well.”
“My tummy is full of butterflies – will you – will you stay here with me, or find a place of your own?”
“Well, I don’t fully know the answer. First I did not presume that staying here would be an option – it’s your place. Second, I’m still in that ‘don’t take things too fast’ quandary. Is it OK if I don’t make that decision right away? I do need to go back to the home office for at least a week, probably two, before I need to be back here. I don’t want to rush a decision. I have to tell you that a big part of me wants to move in with you right away, but, as I said, I’ve been too fast before, and I’m a bit apprehensive to move too fast again.”
She looked thoughtful almanbahis adresi for a bit.
“I understand, I do. Hearing you say that a part of you wants to just move in already has me excited, and the fact that you are not just doing so has me scared.”
“We need some time to let this all sink in – or at least, I do. Besides, this is a great place for you – but is it really big enough for two? We both would be doing work from home, so we’d both need space for that, and you have the spaces taken – as you should, it’s your place.”
“OK, we’ll let it sink in, and I’ll try to keep my focus on the thought that part of you is ready to move in! I’m excited at the opportunity for you, too. It’s well deserved!”
“Thank you. I’ve put a lot of time into setting this up, and I hope that we can collectively pull it off. In the meantime, I do need to go to the bathroom, and then I’ll come back and join you.”
“Wear some jammies!” she said, smiling at me.
“I don’t wear jammies, so I have none with me. It’ll have to be this or some boxers or the robe you stole from the hotel.”
“I did not steal the robe, I told the concierge that I wanted it and she said it was a donation from the hotel! And I leave it up to you whether to wear the robe or the boxers – and it’s one or the other, not both!”
“Oh, so I assume that you are not wearing both?”
“You should not be asking a lady such a lewd question!” she shot back, though as she did, she pulled the hem up, exposing her nether area to reveal that she was not wearing panties.
With that thought, my cock started to swell, but I needed to pee too badly to let that happen. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and relieved my full bladder. I’d never used a bidet, so I sat down and fiddled around until I had rinsed myself with a warm stream of water. I thought to myself that I might have to ask for a demonstration at some point. I dried myself and decided to pull on some boxers.
I went back to the living room and Janice smiled as I approached. She was watching TV, and invited me to sit with her. The thought of her there with no panties had a mild swell to my cock, so the boxers were not really tented, but the swelling was not going to be missed, either.
As I sat I slid an arm around her and she snuggled into my chest.
“I still can’t believe that you keep coming back!” she said.
“All my things are here, I had to come back!” I said, cheekily.
“I’m serious!” she said, “I keep fearing that I will wake up from a dream.”
I thought about pinching her the way she had pinched me, but instead I tickled her ribs.
“Would ‘just a dream’ do this?” I asked as I tickled her.
“No! You didn’t just do that!” she almost jumped off the couch.
“Better than a pinch, though, right?” I asked.
She tried her best to glare at me, but she couldn’t stop smiling.
I again cupped her face and kissed her. We made out like teenagers on the couch, both of us letting our hands wander too. She started to pull on my boxers with some urgency when I stopped her.
“What are you doing? Don’t you want me exploring?” she asked.
“Oh, I love it when you explore me, but I have something that I want to do.”
I turned off the television, and sat up and scooped my arms under her and lifted her easily off the couch.
“Ah! Don’t you dare drop me!”
“Absolutely no chance!” I replied as I started walking toward her bedroom.
“What are you doing?” she insisted.
“We’ve pawed over each other like horny teenagers, and as much as I have really, really enjoyed that, I also really want to do something for you,” I replied, kissing her deeply as I held her.
“And what is that?” she asked.
“I want [kiss], to make [kiss], sweet [kiss], gentle [kiss], passionate love to you [kiss]. The kind that says to you with no shadow of a doubt just how special you are, and just what you mean to me!”
I carried her to her room, turned down the light, and gently put her down on the bed. As I climbed in beside her, I dropped my boxers to the floor, my stiff dick at full erection state. I lay down next to her and turned her to me. I kissed her forehead, her nose, her earlobes, her neck, under her chin, her collarbone, and back up her neck. I cradled her face in my hands and kissed her on the lips, gently, but with conviction.
“You do know that you are a special lady to me. Even though we’ve only been seeing each other in this light for a few days, I know just how special you are. When I am around you I feel high. When I am not around you I want to be. You are beautiful, intelligent, confident and sexy, and I want to take you to unimaginable heights!”
I kissed her again, still holding her face in my hands. She backed away from me momentarily, and pulled the nightie up over her head, now fully exposed to me. We pulled the covers back and climbed in next to one another. I kissed and nibbled my way down her body, centering my attention to each breast and nipple, down across her belly, over to her hip, and down one leg. My hands were roaming over her, but I avoided direct contact with her little prick and her lower lips, preferring to get close, but then move away again. I kissed my way down one leg, to her knee, and then her ankle, then her foot. I was never a foot fetish