After Marie left, Marc broke out the Jamison’s and poured himself a good stiff drink. He didn’t sleep much that night, but he still got up in the morning he wondering if he had just had a dream or if what happened really happened.
Mark got himself ready to go to the gym but first he stopped at his favorite coffee shop for a cup of coffee. His good friend Tony was there already Mark got his coffee and sat down at the table where Tony was. At first he wasn’t sure he should, but he decided to tell Tony the story. Tony was just a couple years younger than Mark but he had a history of success with younger women. Mark tried to keep his voice low, but told Tony the entire story.
When he was finished Tony looked at him and said, “I’m telling you buddy, it’s a new day; young women today are looking for older men especially guys like you with a full head of hair and a huge dick. Over the next 10 years you should get more pussy than you had in your entire life time.”
“I don’t know man; but I sure hope you’re right though.” Mark changed the subject and the two friends talked for a few minutes before Tony needed to get going. When Tony stood up to leave Mark noticed a young woman sitting at the table behind them. She was very beautiful with long dirty blond hair and sparkling blue eyes.
“When did she sit down”, Mark wondered. “And how much of our conversation did she hear.” As he was reflecting on this, she looked up, smiled at him. Mark smiled back and thought, “Maybe Tony is right.”
Mark went to the gym and worked out a little harder than usual. He couldn’t help but think about what Tony had said and thought if he could lose a few more pounds and bulk up just a little, maybe he’d be even more appealing. He decided to end his workout on the treadmill. He was on about ten minutes when someone got on the treadmill beside him. He glanced over and noticed it was the girl from the coffee shop.
“Hello”, she smiled as she greeted him.
Mark almost fell off the treadmill, but regained his balance and returned her greeting.
“Take it easy there”, she said with a little laugh. “I just wanted to tell you I heard your conversation at the coffee shop and your friend is right. Younger women are really into older guys.”
“Does that include you?” Mark now took notice of her long and lean body that matched her beautiful face. She seemed even younger than Marie.
“Maybe, it depends.’
“Depends on what?”
“Depends on how huge it is!”
Mark laughed a nervous laugh, “I guess you did hear everything.”
“There are some things a girl just needs to find out for herself.”
“Sounds like a challenge.”
“Not too great a one for an attractive woman such as yourself. My name’s Mark by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Mark. I’m Cybil.”
“So how about when we’re finished here I take you to lunch?”
“You move fast.”
“Well, at my age I don’t know how much time I have left, so I have to move fast.”
“Oh please, you’re not that old!”
“Ok, I’m moving fast because I find you incredibly beautiful and I don’t want you to get away.”
“I don’t know Mark, I think you may have the wrong impression of me.”
“Well, then maybe I could get the right impression over lunch.”
“Well I guess I could give that a try.”
“I know a little bar not too far from here where they have good sandwiches and salads and it’s usually pretty quiet. But if you have another suggestion, I’d be open to something else.”
“No that sounds good, where is it?”
“The Grill on Vine, Sixth Street and Vine.”
“Okay, never been inside, but I know where it is.”
“Well, it’s not much for appearance, but the food’s good, the beer cold and the prices nice.”
“Okay, see you there then.”
Mark and Cybil finished their workouts and headed to the locker room. Mark didn’t see her as he left the gym, but she arrived at the bar just as he was walking in the front door. They found a table off to the side. They looked over the menu and ordered an appetizer to share and salads. Cybil started the conversation:
“I may have led you to the wrong idea about me. I talked about things like I’m some kind of experienced woman of the world, but I’m really not. I’m twenty two years old and I’ve never had a serious relationship with anyone. When I heard you telling your friend about what happened to you last night, I found myself wishing I was like that woman.”
“Really, why is that?”
“I don’t know there just seems like there’s a certain freedom in that. I mean the idea of just jumping into bed with a handsome older man like you is really exciting, but I worry about what other people will think of me.”
“Why would other people need to know?”
“I guess they wouldn’t but you would know, what would you think of me?”
“I don’t think that my opinion istanbul escort of you would change based on your sexual practices. So I would probably think you’re a beautiful and smart young woman who might over think things a bit.”
“That sounds like a ploy to get me into your bed.”
“No…well, maybe a little.”
“Mmmm, so the truth comes out!”
“I guess, but here’s some more truth, I really like you and even if we never have sex, I’m glad to have met you.”
“Thanks…now I guess I need to decide if I really do want to get my brains screwed out or not.”
“Think about it and give me a call, here’s my number.” Mark wrote his number on a napkin and gave it to her.
Cybil changed the subject as their salads arrived. Cybil was 22 years old and from up around the bay area. Mark was a little surprised to learn that she was half Latino. She worked at a pre-school during the week and at the gym some evenings and on weekends, although Mark couldn’t remember ever seeing her there. She was also taking classes part time, hoping to get a degree in Early Childhood Development. Her schedule prevented her from any social activity, but she didn’t mind. She shared an apartment with two roommates, but the longer they lived together the more they started to despise each other. Cybil hoped the arrangement would last long enough for her to save enough money to go to school full time and work part time, but wasn’t optimistic.
Unlike Marie, Cybil wasn’t that interested in Mark’s life, only that he wasn’t married and that he had a job. They finished their lunch and Cybil said she really needed to work on a paper she was writing and that she was working at the gym that evening till nine and so needed to get going.
Mark figured he would never hear from her again and headed home. When he pulled into his parking he noticed a little red sports car in the next space. “Must be the professor’s,” Mark thought to himself. As he approached his door, Marie and an older man emerged from the next apartment.
“Mark, I’d like you to meet me husband, Randolph.”
“Nice, to meet you, I’m Mark.” Mark extended his hand. Randolph reached out and shook Mark’s hand. Mark thought he had kind of a wimpy grip.
“Glad to make your acquaintance. Marie tells me you took good care of her last night, thanks for that.”
“Well, I’m not sure what she told you, but it was my pleasure.” Mark shot a quick glace at Marie, who had a smirk on her face as she grabbed Randolph’s arm and headed to the car mumbling something about not knowing what time the store closes and needing to get going.
Mark went into his apartment and began watching a game, but not being all that interested and he soon dozed off. He was startled to awake to his cell phone ringing, it was almost 5:00 ands he didn’t recognize the number. He often didn’t answer these types of calls, figuring that if it was important voice mail would be left. Then he wondered if it could be Cybil and he answered. His conjecture was rewarded as it was indeed Cybil.
She was pleased that she had finished her paper and was wondering if she could come over when she got off work. Mark said sure and gave her his address and explained how to get there from the gym. She said she’d see him shortly after nine.
Mark’s doorbell rang around 8:30, when he opened the door he was pleased to see that it was Cybil. She explained that she had gotten off work a little bit early and headed right over. Mark invited her in and led her to the living room, she sat down and he asked her if she wanted a drink or anything and she said a glass of wine would be good. Mark told her that he only had red, she said that would be fine and so he went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine and brought them out to the living room.
Cybil took a sip and said, “I guess you’re wondering why I’m here.”
Mark replied, “I was hoping it was because you made a positive decision about what we talked over this afternoon.”
Cybil took another sip and a deep breath and said, “I have, but I have a strange request first.”
“Ok, just spill it out.”
“I just want to start by seeing you naked…and then I’ll get naked and then we can decide if we want to do anything else”
Mark wasn’t sure what to make of all this, but he also wasn’t shy. So he took off his shirt and slipped off the sandals he was wearing. Then he said, “how about we just do this together.”
Cybil put down her glass of wine and unbuttoned her blouse. “Sounds fair,” she said as she slipped off her shoes. Then untucking her blouse from her gym shorts, she slid it off her shoulders revealing that she was wearing a sports bra, she folded her blouse neatly and set it on the couch beside her.
Next Mark undid his belt and slipped his pants down and stepped out of them, revealing his boxer briefs which now had a significant şişli escort bulge in the front. Cybil responded by taking her shorts off, to Mark’s surprise Cybil wasn’t wearing any panties and showed Mark a very neatly trimmed pussy.
“My panties got all wet thinking about seeing you and I had to take them off.”
“I’m flattered,” Mark responded and then removed his shorts. Cybil’s eyes grew wide staring at Mark’s seven plus inch erection.
“Oh my God! I have never seen a hot cock that big. I’m not sure I can handle that…but I’d sure like to try.”
Mark walked over to Cybil and helped her out of her sports bra. Once freed from that her breasts seemed a little larger and were very firm. Mark loved the feel of woman’s breasts against his body and so he pulled Cybil close to him and gave her a big hug holding her tight against his chest and pushing his manhood into her body as well. Cybil looked up after a few moments and so Mark bent down and locked his lips against hers, Cybil pushed her tongue into Mark’s mouth and Mark reciprocated, both of them feeling the temperature rising quickly.
They continued to kiss and fondle each other for a few moments and then Mark led Cybil back to the bedroom. Mark laid Cybil down on the the bed and began to to massage her upper body, paying special attention to her firm breasts. Cybil seem to be enjoying it very much and so Mark continued rubbing her upper body for a few minutes before leaning over and kissing her on the lips again. Mark then moved down and began to lick and suck on her nipples until they got very hard. He then continued to work his way down her body kissing her stomach on the way down, then her upper abdomen and finally nestling his face in between her legs.
Having just had sex with Marie the night before Mark was able to be more patient then he might’ve been otherwise. And so he slowly began to insert his tongue inside Cybil’s already moist hole. Cybil placed her hands behind Mark’s head and pulled his face into her pelvic area as tight as she could. Mark might’ve been able to be patient but it was apparent that Cybil wasn’t. Mark obliged her by picking up the pace of his tongue and inserting a finger into her vagina. Cybil’s pussy lips spread wide open to suggest that there was more than enough room for two fingers and so Mark inserted a second.
Mark continued to work his tongue pressing hard against her clitoris and sliding his two fingers in and out of her wet pussy. Cybil was moaning loudly as Mark continues his work. Soon he found a flood of juices flowing around his fingers and her body tightening up until it exploded in a convulsion. Mark was hoping that the neighbors wouldn’t hear Cybil’s loud cries of pleasure, but then remembered it was Marie and hoped she could hear. Cybil’s body continued to convulse for what seemed to Mark a long time but finally she relaxed and lay still. Mark continued to work his tongue and fingers for a moment but then Cybil reached her hand down and pushed his face away.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I just can’t take anymore. I hope you’re not going to be mad at me, but I’m afraid I can’t handle that huge dick of yours. Can I just give you a hand job and go home?”
Mark was very disappointed Cybil’s wet pussy was very inviting to him. He tried to talk her into fucking him but he was having no success and figured a hand job was better than nothing at all. So he laid on his back and she sat beside him and started stroking his cock. It was apparent she was not very experienced at this and Mark was fearful he would not be able to cum for her.
Mark closed his eyes and just tried to enjoy, but it wasn’t working. He could tell that Cybil was getting upset and was about to tell her it was okay, when she leaned forward and gave him a big hard kiss, then she mimicked what Mark had done to her earlier and kissed her way down his body settling in between his legs and started licking his cock. Again Mark could tell that she was inexperienced, but admired her effort and found it to be exhilarating. After a few minutes Cybil wrapped her lips around the head of Mark’s big penis and started stroking his shaft with both hands.
Now Mark was fully enjoying himself and was just about to cum in her mouth when she stopped. Cybil now looked at Mark with a twinkle in her eye and began to slide her body up and spread her legs over Marc’s thighs. Holding on to Mark’s penis tightly she inserted to head into her wet pussy and just held it there for a moment. She pushed her body down about halfway over Mark’s throbbing cock, left out a slight moan and slid back up stopping just in time to prevent it from slipping out. Very slowly down again this time taking about two thirds of Mark’s mass inside her. She kept repeating this, each time taking just a bit more till she had taken it all.
Stopping with all of Mark’s seven inches inside mecidiyeköy escort her, she smiled at Mark and said, “I did it!” With that she began riding Mark slowly at first almost letting Mark slip out, but then pushing herself back over going as deep as she could. Mark had never experienced a woman who tried to go deeper like this before, but was enjoying it. Cybil once again had Mark on the verge, when she stopped, turned around and started riding him backwards “reverse cowgirl style” he heard it called. This time Cybil didn’t get a chance to stop as the sight of her firm butt sliding up and down his shaft induced a quick explosion inside of her. Cybil either didn’t notice or didn’t care and kept riding him hard as his penis began to soften. Mark finally made her stop and told her he had been satisfied.
Cybil collapsed on top of Mark and the two just lay together in an embrace and occasionally kissing each other.
After a few minutes, Cybil lifted her head and said, “can you get hard again?”
Mark already feeling a stirring, told her that he could with a little help and asked her why. She told him she wanted to feel what it was like in other positions and started massaging Mark’s cock. After about ten minutes Mark was pretty hard, but to make sure, Cybil again took the head of his cock in her mouth and using both hands went after it hard. When satisfied that he was hard enough Cybil laid on her back and spread her legs.
Mark rolled over on top of her and propping himself on his elbows, reached back and inserted his cock in her pussy. He started pumping her slow and easy, but some began increasing his speed. Cybil began moaning and reached around his butt and pulled him in, wanting him to pump even harder and faster. Mark obliged and started really hammering her, he was just about to stop as his arms were growing weary, but just then Cybil’s body began to stiffen, so he kept working it till she starting screaming, she then grabbed a pillow and she covered her mouth as her body exploded. Mark slowed down as Cybil relaxed, finally rolling off her.
“That was totally awesome,” Cybil said as she kissed Mark and then looked him and I and said, “What’s next?”
“Doggy style.” Mark said and rolled Cybil on her stomach, pulled her ass into the air and positioned himself behind her.
Again Mark slowly inserted his cock and began gently pumping her. Again Cybil wanted more and Mark increased his speed till he was giving it to her fast and hard. Mark was surprised he hadn’t cum yet, but maybe the all this fucking was too much for the old man. It didn’t seem to bother Cybil however and she started moaning and pushing her ass a little harder against Mark.
“She’s going to cum again.” Mark thought to himself and then the thought occurred that he had never made a woman orgasm doggy style. “Well, there’s a first for everything.” Cybil tensed up one more time and then exploded, convulsing and biting on a pillow to keep from screaming.
Mark slowed down and rolled Cybil on her back, then lifted her legs in the air. Mark then entered her and started pumping. This time he didn’t wait and started going hard and fast right off the bat. His balls were making a slapping noise against her butt and this excited him. Cybil was moaning and saying “yes, yes, give it to me. I want to feel you cum inside me.” Mark started going even faster and finally felt a wad of cum build up in his cock and he pulled out and shot his surprisingly large load all over Cybil’s stomach.
Mark then collapsed in exhaustion. Cybil snuggled up and before he know it they were both sleeping.
Monday morning came quickly and Mark’s alarm clock woke them both. Mark slipped out of bad and got into his shower. Cybil joined him and Mark tried to explain that he needed to get to work, but Cybil didn’t seem to hear and got on her knees and started sucking Mark’s penis. He started to object, but finally leaned back and left her go. She was so very beautiful, Mark couldn’t believe his luck. Cybil was working hard and Mark soon felt his cock load up and get ready to fire. He warned her, but she kept going and he shot his wad into her mouth, Cybil just keep going until Mark was finished. She turned around and spit out the cum and then raised her mouth out.
“You made me feel so good last night, I just felt like I wanted to make you feel that good. You can get ready for work now, I’ll need to get going myself. Can we do this again sometime?”
“Any time, you have my number.” Mark replied.
Cybil was dressed till Mark finished his shower, she kissed him goodbye and was off.
Mark wasn’t much good at work that day and left early, stopping at his favorite watering hole for a drink. As he was sitting at the bar talking to the bartender, a young woman walked in and sat across from Mark. She smiled at him and Mark smiled back. Mark asked the bartender if he knew her and said she comes in once and while, mostly on Mondays. Mark asked him to give her a drink from him. She smiled and said thank you. Mark said you’re welcome and maybe I’ll see you again sometime as he walked out.