Carly was always her parent’s favorite child. While they never admitted it, their preference for their only daughter among two older brothers was obvious. Carly could do no wrong in her parent’s eyes ever since she was younger, but she was a very feminine girl among the roughhousing boys. She was always prim and proper and an excellent student while her brothers were getting into trouble and average, at best, in school. Carly was very competitive by nature and wanted to be the best at everything she did. Carly thrived on receiving the praise of her parents when she did well in whatever activity she was doing. She was a straight-A student, captain of the cheerleading squad, chaired the yearbook and prom committees, was the class President and Prom Queen in high school. She loved being the center of attention among her family, friends, and classmates.
Carly was admired by most of the other students in her school and envied by the rest. She is a pretty young woman with long, strawberry blonde hair. Her blue eyes captured the attention of anyone who was talking to her, other than the boys who would immediately check out her firm, 36b breasts or her long legs on her 5’8″ frame. She had a warm, bubbly personality that lit up a room when she entered.
When Carly was wearing her cheerleader uniform in school on game days or when she was in front of an admiring crowd during sporting events, she drew the most attention. She was a leader and enjoyed being at the center of attention. Most of the boys in school had a crush on one of the most beautiful girls in school.
As a member of her church’s youth group, Carly led fundraising efforts for local charities, volunteered in a soup kitchen, and did missionary work on her spring vacations each year. She reveled in the attention of being a good student and a leader in her school and church. People in town knew that someday Carly would go on to continue to be a leader in the community.
Dean was the captain of the football team and the young man to take Carly’s virginity when they were both eighteen. Carly held him off until prom night when they rented a room at the hotel where their prom was being held. There is no way she was going to have such a memorable moment in the backseat of his car or doing it quickly when their parents weren’t home. Carly dreamed of a more romantic setting where they would be in a more relaxed setting. As usual, things went perfectly for Carly and Dean that night. There was no need to rush and she was even able to sneak in a bottle of wine one of her brothers so graciously bought for her. Carly also brought a sexy baby doll to wear.
When Carly came out of the bathroom of the hotel room wearing nothing but her soft pink babydoll with matching thong, Dean knew it was going to be a special night. He was more sexually experienced than his virgin girlfriend, a secret he never told Carly. She was extremely nervous and they had a couple of glasses of wine before Dean stripped off his briefs and slowly peeled the baby doll off of Carly. They had experimented sexually in the past, with Carly giving Dean handjobs or an occasional blowjob but not swallowing. Dean reciprocating by finger fucking or licking her pussy but this was a special evening.
Dean was anxious to finally have sex with Carly after months of waiting and trying to get her to agree to go all the way. He played with her tits and finger fucked her and Carly sucked his dick for a few moments before he laid her back on the bed. Carly was almost shaking as Dean climbed between her legs and placed his hard cock at the entrance to her pussy. Carly’s mother knew she was probably going to lose her virginity before marriage but told her daughter that letting a man have sex with her, especially giving him her virginity, was supposed to be for a man she truly loved. By letting Dean deflower her, Carly was also professing her love for him. He told her several times how much he loved her so it only seemed natural that he should be the first to enter her.
As she laid there, naked with her legs spread offering herself to the man she loved, Carly became more nervous and almost changed her mind but this was an act of love for Dean and she didn’t want to disappoint him. She felt the head of his hard dick pressing against the entrance to her virgin pussy. Dean’s dick was met with some resistance from Carly’s hymen but he kept pressing until he broke through. Carly was now a woman. Although it was painful for Carly at first, once Dean began to slowly thrust himself into her, she began to enjoy it. She especially liked the look of pleasure on her boyfriend’s face and was thrilled to be able to please him.
They had sex twice that night and once again the next morning before they checked out of the room. Carly thought she was in love and that she and Dean would be together forever even though they were going to different colleges in the fall.
Like most young people after they lose their virginity, Dean and Carly enjoyed almanbahis adres having sex several times a week during that summer. It seemed so natural for Carly and Dean to have sex so often because she was in love with him. To her, it was making love rather than having sex together. Everything was perfect that summer until it was time to go away to school and Dean broke up with Carly. He had been acting pretty strange lately but Carly thought it was because summer was coming to an end and they would be separated for a few months.
She even gave him a special treat that night when during sex, she whispered in his ear, “Would you like to cum in my mouth?”
Dean wasn’t going to pass up that opportunity and fucked Carly until he was close to cumming then brought his dick up to her mouth and unleashed a heavy load of cum into her mouth. Carly had never tasted cum before and was momentarily tempted to take the shooting dick out of her mouth but she wanted to give Dean a special present. She gagged and some of the cum dripped out of her mouth and down her chin. Carly was so proud that she let Dean cum in her mouth because he wanted her to do it so badly. Her girlfriends also talked about it so she was curious what it would taste like. It wasn’t as bad as she imagined.
Later that evening, Dean finally told Carly he wanted to break up with her because they would probably meet a lot of new people at college. She was devastated and felt betrayed especially seeing they just had sex and she swallowed his cum. Although breaking up before lovers go their separate ways to college is fairly common, Carly never thought it would happen to her. She was devastated but she didn’t have time to feel sorry for herself for too long because she was embarking on her freshman year in college and was happy to get out of town to help her get over Dean.
Carly had a lot to look forward to in college. She had an academic scholarship and had been recruited to be on their highly regarded cheer squad. It would take a while for her broken heart to mend but going away to college gave her the opportunity for a fresh start. Her roommate was another cheerleader named Hannah who was the opposite of Carly. She was shorter and petite, with dark hair and eyes. She was pretty and a girl that liked to party which had a negative impact on Hannah’s grades but she still managed to get accepted into college but wasn’t offered any scholarship money. Carly and Hannah had been chatting over social media and were anxious to meet each other in person.
After the tears of moving into the dorm room and their parents leaving were over on Saturday before classes started, Hannah and Carly went to explore the campus. Hannah was looking for a party while Carly wanted to check out the library. They both accommodated their roommate’s wishes but Carly was reluctant to go to a party on their first night on campus. There were plenty of upperclassmen looking for freshmen women to party with and it wasn’t long before the girls were invited to an off-campus get-together.
Hannah convinced Carly into going by saying, “Come on. It’s our first night on our own away from home. It will be fun to meet new people.”
“I guess it couldn’t hurt to go for a little while.”
When the girls arrived at the house party, things were already in full swing. People were lingering outside with drinks in their hands and there was an unmistakable smell of burning marijuana in the air. This isn’t the type of party she would even be invited to in high school but she stuck close by Hannah’s side trying to enjoy this new experience.
As soon as they walked in the door, someone handed them a lukewarm beer from a keg. It seemed like every guy in the room was checking out Hannah and Carly. This made Carly nervous but Hannah was loving the attention. The upperclassmen knew that some freshmen girls were away from home for the first time and went wild with their first taste of freedom and the guys preying upon them hoping to get laid. Carly lost track of Hannah when she went to the bathroom and Carly was left on her own. She roamed around the apartment and outside for a while, texting Hannah but getting no response. Several guys tried to talk to Carly but she was too nervous to continue with a long conversation. Eventually, Carly sent Hannah a text saying she would go back to the dorm and meet her there. An hour later, Hannah responded saying she met a guy and not to wait up for her.
That pretty much sums up the relationship between the two roommates. Hannah was more adventurous with Carly being much more reserved. It took Carly several weeks to get over Dean breaking up with her and to begin dating again. However, Carly wouldn’t have sex with anyone until they were dating for a while. She wasn’t going to have a one-night stand; she wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to be a guy’s conquest to brag about to his friends. Carly wasn’t opposed to starting with hand jobs then working her way up to almanbahis adresi giving a guy a blow job. It was only after the guy proved he wanted more than sex that she would finally give in and sleep with him.
On the other hand, Hannah liked to party, especially with the football team then the basketball players. She was young and was going to have fun while she could. Hannah was the complete opposite of Carly but maybe, that’s why they got along so well. Opposites do attract and they became close friends during their freshman year.
Carly still liked the attention of being a cheerleader but she wasn’t the captain anymore so she had to take a backseat to the more experienced squad members. Their uniforms were more revealing than what she wore in high school but Carly loved the attention from the guys. They practiced in short compression shorts and sports bras which always attracted several admirers. Guys would naturally try to hit on Carly whenever they could but she remained faithful to her beliefs in being particular in who she dated and slept with.
Word got around that Carly was difficult to get into bed and several guys tried but gave up. Some were lucky enough to get a hand job, fewer were able to get a blow job and even fewer got to have sex with her. Hannah would make fun of her and Carly would return the banter by making fun of how many guys Hannah slept with. Even some of the other cheerleaders tried to get Carly to loosen up but she remained adamant in her beliefs. While other classmates went to spring break in Florida or elsewhere, Carly continued to do her missionary work. While they were partying on Saturday nights, Carly would be in bed early so she could go to church on Sunday. She missed a few Sunday church sessions but not many.
Hannah and Carly stayed roommates in the dorms in their sophomore year and got an on-campus apartment with each other for their junior and senior years. They stuck pretty much to their same routines. Hannah was having a good time in college and was very popular with the boys while Carly carefully chose who she dated and was even more careful with who she slept with.
They became close friends, best friends, and shared their deepest darkest secrets. Hannah had more secrets than Carly and told her about a difficult childhood with parents who argued a lot and didn’t pay much attention to her. Hannah had a lot of freedom in high school and began to party and have sex at an early age but remained a decent student and got into college. Carly was almost embarrassed by her boring life but told Hannah about her love for Dean and how he broke her heart.
When they had relationship problems with boys they confided in each other and shared their sexual exploits with Hannah having more experience than Carly. Part of Carly wished she were as fun-loving and carefree as Hannah. She even tried a couple of times to be more adventurous but she just couldn’t bring herself to let loose. Hannah shared that she had tried a couple of threesomes with guys and once with another girl. She had even had sex with a couple of single females. Carly seemed intrigued and curious about what it was like to be with another woman. Carly never admitted to fantasizing about being with a woman after Hannah shared her experiences. She had always been taught that it was wrong and tried to put those thoughts out of her head.
Hannah noticed Carly’s curiosity and even said, “Let me know if you are ever interested,” and gave Carly a sly wink which made Carly blush.
Each year, Hannah would party during spring break while Carly continued doing her mission work, that is, until her senior year when Hannah finally convinced her to come with her to Florida. They both saved their money and found a two-bedroom vacation rental a few blocks from the beach and boardwalk bars. They were both now twenty-one and able to legally enter bars, not that the bars checked the IDs that closely.
Before the school spring break of their senior year, Hannah made Carly promise that she would loosen up and have a good time. This was their last chance to live it up before graduation. Carly reluctantly promised Hannah that she would take her lead and try to let down her guard.
Hannah told Carly, “What happens on spring break, stays in Florida, never to be revealed to anyone but ourselves.”
“It’s a deal, Hannah. I’m not sure I’m ready for this but I’ll try and follow your lead.”
“Good. The first thing we have to do is go shopping for new bikinis. I hate to tell you but that one-piece swimsuit you have just won’t cut it on spring break. You have a great body and you shouldn’t be hiding it with all that material.”
“But I like that swimsuit. It’s my favorite.”
“Carly, what did we just agree to?”
“Alright, alright.”
The girls went on a shopping trip for new swimwear to take on their trip. Hannah told Carly to pick out two bikinis and she would pick out two for her to try on. They then went almanbahis adresi into the same dressing room to view their choices. Hannah picked out a couple of very revealing bikinis for herself. One showed off most of her ass and breasts while the other, a string thong bikini, covered only the bare essentials. Carly had seen Hannah naked before but this was the first time they were completely nude together and they were in a very small changing room. Hannah was about 5’5″ with full 34d breasts that she liked to show off in low-cut tops or by not wearing a bra. Her hips were fuller too but some guys appreciated her bigger butt, especially in her booty shorts. Carly had noticed her clean-shaven pussy before and didn’t understand why women did that.
When Carly tried on the bikinis she picked out, they were naturally more conservative and covered most of her breasts and butt. Hannah simply shook her head indicating her choices weren’t acceptable. Carly then tried on the first bikini that Hannah chose for her and Carly immediately felt uncomfortable.
“I can’t wear this out in public. It barely covers my boobs and ass.”
“That’s the point, Carly.”
The second bikini was one similar to Hannah’s string thong and Carly said, “There’s no way I can wear this. No way.”
“I’ll tell you what Carly, I’ll buy it for you and we’ll bring it along. You might change your mind.”
Carly reluctantly agreed to that deal and picked out a second bikini for herself that was similar to the first one Hannah picked for her. It was more revealing than she was comfortable wearing but she had agreed to loosen up a bit.
Hannah also told Carly, “We have to do something about that bush of yours too. You can’t be wearing these bikinis with all that hair sticking out of the sides. You should probably cut it all off too.”
“I don’t think I can go to a spa and have someone else give me a wax down there, Hannah.”
“No problem, I’ll help you.”
When they got back to their apartment, Hannah brought out a hair trimmer, razor, shaving cream, and lotion. Carly was extremely reluctant to be completely bald down there. She had trimmed herself before but never to this extent. Hannah laid out a towel on the bed and told Carly to get naked. Carly kept shaking her head in disbelief that she was going to let Hannah do this wondering why she agreed to follow Hannah’s lead.
“Now, just relax and this will be over in a few minutes.”
Carly laid back over the towel and spread her legs. Hannah made her spread them wider. Carly heard a buzzing sound and Hannah began to trim the long hairs covering her roommate’s pussy. It tickled a little bit and Carly could feel the vibration on her clit. She didn’t want to admit it to herself but it was a bit of a turn-on to openly display her pussy to Hannah and to let her groom her down there. Hannah would brush the hairs away and run the hair trimmer over Carly’s pussy again.
When Hannah was done giving Carly’s pubic area a close trim she got a small container of warm water, a washcloth, and body wash. Hannah placed the wet washcloth over Carly’s pubic area for a few moments, then applied a small amount of body wash and rubbed it around. It felt pretty darn good to have Hannah pamper Carly’s like this and it was turning into a very intimate moment among best friends. Hannah cleaned off the body wash and applied the shaving cream.
As Hannah picked up the razor, she knew Carly was a touch nervous about losing her pubic hair and decided to have some fun with her by saying, “Gee, I hope my hand doesn’t slip.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“I’m just teasing you. Don’t worry, trust me.”
“Yeah, right,” Carly replied.
“Don’t be a baby. Now let me finish.”
Hannah gently and precisely shaved Carly’s pubic area until it was completely bare.
Just when Carly thought her ordeal was over, Hannah said, “Okay, now turn around and bend over so I can do your back end.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Will you just do what I tell you and this will all be over before you know it.”
Carly let out a sigh of frustration but turned around and bent over offering her backside so Hannah could complete her task. Hannah ran the trimmer over some areas she missed and Carly felt the vibrations in her pussy and ass. When that portion was completed, Hannah repeated the process of washing the area to be shaved, then using the shaving cream and razor to complete the task. Hannah wiped the shaving cream from Carly’s pussy and ass and told her roommate to turn over again. Carly laid back as instructed as Hannah applied some lotion to her hand and began to massage it into Carly’s pubic area that she had just shaved.
“This will help relieve any irritation of the skin. You’ll just have to shave this every couple of days when you are in the shower.”
As Hannah massaged the lotion around Carly’s pussy, Carly couldn’t help but to get turned on by all the touching and rubbing of her private area by her best friend. As Hannah was massaging the lotion into Carly’s skin, she was looking into her roommate’s eyes. They had lived with each other for so long, it was like they could read each other’s minds. She thought she saw the look of curiosity in Carly’s eyes.