
I felt really nervous and unsettled as I got off the bus. It was a rather remote location, all the way out in Vaughan. The reason I was here is because I wanted some cash, and this job provided me a good $1000. $1000! For one day worth of work! I’m not addicted to drugs or anything, none of my family members are dying of cancer, I’m just saving up for that new mobile phone, the Galaxy Nexus. It’s supposed to be one of the most advanced phones to be available on the market! Screw the people with the iPhone 4! I’ve got a Galaxy Nexus! I’m not working or anything, and the allowance from my parents is almost fucking nothing, so this gig (if they pay me!), will really get me within buying range of that NEXUS!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m your average 17 year old girl (with not-so-average tendencies). For some reason, I’m horny all the time, but I’ve always been too shy to explore with other people. I mean, I’ve masturbated and seen a lot of kinky stuff online (I’m really turned on by some of that kinky stuff too), but I’ve never, for lack of a better term … fucked. I look really innocent, and everybody thinks I’m goody-two-shoes, but I probably know more about sex than any other girl in my school. Ironically, I’m from a Chinese background, and naturally my family is also very strict on the sex thing.

Now, I’ve been trying to save up for this phone for a while now, and so far I’ve got under $100 bucks, so I thought to myself, I’ll never be able to buy this phone if I don’t start working! I was trying to find a good job or gig online and I ended up browsing the gigs section on Craigslist. While browsing, I came by this ad under the talent section that was titled ‘attractive, young female needed’. Upon reading the ad, it looked like a sexual gig. It didn’t give me much information, except ‘ebony couple seeking young female who is absolutely submissive’. It told me to e-mail for more information and compensation was $1000! The Ad also told me to include pictures of my face.

I thought to myself, why not? Some guys wanted to have some fun, and were willing to pay $1000 for it! I was probably the submissive type anyways, and I was also dying for an opportunity to explore my sexual urges. This seemed like a win-win situation!

So I went on my Facebook and pulled a couple of my best pictures (I had hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures on my computer, and I was too lazy to go through them all; but my best pictures tend to end up on Facebook), and sent them attached with an inquiry e-mail to the ad.

I don’t know if it was my cute complexion or my note that said “I’ll do what you want for $1000”, but I got an instant reply. The e-mail wasn’t a long one but it asked me a couple of questions. It asked me how old I was, if I was disease free, and my sexual boundaries. It also noted that ‘her’ (Natalie) and ‘him’ (Michael) was also disease free and attractive. I lied about my age, because I thought that I probably won’t get the job if I told them I was 17, so I told them that I was 19. I told them that anything seemed fine as long as it was normal and safe. I told them that I was pretty clean in terms of diseases and STD’s.

I got a reply (again, almost instantaneously), and the e-mail told me that if I decided to back out of ‘being submissive’ or the job at anytime, I will not be paid. It also instructed me not to eat anything 24 hours prior to the job. 24 hours! They also told me that they will know, if I ate anything. That seems like a long time not to eat, but I’m willing to do anything for that Galaxy Nexus!

The e-mail went on to outline that they were a wealthy, established ebony couple who wanted to explore their wild sexual fantasies, and that they wanted a third party to join them in their bedroom: a submissive female third party. The e-mail provided me with an address in Vaughan, and told me that they wanted me there Friday morning (it was Wednesday evening when I got this e-mail). So this meant I had to miss school. That’s ok, I wanted that Galaxy Nexus.

I e-mailed back, said I will definitely be there, and also told them that I preferred to be paid in cash. I went onto Google maps, found my route to their place by public transit and went to sleep.

I ate some cereal and a banana Thursday morning, but didn’t eat anything. I only drank water and juice for the rest of Thursday. I was pretty hungry by the time I went to bed Thursday evening, but I remembered that the couple told me NOT TO EAT ANYTHING, and that they would know if I have eaten. Now, in my situation, saving up $1200 seemed like an eternity for me, and I probably won’t manage to save up that kind of money anytime soon, so I would have to wait until like Christmas or something and ask my parents for that Galaxy Nexus. So I was determined to go through with this job. One of the unique things about me is my willpower, if I wanted to get something done, I will get it done.

So here I am, walking down Beaker St, houses on either side of me, all quite lavish and new and shiny looking. I found 59 Beaker St and found myself look down a large driveway with 2 black Mercedes on it and a really big limestone brick house. I felt kind of silly walking up the path through the front of the house up to the door in my converse sneakers and skinny jeans and hooded sweater. It was actually quite bright this time of day, and the air was still fresh, and even though it was summer time, it wasn’t really warm right now.

I walked up the stone steps up to the large double doors and pressed the doorbell. I pressed it again after a little bit and after some shuffling behind the door, a redhead opened the door. She had really fair skin and flaming red hair that was tied up in a bun; green eyes and she was wearing casual clothes, and I thought I had rung the doorbell on the wrong house. But then she asked me if I was Elizabeth (yes, I know, I know, it’s an unorthodox name for a Chinese, but my parents named me Elizabeth), and I knew I was at the right place.

I was told to come in and take off my shoes, and then I was asked to wait in what looked like the living room of the house. The interior of the house was magnificent; with many rugs and paintings. The furniture looked expensive and it seemed very spacious. It was a house that you’d expect rich people to live in.

The redhead disappeared and I was left shuffling uncomfortably on the large leather couch that I was asked to sit on. It felt like at least fifteen minutes when I saw an ebony woman (clad in a bathrobe) walk down the spiral staircase that was halfway between the living room and dining room. This must be Natalie. She was a young, tall and authoritative looking woman, who had a dark brown olive skin. She looked mixed, and looked more beautiful (by western standards) than the traditional coal dark African girl. She smiled at me and had an expression on her face that showed content. She surveyed me up and down and told me that I was perfect. I asked her what I had to do, and maybe we should get started. Even though I’m shy, I wanted this phone badly. She smiled at me and told me that we won’t get started until this evening; she’s got to go to work, and Michael will have to as well. The maid, Alicia (the redhead), will go through a process of “cleansing” and “perfecting” as to make me ready for the sexual activities tonight. She told me that the process will be rather personally invasive, and asked if I was ok with it.

I asked her by what she meant, and she casually replied that it involves some hair removal, a douche, an enema, etc, and I was a bit taken aback by her frankness. I tried to casually say yes, and then asked her what we will be doing tonight.

She told me that we’ll have a threesome, with me being the submissive one. She then asked me what I felt about eating pussy. I was really taken aback at her directness. I asked her what she meant by eating pussy, and she looked at me with an exasperated expression and said again, eating pussy! You know, licking the clam, “yamming”, whatever you want to call it! I grinned and I blushed a little and I told her that I’ve never tried it before, but I think I’ll be ok with it.

I mean, even though I’m technically a “virgin”, I have my own little sexual fantasies. I’ve never sucked cock, but I really want to; I’ve masturbated to lesbian porn before, and getting double penetrated really looks pleasurable. I want it all so damn bad, but my family is certainly in the way of any exploration of my sexual urges, and I’m pretty shy with people (especially peers and people I spend time with every day! Imagine if I developed a reputation as a slut! That would be DISASTROUS!).

So she looked at me again, surveying me. She asked me in her indirect way if I was sure that I was ok with this, and I said yes! She then told me that this is sex, and that I should understand. It is a threesome, like in the porn movies, and I’ll be the one getting “fucked”.

“You’re the one that’s gonna get fucked, you know that right”?

I stared at her, and I think I blushed (three shades redder probably) and I said, yes! I’m fine with it! It’s all good!

I mean, I’ve played with myself before, and I’ve also played with various fruits (a thin carrot once, perhaps 5”), before, and I think that maybe having sex will be the same thing.
I’m assuming that the person who will be “fucking” me will be Michael, Natalie’s hubby. This struck me as odd; I would never want to have my husband having sex with another woman.

So she grinned at me again, and told me that she likes me and turned around and walked up the stairs. I didn’t see her again until the evening.

I sat on the couch and the redhead maid appeared. She told me that we should start. She asked me to follow her and I did. I walked after her past the staircase and into the kitchen. I continued to follow her into a hallway on the east side of the kitchen and into another larger area that looked like a games area with a glass sliding door that led out into the huge back yard. There was a staircase here and the redhead walked up the stairs with me following.

We got to the second floor of the house and we walked down another hallway, with multiple doors all closed and we got to carpeted area (the house was so far tiled with hard wood flooring) There were two rooms, one on the left and one on the right and the maid beckoned me into the room on the right. When we got into the room, I realized it was a huge washroom. There was a really spacious shower and a very big Jacuzzi tub (it looked like it could fit 10 people), there was a toilet (strange looking one with knobs and buttons), and a urinal. Who the hell has a urinal in their washroom!?

The nurse turned to me and smiled. She introduced herself and told me that she was Alicia, and she worked for Natalie and Michael. She said that she worked for them for about 4 years as a maid, preparing dinner and breakfast, cleaning up around the house and doing housework. She said that she’s performed these “cleansing” phases on some of the “guests” of Natalie and Michael before, and she told me to relax.

She told me that we’re all girls here, and everything is ok. Unfortunately, she said, she’ll have to ask me to undress, and she’ll have to be there. Nothing sexual, she told me, that she’s just there to assist me with everything that needs to be done to make me “perfectly presentable” to Natalie and Michael.

I asked her if there’s any way I can do these things by myself, and Alicia told me that “this is typically what is done” and that I’ll have to go through with it. I stood there hesitating (I’ve never had anyone seen me naked before), and Alicia piped up. She told me that perhaps this will make me more comfortable. She reached down and pulled her t-shirt off with a fluid motion, then went down to take off her jeans. She kicked her clothes to her sides and stood there, barefoot. I stared at her, my cheeks bright red and she grinned. She told me that it was ok, that she was just there to help me to get ready.

Casually, she reached behind her and undid her bra, and threw it to the side. I gaped at that and thought fuck it, I’ve seen scenes like these in porn films, I might as well just enjoy myself. I’m supposed to be turned on by those supple nipples and rounded boobs (on the redhead). I stripped to my undergarments and then undid my bra as well.

Alicia grinned and then told me that we should get started.

It had been a long and tiring day. I was now sitting in a bedroom (somewhere in the house), on a large, soft duvet-covered bed waiting for “mistress” and “master” to return from work. It was certainly a day of “cleansing” and any shyness that I had possessed for my naked body had disappeared. There was nothing sexual that occurred between Alicia and I, she just performed multiple, thorough enemas and douches on me. I received internal cleansing when I first arrived in the deneme bonusu veren siteler morning, once at noon, and twice this afternoon.

The last 2 enemas ran absolutely clear, and my stomach feels hollow. Alicia also shaved me absolutely rid of hair: I have absolutely no pubic hair, or hair anywhere else, except for my eyebrows and head! Additionally, Alicia gave me a pedicure and manicure; my toes and fingernails are now bright neon purple. Before leading me to this room about half an hour ago, Alicia smeared little amounts of Vaseline jelly all over my body. Today was almost like going to a very thorough spa; although the experience is a little bit more invasive.

My mouth feels dry; despite my repeated requests, the redhead declined me any liquid throughout the day. Before leaving me in this room, the redhead produced a bottle of clear liquid, and said it was something to make my mouth feel less dry. She dripped a fair amount into my mouth and on my lips. It tasted oily. Then she asked me to sit on the bed and wait. She also told me that it wouldn’t be long.

I was in a loose corset-like clothing that was a cross breed between Victoria secrets lingerie and a bathrobe. I sat on the bed with my legs crossed, waiting. In all honesty, I was anticipating the threesome. I’ve watched porn films before, and I’ve also seen threesomes with one male and two females; the type where the male and one female played dominant roles and one submissive female “serviced” them. I thought back to a flick that was particularly memorable (as it made me really wet) to me where the submissive girl was made to lick the dominant girls vagina; and I wonder if that is going to be done to me today. I’m not a lesbian, but I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual; and I might enjoy it, if tall, authoritative Natalie wanted me to eat her out. I also never had a cock before, and I think I’ll enjoy sex with a black man (because there ARE rumours that they are really good at it). I’ve never had anal sex before, but there’s always a first time for everything!

I was nervous this morning, but after all of the enemas and “preparing” for tonight’s threesome, I actually really look forward to it. The other thing is: Natalie is a bigger woman, in terms of actual stature, height, etc. Michael is no doubt bigger than me in size as well, and I kind of like that thought: having two bigger beings (a man and a woman) telling me what to do sexually, and being my “masters”. That thought actually turned me on, A LOT (personally, I find this really surprising and guilty).

I was still sitting there when there was a knock at the door; I was shaking a little bit from the anticipation and thoughts of the threesome. I was still a bit nervous, despite my wanting for the sex. I went up to the door and I opened it, and there stood Natalie, in a bathrobe-like garment (but much thinner and revealing) and in slippers, the plush, comfy-looking ones. She asked me if I was ready, and I replied yes, as confidently as I could. Natalie grinned and told me to follow her, and said that she was looking forward to this all day long.

I followed Natalie out of my room (which was in the hallway of many rooms) and we walked back down that hallway (away from the big tiled area) and turned left, opposite to the staircase leading from the first floor and walked towards a single door at the end of a long hallway.

Natalie opened the room and signalled for me to follow her. The room was a bedroom, but beautifully furnished with expensive looking drawers and furniture, and there were heavy dark-red drapes covering the window. The room was quite bright, maybe too bright for me, as I felt self conscious and shy. There was no man in the room, and I asked Natalie where Michael was. She told me that he was freshening up, and that he’ll join us slowly.

Natalie sat on the bed, still clothed with the bathrobes and looked at me. She looked at me with a grin on her face and said “you wanted this didn’t you”. She told me that she can see the willingness in my eyes. I told her that yes, I wanted this, and that I’ll do what she wanted me to do. I then asked her if she could dim the lights a bit, because it was too bright; she responded by saying that she was the master of the house, and she’ll decide when the lights should dim. She then looked at me, sat down on the edge of the large bed in the middle of the room and told me to come closer to her.

I edged nervously towards her and stood in front of her, close enough to see the details of her eyelashes. Natalie slowly reached up and pushed aside the straps that were holding my one-piece lingerie in place; the result was that it dropped to the floor, leaving me completely naked. I felt a chill run up my spine, and shuddered, gasping. Natalie grinned appreciatively and grabbed my breasts with both of her hands, kneading them. I gasped; I’ve never had anyone touch my breasts. Natalie’s hands were warm and slightly coarse; she then ran her hands slowly down my sides and down my thighs, then she looked at me. “Come closer” she said. I slowly edged towards her, and was surprised when she encircled me with her arms and pulled me towards her so I fell in such a way I straddled her lap, with both of my legs on either side of her thighs, with me facing her. Natalie smiled at my flustered complexion and wrapped her arms around my upper body; she locked her hands behind my back and then wrapped her lips around my right nipple.

I gasped and I felt electricity run up my back. I was straddling Natalie and this woman was sucking on my breasts! It felt so incredibly good, and I moaned out loud, gasping. Her thick lips and wet mouth was unrelenting, sucking on my flesh, and her tongue was swirling around my sensitive, erect nipple. She let go of my breasts with a pop and immediately went to my right breast, taking that nipple into her mouth with an eager slurp. I gasped out-loud, crying out, oh god, unintentionally and shivering slightly from the sensation. Her right hand now fondled with my left nipple, and I felt two very pleasurable stimulations on both of my breasts. I unintentionally began grinding myself on Natalie’s still clothed figure and gasped out strange-sounding sounds. Natalie looked up at me and told me that she loved my nipples, because they get so hard. She then told me that she loved making little girls like me squeal, because it turns her on a lot. She then took my right nipple back into her mouth and squeezed my other nipple with her thumb and forefinger and rotated it between those fingers like kneading a small round piece of dough. I was overwhelmed with sensation, I cried out Jesus and gasped and threw my head back. Natalie kept on sucking and kneading, ignoring my pleas, and she started making little sounds of appreciation; low, steady sighs of an older woman.

After she got enough of sucking on my nipples like a vacuum cleaner, began jabbing at my breasts with her tongue, and grinned at me when I jumped at the sensation. She lapped at my nipples like a thirsty dog and occasionally gently bit them; the stimulation was making me go crazy, and the bursts of pleasure on my chest felt linked directly to my pussy; every single lick and suck seemed to make me wetter and wetter. I was gasping like a helpless little girl while this woman sucked and licked at my nipples; and because she licked me for what felt like eternity, I realized that I was very, very wet. I was literally, dripping, and I wished this could go on forever because it felt so damn good. But then, I heard the door open behind us and I heard someone walk into the room.

“Well, well”, said a low, throaty voice.

I tried to look back but Natalie kept me locked in the straddling position; her hands locked behind my back and her mouth all over my chest. If anything, Natalie seemed to be more enthusiastic in her sucking; applying more pressure and making huge sucking sounds. She seemed to take more of my breast into her mouth and I felt as if, at times, she had half of my breast in her mouth. The man (I assumed was Michael) had walked past us and now I could see him standing at the top right corner of the bed, near the bed-lamp. He turned around and surveyed me and Natalie and a big grin appeared on his face. He was a handsome man, and had a buzzed hair cut; he was probably 6 foot tall and really well built; and had the body of someone who worked out a lot. Pecs, abs, and the whole nine yards; he was wearing black boxers with a noticeable bulge.

I felt myself blushing profusely; and unintentionally gasping out at Natalie’s stimulations while my eyes flicked back and forth from Michael and Natalie’s head, wondering what would happen next. Natalie suddenly ceased her intensity in her sucking and licking and kneading and gradually came to a stop; letting go of my right nipple with a pop, looking content. My nipples felt really, really hard right now, and I almost wished that Natalie would keep on going.

I heard Natalie tell Michael that my nipples were the kind that got really erect and they were a joy to suck on; then she told him that he should try. She asked me to stand up and I did, and I felt like my legs were slightly asleep. I stumbled a bit, but kept upright as Michael continued to grin and survey my body. Natalie crawled into the huge bed and occupied the left side of the bed, she then mentioned to Michael to come to bed as well.
He bounced onto the bed and laid down on the right side of the bed, looking relaxed, still grinning. That bulge in his pants now was getting bigger. The couple was now both on the bed, Natalie on the left and Michael on the right; then Natalie gently tapped the space in between them and mentioned for me to join them. I grinned sheepishly and eagerly crawled into the space in between the couple, wondering what would happen next; I was wet beyond belief right now.

I laid myself down, facing upwards and I cuddled affectionately in between Natalie and Michael, setting myself down and stared sheepishly up at them. Michael told Natalie that I was so innocent, and Natalie said no, she only looks that way. Natalie then told Michael that he should suck on my nipples. Michael looked down at me then at my chest then he shuffled slightly down and took my right nipple right into his big, thick mouth. I gasped and involuntarily bucked; he was so much more aggressive than Natalie; biting and licking at my tit like it was food or something. His left hand hovered over my left tit and then grabbed it and began kneading it; it felt so good, the warmth of his palm encasing my breast and nipple; the sensation of his mouth on my other breast, it felt incredible. Natalie giggled and surveyed the scene for a while longer, and then she shuffled off the bed and went to the end of the bed.

I was lying there twitching with sensation and I stared at Natalie for a bit. She said I could see my wetness; she said my pussy was glistening with moisture; but she also said that it’ll be taken care of soon enough.

She bent over and gently kissed me right leg, and then slightly lower, then planted a kiss on my left leg. She alternately kissed either leg until she reached my ankles, then she stared at my Purple neon toes and kissed them after she kissed my ankles. She kissed my left big toe, then my right one, then she took both my feet in her hands and sniffed; she did this by smushing my feet (toes and all) at the area between her mouth and nose and sniffed deeply. I was embarrassed by this, and I gasped loudly, and instinctively tried to withdraw my feet. Michael didn’t seem to care, he seemed to take a great liking to my breasts; my, this couple really likes nipples!

Natalie looked up at me and smiled and told me what she’s about to do to me, she wants returned in double the intensity later on. The she took my left toe into her mouth. She sucked greedily on that toe and I felt her tongue swirl around my nail and the bottom of my toe. I gasped; the sensation was oddly pleasurable. Natalie let go of my toe with a pop then licked in between my big toe and my second toe; then continued to lick the creases of my toes one by one, insinuating on every crease, making my every toe and crease especially wet with her mouth . She then went on to lick at the cleave in between my toes and the sole of my feet horizontally, going back and forth. She occasionally stopped at a toe to flick at it with her tongue or to suck it; it was as if she was giving a blowjob to my feet!. This was really turning me on. I always had a feet fetish (this is strange for a girl maybe), but sometimes, while masturbating, I would smell my own socks (I know! It’s strange!), and get off to the scent of my own feet. What Natalie was doing was an incredible turn-on; she sucking my feet like that combined with Michael’s nipple-sucking intoxicated me.

Natalie stopped licking at the Cleave and moved slightly lower to the sole and ball of my left foot. She began tonguing deneme bonusu the sole of my feet, licking up and down on my sole, sometimes going as far as my the balls of my feet; my little pointy toes twitched to this sensation and I gasped out. Natalie would lick my soles in a up-down manner; she would go down to the balls of my feet, then come all the way up (slowly, intentionally dragging her tongue and polishing every inch of my sole, kind of like a floor polisher a janitor uses), and go stick her tongue in between one of my toes; she would then go all the way up, take one (or two, or three), of my toes into her mouth, suck on them, then release them with a pop. She would then lick back down on my feet down to the balls of my feet and release it with a pop.

Natalie continued this for a while then switched to my right feet; and she did the same things to it. She passionately sucked on my toes, one by one, she then aggressively licked in between them, making them really wet, and then began working on the cleaves of my foot. Michael had stopped sucking on my nipples and was now surveying the scene. I looked over and the bulge in his pants was humongous; his cocks outline was clearly visible through his boxers, and it slanted in such a way it seemed to almost reach his pelvis. It looked HUGE.

A burst of wetness took me, as I anticipated what was going to happen that night, and I boldly reached down and touched his cock. Michael looked at me and smiled and asked me if I liked it. I said I did. I’ve never touched a man’s cock before, and it felt quite special. It was hard and dry, and it radiated heat. It was also kind of soft and pudgy on the outside, but seemed to be really “hardcore”.

Natalie stopped sucking on my toes and stood up. She told me she wanted me to return the favour. She also told me that Michael there was not easily satisfied, and that he had an incredible libido. She said that he could not be satisfied by just coming once; he would become erect very soon and would want more. She told me to go to the foot of the bed, and kneel down.

I regretfully let go of Michael’s cock through his pants and went to the foot of the bed; Natalie walked up the side of the bed and crawled into the middle of the bed. In essence, I and Natalie just switched places. Natalie sat down on the bed and stretched out her legs; then she put her feet right into my face.

Now, I went through multiple showers today, and my feet probably smelt like flowers, but this was not the same for Natalie. Her feet smelt of her natural odours and it smelt like sweat. I recoiled a little bit, but then I realized that I loved the smell of feet, and that I would smell my own socks sometimes to get off. Another realization hit me that I’ve never smelled the feet of another person (a woman particularly), and I’ve sometimes caught myself wishing (while watching girls licking each others feet in porn flicks), that I was one of the girls in the movies. I realized that this was a perfect opportunity to be one of the girls in the films and my heart raced at this thought. I get to smell the smelly, tired feet of another girl, and I get to lick it and suck it and to WORSHIP it. I stared up into the grinning face of Natalie and she told me that it had been a long day at work, and her feet was tired and used. She told me that she wanted me to relax and clean her feet before going on with anything else.

I kneeled at the edge of the bed and looked up at her feet. I thought I wanted this for a while now; I might as well try it! So I brought my nose up to her toes (shiny red), and sniffed. I absolutely LOVED the smell: it was the smell of tired feet, slightly acrid and sour, with the smell of sweat. Her foot was actually a bit smellier than I expected, but that was ok. I sniffed at her toes of her left feet and continued sniffing her soles. The smell died down a bit; her toes retained the most of her scent. I sniffed the toes on her right feet and her right soles; and savoured the scent. I sniffed at the tip of her toes and picked up a scent of her nail jam (which was really smelly) and sniffed eagerly at it, wishing to get more of the smell; I let myself be lost in the scent. Natalie looked at me and stretched her toes a little bit; a stronger smell wafted up to my nostrils from in between her toes; the smell of her toe creases and I absolutely loved it. She asked me if I liked the smell and I said yes and she told me to suck her toes, like how she sucked mine. I looked at her and nodded.

I went to her right foot, took one look at her big toe and took it into my mouth. It was salty and soft and warm. The action of sucking on the toe of an authoritative woman was a big turn on for me. I sucked on her big toe, and swirled my tongue around it; I positioned my tongue at the tip of her toe and licked her toenail and slurped at her feet. I then began sucking her second toe, and tried to imitate all the girl-on-girl feet sucking films I’ve seen. I licked in between her toes and proceeded in lapping on the cleave of her feet, flicking my tongue at her toes and smelling them occasionally. I sucked on her big toe profusely and at times took more than one toe into my mouth.

I then went down to her soles and licked her soles; then I tried to suck on them. Taking the more meaty parts of her soles and balls of her feet into my mouth and sucking on them. Natalie was making little grunts of appreciation and told me to suck those toes.

I continued to worship Natalie and continued licking her sexy, large red toes and soles until I was content, then I started on her left foot. I grabbed her left ankle and put her big toe into my mouth. I sucked greedily on her toe and looked up at her face while her feet was in my mouth. Natalie gasped in pleasure and wiggled her toes. I let go of her toe with a pop and open-mouth licked the cleave of her left foot, while retaining that eye contact with Natalie. Natalie bit her lower lip and continued looking at me and told me to keep licking her feet. I stuck my tongue in between her big toe and second toe and polished her crease and savoured the salty, sweaty, linty taste. I began licking the sole of her feet like how I did on Natalie’s right foot and I occasionally smelled her feet and sucked on her toes or licked in between them as I worshiped Natalie’s feet.

Suddenly, Natalie told me to stop. I was taken aback, I was enjoying worshiping her feet so much! Natalie asked me if I’d like to suck Michael’s cock. I looked at Michael and he grinned at me. I then replied yes.

Natalie told me that this was foreplay for Michael and that he would probably come at least once even before any real penetration. I just grinned and chuckled because I did not really know what to say to that. Michael got off of his side of the bed (where he just really sat and watched me and Natalie eating each others feet), stood up and walked to the end of the bed, where Natalie’s feet were. He brushed Natalie’s foot off to the side and he sat down at the edge of the bed, with his feet planted firmly on the ground. He then put his hands behind him to support his weight, leaned back, and told me to take it out.

I was still kneeling on the ground, in the same position I was in when worshiping Natalie’s feet and I began blushing at his boldness. He asked me what I was waiting for; and he told me to take his cock out. I slowly moved forward and touched his cock with my right hand through his boxers. It felt so hardcore and his cock radiated heat. I stroked his cock through his boxers for a bit and then reached up and began slowly peeling down his boxers. I was surprised at how fast his cock got out; as soon as the boxers were slightly below the pelvis level, his cock sprung out; I swear that my eyes had widened when I saw that magnificent cock. Its head was huge and purple, and the entire cock was slightly twisted to the left. It was really thick and really long too, just like in one of those monster cock porn flicks. I gaped at it but quickly regained complexion and stared up at Michael, grinning. He told me that he knows I like that cock.

I said I really do and took off his boxers by sliding it down his legs. He raised his bum slightly so I could fully undress him. Michael then looked down at me and told me to suck it. Michael opened his legs a bit to let me edge closer to the bed and I saw that his balls looked quite heavy; they hung from the bottom of his dick like pendulums; and they were kind of veiny. I went up to that majestic cock and I took it in my right hand. Michael emitted a little groan and told me to put that cock in my mouth. I looked down at it (the hole at the tip of the head seemed to be rather big), and drew my lips to the head of his cock. I then opened my mouth wide and for the first time in my life, took a hard, meaty cock into my mouth.

It didn’t taste like anything I’ve ever tasted before. First of all, it filled up my mouth quite a bit and tasted didn’t taste like anything but tasted like everything; it was dry and had what can only be described as the flavour of a man’s hard pulsing meat. Anything that really tasted distinct was a wetness spreading from the tip of his cock; it was kind of sticky and salty, and didn’t really melt in your mouth; and I kind of just swallowed it. It guess it was just Michael’s pre-cum, but there seemed to be a lot of it. Michael groaned out loud and told me to suck his cock harder, and to suck more of it; and I tried my best to obey. I tried to take as much of his cock into my mouth without gagging and sucked as hard as I could; this resulted in Michael bucking his hips upwards and gasping.

Michael then suddenly grabbed my hair aggressively and almost painfully pulled my head upwards so that his cock fell out of his mouth. I cried out instinctively and Michael chuckled; he told me that he was going to teach me how to take all of his cock into my mouth. I recoiled at the thought; sucking a nice hard cock seemed like one thing, but taking that monster all the way into my throat? I’ll choke to death! Impossible!
I started protesting and said that I couldn’t do it, but Michael shut me up pretty quickly; he told me that I was going to do it whether I like it or not; and that if I didn’t, I could get the fuck out without getting paid. I stared at him, a little hurt, but I nodded and stared at him.

He called out to Natalie and told her to get him some lubricant; Natalie, who was watching hungrily, got off the bed, stood up and walked to the head of the bed where the side drawer was and took out a bottle of lube. She walked back and handed Michael the lubricant. Michael looked down at me and tried to give me the bottle; he mentioned for me to take it, and I did. He then went back to his original position with his hands supporting his weight and looked down at me. He told me to open the bottle and to ‘lubricate’ him. I popped open the top cap of the shiny black bottle that was entitled ‘juicy’ premium lubricant and edged towards the bed. I took his cock in one of my hand and began dripping lubricant down his cock. Michael nodded in agreement and told me to even it out by smearing it up and down his cock. I squeezed more lube out of the bottle and began moving my hand up and down his cock, lubricating his huge meat. I continued to “hand job lube” his meat until it was shiny with the oil-based lubricant.

Michael sighed in content and after a little bit more of stroking, he told me to stop. He mentioned for me to give back the little bottle of lubricant and I did. He then told me to open my mouth and to tilt my head back. He then explained that he was going to put some of the lubricant in my mouth to make my throat less dry. I did as I was told and I opened my mouth and tilted my head back; Michael stood up and dripped a lot of lube into my mouth and down my throat. He then dripped lubricant all over my lips; he then told me to close and swallow. I didn’t know this until now, but the lube was slightly sweet; and tasted of lemons. It was also really, really oily. I tilted my head back to the normal angle and I swallowed; my mouth was now al oily and so was my lips. Michael dripped a concentration of lubricant on the head of his cock and stood up. He didn’t sit back down onto the mattress, he just mentioned me to go towards him.

He asked me if I have eaten anything and I said I haven’t, and he said that we’re about to find out. He explained the reason I haven’t been allowed to eat or drink anything for the entire day was for preparation of this deep-throating. He said that no one can successfully attempt to swallow his meat on a full stomach, and girls can only swallow his meat when their stomachs were completely empty and hungry. Even though everyone has a gag reflex, one cannot throw up anything when on an absolutely empty stomach! He said that I can feel free to gag all I want and try to throw up, but he doubted nothing will come up if I had followed instructions and had eaten nothing 24 hours in advance.

He signalled for me to come before his cock on my knees and I did. I was actually eager to try deep-throating; the girls in the movies being able to take huge cocks into their throats and seem to enjoy it! It was something new, and maybe it was even enjoyable! You never know.

Michael looked down at me and told me to open my mouth, and I did. He then told me that it was a woman’s place to service a man, and to accommodate his manhood. He told me that I was a little girl and that his cock was going to make a woman out of me. He said that he was going to jam his cock down my throat and make me gag, but I will learn to like it. I listened to his words and another wave of wetness washed over my pussy. I liked the idea of me being a girl that was going to have a large, hard man-cock shoved down my throat. I wanted to have that cock in my mouth, and I just kneeled there, nodding eagerly. Without further ado, Michael grabbed my hair and pulled me towards his cock; he told me to take it into my mouth.

I did so and took it a bit further than I did the last time I sucked him. He told me to relax and forcefully shoved his cock further a bit further; this resulted in me gagging. He withdrew his cock a little bit and told me to open wide. He told me to open my mouth completely, and told me to stick my tongue out. I did what he told me. He then told me that I need to press my tongue to the bottom of my mouth while it was slightly protruding from my mouth; and he told me to open my throat like I was yawning.

I stuck my tongue out slightly and opened my mouth to its fullest cavity. I thought about what he said about yawning, and I kind of understood what he said, so I maimed yawning; physically, like I felt my ear chambers open slightly. Michael then shoved his dick back into my mouth; and went a bit deeper than last time; and this resulted in me gagging profusely; large wads of my saliva seemed to accumulate at the back of my mouth and my throat and when Michael withdrew his cock, strings of spit followed from my mouth onto his cock. I also realized that I was tearing at the eyes and that my nose was slightly watery. Despite everything; the gagging and tearing, I was enjoying this. I wanted Michael, this strong, big, hard man to make me (or teach me) eats his cock, and I gasped for more.

I instinctively put my hands behind Michael on his thighs (buttocks area) and drew myself closer to his cock. He sighed in agreement and told me that what I was doing was right, I should be eager for more of his cock. He then told me to “come get more of his cock” and shoved it back into my mouth. While it was halfway in, he slowed down. He told me to take a deep breath, because he was going to make me deep-throat his meat. I sucked in a breath and he took hold of my hair with both hands, he pushed his cock so it was at the opening at the back of my mouth, and the beginnings of my throat. He looked down at me, smiled then began pushing even more.

I’ve seen this before in the porn flicks and I knew what he was trying to do, so did the best I can. I relaxed my throat and I pretended to yawn, (and I felt that opening sensation in my ears again), and I began to feel his cock slowly edge its way into my throat; as if it finally got through a little ring in my throat. It felt absolutely incredible; the texture of his hard cock inside my throat. Michael groaned loud in pleasure and continued to thrust.

I now began to gag loudly; I can feel maybe like three inches of his thick cock inside my throat and the rest in my mouth; it was like a never ending cock. My lips were stretched around his thick cock and I was not even near the base of his cock. Michael then slowly withdrew his cock and I finally managed to take a breath of air. Michael told me that I was doing a good job, and told me to try and relax more; he also told me not to panic the next time he put it in my mouth, if I feel a sensation like I was going to throw up, due to my gag reflex. He said that if I haven’t eaten anything, there would be nothing to throw up and his cock would go right into my throat.

I nodded eagerly (my eyes were really tearing right now and I was sniffing, because my nose was also kind of watery for some reason), and Michael grabbed my hair again with both hands.

This time, I opened my mouth first and eagerly took his hard, fat cock into my mouth and forced myself upon it; I immediately regretted it; Michael, taking advantage of this, seized my hair with both hands with extra force and slammed his cock home; his cock (to my surprise), slid smoothly past the ring in my throat and all the way down my throat. My mouth was now full of his thick, tasty pulsating meat and I my lips were all the way down at the hairy base of his cock; my nose was practically touching his pelvis. It was an incredible feeling, his thick, pulsing cock stretching my throat; I could feel every single inch of his cock, and what felt so stimulating was that his cock reached past my tongue and mouth and down into my throat; it was all one thing: from the hard, hairy base of his cock that I had my lips still wrapped around to veiny base and body of his cock that was in my mouth to the head and tip of his cock inside my throat. I was gagging, but like Michael said, nothing came up. I gagged and gagged, and I can’t really breath, but Michael held me in place; in fact, he grinded his pelvis against my lips: he was grinding his 8” cock on my mouth while he had all of it down my throat! This maybe went on for 10 seconds, and I thought I was going to pass out, but Michael suddenly withdrew all of his cock from my throat and oral cavity and said he was going to come; the withdrawn from my throat felt incredible; the sliding of his cock meat against my sensitive throat linings and mouth made me so incredibly wet.

He mentioned to Natalie, who was watching hungrily (she was now panting heavily), and she immediately shuffled forwards on the bed and placed her feet where her feet was when I was worshipping them. She then raised them into the air and mentioned to Michael. Michael took his humongous cock and grabbed it by its head like he was trying to choke it; he then stumbled towards Natalie’s feet and groaned very loudly. At first, I didn’t realize why he was making such a fuss, but then I saw that he was coming; all over Natalie’s feet! His thick, (it was almost pure white!), juice came spurting out of his cock and splattered all over Natalie’s elevated soles and toes and also all over ball of her feet. Natalie cried out in pleasure and touched her feet together (toe too toe) and massaged the jizz more evenly throughout her feet. What struck me about this was the remarkable accuracy Michael managed to jizz; all of the come was on Natalie’s feet, and now her toes and feet glistened with his juice.

Michael looked at me and told me that was only his first load. He may be able to come another two or three times before he was absolutely content. He then told me he wanted me to lick all that come off of Natalie’s feet.

I looked at Natalie’s feet dumbfounded and stared at her grinning face. I’ve seen this before in Porn flicks and I never thought that I would have the opportunity to lick come off of a woman’s sexy feet. This was like a FANTASY of mine! My dripping wet pussy was twitching with pleasure and my nipples were erect beyond belief.

I eagerly climbed to the edge of the bed and took hold of Natalie’s ankles. I drew my face close to her feet and smelt the thick smell of come for the very first time; it was intoxicating! I then went down to the soles of Natalie’s right foot and licked; the thick taste of come exploded in my mouth.

It was a strange taste; sticky and it stayed in your mouth, but after tasting it for this first time, I thought that I would love it for life! I instantly wanted more of it! I wanted Natalie to feed me Michael’s come with her toes; I wanted her to forcefully feed me all of the that Michael had spurted onto her toes.

I eagerly licked clean the balls of Natalie’s right foot and I continued upwards until I got the the soles of her feet. Every inch of her foot was coated in remarkably thick amounts of come; and I was getting every last bit of it. I was hungrily slurping and cleaning up the majestic red-toed feet with the vigour of a dog that had not been fed in days. I finally got up to the toes and cleave of her right foot and I instantly took her big toe into my mouth. It tasted so incredibly good; it was coated with cum that melted in my mouth as soon as I took it into my mouth. I sucked eagerly; trying to get every single bit off of her toe, and splashed of come from the cleave of her feet and other toes smeared onto my lips and chin.

I didn’t care; I was possessed, I proceeded to licking her other toes and in between every single toe. I cleaned up her right foot like it was the last thing I would do, and I went back down to her soles and licked her feet a second time, just to make sure I got to every single bit of come.

Michael was looking at me hungrily and he had developed another erection. I looked at Natalie’s right feet and I was disappointed that I had gotten all of the come off of it already. I started looking at her left feet hungrily. Natalie looked at me with a grin and told me to wait a second. She told me to lie down on my back on the floor (just in front of the end of the bed where her feet were. I didn’t exactly know what she was going to do, but I complied.

I shuffled backwards a little bit, and I lay down on the floor, flat on my back. Natalie shuffled to the edge of the bed and carefully stood up on her right feet which was now pretty free of any come. She then mentioned to Michael to help her. Michael casually walked beside her and steadied her; she hopped on one feet, aided by Michael until she was standing above me. From this point of view, I could kind of see through chinks in her robe and see the dark curly hair of her pussy. Then my viewpoint was obscured by her come-covered left feet.

She was standing over me with an authoritative look on her face and she told me to stick out my tongue. I looked up at her eagerly and I stuck out my tongue and opened my mouth.
Natalie told me that I was a good girl and she then smeared her toes on my tongue; huge droplets of come cascaded into my mouth; she was using my tongue as a human rag; slowly scraping off the coating of come that was on her feet. I enjoyed this so much; I wanted her to aggressively feed me Michael’s juice; it tasted so good, and this was making me so incredibly horny. Natalie now put four of her toes (big toe, second and third and fourth) into my mouth and told me to clean. I reached up with my hands and took hold of her ankle to steady Natalie; then I flicked my tongue eagerly around my mouth cavity (which was invaded by her shiny red come-covered toes), and began cleaning her toes.

I eagerly closed my mouth and effectively turned my mouth into a human toe-washer, and I eagerly scraped the remaining droplets of come off of her four toes and quickly swallowed them; I continued to suck loudly and emit little groans of appreciation until there was no more stickiness on her toes. Natalie then pulled her toes out from my mouth and told me to open my mouth.

I did so and she told me to once again, stick out my tongue. I did so and she began dragging the bottom of her feet (from the ball of her feet), on my mouth; and all the droplets of come on the bottom of her feet accumulated in my mouth; it felt and tasted incredible and I eagerly swallowed it; to finish the cleansing, I sucked and licked at her feet all over just to ensure that I got to every single drop of come.

By now, my pussy was achingly wet and I was unbearably horny. My nipples were so erect I thought they would pop out of my chest.

I really wanted to be touched, as even though I’ve been doing a lot of servicing, I’ve not been pleasured. Natalie looked down at me and smiled. She then told me to get up and come into bed. Michael, who was staring and observing the worship and cleaning of Natalie’s feet while stroking his meat, now bounced happily towards the bed and put one of his knees on the bed; he then faced us.

I slowly stumbled towards the bed and put one of my knees onto the bed like Michael. I was facing Michael who was on the right of the bed and Natalie who was standing on the left of the bed.

Natalie told me to get on the bed and she finally undressed. She took her robe from below and pulled it over her head. I gaped at her voluptuous body. She had powerful thighs and a flat belly; her breasts were large and her nipples were erect, but much more noticeable and bigger than mine. Her sex was covered in curly, dark hair and her curves were in all the right places.

Natalie looked at me and told me to get on the bed again, then she told me that they (Natalie and Michael), will use every single part of me, to make themselves feel good. She said that they were going to make a woman out of this squealing little girl, tonight.

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